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MONEY WINNERS OF LAST TEN YEARS TEN LEADING HORSES OF EACH YEAR FROM 1911 TO 1920, INCLUSIVE— THEIR RECORDS DISCLOSE INTERESTING FACTS Looking over I he results of the last tea years racing, some interesting facts are disclosed, chief of which is the great increase in the monetary values of the stakes and parses offered on the American turf. ! This is strikingly illustrated in the records of the tin hading money -winning horses of each year from Kill to MSB, inclusive. laallWlwf ■■! an the sums to the credit if Worth. Star Charter, Old Itosebud. Koatner and Borrow, when they were the leading money-winning horses respectively from 1M1 to IMS, inclusive, as compared to the more substantial earnings of the leaders of the last few years. On Waten : finished tenth on the list of liCO with a total of KW.74S, a sum larger than won bj any one of the above-mentioned in their year of supremacy. It will also lie noticed in glancing aver the same list that the ever-popular ltoamer. now dead, and tin- gallant Exterminator are tile only bar urn appearing in the tabulation more than twice. Koamers name appears four times and Exterminators three. This is explained! by the fact that they were both geldings anil were permitted to continue racing, while in the i ase of the | entire horses and mares that adorn those select li*ts generally after achieving great Bes* as two and ; tilloc-.voar olds they Were retired to the stn.l to perpetuate the noble blood a nil great ipialilies the] ! themselves posse BUS d. Again it is noticeable how few horses over three years old appear on the respective • lists, due to the majority of the big turf prizes of each year beiag reserved for the two and three-year-old divisions. While the majority of the leaders of the last ten years hare been retired to the stud or j to less strenuous pursuits than racing, their performances in the heyday of their turf careers will be recalled in glancing over the following la halation, i nib.acing their records in their respective years: 1920. Horse. Age. KtS. 1st. ;M. :t,l.l tip Won ! Man a War S 11 11 ti o ft ,140 i Exterminator 5 IT - 10 :: J -J 52.40,", I Irj ster 12 i u" 0 I 0 B».t2.i Boniface •" M 11 a :t :i 47. ." »,.-• Cleopatra I l" • ■ •! I #*.7»1 ilaul Jones S M I L* 3 U.6SW I Leonardo II J 4 4 0 0 0 SCOTS Careful i it l: i I i :i.;:i l»r Clark :i !•« T t l 4 :i_.»m i On Watch o" -- 10 o :t I 30,741 1918. Hoi m. Age. Sts. 1st. Jd. :id.lnp. Won. Eternal S I I i 1 .V;.13T ; Johrcu :t a it r, :? B ».lSd i:tenninator A IS T 4 :i 1 :tti.14T cudgel 4 IT *o 4 l :t rta.s; Hilly Kelly •_• IT 11 Z o 1 :i:i.TS:t Daaborae 2 i :i l* I 1 :._. o3ti War Cloud ". IS •"« 2 12 tl 33.10U [Jack Hare Jr IB 8 -2 1 i!.t.M.i i Boaaaer T 1« •: « l 2 21,0511 i Hannibal 1 12 :S 2 1 ■ 19.725 1916. Horse. Age. sts. 1st. -J.. SoXap. Won. Campfire L 0 I 2 0 1 .11 73", i Hodge I 12 B 0 I 1 20.410 ■Spur :i 9 8 I 4 1 Id. T20 Heartens S v I ■ - - 10,750 Short Grass 8 27 8 4 2 IS H..:ti»" Ed Crump 4 IS ."• 4 I •. 10.851 The Finn 4 14 f. •_ 1 o 15.H30 Eriar Beck I !• 4 ■ _ :i 15,275 Harry Kelly 1 T .". J ■ H 14.044 Uuiies 4 -2t T I •"■ 10 1L 7.". 1914. Horse. Age. Sts. 1st. 2d. Hil.lup. Won. Boaaaer :: M 13 l - l ».1«5 Luke McLiik" :, t; 4 1 1 0 LJ.0."o David Praig :: Oi i 1 5 4 2l.!1!Mi Begrel - 3 I 8 " o 1 7.300 Trojan 2 •"• l I " I I0.0M0 Comely 2 II 4 . 1 :. 1 l.4ou Pebbles 2 !» :• 1 2 1 1 14125 Wat.rliass 3 2 li 8 1 T 14,155 Heehive B 12 8 1 1" 1 12 TlO I.Mke J 11 3 1 J 3 1 1 - "►-""• » 1912. Horae. Age. sts. Ut. 2d. Id. Cap. Won. Star Charter 1 IT I 2 •" 4 4.i»."i". Helios 2 It I 1 0 1 12.524 The Manager 3 IS !» - 2 J Li.iMi ■ High Private .... •: tl 13 t; 3 B 12.04fi SotemiH 9 »i 2 B 1 1 " ;!T" Froglega •• •"• 20 M B «i - 10.745 Huckhorn I tl B 7. I ■■■ B.821 Hawthorn 2 1ft 14 3 1 1 B,00J . I... .chares •_• _3 11 4 S I !»4Tri • Worth 3 IS 5 0 I 4 s.ft4.". 1919. Horae. Age Sts. 1st. 2d. Ba.lap. Won. sir Barton 3 13 8 :; 2 o 888,250 Man a" War 2 lo ft 1 u n B3JS25 Mad Hatter 3 7 I 2 1 II ."l.ftHI Iurchasi 3 11 it ■ l» " 33,710 eatious 3 I 2 1 o 1 274130 Be Frank 3 14 3 3 3 .". 27,313 I.illy Kelly 3 18 9 7 2 1 28.583 livteiniiilaloi I 21 "I 8 3 :. 20.402. Boyee Boots I 21 in 2 2 7 22,040 Midway .", 13 3 2 3 5 22,0* 1917. Horae. Ag.- St~. 1st M. 3d. I up. Won. sun Briar 2 ft "i 1 2 1 830,505 Omar Khayyam .. 8 13 ft :. u 2 4ft. 07" 1app 2 18 7 2 1 .". 41.011 Old Beached 0 21 IS 1 3 2 31.720. Hotlriess 3 T o 1 8 1 2T2.". ; Westy Hogaa .... 3 is io t i .-; lt,811 I aha 2 12 .". 1 4 2 is. oo4 Tippity Witchet .. 2 20 II ."i 0 1 17.403 Boaaaer o 17 T 4 2 I 10,5011 Cudgel 3 1ft 10 4 I 4 15,830 1 1915. Hot-. Age. St-. 1st. 2d. 3.1. Fnp. Won. Borrow T ft 4 1 1 3 0,183 Hoiniiiant 2 ." 3 2 o o 18.043 The Finn 3 20 ft 1 2 .". 1T.ft". Thunderer 2 3 3 0 o o 17.885 Hodge I 24 ft 0 3 0 10.92s : stiomboli 4 17 7 ."• .". o 15.753 Boaaaer I 13 N 1 o t 15,3211 Itegret 3 2 2 o o o 12.300 Boyal it 3 12 1 l- 1 :. 12.21V Prince lltinis ... :, j| c, s f, 11. |i;," 1913. Horse. Age St-. 1st. Sd. 3d. Flip. Won. Old Hosebiid 2 II 12 J n o 8,057 Donald Mat doaald . 7 30 22 ■ .". 2 18,0.0 Peaaaal 2 3 3 o o o I5.8MI Hud. If,. 7 :. 1 1 o II loo Ten Point 3 11 s 1 1 1 12.M40 Gowtll 3 22 ."• 3 10 3 12.:83 flora Fina I 33 ft T 5 12 12.285 Hearts of Oak 3 11 7 2 1 1 11,4513 P.u-kiu 3 22 o 0 J 8 11.385 Cock o the Walk . 3 12 7 2 o 3 11.275 1911. Horse. Age. Sts. 1st. 3d. 3d. Fnp. We*. Worth 2 13 10 1 0 2 8.843 1 Oovernor Gray ... 3 24 7 ft 3 o 15.051 1 Zeus 3 10 ft 3 2 2 13.800 Plate Olass S 27 1.". I 1 T 13.185 Meridian 3 IT $ o 1 t 11.855 Bound the World. 3 38 13 3 3 ft 10.830 Lawton Wiggins .. 5 3T 14 M 4 11 10.285 The Nigger 3 22 4 0 .". 7 8.510 Follie Levy 4 37 12 lo :, 10 9.324 Meadow .". 29 11 7 0 ."• 9.2ft"