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CHAMPION JUMPER DUETTISTE AMERICAS CRACK STEEPLECHASER TRAINING IN ENGLAND FOR BIG FOREIGN CROSS- COUNTRY RACING— QUALIFIED TO MEET THE BEST By EXILE A rest amount ha- been -aid anil written dariag the last two year- uf Man a Wars prowe— a-j: race horse, but Mraage to -ay one hiirdly ever hears meiitioiuil the name of Ditettiste, which is nist a- much of a champion at hi- own gaaae, Jaaapiag, as i- Man a War on tin flat. Duettisle i- now. af couise. away to Ketone, where he i- M-lieduled to ixe the lovers uf -Iciplechas tag?, both in llaine and in Knl.ind. a df asOaolraHoa uf hi- sMIit] a- a "lepper" sad it BroaM indeed i ;ive to be ekarged up to tin- seeaaat of the ms of osbIsmIsb if those who folloa t ie jumper- were left in igWOraace is to the manner if hi- breeding. The turf and jumping nun of Bnfiland, eery last saw of them, are fnnn Mlsssari ami the " Imw aie" pi.licy adupted kg limit i-l. s SWB*I i- srarths of every c .nimciiilal inn. I.y the Way. when writing for Daily Baring Ki t in of tin- Nursery stud yearling- -nine few areeka siace I made mention of the fad that Major HHaaoat had either bred or .it i lime owned the hadinc, U9t sire, the leadfasg brood man- -ip . ihe largesl moiie. larner and heat race horse of the rear aad Ma also sold the highest priced horse of all time, the SI. Lager winner Ttacerr, lull i|iiite omilled to mention the fact that Major lleliuont is al-o Ihe breeder of Daettlete Duettiste wa- bred by Mji.ior Helmont ,n Praare in lill. and the first -nb-oinu in record I a;n able I to find of him is that in. 1SM7. a- a fJTC-year aid, wl.en raciag in the eolsrs of his present owner. J. R. ; Widener. lie won two ntcea oer the one mile distance. It was in the faUowfag rear, lills. that ■■ Duettistes ability ;is a steagaaehaaer awa trst disco re red, for in that year, on June 1. in- won a -tei -pie li.iise race at ltelmont lark. In 191i Duettiste led off with a lo-cr raaskaj :i i -topper on May In. in the ninning of the Green Spring Valley Steeplechase at 1imlico. Ailer a nrotraeted saell of i lion Duettisle next won oa OcloU-r is the Gfcee? tha-c Steeplechase. PiUiMrS, mill a few iwiy- later. 01 lo he aiciii.U. on NoMinber 4, when carrying 131 pounds, won with all ease the Manly Memorial Hteepleekase over tin- -am.- i •■ ur-e. and this event I my-elf was privileged lo see. I.a-t .war Muetli-ie began oaarataaaa on May I at PlaiUce by cariyiui; no lis; than M I POaCtdt boaii te easy victory in the tw o inih- Creea Sprini; "alli-x Steeplecha-e Handicap, anil this effort once agaia followed by another |irotracted BCtiad of seclusioji. I had it was not until the Laurel Aim i Meeting the horse wa- again -ecu mil iii public, behsg then Irea a raa on the flat to wake him up a bit, I -iip|..»e. for the more serioii- liu-iness to follow, whiih i consisted in Brhaahag a two-mile ateealechase, and tlii- also, it would appear, in preparation for the bin • vent of his racing life BS far. the winning of the l«» Bad one half mile Manly Mem rial Steeplecha-e. inder the crasher of IT.", pound-. Weight, therefore, it appears, has no terrors for BtlllsU and when l i me made proper rj fit he wins hi- races in -Mch easjr faahiea and Jaaapa in sack faaltleea style that ■ there is no reasaa aby Mr. Wldeaers nadeniabl sporting poticj shoaM not n*eel with it- ju-i reward. ; :i-- iinleed 1 hope it may. for by winninc one of the big -tceph-i ha-i - abroad, cither in France ST ill Kag-j land. Duetti-te will have girea aclual and po-itive exhihiti f the merit- of blood* toth ii- hied in tiii- roaatry. DUETTISTE BRED TO WIN AND TO STAY. Dmtli-te- -ire. Kthelhert. w.i- a ran hsrse ol renown, winnini; a- ;i three year old tin- Lawreni-e Kcali/.atiou and as a tsar-year aid! the Metropolitan Handicap, raaahag second to Kinh-y Mack for the Suburban Bad Beeerwyek Handicap- ami heat thai good race mare Imp for Ihe two and one i|iiai tor inihs l.iiuhton Cup aad also finished niXBBil in Ih. Annual h.impion to the Chester Cup ui r David tiiini k. A word bare a- to breeding. Kthelhert, in trath, i- ■ arell-hred borne of French ami Bnajlfaib nareatage, • ie which heat Imp fur the Brighton Cup. ami Imp. de-pile her own raciag merit, a -ad failure, because of her hr tiding, as a bund mare. Which was the Utter of the pair. Kthelhert or Kialej Mack.- Iinleed i: is hard to say. with the odds slightly in favor of the latter, but Kialej Mack made a horrible mess of it as asire. which uiu-t also he a 1 1 rihiiud to hi- breeding, Kthelhert ■ Annual Champion rslS|nlsnrr Daid Garriek, was another failure a- a sire, Kthelbort himself, however, as the sire if Fttl Herbert. ! Duettiste and other-, i- anything luil a failure. Ii i- therefore altogether unsafe, in tin- narsnit "f Mood- : . ; stock breeding, to stray far aaraj from the beaten path of tried and tested Hue- of blood. Diihihella. dam of Duetti-te. is just another of those wll bred mares which were tried on Ihe race ; onrse and foand wmiting. ill that she could a- a tWO-year-oM mnilBfT only one little Sl.lO race. Tithonu-. -ire of Diilcibella. ;ilso had hill little lo recommend him. either as a race home 0* a i -ire. but the blood Was there to make it-elf felt in productive excellence of hi- daughter Diihihella. and j iilhonus. a -on of St. Simon himself, hy Iminorlelle. a daughter of the Uuccaneer horse Tail! Joins. Dmhes-. granddam of Duettiste. is hy Lexingtons he-t brood man- sire -mi K iagfi-!n r. ami Iliuhes-. I the dam of that fine race horse Clifford. Dmhess i- from Lady Blenaington, by Alarms -ire. Bcllpae, aad the lhilo by Mariner branch of Ihe Laytaa Barh mare fainilv. fi in which -o many of Hie Nniser I red raanera have come. In writing of Kthelhert and hi- Hampton descent I ipiile forgot in mention that hi- dam. Maori, is i .-r Herod de-cent and Bfatter to the daks winner Lim.-isol. and may also add that Immortelle strains hick ; te Herod hy way of I.uoi anoer aad Wild Dayrell aad that Kingfisher, sire of Dachess, i- double Herod paternity a Well bred and of proper age then i- Du.-lti-l.- and fitted in all respects to take good can- of himself , in the beat of company abroad and hi- inciit- a- a jumper no one can deny, ami -1 1. 1 n,,. bsrse prove -ucco-sfu] In one of tin- big one-, say. for Instance, the Grand National, our hat- an- oil to Mr. Widener 1 a- a -port-iuan and to Duetti-te a- a steeplechaser. Duettistes pedigree is a- follows: j, I i ., . ,.,. , Newininsler S ■ I f :-»i"°" i»j i-1"" "M"" -• j The Slav,. ::: Sm I,:IV 1s7- •K-.thet. ...3 Lady Langden I Kettledrum g| f hny. ih.s: i 1,i"i 0 «• •: r- I I Oxford .0 Jl.irdeatcher 12 I _ = l Battaaa J " Honey Bear in i: - i j I Beslka JBelram r, f | - 1 I Hempe •: I ■S S" ; |..„m, is i l"1 1:« M i Ventre St. ,;is r, H £ P*rt" 3 [ ,XJ I IaMirite u, ,, £ [•Maori » I che-t.,„i. 1st: J Prtataniere IChnttanoaga II -i hay, lssr, i Siimiiieiside is 51 S | King Tom :? IHarkawnjr 2 i: w ~ .iieen of Cvpru-. .J i locahoiitiis 3 |[ H ■-, I I rynriaaa J Kpiru- |j n 5 .= J * Cyprian 9 Q Bal Oasaaai :i v-d.-tte t$ B ■«■ v, »*■*■ ■ „ ,, 1 H u j "j Flying Duel,,— :| Hi y ..... . In-own. IkM ... , , l Kiue Tom 1 n - / "s 6 , »Tithonus . . s si. Angela V. , , "• q M - r J 1 Adeline n II ~ I brawn, ls r_ 1 : - V I r.llll Jones M MUcc.U.eer 1J II [• g? "" "" ■ I Jiieen of the Qlnsies.. 3 K = " J I MaJacrrj .1 Headsman u I I *2 a! 1 St raw he try g n 1|| I «-»««*»* ... - f I«*- = IaIu"". aineal .15 J = [ rniches- 4 I j *Klth;,ni Lass Kingston iL. n brown lssl I Daughter of Iyrihu- 1.12 II I —-"--- 1 .1 Orlando |g R I Lady HI-— ington.. J " lOaae 1 h lhilo Manner ,.; aiaaadra 4 gj •Diiported. fNo fiimily iiiimlH-r.