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SHREVEP0RT FORM CHART SHREVEPORT, LA.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1921. Third day. Shreveporl Jacke lub. Winter Meeting of IB day*. Weather cloudy: temperature 70 . Il Tabling Jadge, Jaaenh A. .Murphy, starter, .lame- Oaborne. Baclng Secretary. .1. 1.. Campbell. Baclag starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time L:30 p. ni. I. W indicates whip. S spurs. 1. blinkers. Big. are* in pexentbeae* following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of harac and weight carried. Medicate* apprentice allowance. pT QAOQ FIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens, Claiming. Ot3B.*«tlO Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. Index Bdreea AWtlISt % % Btr Fta Jockeya Owners 0 II C I S SSB*74*LINA u MB »J 2 1* 1- ll A Rlcbcr*kJ Arthur 7-M0-M7-M1-4 out Btt74*BELLE WRACK w 10»; I l 2* 2s 2* J Hewpel il Hornandea 2 31 18-53-5 L4 r »!74 BABY EVELYN w 101 5 4 51 3] 2* L McD*ott1 Doyle 4 7 7 1 :-.". 5tt 74 MALA F. a 101 7 I 4* 8s I J McCoy J .1 Ma ion- _" M 28 7 :: 52*74 *MALZA VENA w 105 :: :: : [ •"• ; Bnhtn E W Moore 30 40 08 M i MADAME X. M3 1 .". 3* Il 1 II Gregory II Field 15 M ::o 4 HYPERBOLE w US 4 7 7 7 7 X TUlei Pelican Stable I U M 4 8-C Time. 26%. 40. 47. Track heavy. Winner Br. f. by Frizzle Alix, by Star Ruby trained by .1. Arthir: bred by Mr. I. A. Went to post at 2:12. At i».-t 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won ea-ily: -coed and third driving. UNA set a g I pace, wa- kepi in tin beat going for the outre race and hel.i BELLE WRACK isafe throughout. BELLE WRACK raced in nearest pursuit all the way and tini-h. d gamely. BABY EVELYN had to he ridden hard mar the end to outstay MALA 1". The latter linished faat. prQaflOCa SECOND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and «3«3"aaf«7 Mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllst , _• % Btr Fin lackey* Owners 0 11 0 I S 52710 AXSVLVIA wn 5 MB I 1 l1 4 .". ; l .1 MeCoj P Bewtei 2-5 1-2 2-6 out— 6S27d*AMERlCAN ROSE w 5 103 3 . i : J !■ -M L Aran M K Pons 4 I I 8-5 2-5 .-»I9X« CATANIA w 4 lot; 7 J 21 2] 21 1] P Murphy. L Gruher I l-- 12 :: 1-5 49«i:« TEBBIBLE diss wn 5 104 4 4 BJ Ij I 41 H GregoryBrigga d Hitch* k 30 M M I I B24M*ORIENTAL DRESS m ■•■ I 1 4 :;; 4] "•- I. McDotU White Jr 4 7 7 1 --J .".177C VIBGB w 7 104 .". i .. PI B* i T Buckle* II J King M M M I 1 B17M D1NTY wn 1 104 17 7 7 7 7 A IlichcrkW II Drown JO B M I :; Time. 06%, 55. 1:10. 1:17%. Track heavy. Winnei Br. in. by Ivan the Terriiih Sylvia Dunbar, by Oraini trained by P. Tenaant; bred by Mr. otto Steifei 1. Weni ... peat at 2:5S. At peat 1 minute, star; good end slow. Won easUy; second and third driving. YANSYI.V1A had to 1m- ridden hard for I!..- lir-t half mile to keep v.; .villi the leader*, but meed into a long bail in the la-t eighth to .viti in a canter. AMERICA!*! ROSE moved up with a rii-h after going the Brat quarter and. under hard riding, out-tayed ATAXIA. The bitter dropped back on the stretch tun and rame fa-t near the end. TERRIBLE MISS ran well, hut tired after taking tin- lead. Scratched 52B73 Dahinda, 104. Overweight* •tania, 1 pounds. 50a*"hOgrg. THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to -vvin-*1 VP«3" ner 5350: tecond, S100: third. 0. Index lior-i- AWtPPBt 4 **j ■ , Sti Fin Jockeys Oajgcie O II C P S r,i;i; kistlkl wb 11:; 4 1 1- l- 21 Is J Conley Paravra d Ptner 1 13-513-64-5 1-3 B2Bt*t*ORALEGGO -•■ 107 1 I 4* 1 1" -- •• Stack II Oota I •: 1 52815*LUCi KATE a 11" B 1 ."I" ::- V ■■- P Murphy R Oooae 8-5 B-5 8-6 2-5 out ."JH1." VELLOW BLOSSOM lfti ■■ "• •*■ ■" •"• 1 .1 McCoy M H Fletcher 0 10 1" :: 1 ."•:•:: mart head w 101 2 1 i"- t- 1 :. s Wida JCahn ess 25 4-5 Time. 26. 53%, 1:07%, 1:15. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g. by Tran-vaal Itu-ila. by Pur J ear D. trained by II. Randolph: bred by M--rs. Morri- fc Waldenl. Went to po-t at 8:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won ea-ily: second and third driving. KISTLKK. away fast and kept in the beat pan of the track, set a good pace from the start and. after being headed briefly, took the lead again in the la-t sixteenth and won going away. ORALEGGO ran a good race, but tired near the oral after taking tl.e lead. LUCY KATE had no mi-hap- and was beaten afler going ;. half mile. YELLOW BLOSSOM finished fa-t after dropping far back in the early running. MARY HEAD quit. OTCTWeigjlt* Oraleggo, 2 pound-: Rustler. 1: Mary Head. 4. rfQIQ-pj FOURTH RACE — 7-8 Mile. Washingtons Bir.hday Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OOVul and upward. Not value lo winner 00; recond. 30: third. 0. lades Horses AWtlISt , _■ :, Sir bin Jockeys Owners O H C P S : .V,! *i *. LAOS LOVK w 5 M8 I 1 P l« 1« 1" I" H Gre-orySnyder d Hmes V5 S-513-102-and out 1 32 788* RAIDER wn 7 108 •". E ." .". I1 i" 1" L McD*ottH Oot-s :, I t; 8-6 8-8 !5tB4M PANAMAN w •; 107 1 l I* i= ■!•■ ::- I G Stack P A Goea I 10 10 ;; l 52836 TAILOR MAID WB 5 186 :. 2 :."_ ■- V 4- 4* B Smith C Y Atkinson 4 4i 4 ti-r. 1-2 *tt 77FLIB*TYGIBBET wn IPs I 1 4* 4-1 .". .". .". L Aron Robson .V Rdel 7-6 21 11 -a::-:, out Time, 26%, 52%, 1:20%. 1:35%. Track heavy. Winner Ch g, by Hamburg-— Ballet, by Den Brash i trained by D. WotiildorlT: bred by Oreentree Stable. Went to po-t at 8:42. Al peat 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won easily: second and third driving. LADS LOVE raced into the path at once and. -bowing the mo-t speed, held -way throughout and won pulling up. RAIDER begaa slowly, but moved up fa-t and gamely la the la-t quarter. PANAMAN was kept in the good going all the way and finished well. TAILOR MAID was always outrun. KLIM-BERTYGIBBET wa* heutea ad alter going the Brat quarter. Scratch. -d 52837 Sir Grafton, 106; 52887*8t. Allan. 11::. Orev a eight* — Pa nam* a, J pounds. I - R"- /h*T»0 FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to win-JOl/iJI ner £C: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S B2B75*LADY MILDRED w * 108 l 1 1- Ill* II BrickanW P Strauss 1 21 8-6 3-6 1-4 fitggl* VALERIE WEST wn 7 MI 4 .; :; :: I V 1 ShclpetaJ P Lyoi.s l .", :, 14 34 5S011*MORMON WB 5 IM 7 1 2* i- Zl :;- E Smith J L Coyle :; 1 4 8-6 2-6 52B7S**MARY EONSO WB 3 X ■ 7* ! 8 4- I. ilcDottHuffman d Lane 8-5 21 12-67-191-3 StOXI COMACHO WB 7 Hi s . 41 6i .. - ." - P Murphy H Flynn M M - I 1 627SB P. G. KING m I 111 2 7 8 8 8 • .1 He ape! R E Yatkins l« M M M •"■ 52406 GLADYS w 3 M0 1 8 61 6* 8* 1* .1 .McCoy 1. A Broaddaa M M M 1" ."• 52712 KINGLTNG ll. wa 8 HI I i 8* 7" 7J I A Rich rk.l P Mayborr M n L •" t Time. 26%. 53. 1:07%. 1:15%. Track heavy. Winner ch. m. by Dick Wclhs Incendiary, by Lamplighter trained by C. s. WUaea; bred by Meaara. an- A |. Went t.. po-t at LO.".. At post 1 minutes. Start Lood and slow. Won ea-ily: second and third driving. LADY MILDRED, -bowing the mo-t speed, wa- in the path from the -tart and always under restraint. VALERIE WEST moved up gamely and wa- going fast at the end. MORMON followed LADY MILDRED in the early running, but tired in the i.--t stxtecath. MARY PONSO Cloaed a gap under weak riding. Scratched — 58rand10*Mickey Moor,. 100; :.jn7C Philippic, 108; 528S8 BaUygibea, Bt; 44084 Little Niece. 101. Overweights — Gladya, 1 pounds. CT O / O O SIXTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. OOvOo Net value to winner 50; second. S.100: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPBt H % t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H P S ::: , st sax M w 5 104 2 H 4" ;; 1 11 L Aron D McDermid s 12 10 4 7-0 I SM14CORYDON wb 6 1144 6 1 i" il l*k 11 1- .1 RodgeaA Luxader 1-2 3-5 3-5 1-6 out I S3dl4* HARVEY SMARR w and MB 1 r i" 2* 1 3" B BolwayW L Hatchett I I 7 8-5 3-6 f 8788*ALMA B. a 7 104 : 4 I 6* 6" 4"k 4 L McDOttG W Atkins.. n 1.", l.". IO ti 1 I 62878WALT TNBOW wa 0 114 1 :: V :■■ 4- .".• •"•■ A CoUina s McNeill 2] .". 41- 6-5 1-2 528781 BOXEB a 0 MB 4 .". •". 8 •; I t H GregOTyW Kinnich I s n 1 1-". Time. 28%. 57, 1:25, 1:55. 2:02%. Track heavy. Winner -I., m. bj Ogdea Qaeefl Marguerite, by Ileiirv of Navarre trained by D. McDermid; bred j by Mr. John B. Madden. Went to po-t at 4:30 At po-t l minut-. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SlSAN M. beu.-.n -lowly, but dosed a gap steadily and out-tayed CORYDON after bumping her way through. CORYDON -tumbled at the start, but secured g I going al on. e and. setting a good pace. shook oil HARVEY SMARR, but tired Beat the end. BABVBY BMABB set the pace and raced prominently all the way. MAI. IKK TIKNItOW qnit in the laal quarter. The others were always beaten off. Overweight* Corydoa, i% pounds.