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I j | I i : ; j I : , i I I; ! , j j |, L ■ , : • i ! ; , 1 : i 1 . 1 j : I, ■ I : i , | ! | : , -, ] J | :! ] ; ] ; , i | i , ] i t j : j I, 1 , i i J t I ■ , i I j . j I I i t j ! , i WHY MATES FOR MAN 0 WAR — — ♦ Prize Winning Reasons for Selection of English Mares. ♦ Award by William Allison, Who Purchased for Mr. Riddle at Newmarket Sales. The prize- competition opened by William Allison of the London Sportsman for the best seven reasons for the- se-ice-tioi of Bnglish mares to be- se-ut to America and bred t Man o Wnr has been dosed. Tin- prior was awarded te William Bmallwood of the Pnttenon stud. Tunbridge, Kent, a small town near I.i mien. His answer was a rather remarkable- one-, showing deep study of thoroughbred lines and families, it is ,,f great general Interest, especially to students of breeding thoroughbreds, and is tiieii fi re ii a as printed, EATANOEA. 1S16, by Roi Herode— Pink Clover, by Meltcn. her dam Trifle, by Sainfoin — Cimiez. dai-i of Queens Holiday, by St. Simon — Antibes. sister to Seabreeze, by Isoncmy — St. Marguerite. BANATOKA. No. A. A beautiful pedigree this mar,- boasts ,[, tracing as She clues to four good cluninels in both tail male anil female, and in female descent always noted for its production of j;oe ,I winners, returns to the sire his best blood, which is un-. doubtedly that of Bock Band through Sainfoin. Batsnoeasi Granddam, Trifle, was bud very similar to Itoe-k Sands clam: both were- by Sainfoin--St. Simon mans. Bol Herode returns a further branch of No. i blood to supplement that of Bend Or in the sires pedigree, and with the root figure No. t to meet that also supplemented by the cross of St. Simon twice Nc 11 we get a perfect blend of speed and stamina, which the produce should inherit. SANTISSIMA. 1916. by St. Angelo— Duo Santa. by St. Frusquin, her dam St. Marina, by Janis-I sary — St. Marguerite, by Hermit. SANTIiSSIMA. No. t.— Another nice- pedigree tracing back to tile same source as the above in female descent, bat vastly different in tail moles, st Angelo, st. Pruuqjuin and Janissary, three beautifully bred hoises. ffo. 4 returned through Dollar in St. Angelo, also a further branch thraogk Jani -I sary to meet that of Demi Or in the- sin- should entail capital stiecd with St. Frnsipiins stout pedi-j gT» ■ intervening. No doubts should be entertained regarding stamina. Also returns tin- root figure No. I and with the three lines well balanced this, in my bumble opinion, is a perfect slliance. BATHING GIRL, 1915. by Spearmint.— Summer Girl, by Sundridge. her dam Permission, by Persimmon — Reprieve, tracing to Wopdcraft, dam of Kingcraft. BATHING GIRL, No. 11. —A choice-bred one is this mare-, also this matin- should be Interesting, as Bnnbridgea dam was own sister to Sainfoin. si,-,, of Bock Sand, the best blood, as I remarked above, in Man o Wars pedigree. So we get it n turned through a free channel, st. Bhutan again returned through lersimmon. to meet that blood through Roquebrnne, anil with, the excess of No. 1 lihod through three different channels in Spearmint. supplemented with a further cross of that of Demi Or in the sire, and again we get Man o War root figure- returned through both Carbine and Sun-i driclge. Should denote speed in plenty and with Carbines stout blood to back it for stamina the produce should both stay and go fast. Thus we also get the three- male Dims nicely blended here. Sundridges Eclipse blood should nick with Mel- bourne blooel of Spearmint with the Herod blood of lersimmons dam. , COLETTE, 1911, by Collar— Lady Disdain II.. by Hanover, her dam Middlemarch. by Billet, son of Voltigeur. coi.fttk. Another beautifully bred one is this mare-, being by Collar, three-parts brother to that grand mar: Sceptre, from Hanover mare, which, in my opinion, are all too few. We have seen the- merit of Hanover mares, namely, jn Orby and Bbo- don, and the mare shetild breed a good one- ti Man ie War, returning as she- does all his best blood through Bend Or ami St. Biaaon through Collar, and with Hanover bringing in the two grand cro-s.-s of Glencoe to supplement that same blood through SI. Sine a. also a creess of Queen Mary, geieid lie-rod blood, and with the BtockweTI — Macaroni blood of Collar we get a perfect blend of the three male lines. LADY COMFEY. 1913. by Roi Herode— Snoot, dam of Caligula and Snow Maiden, by Perigord. i.ADV COMFEY. This asnn should reftaiaty produce a good animal to Man o War. as she herself is closely n-l.itiel to Caligula, winner F the st. Leger, aad Bnow Maiden, winner of the Irish Oak-. and mares that can produce good animals like- these in successive yean cannot fail to produce a Diners if properly mated. Betnrns st. film on. through Perigord, to meet that of tin- same blood through Roquebrnne. Also returning No. 1 through Boi Herode to im et that of Bend Or in the sin, which should insure plenty of speed, hacked up with good Hampton blood in the sire, and plenty id He-rod in the man-, that should Insure Hie necessary stamina, ami there, in my opinion, is a perfect blending e.f speed and stamina combined. MISS STARLIGHT. 1910. by Watercress— Colonial, dam of Hessian, by Trento :. hsr dam Thankful Blossom, by Paradox — The Apple, dam of One Love, by Hermit. Miss STARLIGHT. A -i «ut, old - fashioned i.« .Ii - gree, this should suit the sire chosen for tin- following reasons: Returns Springfield through Water- less, to meet that same blood through Sainfoin. Also re-nuns the No. 1 blood of Paradox to meet that of the same blood in the sire-s pedigree, viz.. Bend Or. that she uld insure brUliant speed, ami with the stout blood of Trenton in the- mares pedigree, supplemented by the stout blood of Hampton in tin- sin . no fear need be entertained regarding stamina. This is. in my opinion, another perl, et blending of speed and stamina combined. SGAMBARDA. 1916. by Bayardo— Game Hen. by ! Gallinule. and tracing to Barcaldines dam. I GAMBARDA This mare should suit Jfaa o War for the following reasons: Hayardo. sin- f the | mare, should ceitainlx lie- a success with his daughters, being a tail female- descendant of that grand family. Oiu-e-n Mary, also a further branch of that • blood through Hampton should nick with the Hamp- ton blood in Man o Wars pedigree, alsj returns J Galliard twice, to nick with that same blood iii -the . sin-. Then again we- e-t the- grand blood of Prince Charlie chise up through Prestonpans and Blair Athol. blending all tin- three lines to perfection. Also through him we gel a farther cross of No. 1 Glencoe blood. Also he was a descendant of Queen Mary. I here-fore, the produce should in- ! I | • J . herit no less than four crosses of that grand blood. That is in itself good enough to make the produce both stay and go fast. The figures also blend evenly, and tin- three males are well balanced. Here- is a five line pedigree of Man o "War as a check key to the reasons given for mating by the-English winner: rvsp,,„|,h,-jft. I f VVrSm"ial1 r . "Hastings f I • . •Cinderella.. "i1.- K"m ,°r ~.~ „ C~J [_ Tomahawk *S ss] rBeud Or.... r,iinn;* Done-aster ojC a I Fairv 5 »• Gold i Dame v Kouge Rose t = J I, Masham. . . Galliard .• I . , Pauline f-S;"""i" [Springfield O* - n-o .- a « . VSanda m- sand.. [_ Boaoebrune.. j [st. Simon 51,1 Merry i St. Marguerite u I Merry Hampton.. Hampton L Token. ~i ,,,-. , DoU Tehrsbeet „ L a,xP*« [ Mae-sr.-grr 1 D.of Fuel-hand •Imported rXe family number. fGamborda is the- mare which died at Hinata Farm last Saturday.