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FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish REPENT, ch. f, 3 M 100 By Rock Viaw— Chulita, by Kingston. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. 62763 P.Gnda :.: f 1 : i."..livy 10 : i i s s 7 7;" I. afcD*ottl3 M.Onnr, M.Dixon, VclLBlosm 62U39 I.i.nds 3it l: E 1"" ! 2 L H S| L McDottlX Jim Pog. Damoris, Plato 62967 JeTaon 6J f l:W%hvy 6 M8 3 8 2 -1 3*| L McD*ottlO T. Bnttoa, Secretary, Calithnmp 61S8S Jcf.son 6-8 1 :0::».-.hvy 19-6 107 8 7 5 31 r.7 1, kfcD*ottl2 Ae.ittMaid. Beeretary, BeaBoard 61883 JeTaon 61 f 1:09 rant 7 188 4 4 4 4= 3" I.. McDou T MaryMeatl, Begnrela, MaryPoaxa 61823 JeTaon - l:i0 mud 8] KC 1 3 2 Z- Z-- L McDott f. Tom Poach, litnlico. Plato PLATO, ch. g, 3 Ml 105 By Uncle— Dike, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. D. McDcrmid. Owner, D. McDermid. :.:i»i:: shport 61 I X:18%hvy 5 113 S i 5 S1 21 !•" Murphy S llorcb. Kir John Vergne, II. Sweep E2762 P.Gnda lmTOy l:49%hvy IS 195-W 8 6 n 61 *; ■■"■ M Garner 10 oecretary, B. Rendered Doc J ha 62838 P.Gnda 31 f 1 :i»7!.-,:ast i2 191 7 7 7 6- i3 I. Morris 13 Jim P «. Repeat, Damorai 62687 P.Gnda lmTOy 1:45 fast IS Id 7 9 !» 11 li i!!T.i .1 XTneyll T.Porner, M.Head, CharlotteC. 62488 F.Gnda lm70y 1:47 fast 41 186 M 9 7 S V 8 ■■■ H King II Uoporer, Boiaterer, P. Bloaaoea pL114 P.Hnds 8-4 1:14 last 18 113 3 6 f, s 3 1 L Lyko 11 Cut Up, Vnkaaiae, Sea Cove 5ZZ0 F.limls laa70yl:44 fast 20 »* 13 11 12 8 8- 9« S MRcnell 14 Balate, Wild Flower, I»r. Moss NORMANDIE. ch, g, 5 M 113 By Star Shoot— Mamie Worth, by St. George. ■Trainer. M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. and J. Lowenstein. 62762 F.Gnda lmTOy l:49%hvy 13 113 :: g :i 10 l« : - . ; Stack 10 Secretary, R.Readered Doc. Jim 62354 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat 30 ill 11 S S n :*■ ; Slack 1 laa Kay, Rhow Girl, Carlines. 62273 F.Gnda lmTOy l:47%good 4 lit J 1 1 ! 3J V Q Stack G PImlk-o, Richelieu, Maadalay 51722 Jef son 3-4 1:18 hvy 7-5 IIS 4 2 -J. 21 :. ;, Stack » Gloom. Old McKenna, Tipford 61682 JeTaon 8-4 l:14%faat 3 165 3 3 3 V -- 0 Stack 8 Bengali, Murphy. David Craig 61618 JeTaon 3-4 l:l«%good 5 WI 3 1 1 l» Lh Q Stack 10 AmericanBoae, Horeb, Ueeawan SIR JOHN VERGNE. b. h, 5 K 118 Bv Sir John Johnson— Auvergne, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. St. Vincent. Owner. W. St. Vincent. 53013 Shport 51 f l:18%hvy 31 118 ! 1 I 21 3*1 A Collins R Horeb. Plato. Hand Sweep 3:: 73 Shrevept 31 f l:18%hvy il 115 5 6 " 41 5 1* V CotRus 7 PepperyPotly, UMtldred, St. Just 62743 F.Gnda 8-41:16%hvy 50 HK § :• 7 4* 4*1 A Collins 13 Destroyer, B.Roberta, PlalnBUi 62406 F.Gnda lmTOy 1:47 fast 10 113 7 10 S ! 9« 91 K Martin 11 Uopover. Roiaterer, P. Blossom 62B1 F.Gnda M l:16%hvy 30 W71 3 11 11 lo- 78J K Martin 13 Ktrah. TbdayNlgbter, Traekstai 61388 Churchl 1 l::;! 103 113 Pi 13 13 13 13 13,MR Davits 13 Tulsa, Doctor Jim, Lady Britala 88X86 Latoiiia 3-4 l:12%faat 10s 111 5 6 G 6 6* L Mink ; sLOrerMight Angun. D. Paradise CHIEF BARTHELL, b. g. 3 Ml 110 By Tony Bonero— Bettie Sue, by The Commoner. Trainer, T. Lucky. Owner, E. W. Moore. E2133 JeTaon 3 - s 1 : 10 115 G 4 7 7 7* W Obert 12 Phifainder, Secretary, .thump 4.771 D. te 3 s 1 :ni-.-. fast 1. 112 X 7 S gs 618 L Morris 12 Tabby A., Noaskid, H.o.t.North 87869 AVilbine 6-8 l:»2%fant ::0 1 j3 4 4 4 4 4-1 W Itiil.-iir I I key p.. M.Crown. Mackeluaiue ANNES PET. ch. f, 3 M 100 By Great Britain— Idle Box, by Box. Trainer, J. M. Brown. Owner. L. J. Brown. ..oi:: Shport 3! 1" 1 ::.,- .-.hvy :o |07 6 4 3 6 6" R Romelll 8 Hotel.. Plato, sir John Vergne 62498 F.Gnda Un70y 1:47 fast ]0Q 86 111111 11 11 ll " X Bverett II Uoporer. Roisterer, P. Blonwei 62394 F.Gnda 3-4 l:15%fast 108 W8 13 12 12 111 ID" X Everett 13 Ctallot, Vulcanize. Joe Whipple 61323 Churchl 3-4 l:14%fa*t 71 1"7!4 14 11 11 H:;-n Stack 15 Cranebird. louia, Eleanor 8. 61281 Church 1 3-4 l:16%mud33 l"f 112 14 j 12 1J 12»« .1 Roberta 14 LoaJseWynne, GoM.Qaaice, louia 60768 Chagrin Ab5-8 l:03%slop ■• 109 p v. Smith 5 Busy Bird, Dorothy. Glyco 69746 Chagrin Ab5-8 1 ttHandfast O W2 8*1 E Smith B 4«et Km. Baay Bird, Dorothy FINANCIAL ROOSTER, ft. g. 4 M 118 By Little Dutch— Cloibtci ess, by Carlton Grange. Trainer, E. Wright. Owner, R. Warfield. :.:v:;:; P.Gnds ::-ll :i::..t i;.t 38 111 10 S ■ M 10»J M Garner IS General, Philanderer. Moroni oSW2 F.Gnds lin?i s l:l»%hvy li ;;■•;! ;; 5 :- 7" i. Morris 10 Beeretary, 15. Rendered Doc. Jim . :ivi F.Gnda 1 11. 1:17., fust W |99 :; 3 7 9 :i :"ii LunsTd 0 Harr.King, Madrono, Gd-SweU 52115 Jefsou 3-4 l:l4%fa»t i-o i03 S 7 lo W* M»l .1 .1 Mneyll Lt.Pcrklas HdeaJewi-1, Manas 1,Kl Dcvrs 3-4 l:17%bvy W 113 3 3 3 I1 t,4 j Heupe] 11 B.Brummel 11. D.Roma, Gorbaui 480M Dcvre 3-4 l:l3%faat 7 110 8 4 7 j 8»i H LunaT.d 11 llkWest, P.titsl;lV,jia, Murray ORIENTAL DRESS, b. f. 4 Mj 108 By Delhi— Costume, by Domino. Trainer, D. Vititoe. Owner. J. White, Jr.. 53029 Ml port .51 f 1 :!7: ..hvy 7 99 3 I 3 41 3T L McD ctt 7 Vansylvia. Amer.Bose, Catania 52496 F.GnnM lmTOy 1:47 fast 12 l*fi i 3 •• i 7- T"T .Inrvis 11 tlopOter. Roiaterer, P. Rloasom 62321 F.Gnda 8-4 I 15 197 3 5 6 r.1 4 | T Jarvis 13, Uopover, Meuatafn Dew 50416 Lex toa I 1-1* lIT.fa.a 5S 102 6 8 B i 8** 8l* 0 .Stack 9 Kfi-her. Samsl.oy. D.of Wton 60137 Lexton i 1 16 1:47 r.ia| 13 1" I 1 I o ;- »:- B Kenndj 8 Alex Jr., L.HountJoy, D.ofWelln 4*063 B.Grana ;; t 1 :l , ..I. , y 6 !••". 3»» O Willis -I .Park, BweepJr., PbrteDrapeau WAi D-Oiuss 3-4 1:11 fait 5-3 Hi T1 u Willio 7 View, Sweep jr.. Scoad Uouain