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ALMOST FORGOTTEN SIRES Rossington. a Close Relative of Ormonde and Cheviot, Sire of Rey El Santa Anita. When Roasington wa* broag ii i" this caantry sense thirty-odd year* ago, una; expectations were ratertaiaed In regard lo the beaefHa to be reaped from nark an aristocratically bred horse in atad service. This ex|tectaacjr wa- not realraed in full. In Sabine, Fain Bey, Naaaie Hodge, Coqaette, LolUe and other- be shred good race horses, bai nothing spproxiaaattat real greataeas ever caaae from him. Yet in hirrdiaf In.- coakl hardly 1m improved npoa. !! ■ was i -on of Dcacastef and l.U.v Aym -. and Lily AgJMS wa- al-o Ibe dam of the nibxhty race baias Oraaoade. Paaraater aras the ! -ire of Bead or. which was Ormoades aire. Bo i;..--in.ton wa- aiore than a half -hrother to Ormonde, lii- daughter* proved «.....; brood aaarea, -.. In- -lill Uvea in pre-ont day pedigrees. lli-liaeage table i- a- follow-: , ... .. c. Birdcatcher „ | Stack- j-ineitaron... ,,.|li|n;l A A "S*ll...1 I,„,1,,,,lt;ls.. fObmeos • IMarpeaaa S ;■ a oo — - , ... . ,. . I Orlando ~h . - f Icdi I i; .. n. . ,, ... . , ., — :. £ I Marl J [Miss r wick bam »_ i " "old 1 . . , fit i tan J Ll»:l..Bh«er..r.-f|| g| if „,.,„„ mm HI r ■ . . rGtadiator 5b / tkJSSrttgaat . . , ,Maea- ,„,, BS if ion: ... ; , , l...,:al,„ tn l a J i.* I Banter St 11 r i„r care . f11-" ■ PS H I Polly J iMor* i 3 AoTsbs. 1 biMoAgae* l Btedcatcber lAgae* Cheviot was ■ hrother to sir Modred. The latter greal racer and sire was broaght to this eoaatrj by tin hue .1. K. Haggin, and after be had acoi I i greui simes- iii the Raacbo del Paso StssL Cbeviol was al-o imported. Like sir Modred be had heeal a noiahly good raee horse in Sea Zealand, audi alaa proved a ■ateensfai -ire in tht- euasitry, al- ! though he was not given the ehaile. - awarded S:r. Modred. 1 n louhtediy the h.-st ..f Cheviots progaay J oras ihe hbjb-clam race horse Raj 89 Baats Anita, . winner of tin- Ann rie.-ni I»» rl.y of 1 ..M. for whieli I It., i in. i was a greal Gas rit», bat Haiahed las;, j Maii ..ii. i In i g .i rare UM Bey i:i Haata Aaita w m. ami bad he been heated In Keatackj after Li- raciag day* were over instead of beiag i:; obacurit] on "lanky lhihluins big ranch, the male line of cheviot udghi goa he floarishiag. But, like 1!" «ington. Chevhal i- now imr * aaesshry. Hen i- his pedigree: r Pantaloon... ffiffStrel - fTbeUbelJ l«*»«" . IPaauaiaade •"n"1 : v = I Boater S - B rani f 2" - l,.-,|.„sa J" [olvinpia 5 • I f a in . 7 J Languid | L.vdia az rTouchsl ■ r «- /-Cm J Newminater. [ i;,.,.M,lu Bj SJ " t The An ,. ««, 8 jlbxbHben,/-"-- MrtarLynn i-*— .... [fcass