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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1921. Beveatj eighth Ui v. Lower California Jockey I tub. Winter Meeting el "! day-. Weather drizzling: temperature 70 . I"H ■! !■! steward. Francis Nelson, a seriate Stewards. .1. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, li.iny Morrisscy. K.-uing Bactctair, Lean Wing. Racing -tart- at :" i p. m. Chicago thae 8:30 p mi. v Indicate* whip, s spurs. B blinker-. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each rate Indicate date, track retard, aii f horse and weight raw tod Indicate* apprentice allowance. grQ|0-g FIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 1?. 1917— 42%— 2—112. Purse 00. 2-year-o;ds. ♦J«I*Vfii Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner S350; second. 8100: third, 0. index Bone* AWtllst M _■ 4 BtrFIa Jockey* On ran Baaiv. Odd* Strt ] .Vi! «»-. EMMA WILLIAMS will 2 1 I] 1, Is! .M Buxton Cloud 230-1011 52814 CAND0RO8A « ill 3 . J j 2* 2* i Martinez A Jonca 1580-100 52X25 Moss FON 1 1. « 116 5 7 4 :: E Raywrd W . Weul W 141 : •.!»•;■; ROGON JR. w US 7 i M 4! E Pinngai P D Howard 2500-100 52881 FLYCAST a ill I 5 • .".■• C fmpson Nevada Stock Farm I75O-W0 : tiW: ALESO a Ml I 1 i 8* ■•• O Willla C W Ross 3900-100 v.iill HAL WEIGHT w 114 1 1 7 7 7 W Mclnrw Bronx Subl. 1028-MO Time. 12%. 36,,. 42%. Track last. 82 ii!i!-;i L paid. Emma William*, 86.00 straight, 83,00 place, 12.30 snow; CaBderoaa, 68.28 place, . :.. «• show: Boa* Poi 11.. .29 -how. Equivalent booking ***** Rauna Willi. ,ms. 288 to 100 straight, B0 to Dmi place, lo t . loo abow: Ondorosa. 310 to HMt place, 50 t.. loo show : Moan Fox II., M to 100 Knew •Pinner it. f, by Light o m Life Imprint, by Knight of the Thiatle trained bj X cloud: hred bj Mr It. i.irhrn. Wini to poai at J: »7. At paat H minute-. Start « mkI and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. EMMA WILLIAMS began fa-t and, setting i thai pace, raced CANDOROSA lato defeat and drew away iIim dsively in the laal eighth. The tatter began slowly, hot rnahed ap kato second place and tired. bal outstayed moss POX n The latter waa away Batfeoted, but cloaed a big gap end Bnishcd fast. ItOGON JR. showed sp,-,-d. but tired in the Baal drive. HAL WRIGHT, away forwardly, dropped back at once and « a* beaten on*. Overweight* Mom POa II., 1 pound: Bag— Jr., !. CvQA99 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OOvP.aaAaf Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Bone* AWtiPSt c % K BtrFin Jockey* Owner- Baniv. Odd* strt 58818 TAWASENTHA wn Ml 4 1 ."h 4". 44 17 B Mar*elli A J Merle 134-M0 52888 JACK I . I : I I we. ibi t, 2 « Ill* :■ M Slghter Blnckwelt .*• Crlppoa 900-WO .VJ889 SISTER POLLY wa MS I I . 1 V V II Rowe l B Archer iCdd-100 .-.2«H!» CHARMANT wa 113 7 :. I*I*P L M Buxton Granger Stable t740-K« i ." -."18 CAPON in; 11". ."In 9 . • W lam. mi M L Allen • 5S84BWISB JUDGE w IM 1 •: v1 7* 7, 6 C WhUton Tarn n Bhanter Stable 228 IM 52B86 GBORGE JAMBA a US 8 I B] C V 7 « Grotn NeaJ . • Bartholomew 2200-ira r.-iu: l BARBER w HM 3 7 HI W . ■ s-[ E Taylor W Walker ■ 3SS50-1CV j .*i!l8 HUGO K ashli: a 118 i i 3* ". V •■ - B Ptnngar I X WOnaaeh ♦ .-.•;•«« JOE BALDWIN w MM :. 7, 8 10 M B Joalah W M Mlkel 33N-10I :liitiil AeM. Time. 25. 494s. l:M Track fast. 12 miitii. l- paid. Tawaaentha, *traight. 13.20 place. B2.B0 *how: Jack Led!, Iand.80 place. s: M Rko i : Slater Pally. s." .lh nlmw. r. niia!ent iHHdctng odda Tawaaentha, IM to loo straight. 00 to 1«ki place, 00 t.. KH ~bo« ; lack Led!. l!in to Kmi place, so to loo shew: Stater Pally, 1» o u lotr nbow. Winner Ch. f, by talrain Belle of Arcadia, by Pundit trained by o. A. Btancbi; bred by Mr. II. i. Herring |. Went t.i poet at 2:S1, At paat 1 minute, start good and «h»w. Won driving; aecond and third the K me. TAWA8KXTRA begaa faal and. after being taken back and anved, eaine with a raah in 1 Ik-stretch and won draariag clear. JACK LED! raced rlose ap from the start and hang on well after being passed. SISTER POLLY raced in ilaaeat nnranll until in the last eighth and tired. CBARMANT art i good pace to the stretch and dropped back. CAPON cloaed a idu ai from ■ alaw beginning. Wish" .11 ] «.K ran poorly. Scratched 5S918 Cronpier, 110: S33M0 Privofcma, 11. ■r TbrgOQ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. I. 1920— 1 :43V5— 6—122. Purse 00. Ot"*0 3-yoai-oid3 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horse* AWtllst , .. ;, Btr fia Jockey* Owner* Eojiir. Odd* Strt B2MtaOSTENTATIOU8 w 1." IM l 2 2» 21 :- il 1 11 Rowe B Gibson 280-HW ."i-.!8! MISS SEDALIA w 9 115 M I -»• 4 4 L1 2" !l Lowe A Lund ii0-100 ." -i!Mii iAl"l M. wn 7 10.". * I 1- 1«J l*fe 1*J ".•_ C Whitton O P Morrison 52960 EL RBY b7 1H 4 M* ."■ ".- ."■- Is R Carter P Bally : ;or,u V i 52011* TOURS wbOMV 3 8 » B*| 7J :- 5" G Yeargia l. A McDowell H I B2t*BwzGHATT*N COURT wa and M7 i" »| Cj 0* I] 0 W Taylor Janae* • Cbllda 550-1M ."il«»4; T. BRECKIDOE wn 0 IM 11 4 I" :!"::■ V 7- M Slghter N V ISurkhart 25C0-W0 SttrtO SADIE D, w4 IS 7 S si. ti- 9* S s .1 Rtamer A Brent S19O-M0 r»- »:4! MIGHTY LEVERwan 4 M2 S G 8* •*»»»»»•• II Jones a Morgan 1260-108 S2M2 SKY PILOT W» 8 IM C 11 11 11 11 11 K P Martinea .! Anderson t .•,•.•!»•. » JIM WIXN w • ♦ M7 I 7 7:. 7. s- s- L.cln." Tpan G L Palmqntnt IC30-M0 tMatnri Beld. Time. 24»5. 49. 1:15V5. 1:42. 1:47. Track fast. sl mntnel* paid. Oateatatton*, .00 •tralght, $ L20 place, 13.00 show; Mis. Sedalia. place, si ai show; Maud H.. srt.OO show. Bqnivalent hooking odda Oatentatton*. 280 to M0 atraigbt, 101 t" 100 place, .to to loo thaw; MWs s d.ilia. 210 to loo place. 120 t.. 100 shew; Maud M.. 50 t" 100 shew. Winner — B. m, by Oatler Joe — Tallae. by Top GaUaat trained by B. Wilson: bred by Mr. M. P. Guilliama . Went to poof at 2:50, At post i minute, start good and alow. Won driving: aecond and third the aame. OSTENTATIOUB raced in cloaeel pur-nit of MAUD M. and. challenging her after ronndlng the last tarn, raced ittta a clear lead, bur had to he hard ridden in win. MISS BEDAUA was -.: forward contender from the start and Baisbed faat and reaolately. MAID M. showed the most speed to the stretch, hoi Bnianed Hring. EL BE owned ■ biu gap, TEO RRECKEX RIDGE qnit alter melag cJaae up for Him unaiHis TOURS claaed a biu m i « s rai. bed 52028 Royal Iriah, IM. Overweight*- Oaten tatJiaa, 4 pomtda; El Key. 4. ?T * /«J d FOURTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23. 1920—1:53—4—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OOvFtI and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, C. Index Horse* AWtlISt % M % Sfr Kin Jockeys Owners Epiiv. Odds Strt BtBM*GBO MLEBACB wn B 112 E I IM- VI V II V STgfcter L A .McDowell SSd-MO : ;. 5 I Ml DO k DAVID wn 5 112 : . : 2*2* J; Z* I Low- ; PJ ORoorke 230-101 ."■;«!» i CORK wa C MH 1 ■■ •■ 4 :. E Taylor J A Pnraon 71O-M0 .- :i 70 BABY SISTER us loll.". 3 7 7 7 7 «* I 1 P Marttnea C B Irwin 720-100 52SIB;SAS1N wn 112 - I .■■ S» 51 •" S .i Buxton C Bwxton 300-108 .2942 BBRNICE E a • llfl I ! 2 I : 4 4 I i McCrnn A Lund ICoVHW 5M4M BOBOLINK a -in.". 7 1 P 0" • 7 , il Jones F A Vance 420V-M0 Time. 25, 50i, 1:1*%, 1:42, lBH Track fast. slj mnrnela paid, George Mnehlebach, BM.00 straight, s4 10 place, BSjOB show: Jadge David. |3L80 pi ... .00 Know; Cork. 13.00 show. Bqnivalent booking oiii George Mnehlebach, BBfl t 1ot» straight, 120 to 1"n» place. .".0 to 100 show: Judge Da, id. 00 to 100 place. r. to 100 show; Cork. B0 I" 1H show. Winner B. . by MeGee Stolen Moments, by Kteg*ton trained by J. McDowell; bred In Mr. Charles W Moor.. i. v. in to poai at r-t -1 7 . At paat 1 minute. Btart goad and alow. Won wiring; second and third the same. GEORGE Mi Llll.KHACIl took the lead qnickl.1 and. setting a goad pace, withstood JUDGE dayid when cbaUenged and won drawing « bar. JUDGE DAVID raced 111 ela*r*l porsait of the leader, but could mver qnite overhaul him. CORK ran a game race. BABY SISTEB closed a big gap. BBRNICB I-:., after snowing speed, qnit badly 5t rK FIFTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. May 16. 1920— 2:05V5— 6— 115. Purs* 00. 3-year-olds *Jjj3*£»J and upward. Claiming. Net value xo winner 90: second, 40; third, 0. lades Hprnea AWtllst % Vi ;i Btr Fin Jockey* owners Eoniv. Odda Strt 55M7:MORCE LERCH w .-it i M 7 I l» 1- 1- 1= 1" B Mar .Hi c K Davison M0-M0 5tMlxWATR WILLOW as 6 106 ! 3 4- 51 ., 2s! 2 1 P Martinea C B Irwin 1320-HO .-•■mji REYDO wa 7 107 3 7 V 3* .". ;,•• l C Tmpoon J Mrnmbrw in aOO-WO 5SM1 PIEDRA wi I MS i I Ji 2 2] W «l B Taylor C Vail 32*-M0 .-,-i«M VERDI LOON w4 M I "• ■"• •• V 41 V E Joalah J L Brannon 87H08 .-■87» BATTLE MTX wan I Ml 2 8 0 8 I 0s] 0s! H Jone* P Bicknoll MO-WO 1 52040 OUR MM! a 11"- I 2 »*4*4 71 7 .I Slghter W C Weanl 1240-1W .-|-»!Mi» II. DINOSA1.TRE « 1 1«5 S 4 7» 7" 7*18 8 G Yeargtn *; B Allen E20-MI Time, 25. 493/5, 1:1535. 1:4233. 2:09Vi. Track fast. B2 mntnel* paid. Horace Lerrh. Sg-20 straight, 14.00 place, Bt.20 -h.. : Water Willow. BB.00 place. BO 20 shoo : Beydo, 83. 10 -how. Bqnivalent booking odd* Mora" Lerch, 900 to 1oo straight HO to loo place. 00 to loo -how: Water Willow, :i.Mi to 100 place. 210 to Ino -how: Beydo, 170 to 100 show. Winner B. g, b MrGee -Sadie May, by Ceaarioa trained by C. B. Dari»*a; hred by Meaara. Gorham r.ros.l. Went 1" post at :!:17. At p..-t 1 minute. Starl good and -low. Won driving; second and third the same. HORACE LKU4 II took ■ quick bad and kept ii all the way. bat only won thiangh a powerfully ridden Bnish. WATER WILLOW claaed ap with a great atretch raah and ju-t failed to -et ii| to win. BEYDO raa ■ game wee. lMKDKA tired. OUR MAID quit badly. Overweight* Piedra, •! pannda; Verdi Loon. ;i. •r Or_4 r» SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— l:05.s— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-tOU**D olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 _• % Btr Fin Jockeys Owners Banhr. Odda Strt 1 58*"2 RINGLEADER W 5 US 13 1 1. 1-i 1- l« M Buxton P Kinehart 04-MO .".! " « CLKAH THB WA V w 1113 4 8 .". ::, 2*1 i* C Groae V Walker 37O-M0 i .* •:! »•» II HHIAXS HKlItwi; 4 llo :i 1.; ID IT 10- 3* O Willis P Wallhauser 12SO-M0 : liiic, CRI8P1E wa 8 IM I 71 81 4- 4; P Martinea C B Irwin 1780-KW ."•i ." ; GERTRUDE B. a I ME 11 7 : l . -_ . S V B Taylor K Parton 2100-100 ." »!8 7 i VELVET w 7 110 I I 2* •** 2] BJ «■ YearTin Caaatty Stable 1080-100 r.*772 PORTE DRPEAU wn 0 IK E 5 3» 41 El 7- H SaUdin .1 M Hubbard f ■ r.»i i ENGLISH LADY wa 7 M4 2 1 I; 71 8] 8* II Rowi V Cloud ::rt.i 100 .".;:;."" ; TILLOTSON wn 0 IM M M IP 8* 8 N • Whitton C C Richard* ■ 52S47BD I.K VAN w M MB 1 1 8*1 P 7" 10:i B Mar .11, It L Smith 3**-M0 BS872*SMILING MAGGIB ! WO 7 B 10 ■lO-lll- 11- M sivht-r X W Burkhaii 2SS0-M0 D2989 TRULANE wn 9 IM 8 12 12 12* 12*112« C T*mpnon K Ripley IS39-1M BtBtl REVELER wn 0 112 2 11 13 M 1" 13 K Carter R II Good Inttiel Mi Id. Time. 2425. 5025. 1:02, 1:08-. Track fivst. 82 inutnei- paid. Ringleader, 8S.80 straight, 84-20 place, 83.20 abow; char the Way. place. 84 Hi show: Barrigaaa Hen*. 83.80 -how. Equivalent 1 king add* Ringleader, :i40 to KH straight, 110 to 100 place, MB to M0 -how: Clear the Way, MO to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Barrigan** Beir, 00 to 1 H» show. Winner -Ch. g. bj Marrigaa Beatrice Bonle, by Peep oDaj trained by P. Rinebart: heed by Mr. Benjamla A. Jones W.-nt to paat at 8:58, i paat 1 minute, start good and slow. Won raailj : strond and third driving. RINGLEADER begaa ta-t from the extreme outside and. bowing the moal -peed, drew awaj after racing VELVET into defeat to aria ■■ ■ hi- rider pb-M-.d. CLRAB THE WAV made up ground and BniaUeo fa-t. BARRIGANS HEIR begaa slowly but cloaed i big gap and finished faatoal of all. CIU8PIE also mafic up much ground. ELVET *nd POBTB DBAPKAL tired after running well for a halt. Scratched — 51800 Bar* ind star-. In7: BSB41 Joaeaia, IBS. ii-. rweighta BngUah Lady, 1 pound. fT OdfbOPy SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. | May 20. 1S20— 59— 4—107. Purs-; 00. 3-year-olds and « OUm 0 anward. Claiming. Net value to winnei 50: second. 00: third. 0. ladei Bocae* AWtlISt % M HBtrFIa Jockey* Owner* Bqniv. Odda Strt i V8 1! | ! 1 1 ANGLETON a 7 MB l I ** 1 v I1 C Tnepoon ■ Haxettira 280-108 B2BblzlIZARRO wb :. ill .". :. I] 4,- 4i ft M Buxton Ranaam ft Francea 4160-lofi 62841 WALTER MACK wn 0 IM 3 4 Li P| 2 3* B Carter B H Good MO-100 • 530oS[.H*OSTA m 7113 1 1 !• I" I- P Martinea C B Irwin 170-1m 328174 DODE ADAMS w 5 MB 7 I e] 52* s" 8* B Taylor Caaatty Stable TD-lOo rtlBB CANOION a 1104 8 I 8« ii* BH 0*1 L Gouge] E H Short UJB M0 B2B7S MAID OF ANSEL a .. 107 l 7 7* 7i 7-. I* O Willi-. W M Mikel 7.:0-10O BB174 BIG SMOKE wsb 8 HS 4 S S 8 8 8 W Cardan Long Beach Stable MB-M0 Time. 2435, 49. 1:02%. Track fast. kg mutuele paid. Hugh agajletoa. ¥7 00 straight. #4.40 place, S-.SO show: Pizarro. *21.20 place. sri.OO -how: Walter Mack. 8B.£0 show. Kouivnlent booking odd- Hugh Angleton. 280 to 1 X straiulif . 120 to 100 place. 40 to 100 -how: 1izarro. 900 to 100 place. :s:.o to 100 show; Waiter Mack. 00 to 100 show. Winnei- B. g, b. J. K. trOtvley -Banonieu. b. Hannockburn trained by S. Haaeltiao; bred by Mr. John It. Hcn-hy i. W. nt t" peal at 4:23. At post 1 minute-. Start goad and -low. Won handily: second and third driving. HUGH ANGLETON, after bring reateeed back "f the leaders, came fast through the atretch and won going away. PUBARBO era* outpaced early, but moved up rapidly on the la-t turn and tini-hcl last. WALTER MACK ran well and out-tayed RIPOSTA for third place. RI PORTA set a g I pace to the la-t eighth and tired, bill lini-led gamely. DODE ADAMS ran well. Overweight* Maid of Aaael, i pounda; Dade Adam-. •_.