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ATHELINGS PROGENY SHOW PROMISE BY I I.. McKKNNKY 1 SAN IKANCISI 0, Cal.. February l"J. As iiredii-ted b. di-crimina ting critic- familiar with the Mood line- of Atheling. the first .-rop of the English burse hare shoarn themaehres to he "some runners" town :it Tijuana. In the first few week- of racing li I wo-year 1 Id- three of ihe son- ami daughters of Atheling faced Ihe harrier and each scored Owner floorge Wiagfield i- more than delighted at their showing, not only on account ol their 1 uii uiug ability, hut h.v rea-011 of the promise of the well-bred young horses when they are retired lo the siud. When Mr. . Wingfii Id purchased Ihe -on Of I -in uii! and Wood Dai-y in Kngland sonse years ago he ua- looking quite ;i distance ahead. He wanted blood tbnt winihl carry on. a- he ha- long nurtured the ambition to bread ill hi- own brood in.ii-e-. it i- a truism naMunj thoroughbred bread-era thai every victory by a filly destined for duty in Ihe paddock enhance- her value. Two of the first three winner- for Atheling are fillies. The trim looking hay Photoplnj was the first of the progruj • f Atheling to gel down ill front for trainer Waller Heath. This mi-- i- a daughter Of the Kenilworth mare F.nvy and comes by her speed honestly on both -ide- of the family tree. F.nvy eras one of the most dependable racers hereabouts. winning In r hi-l five race- just prior to retirement t Hie farm. Her dam Mitten, a daughter of King Brie, i-- oae of the bent producers in the country. Miiten is the dam of High Cost, Hearst George. King Worth and other well-known racers. Her latest offspring i- a fine yearling bay filly by the Wikiup -lallioii Friar Bock, Another, dnngkter ol Atheling to win at Tijuana is the well formed rhestnnl Bariftericket, which ha- Dora I., hy Ragles Pinnae, as dam. Dora 1. was a frei|iienl winner at Kineryville. Tomahoi. a bay -on of Atheling and the Key del Si, rra- marc Calico, was the first of the colts to scamper home in the had ili- career will he watched with apt rial mterea| by old timers, by KanM of the pedigree of the dam. which taken one back to the day- of the -telling California 1 readers, Theodore inter- and B. J. Baldwin. Atheling is a hay of the handsomest proportions and young a- stsJHoas go. He was foaled in the name rear a- Friar Bark, WIS. His sire. Deemeud, by st. Simon LAbbeose ,le Joanne, by Tranuiat, mow dead, wa- a high class ran- horse and is gaining fame ever duj a a -ii,- of -ire- and brood man-. Atheling- dam. Wood Dai-y. her-elf a grand race marc, was by Cylletie. Both Desmond Bad Cyllene an high on tin- brood mar, -ire list in England.