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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1921. Oriental lnrk. Seventy-seventh day. Cuba -American Jockey and Auto lub. Winter Meeting of Km or more day-. Weather clear: temperature 90 Steward-. J. llachnu i-f r. C. H. and P. J. Mrinn. Starter, .lame- K. Milton. Storing Secretary. M. Natlianson. Racing starts at 2*JB p. m. Chicago time 1:97 p. m.l. W indicate- whip. S spurs. I, blinker-. Figure- in parciitl.e-e- following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ■rQ|*"iQ/| FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :05V5— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-e30"*I ~BT olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Hor-c- AWtlISt 4 _■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P S .V.i»«l STARKADBR w 5 HO I - 1 - Ill1 I W Kemay J J McCnfferty c 41 4 8-6 4-5 .ViOIX GEORGE W. 3 M0 i 1 8* :- Il 21 J Pit.; M Belfert 21 21 2| 1 1-3 B28B4* COOMBS v si i . i" i" 2* :: i- L Penman J s Dahlwin :; :; l l-i ."H07 PLANTAGENET w 9 112 7 7 0* ;;t :;•. 4- Eaaaea s Dumsn . ; g q i |.j 52822* MAJOR FISK a 1MB I • il I ■ ■ »• .1 Smith P A Dolin lo M M 4 1 r 2dS f*JAME8 «; w 7 105 :: :• j 1 8 B* 0** .1 Irarcis . do Batrarapea M M M M ■ .V 6." H GARBAGE w 0 IM it 7 7 7 7 A Picker* W E Scott i"- 1" 1" 1 1-1 Time, 24%, 48%, 1:02%, 1:08%. Track fast, si matuel* paid. Btarkader, Bf.00 straight, 84.30 place, B2.80 -how; George w B4-20 place, B2.80 •how; CuOmbl, .Kl show. Kqaivaieat booking odd- Btarkader, S8B t" 100 straight. 110 to hhi place, 49 |a MB ■how; Oeerga W.. 110 to KH1 place. 40 to MB show: Coomb-. .". to KM show . Winnei lilk. g. by LeVCtJC Mj Star, b] Artmath II itrauicd by M. Scales; bred by Mr-. I.. A. I. ingston I. Went t" "-i at 5:29. Al peal 1 minute, start g I and fast. Won handily; second and third driv- um. BTABKADEB took the h ad quiekly and it. tut wa- T t .- i n — al t h ml after drawing away when entering tin- rtretcb GEOBGE W lost grooad after rooosttag the far luni. but unbilled with i a belated rash. COOMBS ran ».n. Out tired la the last eighth. GABBAOE raa 1 rly. PLAXTAGENET | na running ant at the end. Beratched — 52824 Colon, 199. COaT-OPT SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlonss. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:06,,— 5— 102. Purw 00. 3-year-OoUOu olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. lades Hor-M-s AWtPFSt , _. sir in, Jockey* owners 0 n C P s 32662*81 REGET ara H M6 il 1* 1» 1* B LcaaterC Grand 8 8 7 21 8-fi i .■•»9*t 1 HON* ST GEORGE ivr S 1M ; 7 ; i; 6 .: v Median. Cnsosaaetter 16 IS 18 I 82661* DIXIE IT. Kit . ! MS I 5 .." .." - E1 8J .1 Smith C P Tanner 2 l J 4-5 .-■■ ■•»! !! M .ll-:s w r 116 7 1 7:- T - s 1 I. PenmanT Doyle I! i 4: R-5 i-5 .*. *!»»4 PENATR JAMKSv. i. 11 112 I I 3 Sl 2ft 8* J H nl.r V Plant :: :; 1 1-- :.l 103 whiti: HAVEN « ■"■ M2 l 8 8 7* 6 t Burns 1. " Sawyer .n 36 JO - i 52668 si:ri;i wn 4 113 •: J I 4 . W KelMj !:. Morro Stable Ills. 32826*TREADWELL and MS x . 2 -•■ ■ I I i Pruncls Williams Broa :." : • . I 1-2 Time. 24. 491... 1:02. 1:08V Track fast. mutn.l- paid. Ban1 get, 812.20 Kt might, 68.80 place, ,241 show: Hones George, 834.60 place. Nil .lii thaw; 1»i:. Flyer. 83.80 naow. Rqatvaleal ! khag add* Boreget. 510 !•• kmi *traigbt, 280 to MS place, M in 100 shew; Heaest George, 1115 to loo place. MM to 108 abow; Disk Flyer, 40 to loo Know. w iiiti- • ill. . by Vfoalstborpe Liif He, by MsedaO trained bj I.. Laaaay; bred by CoL Miltoa .liny I. Went to post n 8:60. At pool 1 111 i 1 1 1 1 1 • -. start good and alow. W.ti driving; Becoad aad third Ibe same. HI* BEGET M»1 a good pace aad laixhed gusaely, bnl tired aad JwU lasted long eaaogb t.. out-ntnj HOXEKT GEORGE. The tatter raced able all tin way, tint cloned • gap and Baiabed with a roah. DIXIE I l.vr.i: aaa aader rearraial !•• the stretch tarn aad Bnished fai«l aad clone op next lo Ibe inaide mil TBEADWELL Kbowed upeed aad aaa eased up in the I.:-: eighth. JAMES closed a biq gap in the -ii. i h SENATOR J AM EM raa well. Overweight* TreadaeU, l paaad. FT QdTiQIi THIRD RACE— 1-2 Mile. .Feb. 23. 1S19— 48— 2— 115. First Running CUBAN JUVE-OOVfOO NILE STAKES. S2.000 Ariiied. I jaar aMa. Claiming:. Net value to winner ,900; second. 00: third, 00. lades Rorsea AWtlISi , str Kin .Ioikcjs Owners O II C P S MSSSOPl l.l.XT a lis i 1 :•- ::- I .1 Doailck Williams Hies 1 I 3 1 I I ." -i!»:.-» PACIFIER 112 •". ■". I J1 : A Flck m E L PitzgeraM 1 81 3j Ct»»»sATHGARVEN v, lis T 4 l V C. Raxoea T Kodge 16 IS 16 ."• 2 5tt44HOL.D ME w lis l 3 * | 4 1 w Kebmy E Cabrlan 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-1 I 8 lSt*ftbEI,IAS O. a 121 ". 2 •"• " ••- ■"■ W Median E D Spriager E 5 6 J 1 58M8 »COSCORRON a lis ; i | i c Haarbea E Alvaoes S. 3 -■ M ■"■ Time. 24. M%, 48 equal* track record. Track fast. 83 aanlaeb paid. Oaaleat, 4.90 Kt might, si hi idace, si.: .ii si,.. ; Pactaer, -08 plan. .44 ibow; Athgarrea. .80 show. Baalraleal baokiag i Ida Opalent. B45 to 100 straight, 120 t.. mo dace, 11.". t» 1 k show; Paciaer, Iihi t.. Kki place, 7i i 100 abow; Athgarrea, i!«i t.« Iihi nbow. inner Ch. c, by Hltarion* I:.-, tinge, by Uaaary trai 1 by P. William-: bred bj Meaara. Wil liam Urn-., i. Wiin to poal at :.:ii.i. .t pool I siiaatea. start % 1 aad ab»w. Won drlvlag: aeitoad aad third 1 1 1 • - MBve. DPI LENT, rtoae ap froaa the start, Kaiabed faat and reaolatelx in a hard drive and woo drawing dear. PACIFIER began idowrjr and gained rapidly after entering the atretrii, bat a- in my at the ead. ATHUARVEN «e4 a ia-i pace, l.ut abai tried in the lasl eighth. HOLD ME was caagbl in a jam - alt-i tin- -tart, and Wax palled Bp. prO|Qr7 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. ,Jan. 24. 1917— 1 -.0 b— 5—102. Purse 00. 3-year-OOvfO 4 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. bales Horses AWtPPSI i . , sti Tin Jocbeya Owners 0 II C P 8 Ctt t5**BL ACK PRINCE a I H7 - r |1 !■ .J Francis K .1 Crawford 1 1 1 1-3 1-8 58»«5a,nRIG !" WAR wa H 101 : :; Lrl l"- -J!- -4 it LcaaterRosadale Stable 8-6 8-6 8-5 1-2 1-4 .ViMi.l DISCUSSION a " M8 I 1 8ak 4 4 31 T Burna Carvallo lin.s 1Q 10 M I 8-6 .".;!l!Mi MERRY FEAST wan 1 i! S 1 1- l» 1- l| .1 Dawooa J Coatello 2J 23 Ji 1 8-6 i.V!»:?fiKD GARRISON a 7 n • ! E ia» I, Penman W Feacbter 8 8 t 2J .-■;«!« REDLAND Wa 9 MS I ; • • S 6 .1 DomickC II.. Imea SO 88 M 10 6 Time, 23. 47. l:0t%, 1:0713. Track fast. iniiturl- paid. Mia.-k Prince, si. io straight, .8$ place, sl. mi show; Brig of War. .S0 plaee, .20 aboa : DiacuanloB, .30 show. K 1 1 1 i v .-. ! i -1 1 1 bookiag add* Black Prime, rjo to 100 straight, 40 m Iimi place, 4i t.» Uhi abow; Brig f War. ti.". to 100 i I !■• . •; » to UM abow; Diaeaiwion, 129 l" 100 show. Winn, r I.ik. c. by Tobj Boaere rbatbe* Brash, by Ben Brnxh trained by K. .1. Crawford; bred by Estate of Mr. Praaei* .1. rmi-i. Wini tn peal at 8:53. At post 2 aaiaates. start good and alow. Won dririag; Recoad and third the BLACK PRINCE, after beiag -avid t.. the la-i turn, caaw faat through the Btretcii and outRtayea BBI ; tiK WAB in the linal drive. The bitter ran s good ran, hut wa* tiring at the end. DISCI ssio.v iiiii-ln-.l gamely and ..i t-tav.-d MERRY FEAST for third place. MERRY l*EAST waa exhaaated m aet-tiiiK an naariri i arj great pace and an win when properly ridden. JT QAQQ FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :05» 5— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-ycar- j ijandXjandO olds and upward. Claiming. Net valve to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. In. I. Bassos AWtllSt a ■ % Sir Fill .I.Kk.y- Owners 0 II 0 P S 5ZS#3 ORLEANS tilRI. wn 4 10:: 1 . fj 2* la* la* R LcasterJ D Millin 21 ii 2j 1 2-5 ." 0»1X PEASANT W 7 Hi sj l| l1 8* -* - li-k ns 1, Coona 6-5 6-5 6"-6 2-5 1-5 TtiiVi LOTS w .". 113 i •; i: " I W i . laay B G Denny 8 8 I 8-6 . .-•i! !: - TWENTY SEVEN a 7 Mti 6 "- ¥*¥ 4| J Smith V KuuRhsmun 8] 81 8] 8-6 1-2 5tS*33*NOBL.EMAN we d 109 • 8 7| C3 •■ I Francbi C K I caiahan Y± VI 12 E H ; 5t902:EDDIK McBRlDEwan 5 110 7 .". Sl 3" "" W MeehanH Woods I I 4 8-5 4-6 4 1 145 SCOTCH KISS w 7 11" 1 4 S» 1«| V 71 C IMahyW W.stlan. J ! 64US4 ROYAT a a : 11-i 2 7 s I I I W HU:;heaA Tempest I M 2f 10 Time. 24. 48"3. 1:01. 1:07". Track fast. p.mtui-]- paid, orlean- Qfarl, si .4ii itralght, .80 plaee, .80 abow; Peasaat, S3.40 puce, S3. on vlu.w : Laya, .20 -Imw. Bqaivateal bookiag adds Orleans libi, 220 to kmi atraigbt, lo to loo place, 40 t" loo abaisr; Peaaaat, 70 t.. loo place, 90 ti loo abow; Leya, 100 t. 100 ibow, Winn.r Br. I", by -lark Atkin In-talhitur. by In-tallalnr tralaed hv .1. D. Millin; bred by Mr. Thaaaas Bbaw. Went t.. poal .-. 4 :o. At post 1 iniiiuti-. Start g 1 and slow. Won driving; wcond and third 1 1 1« - aasae. OKLEAN8 UIRL slipped throagh next to the laalde rail when entering the stretch and. raciag lata a -mall lead, held PEASANT safe in the -tret.h drive. PEASANT eet a faal pace, hut began t- tire win n the winner challenged. l.oVS run a gaaw race and mad. a faat lini-li . BDDfE McBRlDE polled 1 1 1 • buae gfter raciag prominently to the la-t eighth, trverweight* Royat, 1 poaad. evQA°Q SIXTH RACE— 1 MUe. Maich 23. 191£— 1.38V5— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OOUOu Claiming. Net value to winner 50: Lscor.d. 00: third. 0. Index Hnr-i- AWtllSt , % Str Fin Jockeys Oaraecs 0 II C P S :.■:!!.- *GEORGE C. JR. a 108 v 7 »1 6* 1"-■ : ;■■- !• WIb - n ; Btowr, Hi 8j 81 6-5 3-5 , »tS7tMISS HILARITY w MO 6 t 41 Il 3| 3s 2s 1. Penman J Cass 4 4 4 8-5 4-6 ."•i8!H VYINALL a i MM I 8 8* 8" l»* Sl 11 P.obsonC MiddbHon ::i -in 15 8 3 5tM4 * ROSEATE wn MS 4 .".7 7 7 H 4 J :mit a c Miehana 8 8 8 3 s-;, CMK*DISTCRBANCE w 108 7 8 6] 61 6" 7 if .1 Francia A U Woriey 2 21 Q 1 1-2 : EZ8 SS*KINGS BELLE wa Ml Z 3 V IJ Il 2* 6; i Lcaal rF A Horold 2 21 21 l 1-: 5tM4*VOORIN a 108 1 t Q 81 r - 6s . .1 Pits, J II Mood 8 8 8 . 1 i .-»»«"! PERHAPS wr M I 1 Lost rider. A McLhltnf Mcontaia Id 1- 12 •". J Time. 24%, 49. 1:1525. 141"3. Track fast. sj niutuils paid. Ojnosgie C, Jr., 2.20 straight, .10 place, -30 abow; Mis- Hilarity. .00 place, si. Tit abow; Winall. show. Bqairaleat bookiag odd* George ". Jr.. :,l» t.» loo straight, 155 to 100 plaee, 1 li." t.. 100 abow; Mi— Hilarity. 230 t. 100 place, 135 t" HMI -Imw: Winall. 8*5 t.. Iimi show. V inner — Ch. -. bj BeirUldoa Lady Batterty, bj McOee trained h I.. Brown; bred by Meaars. W »v I.. Garth. w.-nt t.. |M.-t :.t 1:45. At p . st 1 minate, start .....i aad slow. Won driving; aecood and third GEORGE C. JR. wa* oatran to the stretch torn, from whir:- lie closed up with a rush on the .-hi -■•. and wen in the last stride. .Miss HILARITY ran well, but tired after dixpoaing of WINALL The batter t ".k the had in ti. stretch, bai tired near the ead. ROSEATE closed n big gap in the lasl ■taarter. KINGS BELLE sel a I I pace t. the -tret.h. bat trail when chaBeaged. PERHAPS waa outrun to the lir-i torn, where he stumbled and L-t hi- rider.