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TO REVIVE CANADIAN HUNT CLUB TORONTO, i nt.. Pehraarj -" " ■ few weeks ■ i magtlmj of the Caaadiaa Hunts Asaociatioa will be I heirj in Toroato with a mow of reTiriafl that w saaigatioa. which ceaasa la actively cperate in ■ Iflo. it l- the intention to supervise and take rharge af all hnat races run at the differeat race track* dariag the casalag raciag seaaon. Everj rider iad boree will have to be properly qualified vith the asaociatioa. Uagh Blake i- asjaakseal ami j Hurt ,ii Hoihind scctatarj of the aaaociatioa, and , they will endeavor to have ail hunt eiaba in Canada* I ripiesented at the foriheoniiny BjeattB*;. I