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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. CAPTAIN BURNS, b. g, 10 109 By Rockton— Ravcna, by Clifford. Trainer, J. Simpson. Owner, J. Simpson. 53078 8b port linTiiy ZM hvy 8-5 m 15 2 1 1- !:1 1 McDott 5 Sitiiduria. CorydoB, Baaa* M. 63014 Sbnort 1 i-iti 2: =5hvy .- 110 12 2 3 5* 521 G Babin 7 Corydon, Tbaaderbird, Baadoria 62788 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:50"ihvy V 110 3 3 1 1 li 341 J McCoy 12 OMMeKaa, Taphaak, Rotabaal 62645 F.Gnda 11-16 1:41 fast M IM 2 11 2 2 2j .1 IfteCoy 8 Bengali, W.Tornbow, Arbitrator! 52469 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:46ttxaat G M7 2 3 2 2 3- 3» J McCoy R BaakODay, Tan II., Richelieu 52878 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1 :47%f aat 10 M7 5 2 1 1 l1 2» J McCoy . B Mal .Li«l,t Wine. Or. Rae 62159 JeT son 1 1-18 l:4S-5fast 15 112 0 5 5 6 ll6 11=1 G Stone 13 Sentimental. HkODay, CoLLII 5M81 JeTaoa 1 1-16 lrttfthry 3 ins 3 2 2 5 8 •*• R King I Nebraska. N. K. Real. Neeaaa COCKROACH, br. g, 5 114 By Magneto — Lady Levity, by Gold Spinner. Trainer, J. Partridge. Owner, B. Howard. 55077 Shporl 7-S l:36«ihvy 7-5 113 4 11 1 1« I1" I. Aron 7 Philippic. . K. Real, Prbaea 53*50 Sh port 5 f 1:17 hvy 12 lor, :: :: :: :;-■ :;• f Rrickan B Mlck.Xoare, I*. Pallet, Boporer 62379 F.Gnda 1 1-16 1:4S.,fast 20 M7 5 7 10 M »,fM" J J MTieyll Corson, Nominee. Lad 52345 P.Gnda ImTty 1:45 fast I 184 2 2 I 4 7* 7-» J Roberta 8 H.ODay, Sam. Kelly, 1/tWine 52139 Jef r,n 1 3 16 2:62%faat I 111 0 4 4 2 4nt 73 J J Mn-y12 Baaetacalar Girl Tups, Aztec 52873 Jofson Un70y i:5.i-hvy 10 188 7 2 0 5 61 5*1 J J Mney • K-Neptaae, Hiyhld. Miss Nell K1PM JeTaoa 11-16 1:58 fast I M4 • S 4 I 2J 23 J J Mney s Capt. Baraa, PegayC, Mab E1738 Jofson l l-io l :5::45hvy 12 MI 3 11 7 s 81- J Roberta 8 Toga, Baato, n. c Basch COUNTERBALANCE, b. g. 5 110 By Dick Welles — Compen«ate, by Oomjmte Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, W. 0, Btoner, 53065 Shporl Im7*y 2: "7 hvy 4 ii; l i l i l| !l A Collins r, Thaaderbhd, H.Saiarr, Willigan , 53*99 Sb port 7-8 1:44 .-.hvy 7 108 I . I I o 6 : a Coliina B Hpearleae, Dr.Campbell, T.ltoae 52748 P.Gnda 1 1-8 1 :59".-.hvy 10 112 2 3 4 6 7 «J«3 M Garn.-r 19 crest Hoy, Kebraaka, NearelW. 12844 P.Gnda 1 1-8 1 ::•;;■ .-,! st 5 112 14 4 6 7= 7»i M Garner s Pit. Aztec. Lad 52S72 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1:47--Jfast 12 MS 4 0 7 7 7J Ci A Collins lo Coraaa, Colonel Lit, Iwinivrin £2502 11-16 1:48 fast 7 113 1 I I 5 S» 5Hi M G;:r;i-r 8 Iwiaia in, Baady Mac, Iodine 51342 Cburchl 1 1-4 2:08%fast 9 110 0 2 3 4 V IS M Garner il Fran!; K., Warlike, Keep 81338 Latonia 1 1-4 2:f S slow 16 112 0 7 8 8 83 8s A CollbM lo Bbaraaite, Warlike, Sea Prince 61004 Latonia 1 1 I 2:"0Vifast 9 110 1 4 7 7 7" 7 H Lunsfd B Wad.sljist. DhiahlL, Warllk. , KOH-I-NOOR. blk. m, 7 107 By Dr. Leggo — Priceless Jewel, by Plaudit. Trainer, R. Venters. Owner, H. J. King. 52979 Shrevept Im7*y2:*4%hvy ll-r. imj £ .; I 1 5- 5s I. McDott 8 B/.Tarabow, Bpeariene, Sand aria 1 52BM P.Oada I 1-4 2:68 Cast 15 Ml I l 4 1 51 l" 1 1 Mney iu Yapaaak. Berlin, Uraadee 52748 F.Onda 1 L-8 l:6»%hvy 12 M6 7 1 5 !i M-1B**P W*daf del* Greal Boy, Nebraska, NewelW. D2C95 P.Gnda l 1-8 l:54%taat 20 HJ3 1111 3" 4:;i J McCoy 6 Uraadee, Pit. Bombast 24! l F.Onda 1 1-16 1:47-. 5 104 2 2 2 3 6. V S J Mt.ey 8 Scour-reman. Blaise, Wneconne 52398 P.Gnda 1 1-16 i:is--,iast io 1*3 4 2 2 3 1| l»U J Mney .» Walk Dp, Blaebaaaock, Aarum 12369 P.Oada laaTay 1:68 last iu MS M 12 11 10 9i 8" J J M*aeyl4 Salate, Wild Wearer, Lor. Moa* 1 SPEARLENE, b. g. 6 110 By Spearmint — mare by Cyliens — Thimbla. Trniner, C. Phillips. Owner, M. J. Kramer. 530C4 Shport 51 f 1:17 hvy II 114 l 5 5 61 6*1 A Ricbcrk 6 Rarkfiay. Doo.Boma, TleerRose • 53009 Shport 7-8 l:44Hbvy 1-2 108 3 11 2 2- 1"" a Ricbcrk I Dr.CaaaabeU. T.Bose, Versailles I I 52979 Shrevept lm7* -2«tM%hvy 6 MS ill 1 1 2* A Ricbcrk 8 Walt.Tarabow, Bpeariene, Boxer r 62767 P.Gnda 1 1-K l:5l.-,hvy S 1 Hi E 5 I S 6 7H J Roberta 14 Verity, Iron Boy, Corjdou S3645 P.O ada 11-161:41 fast I 110 10 6 5 5- 56i, J Roberts 8 Bengali. C.Bnras, Wal.Tmnbow t 5222:: P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:5:;u,mud 5 112 7 6 0 6 9? 12-1 A Richcrk14 HabahlL, B.C.Bch, IPbanuock i 51891 Jefson 1 1-10 1 :51--hvy 8 113 2 4 5 4 42 4 J J Rods--/. 8 Nebraska, N. K. Peal, Neenab 51727 Jefson 1 1-8 8.-88 hvy 4 IU 1 2 2 1 li Is A Ricbcrk 7 Harvey Smarr, Warlike. Sasiu SUSAN M., b. m. 5 105 By Ogden — Cueen Marguerite, by Henry of Navarre Trainer, D, McDermid. Owner, D, McDermid. 33071 Shporl lm7*y 2M hvy I] MS 5 8 5 1 1" I! L Aron ." Cap;. Barns, Baadaria, Corydon 53033 8h port lm7*y 2e%hvy W 1*4 0 4 4 3 f li L Aron K Corydon, II. Stnarr, Alma B. :.s.-v.i Shport lm"0y 2:»**jhvy t 102 7 7 s I ■ 7T J McCoy s W.Tarabow, Bpeariene. Bandaria 52838 P.Gnda 1 i-4 2:07 fast 10 Ml 7 Lost rider. L McTJrottlS Capital City. Baata, Lattery ! 52839 P.Gnda lm7*y l:! n 1o7 o 5 4 4 3- 3» J Roberts 8 Indine. Baaaaaa, Tliundetbird £2592 F.Gnda 1 1-4 28 fast U 164 34 4 41 4- J McCoy 9 KichardV.. .City. W.Tnrnbow 62255 P.Gnda 11-10 1:51 hvy 8 95,6 « C 6 51 410 T Jarvis 8 George Duncan. I.etsr. Serbian 62073 Jefson ImTty 1:50:-hvy 4 1041 5 3 3 7 3 4?i J Roberts B K. Neptune, Bishld, Miss Nell 618S9 Jefson 11:12 fast 6 Ml 9 8 8 8 7s 6" J J BTneylt Lt. Perkins, SdyMac, LadyWard , 3 SOLID ROCK. b. g, 8 112 By Trap Bock— Amaranth, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. F. Farrar. Owner, W. Bmith. :-. v,:t F.Gnda 1 1-4 2-68 fast 12 Ml 2 6 C 1 2] P L Aron 12 Koa l-aoor, rapbaak, Berlia 52695 F.Gnda 1 1-8 1 S i lo I i i 5 5* 5 ■■• L Aron R Grandee, Pit. Boaabasl 52542 P.Gnda 1 1-4 2:07%tast 31 109 I i 0 I . 41 L Aron 7 Lad, Baady Mac, Capital City 52419 P.Gnda 1 1-4 2:0C!f,fast 4 ME 9 6 5 8 S . 6«?. L Aron 18 Nominee. Lad. Pit 52346 P.Gnda 1 1-4 2.-*74ifaat I 1*3 2 4 3 1 Ill* L Aron loon BiCB, Warlike, Austral 521M F.Gnda 1 I78 l:64%faat M M6 M 9M I 61 5*J L Aron 10 Austral. Scoui-yemeti. Cap. City