Kentucky Derby Nominations: One Hundred and Eight High-Class Three-Year-Olds Entered in the Famous Race, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-27


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KENTUCKY DERB Y NOMINA TIONS ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT HIGH-CLASS THREE-YEAR-OLDS ENTERED IN THE FAMOUS RACE Here are the entries in the Kentucky Derby of 1121. They are 108 in number. Last ■pet* there were 107 nominations to the Derby. One might have thought that increasing the i ■Hkled money front ,!0.000 to 150, 000 would have brought a much greater increase, of entries. j ut it is. quite probable the expeetatiens of the Kentucky Jockey Club have been realized. The underlying motive of the increase in value was not to fish for more entries, but to so ■ fortify and confirm the status of the Kentucky Derby that there could be no questioning its ! ;• virion as the most important and ,iesirable spring race of each recurring year. Had the I increase been made a year earlier it would have practically compelled the nomination of Man I , War to the big race. This year its hue has been sufficient to bring the entry of every two-I ;.ear-old of last year which in any way distinguished itself in racing. That is practically all ■ iliat eoukl be desired in such a case. That, and the further element that the winter, now waring a close, has been of such mildness that thrre will be no excuse for backwardness in 1 training, portend*, a great race next May 7. The entries, together with their pedigrees and names of their owners and racing performances to date, follow : owners. Hones. Pol. Bex. Pedigree. Bts.lst.Sdd.Uap.Woa. I I Adam. N Geaeral .1. M. tiomez b. e. Hossi;:n Expressing, by Btar Shoot 11 I a 4 I I .i.lOil ! Arnold. B. • Bro. Batch.... b. ;:. Peep oDay Victoria .31., by Hold Spinner. ".! :; i l ! i.Hin Maker and Moor.- ..Imle Velo . . h. f. Ineli Vi loeity. by Henry of .Navarre. ... 1 1 :: 1 3 •"• : . I".0 ltell. .1. W l.en Ball eli. r. Imle Natalie | .. by Ben BtrOBM o 1 0 J l» sMI I Blackford. :. L. . . Featimeter ...l . e. Meelick -Regea, by Margrave lo 5 1 • l I4.3aaj Bradley, I*. R. ..Brawa Cheek br. g Black T j Beaaaet, by st. Avoaicas... i; •_* A it 1 2,415 Bradley, E. B. ..Behave Your. b. e. Marathon Miss Kinglets, bj Haadkall.... 7 :t o 1 A iT.iT." Bradley, i: B. . . Servant br. c. Buck Toney Padala, by Laveao 7 •_■ 1 1 :i a.7..n Bradley, i: B. ..Bio. Unhides eb. -. Imutrd Macaroon, by Marco s s 1 l i a ,2M Bradley, E. R. . . BalaneeWhcel b. •. Bea Brash Whisk Braaaa, by Ceaarioa. . . .1* 1117 1.023 Bradley, E. B. .nit of White b. f. Bnjnstar Dreamy II.. by Persima J U 8 • n 7.B13 Bradley, B. It. ..Belve I. Hour eh. f. Inaanl liave-aat, bj Voter lit I 2 • t 17.101 Brannon, B. .1 . . . / lonel Baker b, o. I-rusli flea Kan I iuss, by Orlando. ... in i o 2 I •."YjJ Brannon, I.. -I . . . . Nhrht Wat. i br . Hen" RiTlsii Sw",h.:;M Su, . by Pet. Quinee Did not race. Batter, .1 Baal View p. Vbhles tlnat, by Voter 10 n ° o s RB raindeii. .1. S... .Rangoon br. g. Mgltl Brigade Lardclla, by Lackford ll l i 2 t 15,783 1 Caiman. It. P. . . . JCaajatre I *. e. I t.v lieriilliiii Darvma. I y Solitaire II Did not race. Cis -o. W. F Vlxiu. T. 11. n h. r. Brummel Mexilow, by Mexhaa 11 L l •» i L.c.iO tlark. . W Palled Verde l . e lodden Maxim Vankee Tree, by Vankee.. .. 2 n 1 l- 7. sit, lark. C. V White Star ■ Me,.e Swe.-t liiatlotle. b IngoMsby . . . .21 ■"• i :t .I 0.482 Clark. P. A Nancy Lea f. Broomstick Naughty Lady, by Esher 11 :i I i 2 14,4*5 Paehran. C A . . . . Smoke Screen l«. c. His Majestj Veil, by Disguise U i 1 1 I 5.546 Cochran. 6. A... Si. Michael eh. ,. His Majesty Mary Odilc, by star Shoot. .17 -i A ■ 8 1.381 Cochran, . ....RaakaM eh. f. His Majesty Early Rose, by Btar si r..1U -2 :t u 7 :t.iis os.len. .1. S Fatinus Ii. e. Al Block Itavena. by Clifford lo :! ll o 7 3.H87 Dahaken, F rNdytata eb. f. Polyatcllaa Pyathia, hy Caaard 22 « « I •; 10.170] Dattner, M Bongs Buck eh. ,. Vnlraln Mary Orr. hy Orimar Ls : 4 8 18 3.248 1 Dewey, R. H Bir Thoa. Keaa b. e. tolden Maxim Raiaa, by Dr. Rice M 1 : 7 B 8.488 Peraaadaa, A. I... Aiken h. r. Ietcr Fan Easy Street, by John oOaaat. 1 inn n S Plsher. II. Muskallonge ,cb, -. Meelick Oaj and restive, hy Knight of ihe Thistle 15 7 ri :t •_ 7,723 Fletcher. M. B. ..Secret Oreet. b. r. Lake UcLake Xahra, by Maxagaa Itiil not race. tioldblatt. M. ...F.ilh p. Ifaou Mary Le Baa, hy St. Savin 18 1 1 •! s,.-,.;n lioodhe. M. ....Crack oDawn «!i. . I he Manager si, ink 11.. hy .lean Bereaad.18 1111 1,488 cordon. A. H rantoek* eh. e. Pita Herbert Preaaay, hy Meddler 18 ■"« :! n In 1,415 Uorey, A. .1 Ixta Wbirig ...i . g. Mara tin. n rest;, Blanea. hy Traasvaal...l8 8 1 :. 7 828 i.i.intree Stable. Touch Me Not eh. .-. Celt Daletj Dame, hy Handspring 7 1111 7,875 Griffith. .1. E....Jeg ch. r. Zeus Kyola, hy Mexican 12 2 a 2 ". 8.388 1 Ilaclimcister. .I...M.i; Iwin . . .hr. c. Fast Coin or Colin Fairy Story, by Voter. ! 2 2 1 I L8BB Harned Bros Foyae hr. e. IHck Klnuell Alice P-aird. bj Woolstberpe.18 :t l n a asm Hawkins. .1 Firebrand •. Mctiee Bnbdae. hy star Baby 8 8 1 1 I 888 I Headier. II. P. ..Planet btk. r. /-ens Black silk, hy Ornaiinnr 1i i 8 1 !i 1,823 Headley. II P...Komaaec b. f. Lake McLnke Tranid. by Voter s 2 8 n i; 2,080 Ilerold. I". A Iluoiiec hr. c. JIuoii Anrcdote. hy Tom Ochiltree Id 2 2 1 13 IMLJ Hewitt, II. II Idvaeate eh. «•. ilaUol Inspiration, hy Ayrshire u l ii 1 1 inn Hewitt. II. II . . . siipalom: ■. RaUol llaaaaaa. hy Iaaard •; n l 2 :s MO I Ilifsch. M Flyiag Ch ml ..h. c. Wrack Robinetta. bj Fair Flay 1 n n 8 1 Hirach, M loe Chaate, e. Aratcath ll. -Harmaalia II.. hy Or*l Tarn. 2 8 8 8 2 .lones. m I s. Reardoa ,h. c. Onaondale Aatclla, hy Itaaades l7 .i :; I ll 11,345 1 Keith ,- llak ll Rich! Sir hr. c. Vulcain Topsy Belle, hy Knigbl Errant.. 18 1 _ 1 ll 1.488 Kelhy. F. .1 Cuvnor ch. c. Superman Verdict, by Tyrant 14 2 a a i; 3,708 Kelley. F. .1 Uaagway h. c. Lake McLuke Little Oasis, hy Belvidere.24 1 t 7 U 2.3*8 Kilmer. W. S. ..our Plag eh. r. Pock n the Walk lriv. 11a:-. by HambargU I _• 1 8 S.7J1 Kilmer, W. B.. . . tltmhmge • Lltimus Midge, h. Treatoa Hid not race. Kilmer. W. B.... Magic BUeacc ch. c. Magic II. Mum. by Freemason | n o 8 1 ...J Lehan, 1» Castlercagh ,.ch. c. The Cnrragfa — Silicte, hy Rocktaa I 8 2 • 2 ion liOft. c. W llalu .h. c. King .Linn s Adihn. tie. hy Melton 18 5 8 1 7 3,838 Mel.ean. F. B. . . -lisagh Storm... b. f. Lough Poyle Storm Nymph, hy Merman.. In t J 2 2 5.888 Marino. .1 Trust Off •. Meelick Priaeesa Industry, hy Paraadatr.. N 2 8 0 »: l.TtMt Moore c. M ihas. Henry.. ch. c. Jack Atkin Prudential Girl, hy Kin. Mack J 1 8 8 1 !»nn Nash. .. F Beaalagtoa •. Fair Flay Roxaae, bj Perblaae 1 8 8 1 8 188 Nicleds. s. K ladge 1ry. r hi. c Vulcain Frances M.. by PiligTaae •"■ 11 J 8 :? lna OBrien T. W. . . Flurihus ph. c. Plnvions Sylvita. by Blectioaeer 21 c. it n i; 14,881 Onondaga stable. .Laeky Fine c. Black Fine Birtbstoae. by Lacky Pharm. Did not race. ownhey. j. s . . . . Uot.ieratioii ...h. p. Helmet Bed of Beata, by Caaard I". 8 3 I •; 1.823 Porta, o. It Wiu or Quit. h. .-. McUee stolen Moments, by Kingston 7 n n l 5 128 Qaiacy Stable. ... Sunny .lim ...l . c. 1riar Rock Lacy M.. by Hamharg Mill not race. Qaiacy Btajilr rTnnbbif b. p. Wrack --odd. by Goldea Garter is a 2 I 7 13,428 Qaiacy stable. . . . Playfellow ....l . c. Fan- Fl.i. Mahnbah. by Hock Baad ■ a i I sun Rancoca* Btable lachcape ch. ,. Friar Rock Roaa of Gobi, by Fop Gallaal ii l 8 8 8 8,881 Stable .Grey Lag e. Star Shoot Miss Minnie, by Meddler ...18 4 .". 1 2 17 "0" lJoss. .1. k. I Vjoin eh. e. AlepiK, Polite Hill IF. by Polymeia* In 2 B 1 2 8.858 1 U.iss .1. k. L. ...Baby Graad...b. «. llraaite Babe, bj McGee s ];. ,; i _,,, lss lls- .1. K. L. ...Registrar ... .h. •. Friar Rack Btar of Danube, bj star shoot a 8 8 1 2 238 Fuss. .1. K. I Star Voier ,-. Fallot Slin., Night, b Star Shoot In A -J -J A 18.452 Foss. ,|. K. L. . . . Ilannoiiiipe .ch. c. Sat dan ipa 1 • Melody, by Meddler !l 1 18 7 888 Kess. .1. K. L.... Oriole hr. ■. Ass.ij;:ii Hawkaora, l . Hawkswick 13 5 ." 4 1 8,881 1! -s .i. k. I Pampaa eh. r. Short Grass -Ellaagowaa. by De Beanvoir. linn 8 773 Uoss. .IK. I BaUlag F h. c. Trap Bock Feccadillo. b] Haatiaga s A 2 8 A 1,187 Boas, .1. K. I. ...Sin Turret c. Baastar Marian Hood, by Martagoa J 8 8 1 1 288| Rosa, .1. K. I Bastille eh. c. Voter OparesshMs, by St. Serf 7 1111 1.488 Rosacter, I. H...Moatalvo b. c. Friar Keck Patberiae Carsoa, b It fltrsmr 1 1 n n 1 1,888 Roaseter, -1. H...M*cht Mriae br. c Iriar Rock Dorothy Gray, b] Hamharg.. 4 3 12 1 inn1 Redsti HtaMe..Sprtiag Blood b. e. Fair Play — felicity, bj Rack Band lo 4 A -j i; »i.254 1 st. John. F Film Arbor. c. Rawman Poate Bosa. by Bridge of Canny it n n •_• 7 i;n; Salm.n W. .1 . Fuhien ph. e. Pater Quince Belle of Aahlaad. by Oraaml 2 8 8 2 8 831 Sain... n 87. J . . . .Careful hr. f. Wrack Mindful, bj star si 1 17 ll 1 n l S4 383 Salmon. W. .1 ..step Lightly. ch. f. lltimus Tripping, bj Delhi 1L 4 1 - :, H 471 Schwartz. M. .. »x A. C Cue Free .. ..b. e. i "..l in Domino Noire, by Kiagstoa in 8 2 11 7nn Brbwarta. M I- ft. A. Cote dOr. e lien., A lie dOr, bj apt. Uncock .... :. 8 8 1 I 188 j Springer. I IF. .Normal b. e. lliudit Ihe Narse, by Yankee 12 a 1 11 |.7s7 Swift, d. 1: Muasaoa b. r r.i 1 Qaiace Mattie C, bj Oal of itea.hFj a -j 1 1; .",.!»7:, Tarrel. o Raa pad ch. .-. Raaaymede Paaiajaoi, bj star Shoot ....13 i :; 2 1; lia35 Wanl. .1. S Red Fees .-. icock View Starcadia. by Star Shoot . . .il A A 8 13 3.713 Walerhury. I ...Idle Dell f Delhi Idle Talc, bj Superman 11 .", u 2 2 12,311 Wnterburi. I licer b. c. ihe Carragh Tiiiicc. bj Fen Braah Did not race Waterbury. I. illiro ch. P. hero Orillia. by I.oeliryan 5 8 8 8 5 Wid-ncr. .1 E. . . . Iveraiaa 1 . e. Llaagibby Plear dOrange, by William the Third ." 4 1 8 1 J 1.188 1 Whitney. H. P...Exodas eh. •. Peter Fan Pirsl Flight, by Thrush in 5 1 n 1 s7ts Whitney, ll P... Dartmoor p. Whisk Broom II.— Paakharst, bj Voter . :: I 8 1 1 1.338 Whitney. H. P . . . Brooaaapan ,...b •. J.t mstick — Spaa Glaaa, hy Rock Baad .11 1 1 lp 4 4,888 Whitney, 11. P...Try*ter ..ilk c. Pater Fan- Tryst, by st Aaaaal 1; ; n n 0 18,823 Whitney, H. P... Ararat br r Rpaamstick DaveJet, bj Peter Fan 2 18 1 8 1,838 Whitney, 11. P. ..Prmttij b. f Paler Paa Pollj Pliaders, by Brgemaster N :, 2 0 1 L*ci;." t Whitney, ll. P...Craeaa b. f. Br istick iaaagaraL by Voter .". :: 8 u 2 a. Din Xalapa Faun 1 1 aaarda II.. .br. 1 Swc.p Ethel Face by Tronbadoar 1 4 0 ll 8 Xakapa Farm ....Boa Homme. . .b. c. Bweep Sue Smith, by Masctto 1 a 1 11 11 a. 157 Xalapa Parm . . . . Mul.ih.r ....btk. c. Valeala Taptala, by The Commoner s a 2 1 2 ~.m7, Xalapa Farm Despair l . c McGee Mary Davis, hf Watercrees in Alio a,i m

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Local Identifier: drf1921022701_1_6
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