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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Kacitie Marti at 5:18 p m. Chicago time 1:82. and Superior mud runner. X Guod muil runner. ?; Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice ■ t Blinkers. First Race— 3-4 Mile. *l-.vear-..Uts :nui upward. «.l:iitn iugr. Track record: .Ian. 8 Ml -1:11 8 -MB I Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 5M 71 "Holier a Bieena .107 111. I 10d TMt :.3nTn "Will Johnson Ml 4 108. .MS 380*8 hlanau t; 118 1:18% T UOxW 33887 *hJsaeea IIS 1:14% 7 110X680 9MH Onwa 10S 1 l.", T UtXM 53 71 *Biarat iM| 107 1:M li KKI..IIS.-, rf3u88 "Mtoyat no 1:14% 8 Ktr. . 685 7,-Mrn; Uri-i.ljt ]f los 1:20% :, 1us MS Second Race — 3-4 Mile. .year olds ;n»d upward. Claiming. track !••«■• nl: .Ian. 8, ||J I II tl 148. 482andS Major Dmm 110 1:11% 5 1184:729 0-JSSl:i»bVar Tax 1W l:lwl 5 108X720 *k]0n8*akf,lyiag Fran M» 1:18% 4 104.. 715 3S3S29 UU| Idea 101 1:11 4 109X713 :,:v ""Twenty Seven ...los 1:13% 7 108:3:710 32818 Dragoon los 1:12% K 118. .710 :.jss: Hush W 1:11 1110.70:. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 8-J mr-tldt, Claiming, Track record: .Ian. V 1824— 1:11 8 102. i.". .-i •JULIEANNE 103 1:14% 101x725 5001 "Aunt Deda 101 1:11 100X715 :.2777 Creek 108 1:14% 110. .71.". 32804 ♦Mav.-liiina 971:18% 110X713 38fll5*bHarp of the North M. .710 52848 *Tuaaores 1M1 ....11." 1:18% 100X703 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Truck record: Jan. 8, 1820 1:11 iv 102. 53003 MoUnere 1M1 ....108 1:18% 3 88.. 725 580081 Lytic Ml lis 1:18% 3 88. .720 B88M "Felix M 1M1 38 1:14% I 80.. 718 : 3t7Sr Stiletto .... V ..108 1:18% B10SX715 53088 bNohiemaa 113 1 12% I U2X71K , 52848 Helen Lucas Mi. 88 1:13% :! 88x710 1 :.:ioso ""Poke ii. i.mi 112 1:14% 3 105. .703 I 50402 Cockle 1M1 111 1:17% 8 i u..7ou 1 Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. First Running- Rotary Club Handicap. ,000 l Added. B-year-oldu and upward. Track n rd: laa. 24, 1317 i:o:.:. r. 102. 1 132228 I.Ain.ri. an Ace .... 30 1:08k 5 1120730 , 5233.*: Mint tbe Wa.v 124 1 05% 8 103 .15 1 .-.•■■•;» Different Eyes ...30 1-00% 5 111X745 , 33082 tMuiiibo Jumbo ....113 1-07 • 114"»Je740 52883 hBirneco 112 1:08% 8 108.. 740 , 58008s +0-1: I 103 1-00% .". 1000735 . 528*3 bTacola .....112 1-05% ». lot; • r33 i . 53082 l Belle of RUzabetk Iowa lo:f 1 -03% ". 115X733 i 58887 bRedland 108 1:08 .1 88*3725 1 ! -;T. Doyle entry . Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. ■ 1 . ir-nl.K ami upward, la lining. Track record: liarck 6, 1813 1:41 5 117 1 . 53fl00*bFc«ter Emory ....10711:42% 5100X723 M 5S0H0-1 •Bill Html, v 102 1:43% 8 108X720 . .-.::iis: /..„.■ 102 1:48% :. 30. .713 58000 •Pan da Chance 105 1:48% 7 1030715 , 38084 Hocair 108 1:42% 10 1080715 :..1hhi Huntress 108 1:48% 10 110X710 .-.-•us:; •grlraiM 108 1:45% 5M8X710 52331 Mlip 108 1:44% 3 108X705 -, :,:os;; hTimothj .1. B-agau.lOl 1:43%" 8 108*700 1 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 miles. 4-yesr-OSaS and upward. Claiming. Track record: Pen. :i. 101s 1:48% 3 82. 528831 "Harkr-ck 107 1:40% 8 1084:725 J 132880 •Lackawanna 1 N 1:4-% 51084:720 33020 bRunnyven 10811:32% I 108. .715 - 33071 hArtuistice 110 1:38 4 MO.. 715 - 529H.V •Kxborter 110 1:43% 7 102X710, Redetart 115 1:40% 8 110x700 ,