Shreveport Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-27


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SHREVEPORT FORM CHART SHREVEPOST. LA.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1S21. -Siv.-iitli day. ghrereport Jockey Clab Winter Mcetiag of 13 days. Weather clear; temperature 70 . Presidlne Jiirtjte. Joseph a. Murphy. Starter. James Osborne. Racing Secretary J. M. Campbell. Radag starts at -:M p. in. Chlca£o time l:30 p. in.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. CTOkOff FIRST RACE— « 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. OuVOtJ Net value 10 winner 50; second. S100; third. 0. "Tmiex Horses" A Vt IM St i jTtFl iii~ .lm -keys Owners i II T 1 S~ MO«JJ* MADRAS OINGM m 5l58 1 1 21 V li r I. Aron .! Reiser ■ ;*-, .- hB5 .olOi."-Fl...N"l. KSTKIl w 1 li:. E ii l- ?, ::- . 11 Brtcka*aR yVarfield 2 U :. 8-6 1-2 r 30 1» PETROGRAD w 7 11". J :; 1- 1! :" :!-" .1 ShelpetsRmcr * Hrunr.MlO 1.". U ." .: .-3 7:v DAX.WOOD Wa S 113 n l s VIH 4- A Collins p. lien n Stable :: • 4 I 1 -■.:;»«;•• cAIAXIA w 4 llo ! J ::■ 4 41 S] G Sta.-U J 1. Cruber . U I 1-101-3 .- .tti75 Miss STERLING w i; ll i :; :. :. Bl J «1 •■ ; P Mnntby I-: L.utz M Bf M !" ■" 5-.m;»i LIBERATOR a IDt ; 8 u" 71 7" 7; • T Buckles H J King s a i" -i ■+ BtlS4 CHESTERFIEIJJ w G 113 7 7 7 | s S i R Mejer M. Colly ft Sons 28 38 ::0 1" ."• Time, 2430. 52. 1:06. 1:13. Track heavy. Winner M. m. by Delhi Binchani. by Dotnino trained by J. Hsaorer; bred by Woodcliffe Went t. pest at 2:30. At post 1 minute. St.nt gOo4 and alow. Won handily; second and third dri l IS. MADRAS GINGHAM raced int.. the lead after barlas saved much groand oa tin- last turn ami held FINANCIAL ROOSTER s-,f,. j,, tin- Baal drive. The latter came from far back in tin- list .|uart.r and was in tie- BrsaeSt goinc UiroachDat. PETROGRAD set the pace to the stretch and tired. CATANIA appeared sore when to the post and retired after beins prosaineat for three eicbths. DALWOOD wma tai back to the stretch and Dnisbed well. Scratched— ."i.3001-Orient::! lln... 110: ."..;.»77 lean Ip. 11.".; :,:W7, RsllyglhCB, ."j; 0305J J. t. Hertz. 108. Afift SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. tlOVOO Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index ~ilo;-ses""" AWt PlSt : :. :;"i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 5:t.-, -CIUST ITI.I.KT w 5 I h; l .; r l 1 P K Smitii C K Daly I 6 S K-S 7-18 .-.3151 LITTLE MAUDIE wb 5 US 7 1 V 2 :; t* A RtahcrkJ Arthur 7-5 8-* S-2 1-2 1-t SkBSSlLADT .MII.IHIKD v. s s 110 t 2 I»5 8? •- 3r II BrichsnW F Stranaa s 7 i 1 :.3 m i DcxxA ROMA w i mi i; t i;- 4- ::- i- [, MciyottWaldcch stab! :■:. s] " t: :, i-. BSsMM VANBVLVIA wa S 118 2 i 4] :;■ Z- ."• ; P.abin p Iteut. r :] 5 I: 7-.".:;.". Ht9t% BETHY a " im .".7 7 7 7 P 1. Aron hi l.ob 189 188 88 28 18 3t*85*GALVAY WBand108 3 S .", P 6= 7 Ii HolivayJ .1 Wageoner 30 M M 10 :. Time. 24, 513it 1*6%. 1:122.-,. Track heavy. W inn. r B. in. lv Cock o" the Walk — Kerr, by Uncoinin..ii trained bj P. Miiliy; bred by Mr Richard T WHs**. W.-nl to post at J:._C. At post 1 niinnte. St.-ut good anil slow. W..n easily: second and third driving FIMST PULLET showed tie- most speed from tin- start .nui Id for the entire race, but, bad to be ridden hard lee a time near the end lo outstay LITTLE MAtlMF. The latter raced in the l«-st part of the track, but lost much rroand sa the turns, then ftnislied raasely. LADY MILDRED was Bainias ■ •■ the end. IKINNA ROMA tired badly in the la»t i|idii ter. YANSYI. IA was always outrun. BT QACI7 THIRD RACE— 1 Mileand 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. •__«[» VfO i Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. S50. Index ITius-es A%VtIlSt i~]a n4 Str Fin Jockeys Owaers O 11 , 1 S~ 5i6«5 I.KK HILL SliSlK 4 1 1- l»J i* 1«J-1* G Babilt l-ariiuin ft Fizer 7-5 8-611-188-5 oat "3«»l-" RAIDER we. 7 im III I 4 4 :M I. McT»UH Oils 1" :; 1 ".:.::-.", out .- 301»-c.i:a.D1;k wK I KB 2 1 2*2 2*1 8J ■ O VVeodel 10 1 Ii i out Ct»77* •WARSAW wa 7 MB 1 3 :: :; ::".:; 4 I. Aron i A Broaddna s-.". " :: 1-2 out Time, 27 6- 54. 1:22. 1:50. 1:5G=5. Track heavy. Winner Fr. ;;. l.v PowUac-piece- Pitch Park, bj Tcrporley itr.iined by II. Raadolph; bred in Bac- . laud by Mr. 1C. KalKlieshl. Went !• p. .st at 3:17 At pes 1 minute. Start food atul slow. W..11 easily: s, cud and third driving. DARK HILL set a good pace and was guided all over the track to keep in the good Koin;. and drew away in the stretch to win in :i canter. RAIDER was far back t ■ tin- stretch, then moved up with a rash. GRANDEE tired bully in the las; ebrhth frost being in bad gains;. WAUsaW salt badly. C£0/00 TOURTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs."-Youree Hotel Handican." Purs* 00. 3-year-olds and tJandXJandO upward. Net value to winner 00: second. 30; third, 0. liuiex 11. use- AWtlISI t J- :t Str Fin Jockeys Owii-rs O II C P S ~ 52834 TAP l mew ril wi: f. 117 1 l » ij 1= l- J RodkezG Drahohiller 3 3 2 7-10out BMtl*PANAMAN w c io.- 4 :: i- 2J ": 2- c. stack i A loss 3] 6 .• 7-:. ::-■. | ,"»-»K34 RAPID DAY wB 5 IM "- I J1 3 3* 8s 14 A Collins It O Stoner 1 8-5 7-5 1-2 out •MCDABLAZE w 4 M8 :: I I " i: l« 1. McDottJ Heffering I 8 t; s-:. 1-: i ."•»837 SIP GRAFTON wb a 184 . •". ■"• G ■. 5 J Heupel K B Watkins 12 1- 12 I •;-". ! Time. 2o. 51. 1:04"3. 1:11%, Track heavy. Winner ch. h, by Mordasrl Ardoise, by Artois traiaed by F. Hearner: bred in Frame by Mr. Maurice Ephrussi. Went t.. past al 8:43. At post 1 miniit.-. Start .-..d and slow. W..n easily: second and third driv in;;. TABLEAU pHONNEtR saved much groaad oa the turns and. racing inc. the lead, drew away in, tin- stretch to win in a canter. PA.NAMAN showed the stost early speed and h-ld RAPID DAT safe in 1 the stretch driv.-. The latter iras taken wide :M tie- n;iv and sboWed speed, but tired in Hie last eighth. ABLAZE had no Mishaps. Scratched-528S7*8t. Allan, llo. CT OADQ FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S500. S-yssjr-slds and apward. Allowances! tfOvFOJj Net value to winner S350 ; second, 00: third, 0. I"le H..I-SOS AWtlPsTi :. ■, sir Fin Jockeys Owners Q II c V S .v:48~i in: siiafki: wb 6 Hi ■ ■ b ■:- l1 Is .J Rods" exW Jones 8 8 I 2J 6-5 53*53 PARRISH wa 11- I I V .". 8| L" II Brtckanl. A Broaddus I VI 12 4 7-5 43M3 YALRIE tVESTwa 7 108 I I :■;• X J .1 SbePpetsJ P Lyons 6-5 7-8 1 2-5 out :,:;t«l JCICK LONDON Waal 88 7 E 2 2afc J» ft L Aron A cb-si It 28 88 7 3 ht4M2*TKRBLE MISS wa 5 RK 5 7 7 7 7 :.u i. MeD*ottRr*KBa ft Hitchk 21 4 4 7-5 a andSMi*VIRGE w 7 187 4 1 t] I G Stack II J Kin-i 16 4 1 ."3053 DP CAMPBELL wa 7 112 I J l» I* 41 7 B Smith D B Freeman 10 12 1- 4 7-5 Time. 25. 51. 1:8*%, 1:13=... Track heavy. Winn.r- I! [ bj Toddingtoa Martha Maimer, by Kemprooias trained bj E. R. Mitchell; bred bj Mr. I; II Anderson. Wenl b. post at !:«i!C At post 2 fiijiut.s. Start goM and slow. Won easily: second and third driv - in. DR. KHAPER began slowly, but saved much ground oa the tin us sad raced into a !:• .• ! lead la the last eighth. PARR18H wa* raced C..|. :,n.i lost much ground, but lini-hed gamely. VALERIE WEST showed ipecd, bu tired in the stretch. NICK LONDON ran a goad race f..r him. TERRIBLE MISS was taken back soon after the start, but Bnished well. YIRGE quit. DR. CAMPBELL sal the pace t» the stretch and f- u back t-. the rear. Scratch.-.! -. ".3077 Pitua-s. in?: 59MI Sporting Chance, !».»: 53076 Kiagliag II. 112; i53 7l st .In-t lis. Orcrweibts Br. Bhifrr. I peaaatai tT QAAA SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Fur-onffs. Purse 00. 3-year-ohU and upward. Claiming. tlO"l7V Net value lo winner S350: saoand, S100: third. 0. lades Horse* AWtllSt , _. -, Str Fin iockcyi Owners o HOPS :.•:.- «! i:xi man wTilii i " i v f- 1 i- rVta.-k 1 a 1 1 Us ~~" j ,— v~ I i fT .-■:sii TRUSTY waT HS t i - •-• : -- A RtchcrkC R Daly i r. 3| 7-.", 7-in r.iWiH sandy H wa ins • *; 4- 3- . SbelpctaJ YTakemm i- ;:. It fi o 1 53*12 1 SHILLING at 1111 1 - P 2J l1 L Aron Anderson Bros in in s :: s-5 i.- -J813i PORT LIGHT wit 3 HI G J and V P •"°» L McDoUW O Sterner 2 I - 1-5 1-3 7.2H38 THE PORTUGSE wa 6,138 8 7 ." 8 8 «• t Killer P E Walkiha a 28 :0 I I 1 53030 RUSTLER wa 3 111 - 6 7 7- 717 .1 Conley I- niuni - Pber 8-5 3 I8-56-5 8-5 52373-RESIST w i Ill 7 B ",1 4- 6J S J 11 BurkeSnyder * Haaes 6 8 1 1 8-8 Time. 24. 5**4. 1:03. 1:103„ Track heavy. Winner--M.. r, by Black J.-st. r -Buaglou II., by Rundrldge trained bj J 0 v..-u.!,. bred by Mr G org« I W oh i" i i W.-nt in pest i.t 4:3d. At 7 aiinutes. scut good and »!qw. Wen lisndili second and thlre driving. END MAN show..! the mn-i speed for the entire race and w«a eaxiag up. I Ml 8T1 was close up from the start bui was easllj held safe. SANDY n ...-■. I h gap and ran a % I r*e»». SHILLING raced well. PORT LIOHT was always far back. RU8TLER acted bidlj at the post aadsrai alway oiitj.,ii • d. I

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Local Identifier: drf1921022701_2_4
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