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SHREVEPORT ENTRIES AMD PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. 1 , - I ■ ; i Racing start ,-,t Sim a. m. Ckieage time 2:30. _ @ Superior mud runner. x Gaed mud runner. $ Fair mud i turner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance. i P.lini era, F:-st Race— 5 1- Furlongs. 3-year ulds and upward. .Maidens. Claiming. todays tad. Horse. vt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. u23»l Magic Castle 113 1:12s 3 M6. .700 :..:u-;:, hRoyal Blood 105 1:08% 5 110..8Bo 53013 Mabel Josephine .. or 1:08% :; 100: 68." •"..tiii st. Kevin 104 1:08% 1 115x69." 7;30613 Snorting Chance ..loi l:lt.-, :; 105X880 •".:3!.".2 Kallygihen 104 1:00% 3 100. .890 48855 Mattie B. Kent .. itft 1:10 3 MB. .080 •"•317.". Clean Sweep i no.. 090 53085- Financial Rooster. .118 l:20h I 115. .685 53052 *J. K. Herts 112 l:20%h : 100. .685 -Piitltt * Rudder 112 1:10% 5 110. 880 53085 Miss Sterling 113 1:08% 6 110.. 080 52113 Beeswaw 110 1:10% 1110.. 680 53052 »Hay 118 1:20% h 0 110. .B75 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 528135 bAasume 128 1:07% 7 113*723 r,: ii77 "Mary Fcaso 107 l: i!».-, 3 05x720 33074= *bMormon in; l:16%fa 5 Ilix7ir. 33ir73 Foreclosure lot 1:07% -I 105x715 530S5 .Madras Gingham.. .108 1:08% 5 105X715 53085 Catania 111. 1 : 7 -. I 110x71."". ..:.u7.;.; Plain Bill 108 1 :lis 4 115x710 5317 i On High 101 1:10% 1 HO. .710 53077 •Clean ip 7 110*710 53073 Setaia U 106 1:12 %h 5 110X710 5303II Rosi fimsi. 1117 l:i»7-. it 1150703 53085 Petrograd 114 1:14 %h 7 115.. 700 53063 Judge Price 7 110X700 r.iKl.i- I.ady Katbera 110 1:10 7 110x700 Third Race— 7-8 Mile. 1 year-olds and upward. Llausiiag. 52644 I.AI» 9 no 723 53053 *bRoisterer I 108. .715 53050 *bHo] over g 105x713 53064 : *bTiger Rase 102 1:20% S f 7x715 530S6 Betsy 102 1:20% r, i7x71a fttOSJI Terribl" Miss 5 105.. 713 53*8*i Mi hired S 110x710 52605 liRiebard V 1 lii:t..7!n 53013 *l! *eb 4 110x770 53073 San Marcus 115. .705 5S064 bKirstics Cub 6 107x703 530773*bX. K. Real 7 1020705 53033 Walter Turnbow .. 6 115x700 13BSS Tuny W 15 103X7H» Fourth Raco— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 52838:*bTapbank 4 102. .723 531.130 Oraleggo :; !tL x7-" • •"■" The Portuguese .. 8 112. .715 53090 Resist 5 107x715 5300U Sandy II | Ins.. 710 53090 Shilling 1 110x793 5276S Oaktawn I.ei!.- .... H 102. .703 52208 Jerry B112X7BB Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 33078 bCnptain Burns ....108 1:47% 10 100x723 1 r;t«;7T , Cockroach 1011:48% 5 I14:::72n 133063 btonnterbalance ...111 1:47% .".110x715 52979 Koh-i-noor 102 1:44% 7 107:]:71.". 530IM KiK-arleue 108 1:43% 6 110X710 53078 liSusan M 108*1:45% .". U 5x710 5283S Solid Keek 108 1:48% .s 112:1:705 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. S-year-oMs and upward. Claiming. 52789 *iiSaiut.. tin i;:: 5 100.. 723 53077-*bPbiiippic 107 1:48% 7 109x720 53076"bKebo 100 l:51%s 7 IBBX713 53065 bThundcrbird 108 1:48% 1 107x71". 530S9*liDr. Bhafer 112 1:46% 0 114. .710 530.15 Willigan !»! 1:44% 3 104X710 53076 P. G. Kins 1121:48% till!. .705 52767 Fountain Pay 112 1:40% 11 114::,:700 53063 bComacbo lot 1:50% 7 1140700 53*177 apt. Hodge ill 1:45 i!14x70o :-7»i7 bBrickley 107 1:45% in 114x700