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HAVANA The boraes which seeai beat in Bandnyti races are: Havana. Cuba. February £C. 1921. 1 lames, Boyat, Will Johnson. 2— Bash, Twenty s.ven. Flying Proa;. : Jatleaane. Maveheaa, Harp of the North. i- l.yrie. stiletto. Hei.ii Laeas. 3- American Aee. T. Doyle entry. Differcat Ryes, i; — Huntress, Borah*, Bale. 7 Exborter, Lackawaaaa, Harlock. T. K. Lynch. Kew York Handicap. I lames, Rrigida. Boyat, lloher-Na-ftreeaa. 1 1 1 1 -! i . Major Dome, Dtaajson, Twenty Seven :i Julieanne, Marehoaa, Aunt Deda, Cabin leek. I Milinen., l.yrie. Nobleman. Poke R ". AMERICAN ACE, Maaibo Jumbo. Osg I. Pit fereat Ryes. a Poster Eaibry. Huntress, Clip, Bill Iluiilcy. 7 Bsborter, Lackawaaaa, Harlock, Bunnyven. Clilcaico and Itnilalo Handlcapa. l Boher-Na-Breeaa, Will JohasiB, .lames ,.. .lame-;. • Major l mo War Tax, Plying Pros;, Bfaj Idea. :: .11 i.ll.ANNi;. Aaal Deda, Cabia Creek, Mare- llillll. : Uotiaero, Lyric, Pells M.. stilett. . ricar. A ■■•• dut the Way. Itifleieiit Ryes, Mnnibo Jim bo. i. P«i l.i Kinhry. Mill Hunley. Bole, Pas de CI: II."-. 7 Harlock, I. a- -kawanna. Runnyven, Armistice. Observers Handicap. 1 J: lues ;.. l;..yat. Mnher- Na • Mn-eiia . Will . -Li -■ n. 2 Uijur Domo, Tweaty Seven Plyiasj Proa;, lie b. :i .lu.ieaime. .Ma elfiia. Aunt Deda. Harp nf the North. 1 Stiletto, l.yrie. Felix II., MoUaero. :. - ij-itn an ACE, iiiiLieiu Ryes, Maaaho .: himI.o. out the Way. r, Buatress, Poster Bmbry, BIO Baaley, Bocair. 7 La Iciwai.aa. RxhOTb r. ll.uloel;. Annistiei-. Connensua of Handlcapa. l— Jam. x. Boher-Na-Breeaa, Boyat, Will L Hash, Maim- DSSBO, Tw-nly Seven. Plyiag Proa. :i .11 I.1F.ANNF.. Marehoaa,. Aunt Deda. Harp of the North. 1 Molineio. l.yrie. Stiletto. Feli M. .". Americ -:ni .xr, Pifferent RjCS, Maaaho .luml.... Out the Waj . a Huntress. Poster F.mliry. Mill Hunley, Hocah*. 7 — Exhorter. HarU.ek. Lackawaaaa, RaaajTem.