untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-27


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, , 1 1 • I I r t i The Empire City Racing Association Temporary Offices: 222 West 68th Street. New York. Race Course: YONKERS, N. Y. STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE SUMMER MEETING, 1921 THE LATTBB IVVKT OF .MI.Yi TO CLOSE TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1921 FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. BMPIatH CITT HANDICAP . «.-,. ooo ADDBD One Mile and a Furlong, rOKKIRI HANDICAP Jt4.000 midid One Mile and a Sixteenth. HT. TBBMOR HANDICAP sfll.OOO ADDRO One Mile. FLi:KTAVtf; HANDICAP s::.ooo ADDBD Abo..t Six Furlongs. !T. KIBCO BTAKBB s::.o »« ADDBD One Kile and Seventy Yards. MBLBOBE BTAKBB Scllinu I .*::.«MM» .uaninleed One Mile and a Sixteenth. AM HOW BTAKBB BoIIIbk fa,— Gamrauatcodl About Six Furlongs. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. EMPIBE CITT DBBBT .r..OO » AIDi:i One Mile and a Quarter. hliki;itllOKi:H HANDICAP ifCI.OOO ADDBD One Mile and a Sixteenth. TAKin TOWN BTAKBB Sell£u« M*OM Gauuwaitccdl One MUe. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. BAST TIBW BTAKBB ! IO.ooo GauwauitoeMI About Six Furlongs. I! li:., BTAKBB ST.r.OO iuarauleed Five and One-Half Furlongs. DEMOISELLE BTAKBB I PlMftea S5.000 Cii.iranleed Five and One -Half Furlongs. WAKEFIELD HANDICAP •■»••• C.u:iraiitee«I Five and One -Half Furlongs. FH1 OI.ITV BTAKBB SclUasarl SS,«4M Guaranteed Five and One-Half Furlongs. BPBIGHTF1 L STAKES Selllaut S,OSS Ciuaranteea About Six Furlongs. I- »r llntry lllaitUs AaMvcaai V. E. SCHAUMBURG, - Racing- Secretary, - 222 West 68th Street, New York ! , 3 THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING SPORTING WEEKLY YESTERDAY S FREE CODE: NEPE 1-1 WON FRIDAYS FREE CODE: MATHER 8-5 WON THURSDAYS FREE CODE: HONEST GEORGE 4-1 2ND TUESDAYS FREE CODE: HONEST GEORGE 15-1 2ND THIS INFORMATION COSTS 15c PER WEEK TODAY S FREE CODE: Marti-Meeting-Who - Race-Who Go to any news-stand, anywhere, any place you reside, and get a copy from your newsdealer. Once you buy a copy you have formed a new good habit. a year by mail, 15 cents a copy THE WINNING POST : 101 West 41st Street New York City _______ __—___—__ j . i i .25 Will Be Paid for MAY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION | ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. i r o ONE REST 50 PER CENT WINNERS since we started business. Past week gave 3 WINNERS, 1 second. 1 third. Long Shots. 2 WINNERS, i 1 second. 2 losers. Full sheet, 35c daily, all newsstands, except Sundays and Mondays. Our One Rest, Lonir Shot mailed overnight fcr only SI a week. TRY IT. Si H I aJaaaaTfll H ftTaaal Si % 51C-511 Baltimore Bid?., 22 W. Quincy St.. Chicago : y , Imp. PATAUD Sire of Minute Man, Etc. 00 to Insure Living Foal JOHN WILSON T0WNSEND GRACELAND FARM LEXINGTON, KY. I i GET A THOROUGHBRED and handicap the races each day yourself. On sale at all news-stands, 35 cents. Mondays Best: South-Forward -Ate-Row-Mix-Pay. THB AMKIIICAN IllUHUI l.lllllti; Baltimore More. Estab. 1904. Chicago, 111. The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System A POWERFUL. SCIENTIFIC METHOD WHEREIN SUCCESS IS ASSURED an be played at or away fn. 111 Hack, oa targe or Muall capital. Ghrea a play in pearly every race and one Best Bet a day. AIs-. XXX Occasional thai nearly all WIN. 11a* won big money on small capital, stop losing .-nid iret on the ariaaiag aMe. The price is reasonable. Yon can at my system on eaajr terms. Bead name and address for Free Particulars i-i •_: li r away. lie who hesitates looca, WATSON CORNELL 929 W. FRANKLIN STREET. BALTIMORE MD. YOU CAN WIN IF YOU ELIMINATE GUESSWORK AND FOLLOW SAFE. MODERN METHODS OF PLAY Forty-four Approved Systems of play, either for hand book or track, are taught by the new Success Manual of Turf Speculation. Free — Send No Money Send your name and address tcday and well send you our new booklet, the most wonderful read to successful turf speculation ever published. Its free. SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO. DEPT. 1 LOUISVILLE. KY. National 0. K. Racing Letter Yestordays Sheet Gave THREE WINNERS Out of 7 Races GET M0NDAVS SHEET 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS 50c AND OFFICE Mailed Direct, 1 Week, NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING COMPANY. ROOM 411 BALTIMORE BLDG., CHICAGO. THE BLUE BOOK is for sale at all news-stands — 35c per copy. Gives line on horses that are ready to win and also code to FREE SPECIALS that appear DAILY IN THIS PAPER. GET ONE. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL April-Peach-11-58-13-93 THB STANDARD TURF GtTIDE. 403 22 W. Ouincy St. Chicago, III. MONDAYS SPECIAL: Gray-Saturday -Run-See-Will-To. On sale everywhere Racing Form is, 35 CENTS PER COPY. THB TURF REPORTER. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago. 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING 00. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 167-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022701/drf1921022701_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1921022701_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800