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HAVANA FORM CHART _ HAVANA. CUBA. SATURDAY*. FEBRUARY 26. 1921. oriental Park. Eighty -Ural d n Cuba Am. u enn Jockey and Auto Chlb. Winter Meeting of 180 or mere days. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards. .1 Hachm. ister. c. II I aaadaU and F. J. Mti . n Starter James V. Milton. Racing So, • retary, M. Nathaaaoa. Racial starts at 2:38 p. as. Chicags time 1:31 p. as.. *Inascates apprentice allowance. KOr|Q-| FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Feb. 23. 1919—48—2—115. Purse 00. 2 -year -olds. Ol Vi71 Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtMPst s ! -, str Pin Jockeys Owaeis 0 H c p s : lim NOONflME • w 112 7 I V 1] i B KenndyH P Whitney 8-5 2 2 1-2 1-4 n3as«*ATHGARVEN w 115 1 1 V ::!iL.. C Easncs i Hodge i" l" 2J 8-6 1-3 52385 SQUAIV CHIEF wn ME 8 a S I1 3 ] K Wil.-o i "W R ,„■■ | i; r, ] l . 52813 TOUT DE BUITE w IM 2 2 2 1" 4* w Kclsay i: Cebrlan I I l 1-:: l-ti 152008 BITTER BITING v. M8 •" 7 8 81 :. ■ T Powers 15 1". Ii 8 r,2!K NAVI8CO w M6 I I I1 ii ■ • i - It LcaxterP O Julhtn 28 25 25 M " ":J»08 col. TEX m MB I 7J V 7-- A Tr on Marianao Stable 38 38 38 M E CA8TLICK a 111 s s s i McD*ottR Doll 58 58 M -U M Time. 24*,, 3Q. 49-, Track fast. S_ paid, Noontime, 84.581 straight, 83.40 place, 3S.30 show: Athgarrea, 34.30 place. _ .si how; Bquaw Chief, 33.43 show. Eqnivalenl booking ."ids Noontime, -_"J.. to 100 straight, 7i» to 103 place, !•"• to phi show; Atbsarrea, 115 in 100 place, 10 to 100 show; s.piaw t hh»f. 7o to 1W si„,w. Winner Ch. f. by All UoM Idle Hoar, bj Hamburg itr.iined h M. Goklblatt; bred by Mr. Harry Paj no Wbitaej t. Went to post .-it 2:31. At post :: Bsinates. Btari good aad sb.w. VToa ariving: second and third the same. NOONTIME was brought around the leaders oa the stretch turn and. flniidiing fast and gamely. * Irawing char. ATHGARVBN set * % I early pace, but tired. S.»l AW CHIEF was on the oatshie to tin- st,-etcii turn, where he saved groaad and Onished gamely. ToiT DE BUITE tired after racing int.. the lead ill the stretch. Overweights Bitter Biting, 1 pound; Tout de Suite. 2, KOrb-QO SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:0ft1-,— 5—102. Purse 00. 4-year-*-P«-*"C/aad olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtMPSt , . £ Str Fin lockers Owners o H C V S ."3057 : i:ii-: wClM 3 I i--p r V A Pickens H Coons 4-5 4-5 4-3 1-3 1-« r-:io.- 7 LUCIE may w 1188 i; 4 • r 4: -;1 8 J i: KenitdyE Btrewbrhlgre 4 S u ■: i 53033 HATRACK w 4 IM 2 .". 5* B* 5s« ::- L p.-nmanll A Cotton M 1- 12 1 2 53030 ki.;:i:i: waa I MO I 6 I n- 8* 4] R LcasterF A Herold 8 8 1 1 1 r,3057=IXA WOOD wa 4 108 I 3 :! 2* 3*16 R McDottandj Acasta •; v 7 - 53010 FAIT ACCOMPLI wb I 113 I I 23*3 P* 8» P Hunt G M Ridge 3 1 8 11-2 53080 JUANITA III. w •; w 7 7 7; l_ 7 IJC Barnes O Toggle IS IS IS 1 3 52103 McLELLAND w 8 113 n s 8 8 8 8 J PenalverH B Davis 38 38 38 M ." Time. 23. 4S. 1:0125, 1:0733. Track fast. 82 mntuels pahl, Nepe, .30 sn-.iiulit. 82.80 place, 32.50 show; Lucie May, .00 place, .30 show; Hatrack, . !..".n show. Equivalent booking odds X«*pr. •;.". ... Pki straight. Hi t.. 100 place, 25 to loo si„,u -: Lucie May 180 to Hm» place, !i". to KMi snow: Hatrack. 1.7 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Abe Frank Gladys I., ilsc, by Bemprouias trained by E. L. Pitxgeraid; bred by Estate of Jolin P. Newman I. Went to post at 2:38, At past 3 minnt.-s. Start good and slow. Waa driving: second aad third the same. NEPE t....k the lead at once and. racing FAIT ACCOMPLI and INA WOOD into defeat, withstood the challenge of LUCIE MAY at the end. The bitter ran a good race and was gradually weariag the winner down. HATRACK was slightly 1.- when going t.. the pnst and w.-is outrun early, but Bnished fast PLEER was running well at the end. INA Wool and FAIT ACCOMPLI quit. hed 52»ll Pritlii-ld. ill: 53018 Janice Logan. 108; 5S24S Abbes.. KM; 52340 Blbbler 108 Overweights McClelland, •". pounds; Juanita III.. 1, E-Oi~|QO THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05H— 5102. Purse S700. 4yearT «-*«-a"« «-3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net i-alue to winner 50: second, S100; third. 0. lades Horses AWtPPSt , % " Str Fin lockeys Owners O II C P s .-.:;03S-I KASANT w 7lii; -I j 2 : !■■■. a Pickens I- c a . :•• 4-7. 1-:: 53037 CURRENCY wn 8 M8 B E 1- Ill* -." L Wirtb K J Sullivan 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-3 l-« 53058:AVION w 5 M0 ! 2 3] 1 I B KeundyW C Campb.-ll I I 1 7-3 7-p. 5S038»*AVAN BOY WB C MC t 7 I 3| 1*1 P Wils n II G Woods I ! ! s- 1 eSOMRED W5 108 R 6 4" » ."•■ 5J J Dreyer . Ch ek M M 18 1 52034* HUNTER PLATT n E 38 3 8 s n 7 G- A Gerrat .J II .Moods M 12 l: E 2J 53018**GRBY RUMP wa . M 2 1 0s 7 T Pun- R Quaker 33 38 :: 10 5 33037 SUPERIOR w 4 188 7 I 7 7". s 8 I" Merbnee W Dusan 33 28 28 8 1 Time. 23. 473-. i:ooi5- 1:062;,. Track fast. •VJ mutueis p., id. Peasant, s7.ih» straight, .-sux place, .30 show; Currency. .sl.7o place, 32.20 snow; Avion. :-L.:;t shoa , Kiiuivalent booking .-.Ids Peasant, 230 ti 100 straight, M to 100 plaice, 15 t.. loo slmw ; Currem 1 33 t.. Kki place, 10 t.. MM show: Avion. L~. to UK* show. Winner Ch. i:. by George Kessler Cottage cirl. b Hidalgo itr.iined by E. I.. Pitxgeraid; bred by Mr. Join I-:. Madden. Weal to post ;!t :;:::... At post 1 minute, start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PEASANT, after racing in close pursuit of CURRENCY from the start, wore him down in the stretch and outstayed him in the Baal drive. CURRENCY set a .Teat pt and tired badly in tl- last sixteenth, but Bnished resolutely. AVION ran well and outstayed CAVAN BOY The bitter began slowly, but finished fast. BED raa well. Scratched 5305*1 Fi.kle Paney, 80. 0 1 era eights Grey Mump. 2 pounds: Buperior, I. CT QAQzl F0URTH RACE5T2 FuTiongsT-Jan. 2471917— UOandVz— 5— 102. ¥wse~rtQ0. Ill vr «IP *3B 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Hors-s AWtlMSt, _■ -, Str Fin Jo.kevs Owni : s O H C P S . ;VJ«8-,i tiik. ENQUIRER wn H8 :s 3 2» 2 J and V. L PwnmanT Dovle 451 ii 1 :; 1-.; 530S»*PERHAPS r. Ml R I l1 1" ll V S LoW « Fountain 7 7*; 2| 6-5 330*33 JACOBEAN v Rfi 4 2 S*l VI ■■■ 3« K Lcasterl Hodge 2 2 2 3-5 I 52633-* JIM POO 188 2 8 4 41 4- H OoudwinHall Pros 1 i E I 1 i .- 2!«l iTnsiA wb 113 ." i :.- c- r ■ B KetmdyC L Gardner R I I :: --:. 533 1«»EXPERI51ENT w MG 7 E u " . :.. :,". p Wilson K Cebrlan s s s :; s-:, ::-!»:! DISTURBANCE a fc*8 1 7 7- Tss v: ■ A Pickens A l Worie a I I :; 8-5 5S054 vl.l Ll.AP.V w RO 6 8 8 8 8 8 T Burns W Peuchtcr 58 .".11 53 28 M Time. 24. 43. 1:01. 1:07. Track fast. sj arutuets paid. The Enquirer, si.lii strabjbt, 32.80 place, 32.50 show: Perhaps. 30.10 place, 33.00 show: Jacobean. 33.20 show. Equivalent booking mhls The Enquirer, 11" lo 100 straight M to 100 place. S to lofi show; Perhaps, lD.i to 100 pla.-e. 80 to ion sii.. ; Jacobean, 00 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Luke Piecing Yeans, by Kaataka trained by B. B. Rice; bred by Messrs. J. O. A: C II. Keenel. W-it to post ;lt :;:.-,i At » minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily; seciad and third drhr-iag THE ENQUIRER raced oa the outside of the lenders all the way, but responded gaasely when railed "i and was going aWay at the finish. PERHAPS set 11 good pure, but tired in the last Hghth after drawing nwaj oa the stretch turn. JACOBEAN was a forward contender all the way and Bnished gamely. JIM POG ran fairly well Scratched — 530S8sCoca Cola. 105; 52430 Maricaaa, ins. Overweights- Jim Pog, l poaud. 5QAQS IXFTH RACEi Mile and 50 Yards. March onlS— T:41— 5— il7. Purse 00. OvPCPeJ 4-year-oids and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtMPSt , "i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II o l s 5347 I 1 RINCE BONERO w i 102 2 2 V 1". 1-" 1 I1 J Smith W C West land 3 :: :: 1 TiT 53810*CLARE BOOTHE wa 5 180 7 7 7 1:- P : [ 2- S Low.- 1-, D Sprinajer S S E i 1 52870*YELIE wad .■"• 4 1 2*2 2 - L Penman T Hodge 15 Is 15 S 2J 5: 71 PLANTAREDE wa 5.148 1 1 ::- 3k 3» Ea 0 ;- C Lanes fc W Plant 1 4 7-5 7-10 53453 EL CORONEL a 5 102 3 I 6» Bsk V PS 5* R LcanterO Tugsle 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-3 I-fi 3S9533KlNGOZl w 6 107 S E 7 7 8| 6 c, Maniran 1 .1 Holtm.ui 4: 4 I] s-r, ■ .7i884 JUTLAND wb 0 MO 6 6 4- 4- Bsk 7 7 .1 Dreyer .1 II Deroe 30 38 38 10 ". Time. 24, 4843. 1:15. 1411,, 1:453.. Track fast. 321 mutueis paid. Prince Boucro, s7.7u straight, place, 33.30 sh.. : clan- Bootbe, sii;.:-:j place, 35.80 show; Velie, s.7.7 show. • Eqnivalenl booking odds Prince Baaero, 285 to 100 straight, 1 1» to ion place, 35 to 1ttn show; Clare Bootbe. 7..". to 100 place. 180 to 100 show: Velie. is", to Kmi show. Winner Ch. g, by Tony Boucro— Lillian E., bf Lord Esterliug 1 trained by W. C. Westmoteland: bred by Mr. Francis J. Pons. Went to post at I: Id. At post :», minute-. Start good ami si,,w Wen handily: second and third driving. PRINCE BONERO set a o..d pace from the start and drew away into a hang lead after ea tering the stretch, but tired badly in the last eighth. CLARE BOOTHE closed a big gap and «ras sreur lug the winner down at the end. VELIE showed speed, but tired in the last quarter. EL CORONEL ran a bad rae throughout. Overweights Plantarede, 2 pounds. K Q f| Q £*~ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 MilesT Jan. 18. 1920— 1:50"5— 6— 1057 Purse 00. 4-ear-olds •J 0"«-7"J anil upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , .• •-, Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II • p s 53058 3 MY .l A a 4 85 2 E ::" :- :,- :: l» F Wilson Ktnaere l-"m Bta 1 1 1 i-:;TTT 53473*RHYMEK w 7 107 1 3 2S 1* -- P 2s! It LcaaterJ J McCafferty 1; 7 7 J 1 1 53438 RAVENSEA w 4 197 1 1 1- -- I* S- 3* A Pick-ns C Price S-5 8-5 8-5 1-2 1-4 ••:-!07-i INCINERATOR w 4 100 fi I V .".- 4 4 P S Low.- 1 Wrhspen - 3 :: 1 1-2 5344S*SEMP BTALWARTu BIOS u I »«S 4* 6sk 6 ."•- L Wirth .1 c Baton 15 IS !. 6 .VM!».- DUKE OP SLDYwb 10 10S 3 6 1; E .V- 8 L Penman C Pills 111 12 ;■ ;, j Time. 24,. 48*3. 1:14, 1:43%, l:o3*3. Track fast. sl mntuels paid, My Ada. 83.80 straight, 82.40 place. 82J0 show: Rhymer, s:,.:;i» place, 82.83 show: Ravenaea, 32.70 show. Equivalent booking odds Mj Ada. 35 to 100 straigbt, »•"■ to l« place, 1". to 144 show; Blijasei, 148 to Umi pla.-e. 10 to Kin show; Ravensca, ::." t.. 100 show. Winner Mr m. by Zeus- Lida B., b. Kingston trained by H. J. Kennedy; bred by Messrs. Williams and Radfi lie Went to post at 1:42. At l minutes, start goad am! slow. Won driving: second and third the same. JIT ADA. d. s-r up than usual in the earlj running, made a game BUtsii when called on and y..t iP to viii ha Hi. tinal strides. RHYMER was much used in forcing and setting the pace and was tiring at the end. RAVENSEA set the early pace and tinis i f, ly. but tiring. INCINERATOR finishes . lose up. Overweights— Incinerator, :$ pounds. a QAQ7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March C. 1918—1:41—5—117. Pur.-o 00. -■ O Vr £P 4 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt _• ;, Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P S 5S9»8=CHEFA «rl I lie Wilson t- B Poley 1 i f"l 53YS3*LAUGH. EYES II. w 6 Wl fi 5 ■ 1 r 2 -J..! Smith W R Padgett 12 13 12 4 5301»FIRST CONSUL wa 4 ME 2 l» l1 P 3j 3sk R McDottEl Morro Stabh 8-5 3-5 8-5 t-S M 58tl8*AIGRBTTE wa 5 Ml I I E 3s* 2s» 1 1 1 r LcaaterG Prici I 1 t ; 5 - 58457 "TRIOMPHANT wa S 103 T 6 3J :«J 3 ■. ". L Penman l Rector 1 1 1-7-5 7-m 53013»»SCOTTY waa 3 si E 7 6 4 8«* 8» fi P Scheftel J M Lmvcl: 28 81 M " 1 7...!i8-: PLkTWHIOH wt-. ■: M13 77777A Oerral P A Molm IS 1. 15 Xlnte, 24. 43. 1:14. 1:40-.,. 1:43%. Track fast. 33 mutueis paid. Chefa, si.7n straight, 83.20 place, 32.74 show: Laughing Byes II si I 10 place •50.90 show; Pint "oiiMll, hB~tl show. Bqutraleat booking odds— -Chefa, U". to 100 straight, 43 lo 100 place, 83 to 104 show: Laughing Lm-s II.. »i20 to 100 place. 243 to 100 show: Pirst Consul. :•!" to 140 show. Winner Br. f, by Hfsaiaa OM sinuaw, bj Adam traiaed by T. McBride; bred by Mr. John L Mad-ilea 1. vni to p. : .1 .01; ai p.. -1 :. miaates start r 1 and slew. Wi n drfrhsg: trrsnd aad third the same Oil HP A was iii|..i...i to the last turn, but cams fast through the stretch next ta tbe Inside rail and w.m drawing clear. LAUUHINt! EYES II. raced ta suddenly Improved form, hot tired iftwr i" the front la the last xixteeath. Klltsi consi I. «et a -....1 pace to Us Ktretch but litetl ad t-iiied 1 1 sta] the "-"I- Mi. 1:1. 1 1 1; 1 hi well Overweight* Plrat Consai 1 pvaad.