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KENTUCKY STAKE ENTRIES v Total Nominations for Lexington and Churchill Downs Fixtures Loss Numerically Over Last Year YearOffset Offset by High Quality of ofHorses Horses Named COVIXCTON Ky March 11 The Kentucky Jockey Club has announced the list of nominations for the Ktakc races to be nm at tlio spring meetings it Ijexington nnrt Churchill Downs The total entries for the six Lexington fixtures number 3Hi while the eight stellin events at Churchill Downs at ¬ tracted 802 nominations These figures are nut up to high water mark of last year bijt what is lack ¬ ing i numerical strength is more than made up in the quality of tlie 1921 entries entriesNever Never before in any one year of Kentuckys turf history has there been such a wealth of high class racing material available for the meetings In the Rliitt Grass state as the entries for the 1921 stake events indicate will be this year The large anil IKiworful racing establishments of II 1 Whitney 1 K L Ros R F Simms Xalapa Farm Stable K K Rradley E McLean C W Clark 1 S Costlen and others are well represented hi the slake entries entriesPractically Practically all the stars of last years racing are iiumed for these valuable fixtures The Kentucky and Mark Handicaps are particularly favored in this respect with such as Sir liartun Exterminator Houiface Hilly Kelly Eternal Cirrus Mad Hatter Upset John I Grier Dr Clark Him Signal liesi liri4nplahi ilarv Jttaznr rOitfOiliesV On VJfteii Dnnnacona The 1orter I eoeharos the most prom ¬ inent of the older division while Tryster Leonardo II Hilly Harton Aikcn Itlack Servant Rehave Vowself rinrihiis Star Voter Ron Ilomme and Iodus are some of the star threeyearolds named namedIt It is particularly gratifying to note the improve ¬ ment In the quality of the entries for the Kentucky Oaks Whereas in former years with few excep ¬ tions fillits of ordinary caliber contested for this old established fixture the prospects are that the best field that ever went to the post in it will face the starter for it fortyseventh running AH the best twoyearold fillies of last year are among its nominations including Prudery Careful Step Lightly Helieve Idle Hour Nancy Lee Miss Muf ¬ fins TenLee Ry Jiminy and others othersThe The twoyearold features filled exceptionally well 182 in the Spring Trial Stakes 14 in the Debutante and 127 in the Itashford Manor with representatives from all the principal stables east and west The work of compiling the entries for the Latonia Stakes has not yet been completed but the list will be available early next week The nominations for the Lexington and Churchill Downs stake fix ¬ tures follow followLEXINGTON LEXINGTON 1920 1921 1921Hltiata Hltiata Stakes 78 l lAshland Ashland Oaks KJ S SHen Hen AH Handicap Ml rl rlHliie Hliie Grass Stakes ft 13 13Idle Idle Hour Stakes 97 M MCanulen Canulen Handicap 52 44 CHURCHILL DOWNS 1920 Kentucky Derby 107 Debutante Stakes 127 Hashford Manor Stakes StakesClurk 147 Clurk Handicap 118 Kentucky Oaks Cti Kentucky Handicap 100 Spring Trial Stakes 182 Procter Knott Handicap