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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race I The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was I behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races I The M after the horses name means Maiden I FIKST EACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances March 5 1921 47 45 2 120 120Index Index Course Dist TlmeTckOddi Wt St U H K itr Tin Jockeys Started Order of rinli rinliOPULENT OPULENT OssaryTrainer ch c 2 120 By Hilarious Rosetinge by Ossary Trainer P Williams Owner Williams Bros D3036 Havana 12 48 fast 3 US 1 2 ° = 12 J Domick i Pacifier Athgarvcn Hold Me 53 Havana S8 36fast 1 10S 1 I1 I1 J Domick 8 Col Chile Pacifier Justina E E7C 7C Havana 3S 36 fast C 112 2 4s 3l J Dmlnick 5 Whispering IVcliIJk Athgarvn 52530 Havana 3S 31fast 7 113 4 4J 4s J Dmlnick S Jou Jou Pinnacle Elias O OD2160 D2160 Havana 14 24 hvy G5 115 3 5 5i II Garner 5 Hold Me Speed Many Smiles ELIAS 0 ch c 2 120 By Short Grass Mary Powell by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer F J Stevens Owner E D Springer rll Havana 12 47 fast 5 21 12 AV Meehan 8 liirrliltark Pacifier FoulWther CSOS8 Havana 12 4S fast 5 5 = 5s W Meehan Opulent Pacifier Atligarven G29SO Havana 3J f 42sfast 2J 115 4 31 ih v Meehan LAtligarven Coscorron Xoontirac C25SO Havana 3S 34fast llS 3 3 3s C H Miller 8 Jou Jou Pinnacle Opulent OpulentIt 02407 Havana 14 24slow 2 113 1 It li C H Miller 5 Jou Jou Xooutime Justina E E4i 52347 Havana 14 23 fast 4 113 5 4i 3s C H MlllerlO Jou Jou Pinnacle Birch Bark BarkBy BIRCH BARK b f 2 112 By Hells Bells Fair Maid by Orvieto Formerly ran as Many Smiles SmilesTrainer Trainer K K Karrick Owner W R Coe CoeKJ171 KJ171 Havana 12 47fast 85 112 I 2 I1 2J P Wilson S Elias 0 Pacifier Foul Weather Weather5277C 5277C Havana 3S 36 fast 21 113 4 3 = 1 2 P Wilson 5 Whispering Opulent Atligarven 52593 Havana 3S SG fast 6 107 3 3nt 14 P Wilson 9 Atligarven Hyeres T de Suite 52347 Havana 14 23 fast 112 4 S 45 P Wilson 10 Jou Jou Pinnacle Elias 0 S2160 Havana 14 24 hvy 3 112 4 21 3 J P Wilson 5 Hold Me Speed Coscorron CoscorronFLAXY FLAXY McGeeTrainer MAE ch f 2 M 105 By Harrigan Betty Fuller by McGee Trainer J A Hall Owner J A Hall Hallr3183 r3183 Havana 12 4Sfast G 10T 6 4 31 2 H Gdwin 9 SquawCIilef BitBiting Ostelle 53111 Havana 12 49 fast 10 107 6 54 3 = 1 H Goodwin 9 Justina E Xavisco Hyeres TRUMPET CALL b f 2 M 107 107Trainer By Von Tromp Symphorien Castle by St Sym Symphorien Trainer J Lowe Owner E Cebrian phorien 52935 Havana 3J f IHifast 5 112 5 3 3ARTEMISA 4s G W Kelsay 5 Col Chile Pacifier Pinnacle PinnacleBy ARTEMISA b f 2 M 105 105Trainer By Mali Beaumont Belle by Ornament OrnamentS Trainer C Reynolds Owner R Dolz r3171 Havana l2 47fast 00 107 7 7 7K853 S Ss J Francis 8 Elias Birch Bark Pacifier PacifierG3 K853 Havana 3S SGVsfast 30 112 3 G3 il Jj Penman 8 Opulent Col Chile Pacifier PacifierG1 5271C Havana 3S SG fast 30 112 f G1 Si J Francis 9 Arthgarvcn Coscorron Col Chile 52347 Havana 14 23 fast 20 112 10 10FASENDA 10 9 = E Barnes 10 Jou Jou Pinnacle Klias O OBy FASENDA b c 2 M 107 107Trainer By Duquesne Daylight by Peep oDay Trainer J Armstrong Owner J Gomez MIST Havana 12 48ifant 20 IK t 2 411 6i A Tryon S Pacifier Pinnacle Spiaw Chief 2593 Havana 38 rGfast 15 113 2 S3 S5J A Tryon 9 Birch Hark Atligarven Hyeres DATUSA ch f 2 M 105 By Sir Wellons Adelia by Sir Huon HuonTrainer Trainer W A Carter Owner Armenia Stable r31l Havana 12 474ffast r0 MS S S 7 7 P Merimee 8 Kims 0 Birch Bark Pacifier U5 PacifierU5 Havana 12 4Sf st 50 314J 4 7 7 J Pennlvw S Pacifier Pinnacle Squaw Chief DON MANUEL L b c 2 M 110 110Trainer By Don Thrush Paulson by Hurst Park Trainer G B Foley Owner L F Iribarren First start