Fourth Race [4th Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-12

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FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Hammels Purse 3yearolds and upward Special Weights BARRY SHANNON ch g 7 123 123Trainer By Voter Tower of Candles by Candlemas Trainer F Heavner Owner G Drumhiller 53132 Shport 61 f 110 alow 4 100 5 54 545LC93 4 3l 3 J Shelepets 5 Panaman RapidDay LadsLove 5LC93 FGnds ImTOy lUfefast S 102 7 7 6 2 252CC4 21 3i J Roberts 7 Inquiry Louis A Tantalus 52CC4 FGnds ImTOy l43 fast 12 104 S 6 5 4 452C04 li1 2 J Roberts 8 TtiiiR OJiing Albert A Trolhis 52C04 FGnds 1 l3Sfast 12 lOCJ 7877 7 53 3 J Roberts 8 YKdiins Sir Graf ton Romany 52500 FGnds 1 116 14G fast 8 103 6 5 5 6 6E2447 4 4 1 J J Mney 1 Snapdragon LouisA DrCarmen E2447 FGnds 1 116 l45f ast 7 104 4 4 4 3 3G229G 2i 4 J Roberts 5 SIsidore Sdraeonll Frogtown G229G FGnds ImTOy l44fast 7 103 10 8 5 2 2C2200 2J 2s J Roberts 10 Sundial II St Isidore Chief C2200 FGnds 1 116 l4DJfchvy 12 104 4 4 4 4 4D2137 41 6 J Roberts 5 Dancing Spray Chief Hadrian D2137 Jefson 1 116 l46fast 2i 110 4 2 3 2 2C18S8 2 3 J Roberts 4 Sterling Chief Flibberlygibt C18S8 Jefson 1 l39 fast 8 102 7 2 2 1 I ih j Roberts 9 DancSpray Trooper IasSwaln IasSwalnBy GRANDEE ch g 5 113 113Trainer By Lorenzo Crowborough by Crowberry Trainer G Etfiington Owner 0 Wendel WendeluSICS uSICS Shport ImTOy l47 fcfast 7 315 2 3 3 6 61 F Murphy G Shilling TliePortugse Yaphank 53131 Shport Im70y l51slow 95 114 5 4 4 4ESOS7 4 42 4s J McCoy Shilling TPortUKuese Yaphaok ESOS7 Shport ImTOy l56 hvy 12 109 222 2 21 3 G Stack 4 Dark Hill Raider Warsaw 53012 Shport ImTOy 205 hvy 3 113 4 2 2 2C2S39 2 212 2 J McCoy 4 ShillinK GoldcrestBoy Bar One C2S39 FGnds 1 14 2OS fast 75 11C fi 5 5 3 4i 4i H Thurber 12 Koliinoor Yaphank Berlin Berlinf 62787 FGnds ImTOy 141 fast 12 101 345 345KG93 f 6 o7 H Thurber 7 SirGrafton CommcCi LouisA KG93 KGnds 1 1S l51fast 4 115 2 2 2 2 15 1i II Thurber Pit Bombast Kohinoor 52625 FGnds 1 116 l47Kfast 125 108 S 6 4 2 21 11 II ThurberlO Bantry Newell W Lowell 52399 FGnds 1 116 l4Sfast 10 110 8 7 9 6 5i 6l H Thurberll Chesty Our Birthday Galway 62353 FGnda ImTOy l46fast 10 104 10 7 7 8 71 bl H ThurberlS Scourgcman OmerK Roisterer SHILLING ch c 4 4Trainer By Seth Alice Commoner Tjy The Commoner Trainer F Wright Owner S3223 Mobile Ab 65 f 124 good 3i 117 3 5 5s H Ericksn G Sandy H Trusty KirstieVCnb 53168 Shport Im70y l47fast 4 112 1 1 2 2 21 l it L McDott ThePortuguese Yaphank Horeb S3131 Shport Im70y l51slow 3i 110 1 1 1 1 1J Ih L McDott 5 TPtuguese Yaphank Grandee 5310S Shport 78 130 good 5 110 5 2 2 2 Ik 2i II Ericksn Sandy II Oaklawii Bellfi Jerry 53090 Shport 51 f l10hvy 8 111 2 33 3J 4T L Aron 8 End Man Trusty Sandy H E2G12 Shport Im70y 205 hvy 104 3 1 1 1 1 1s I Aron 4 Grandee GoldcrestBoy Bar One B2978 Shrevept 5J f llGhvy 6 101 3 44 4lz 410 L Aron 5 Ablaze Resist Ettahe D2764 FGnds 34 l15hvy S 105 2 56 7 75i A Collins 10 Anticipate Jock Scot Ettahe 52622 FGnds EJ f liOGfast 20 110 7 11 8 7i 82 A Collins 12 HidJewel Trusty The Nephew E2568 FGnds 34 l12fast 20 113 7 97 7i 8 2 C Robson 12 Meliora FredtheGt TNephew TRUSTY b g 7 117 117Trainer By Broomstick Loyal by Xoyalitt Trainer F Mallory Owner C R Daly 3223 Mobile Ab fJ f 124 Koodll10 117 G 2 1 li 2i E Smith 0 Sandy II Kirsties Cub Lad H31G7 Shport 5S f l07ffst 6 107 S 4 C C3 E Smith 0 Knd Man Sea Cove Sandy II 53119 Shport 5 t lOSfast 35 12t 2 25J 1 I2 1s G Stack 6 BackBay Pep Polly Port Light 52090 Shport 5J f l10hvy 3J 112 4 2 21 22 A Richcrk 8 End Man Sandy H Shilling 52814 FGnds 34113 fast 7 lOCi 5 3 4h 4 B Smith 13 Herald AAlexder HBurgoyne 52711 FGnds 34 l14mud 5 10S 6 65i 6 6 6 T Jarvls 0 Rolo Ablaze Jago 62G22 FGnds 5i f l06 fast 6 106 6 3 2J 21 T Jarvis 12 HidJewel T Nephew P Light FGnds 34 l13fast 8 113 7 75J G 4l 451 E Pool lli AleJackll Jock Scot LouiseV 52039 Jefson 5J f l07fast 20 116 7 6 6nt 513 L Mink 11 Marmite JockScot Port Light 1587 Bowie 65 f 123 hvy 13 115 4 4 3s 44 J Mooney 7 Mnnoevre JBullant SEmblcm KIRSTIES CUB b h 6 109 By Bearcatcher Kirstie by Frankfort FrankfortTrainer Trainer J E Hoppas Owner C G Sheldon SheldonCS22S CS22S Mobile Ab Cl f 124 prood 10 117 2 12 3i 3 = T Corner 0 Sandy II Trusty Lad 53155 Shport ImTOy l4Sfast 45 109 C 4 1 1 1J I1 Ti Hoi way i Foun Fay Kohinoor Hopover 53134 Shport Im70y 151 slow 5 112 3 1 1 1 IS 2t R Hoi way 7 Simduria SolidRock Kohinoor M107 Shport 78 l29good 7 107 Left at the post A Richcrk 8 Lad Richard V Tony 53064 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 20 110 C 666 6T1 W Brown i RackBay DonRoraa TigerRose 5C011 Shport 5J f l17hvy 15 110 6 C 6 6 6 ° TV Brown G BackBay Mormou Donna Roma 691 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 109 5 67 7S 8 J L McDott 13 Lancelot OaklnBelle Mnrmite 52072 Jefson Im70y l49hvy 4 106 7 5 3 2 4 312 J Roberts 7 Medusa Betsy WTurnbow 52027 Jefson 34 1 14f ast 4 108 6 76 7i 6 J J Roberts 11 Approval Back Bay Pullux EJSS5 Jefson 34115 fast 12 107 2 44 45 1J J Roberts 8 Burgoyne Old Sinner Vansylvla SUNDURIA KingTrainer br m 5 110 By Olambala Miss Kingston by Bramble or King Trainer J H Murray Owner J H Murray ton 15211 Mobile 1 l47fast 115 117 I6 E Smith T Counterbalce Corydon Willigun 6 6 3i 3i E Smith 8 IGKinfj SolidRock Roisterer F3134 Shport Im70y 151 slow 95 107 133 3 2 2H I1 E Smith 7 KirstiesCub SRock Kohinoor Kohinoorrr rr 07S Shport Im70y 200 hvy S 10S 3 2 3 3 3J 2s B Smith 5 Capt Burns Corydon Susan M M5S014 5S014 Shport 1 116 205hvy 2 110 3 3 3 322 2 2l 3 J E Smith 7 Corydon Thunderbird HSmarr 52979 Shrevept Im70y204hvy 10 103 4 S 6 C 6 a R Romelli 8 WaltTurnbow Spearlene Boser Boserf2Xl8 f2Xl8 FGnds 1 14 207 fast 15 105 11 9 7 S 7 918 TV Obert 13 Capital City Sushi Lottery 2767 FGnds 1 116 l5lhvy 10 1W 12 12 13 11 10 10 W Ohert 14 Verity Iron Boy Corydon 2223 FGnds 1 116 l53mud 10 107 S 9 11 12 13 13 = W Obert 14 Dabahll HCIlch Bbannock BbannockOAKLAWN OAKLAWN BELLE ch m 8 106 By Box Dinah Shad by King Eric EricTrainer Trainer C S Wilson Owner W F Strauss StraussE315S E315S Shport 78129 fast 12 114 3 1 2 2 4l 3 J Conley G Assume Iloreh Kingllng II 53108 Shport 7S 130 good 15 102 1 1 1 1 2i 32i G Babin 5 Sandy II Shilling Jorry Jorry5276S 5276S FGnds 1 116 l50nvy 7 101 2 2 7 11 HUll HUlli i H Thurberl2 OldMcKna Yaphk CapBurns 52691 FGnds 34 l13fast 10 103 4 32 2 22 H ThurherlS Lancelot Marmite Teach sPet 51986 Jefson 34 l16hvy 45 108 5 32 1J 4 i W HeinchlS AGallup Marmite Winneconne 51946 Jefson 34 l17hvy 25 110 3 22 21 3t S TVida 8 Lonely Lancelot Malvollo 49543 MtRoyal 34 l14fast 28 111 I1 W Taylor 10 ShortChge Mistake CaLHerrlt

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Local Identifier: drf1921031201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: