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MOBILE FORM CHART MOBILE ALA FRIDAY MARCH 11 1921 Second day Mobile Business Mens Racing Associations Meeting of G days AVeather clear Judges Joseph A Murphy and J B Campbell Starter Elmer AVilson Racing Secretary J 15 Campbell Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p in AV indicates whip S spurs P blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date truck record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance CTQf OA FIRST RACE About 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds Claiming Net value tfOAjWvf to winner 200 second 60 third 40 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Mr vi StrFin Jotkeys O H C P S 531G5CHIEF BARTHLL w 11G 2 1 31 I1 1 1 K Smith E AV Moore 752 75 12 15 53 158 PEPPERY POLLY w 11G 4 li 2 2J 2 C Hunt J Welshman 75 S5 85 35 14 53213 NICK LONDON AV 11C 5 3 2 4 3 3s N Collins A Clesi 3 C 5 7512 751252HI7 52HI7 COUNTESS AV 113J 4 5 43 S 4J 4 = J Scott AV S Bruce C 10 10 4 75 53170 KCHOLAXD w 102 1 2 T V 5 = ° i ° A AVilsnm O Weffdel 15 20 IXfs + 53105 J E HEUTJS w 101 C G G 6 G fi J SchlessrT F Johnson 12 13 15 0 2J 2JTime Time 25y5 51 101 Track good goodAVhmer AVhmer fi g by Tony fionero Bittie Sue by The Commoner trained by E AV Moor Mr A Brown BrownAVcnt AVcnt to post at 22 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon ejisily second and third driv ¬ ing CHIEF BARTHEIL was forced back soon after the start but came around the others and beiii hard ridden took the lead and held PEPPERY POLLY safe PEPPERY POLLY was ridden hard to out stay speedScratched NICK LONDON The latter had a rough race but finished well COUNTESS showed speed Scratched 53141 Gladys 107 Overweights Peppery Polly 1 pound Countess 2 SECOND RACE About 58 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 00 third 40 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi = 4 StrFiu Jockey O II C P S I2C57CAPT MARUHT A 10 11SJ 7 1 I1 I I1 I1 F HeavnrG Drumhiller 5 I S5 I 53111 HARRY RUDDER 5120 2 3 2 = 2U 2 2 T Corner O G Sheldon 2 2 75121 53145 DAHIXDA 5 107J 1 t K C1 G1 3 J SchlessrC Clime 5 S 7 2 53145 CLEAN UP 711244 4 4 3i Ii X Tiller 15 Hitchcock 10 10 10 4 S 53213 COUSIX O MINE G 11G S 2 3 f 4 = 5B A Amman AVakeman 4 5 5 2 1 53085 CHESTERFIELD C 1121 G 5 5l 5i G 6 R Meier B M McColly 15 15 15 5 52728 AERBOTEX 5 Hi 5 S 8 S 7s 710 J Scott AV S Bruce 12 15 15 G 53145 CATAX1A 4111 7 7 7 8 S H EricTisnJ L Gruber 354 854 854Time Time 25 50 100 Track good AViiiner B g by Marchmont II Nina F by Ben Strome trained by F Heavener bred by Mr J AV Fuller AVent 1o post at 252 At ost 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving CAPT MARCHMONT began fast raced close to the inner rail ill the way and finished gamely HARRY RUDDER ran n good race and finished well DAH1NDA came with a rush neiir the end CLEAN IP showed improvement CATANIA bolted on the last turn turnScratched Scratched 53212 Dr Shafer 120 53209 Helen Hartmau 105 105Overweights Overweights Capt Marehmont 31 pounds Dahinda 2 Clean Up 2 i Cousin o Mine 1 Chesterfield 2 M Verboten 3 i Catania 1 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 60 third 40 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vt i StrFin Jockeys O H C P S 53213OLD FAITHFUL w 3 10G1 2 1 2s 2 1 = 1 = 1s E Smith U McDermid 710i1035 Ir4 out 53110 CAPT HODGE A G 115 G 5 3i 3 2 2l 25 H EricksnP J Miles 5 C 5 7535 53213 OLD ROSE AV 5 115 4 3 1 l 3 = 3s 3 J Scott Nelson Chy G 77 2 1 53213 BRICKLEY AV 10 115 3 G 4i 4 4 4 = 4 11 Meier L A Broaddus 10 1212 42 53211 KEDO AV 7 llu 1 2 5 5 = a13 5 5 X Collins T Costello 5 7 7 21 53053 BOXEIl AV 115 5 1 G G fi fi C Adams AV Kimmick C S 7 2 1 1Time Time 26 52 119 147 Track good goodAVinner AVinner Br c by Hornin Smirr by Carnage trained by D McDermid bred by Mr J H Byrd AVent to post at 318 At post 1 mintito Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving OLD FAITHFUL followed OLD ROSE closely and racing into tin lead came across in front of OLD ROSE in the last half and AVOU going away CAPT HODGE ran a good nice and finished gamely OLD ROSE set the early pace but had to be ridden hard for third place after being forced back BRICKLEY and KEBO had no mishaps mishapsOverweights Overweights Old Faithful pounds O FOURTH RACE About 6 12 Furlongs Bienvillo Purse Purse 300 3yearolds and O upward Allowances Net value to winner 200 second 60 third 40 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 14 i iStrFiii Jockeys O H C P S Z31G7SSAXDYH w 4 117 4 4 4 4 = 2l Ii t Hunt 1 AVakeman 3 3i 3 45 53107 TRUSTY w 7 117 C i i53155K1USTIES 2 I Ii 2U E Smita C II Daly DalyI1 65 75111025 53155K1USTIES CUB AV G 117 2 2 I1 2s 3i T CornT C O Sheldon Sheldonfi 7 10 10 3 53144 LAD w 3 US 3 5 fi 5 I1 4 L Mink AV O Stoner Stoner3i 531 8SHILL1XG AV 4 117 5 3i 31 5s 5 H EricksnAnderson Bros 53108 JERRY AV S USi 1 1 5 6 G G F HcavnrG Drumhiller Time 24fi 50 117 124 Track good goodAVinner AVinner Ch c by Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Peep oDay trained by G Ethington bred by Bcnjiimin A Jones JonesAVent AVent to post at 343 t post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third same SANDY II was sav d under restraint until in the last quarter then moved up with a rush outstayed TRUSTY Tho 1 itter ran out on the turns losing much ground KIRSTIES CUB set early pace and finished gum ly SHILLING and LAD tiixd tiixdOverweights Overweights Lad 1 poi nd Jerry 13X FIFTH RACE About C 12 Furlongs Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 60 third 40 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 53157 PRINCESS LOU 4 HOi 1 1 153130SDINTY 2 1 2s 11 H EricksnL J BroAvn 53130SDINTY 4 112 1 2 1 1 Ii 2i E Smith AV H BroAvn BroAvnfi 3 3i 2 71013 5321 PCOUNTERIJALCE 5120 3 5 fi 1 = 3 = 3 I Mink AV O Stoner 351 S5 710 53141 AVAL TURNBOW fi 120 S S SCSS 8 S K 1 = A AminanS McXoill 10 10 8 5 85 85S CSS IS TERRIBLE MISS 5112 i 3 353210OLIArE 5 5i 53 X Tiller H Hitchcock S 10 10 A 2 2tuli 53210OLIArE JAMES 4112 7 G 43 3 4 Gl AV FnklinH Scully Scully5i tuli 11571013 53122 MOLLY O 8 112 2 4 5i G = 75 7 R Meier 1 McColly 15 30 20 S 1 52031 CAPITAXIA S 115 5 7 72 7 L rerT Corner A G Dunlap 15 15 15 G 3 Time 24 J 50 118 125V4 Track good AVinner B f by Great Britain Loyal Lady by The Seiilx trained by J M Brown brod by Mr A L 1Vrgiison Ynt to post at 407 A post 1 minute Start good and slfiw Ayon driving second ami third the same PRINCESS IOt raced in closest pursuit to the last turn from where she raced up to DINiTVT to Aviii drawing eltaiv DINTYj hiiwid the most early speed but tired COUNTERBALANCE calm fast in the lust quarter OLIVE JAMES had no mishaps CAP1TANIA stumbled and lost his rider Ovirweijfhti Princess Lou 3 pounds Olive James Mully O 5