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FIRST RACE About 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Index Course DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of rinlili BALLYGIHEN ch f 3 M 110 By Handsel Santa1 Lucia by St Florian Trainer FlorianTrainer A Luzader Owner A Luzader 53165 Shport 51 f 1011 fast 32 ICO 0 5 4 = 2 = L McDottlO CliBthell FRster Si tChi 53129 Shport 51 f 110 fast G 3001 1 323 5 L Aron G Sun Ways CHartliell RBlo 53105 Shport 51 f lllgood 20 100 4 4 3 21 3 = L Aron S II Rudder FRooster Sp Chan 3052 Shport 51 f 119 hvy 12 10G 5 55 6s 5s J Shelepets 7 Hand Sweep Royal Blood Tm 52833 FGnds 34 l13 fast 100 92112 13 13 13 13 F Andson 13 General Philanderer Moronl PLATO ch g 3 M 115 115Trainer By Uncle Dike by Sir Dizon Dizonis Trainer D McDermid Owner D McDermid 53048 Shport 51 f l185hvy 21 103 3 244 is 5 L Aron 7 SJVergne Repent Fin Raster Io013 Shport 51 f l18hvy 5 112 5 5 31 1 21 F Murphy S IIArcb SirTohnVergne HiSwecp 9 S Mitchell 14 Salute Wild Flower Lor Moss FINANCIAL ROOSTER b g 4 M 122 122Trainer By Little Dutch Cloisteress by Carlton Grange Trainer F Wright Owner R Warfield RC09 Mobile Ab 5S l01Visfast 1 122 2k H Krieksn 7 HHV Beeswaxv Helen Hartman 53163 Shport 5iflOU fast S 110 1 2 3 21 5 I HolwaylO ChRthol Bargilien SptgChce 53143 Shport 7S 131 fast 30 110 C 5 4 5 4 4 1 J Rodgex 9 Nurmandie Galway Salute 53129 Shport 51 f 110 fast 21 116 2 44 510 4JJ J Rodgez i SunWavs ClifRtfiell Roy Bld 53103 Shport 51 f lmsgood 2 113 fi 7 6 31 22 H Bricks H 8 HRudder Bargilien Sp Chance hport 51 f 113 hvy 3 135 6 4 3 33 21 H EricUsn 8 M Gingham Petrograd Dalwd hport Dalwdhport 51 f 115 hvy 41 117 6 5 3 32 2 H Ericksn 7 Tony Repent Little Niece 5301S Niece5301S Shport 51 f l18hvy 7 118 7 776 31 H Ericksn 7 SirJVergne Repent AnnesPet 62S33 AnnesPet62S33 FGnds 34 l13fast 30 11110 8 9 102 10 i M Garner 13 General Philanderer Moroni 62762 FGnds Im70y l49Mhvy 12 115 6 4 3 5 S4 7 L Morris 10 Secretary BRendcrcd Doc Jim 62180 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 50 109 3 o 7 9 9 9 H Lunsfd 9 HarvKing Madrono GdSwell GdSwellBEESWAW BEESWAW ch f 4 M 112 B BTrainer By Handsel Merry Blue by Blues Trainer W H Buckner Owner T J Jackson 53209 Mobilo Ab 58 l0ltfast 41 117 3 3531G3 i T Corner 7 Hay FinRooster HelIIartman 531G3 Shport 51 f 109 fast 15 110 9 88 8 S1 a a3 F Murphy 10 ChBthell Balgihen F Rooster 53130 Shport 51 f 109 good 12 111 6 6 51 5n F Murph 7 Tony Cousin o Mine Dintv 52113 Jefson 1 142 fast 50 107 9 6 6 C 6s Cs R Bryson 10 Ruvden Hopovcr PansylMossom 52025 Jcfson 1 116 l49fast 30 106 7 8 S S S 8 II King S Old McKcnnn Royden Old Itose 51963 Jeffion 34 l19hvy SO 107 2 8 9 91 9 12 Pollard It Carliiu S Hopovor Horeh 51617 efKon 34 l11fast 50 1001 2 9 10 S Si 12 Pollard Hi Lieutlerkins Piillux Yapliank 51019 Jofson 34 I16vcood39 10110 10 7 5s 4 P Long 30 A Rose Nonnuudic Uoreb 51 Si2 Jcfson 5i f l07fast 100 101 10 10 11 10 10 K Pollanlll Ina Kay Winncconiic Galwny 51421 Church 1 116 149 fast Cl 107 3 fi 6 6 r a G Stono 7 Darnley DucturJlui I adyBrItn ORIENTAL DRESS b f 1 M 117 117Trainer By Delhi Costume by Domino Trainer D Vititoo Owner J Wliite WliiteM209 M209 Mobilo Ab 58 lOIVsfa t 21 117 5 W Dkscm 7 Hay Finan Rooster Beeswaw 53165 Shport 51 f 109 faat 15 Krl KrlCr143 O1 J McCoy 10 CliRthclI I5algilieii FIJooster Cr143 Shport 7S 131 fast 35 U3 2 C 61 6 L McDott S Norniiiudic Galvay Salute 53061 Shport 51 f 119 hvy l 103 1 3l 2J L MoDott G Dinty SportgChance Versailles C3029 Shport 6J f l17hvy 7 P9 3 3R2496 41 ST L McDott 7 Vnnsylvia AmerHose Catania R2496 PGmlH Im70y 147 fast 12 105 13 7J 711 T Jarvls 11 Hoixivcr Roisterer P Blossom 24 l15fefast 35 C1 41J T Jnrvls 13 Niohe Uojmver Mountain Dew fX416 Lexton S S5 G Stack ICflslier SamsBov Dof Wton 7 Loxton 1 116 17 fast 33 30l 6 3 7 6Z 6 B Kenudy S Alexlr LMountjoy DofWelln 498C3 BGrass 34 l17 hvy 6 105 3 O Willis 4 VPark SwcepJr PorteDrapeau iWK UGrasa 34 lill fast 85 109 7 O Willis 7 View Sweep Jr Second Cousin MABEL JOSEPHINE b f 3 M 105 105Trainer By Martinet Anna L Daley by Lissak Trainer W Alford Owner Alford Bainton 53163 Shport 5 f 109 fast 20 100 1 1 M 10 3019 T Brooks 10 CIiBthell Bargilien FRooster 53013 Shport 5i f l18hvy 7 107 3 888 S J McCoy S Horeb Plato Sir John Vorgne 52639 FGnds W if l07fast CO 105 12 13 12 12 32 A Richcrk 13 Jim Fog Repent Damons 62394 WhippleE2230 FGnds 34 l15fast 20 111 1 10 10 12 1211 A Richcrk 13 Galiot Vulcanize Joe Whipple E2230 KGnds 5 f lllhvy 12 311 fi 77 6T 4 A Collins 10 Voormir Sea Cove Wireless 51945 Jefson 34 lishvy 12 S9 4 64 42 4 N Everett 8 Toss Up Secretary Pimllco 51777 Jefson 1 143 good 12 S9 9 13 13 10 9i 9 S Mitchell 13 Ionia Salute Old McKenna 51735 Jefson 34 l19hvy 5 109 5 5 5 4s 3s W Helnch 7 Montlllo Secretary Puzzle 61646 Jefson 6J f lOSfast 15 106J11 10 10 102 101S H Moore 12 Thfi Moor Big Son Repent CLEAN SWEEP b f 4 M ll2 ll2Trainer By Sweep Primbutton by Bachelors Button Button6U Trainer G Ethington Owner Hill Wendel 520i Mobilo Ab 5S 303fast 35 317 6U J Schnger 7 Hay Finan Rooster Beeswaw 53105 Shport 51 f lll = igood TO 110 5 r 4 7 7n W Brown S II Rudder FRooster Ralgihen 53075 Shport 51 f 115 hvy 15 103 5 7 7 5 o L Aron 7 Tony FinaneialRooster Repent 52839 FGnds 1 14 203 fast 100 99 4 12 12 12 12 12 N Bverett 12 Kohinoor Yapliank Berlin 50396 Dorval 34 115 fast SI 101 4 677 6U V Maralli 7 Assumptn MankinlL Mkcnle 49543 MtUoyal 34 lHfast 19 103 52 J SchlessrlO OakBelle ShortChge Mistake 49403 MtRoyal Im70yl45fast 17 9 S11 V Maralli 8 Le Balafre ShcDcvlI LadyVnra 49329 Meuve Ab 5S l07hvy 41 107 107492S5 4U J Schlessr 0 Necessity WPMonty MStcrz 492S5 Mcuvo Ab 34 117 fast 20 102 2s J Schlessr 0 DGfton MSterling WPMty ECHOLAND b f 3 M 105 By Sandbar Gotowin by St Gatien Trainer G Ethington Owner Hill Wondcl 53220 Mobile iVb 51 f l01Mgood 20 102 2 5 sT 5 = ° 510 A Wilson CBarthcll Pep Poll v NIxindon NIxindonS61 5J170 Shport 1 18 l55fast 30 S61 S S S S S 8s T Brooke S P G Kin Solid Rock Sunduria 5S145 Shport fl f l10fast SO 91 6 7 7 7 C1 T Brooks 7 TigerRosc Philippic Phihi Bill 52975 Shport 51 f llShvy 30 202 6 G 6 6Z 6l II Gregory 7 PepyPolly LidyMdred StJust 62502 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 100 93 3 6 8 S 8 8 M Schwtz S Iwiniwin Sandy Mac Undine 52133 Jefson 5S l02fast 60 112 5 10 It II5 H1 H J Burke 12 Philander Secretary Gthnmp 520G7 Jefson 61 f l10hvy 30 105 4 7 8 10 10l A RichcrklO Tony Sutton Secretary Repent 61S64 Jefson 5S 104 slow 20 109 8 66 6 61 W Heincb 8 Reluctant T Sutton Calithiimp 61735 Jefson 34 l19hvy 20 107 6 7 7 7 71 L McAtee 7 Montillo Secretary MJoaphin