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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA FRIDAY MARCH 11 1921 Oriental Park Ninetyfourth day CubaAmerican Jockey and Auto Club AVintcr Meeting of 110 days Weather clear temperature 90 ° Stewards J Hachmeister C II Lausdale and F J Bruen Starter James F Milton Racing Sec ¬ retary M Nathanson Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 157 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance EO 1 I FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 l05l5 5 102 Purse 700 3year cPOoe4JLrz olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt i Vj StrFin Jockeys O HOPS fl ll8 = RAMEAU A n 5 lOii 9 12 G1 3nt i 1 = j Ponalverll 70 Davis 11125 15 53080 TERBLE SUSAX A l 4 111 3 1 1i I1 l t 2 F MerirneeS T Baxter 5 C G 2 1 53172B A JOXES A it D 107 G t 2i 2l 2 = 31 If Gclwin I A Hall 10 12 12 5 2i 531J2 PLAXTAGENET AV 9 107 1 2 i 41 4h 41 s Lowe S Burnside 5 G G 2 1 53035 SEXATR JAMESw 11 112 10 S 71 7 = 51 5 k J Dreyer II AV Plant 444 S5 45 r223tLlTTLE BUSS w r G 107 2 7 rni oh i J3 j Francis T Cheek 10 12 12 5 2i SIOl SHASTA w fi 107 7 5 4J u I3 711 K LcasterQuemaclos Stable25 25 10 4 30 8tJAMES G wi 7 107 4 fi iu 10JlO1 8 k J Smith J do Estrampes 30 30 30 12 r3079HOSLUlt w 4 107 SO SOAVI i S S1 liii G FieMs C K Lenahan 20 20 20 S 4 T3034 GARBAGE AVI I 115 5 3 3AV Snt ynt 9ilO AV Kelsuy AV E Scott 7883 S5 SlOltCOCKLE AV G 112 11 10 12 12 12 H1 J Dawson V Porterie 30 40 40 15 S 5284 1 DUSTER T1GGS ws 3 105 12 11 10ill1 111 12 AV MeehanAV I Finnegan 15 15 15 C 3 fMutuel field Time 2325 45 101 107 J Track fast 2 mutiicls paid Ramesiu S510 straight 390 place SliJO show Terrible Susan S40 place 7 0 show B A Jones 1780 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ramenti 1 to 100 straight ir t 100 place 0 to 100 show Terrible Susan 320 to 100 place 280 trf 100 show B A Jones 7 0 t 100 show showAVinner AVinner Blk h by Ethelbert Roxynni by Rock Sand tiiiined by J AV Pluukett bred in France by August Bilmont t AVent to post at 231 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing RAMEAU bejhin slowly but worked his way up steadily on tin otitsiclec and linishing fast Avon going away TERRIBLE SUSAN set a good paw but tired after disposing of B A JONES The latter raced forwardly and gamely throughout PLANTAGENET ran well wellOverweights Overweights Raimau 2X pounds tTOOfl K SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year OO JL 3 olds and upAvard Claiming Net value to Avinner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 2 vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C 53150HOXEST GUGE wi 5 10S S 5 3 23 Ii 1 AV MrehanJ Umensetter 5 5 5 2 1 531 3AVILLIE AVOODS AV 5 103 G 2 2 ih 4 2i R LcasterF Delbarrio S 8 8 3 S5 53187 RAAAXXA AVI 3 lOli 2 7 7 7i 7 3i G Fields E D Springer 8883 85 85530W4 530W4 JIM FOG w 3 105 4 8 Gi 41 51 4Jlf Gdvrin J A Hall 55521 53008 DOCTOR D AV Ill 3 3 1 1 2 rii AV Kelsay C Derosset 8883 S5 5318 JUAXITA III AV i 100 7 1 4 = 5 h 3i Gt T Hums O Tussle 20 20 20 8 4 53184 JOE VHIPPLE AVH 3 100 i G 5i pii Gi 71 S Love G C Denny S 8 S 3 S5 5314 GUARDSMAN AV G 105 5 S i 10 i L Penman 11 A Cotton 15 15 15 3 53 1D GEORGE AV w 3 10 1 I 10 8l i y = A Pickens M Seifert 2 2 2 45 25 53187 MOLIXERO AVI tJ 100 10 10 9J 10 10 F Hunt A J Molera 2i 2i 2J 1 12 12Time Time 23Vs 47 101 107 Track fast light 1010 place 0 show Willie AVoods 2500 2500place place 10H show Itavanna S430 show Equivalent booking oddsHonest George 02 to 100 straight 401 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Willie AVoods 1200 to 100 place 445 to 100 show Ravanna 115 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Kenilworth Mitten by King Eric trained by V Sims bred by Mr Daniel Jr EgaiO AVent to post at 255 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third ilriv fng HONEST GEORGE close up from the start raced into u good lead in the stretch and Avas going aAVjiy at the ond AV1ILIE AVOODS ran a good ynd game race but tired in the last lifty yards RA AANNA was brought wide when entering the stretch but finished fast GEORGE AV was shullied buck at the start and was pulled up MOL1NERO was away badly JIM FOG ran well DOCTOR D set a fast pace for the first half and quit quitScratched Scratched 53199 Our Jack lOli 52758 Elga 101 101Overweights Overweights Ravanna pounds George AV 3 Jim Fog 2 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to Avinner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horsed AAVtPPSt H s Sir Fin Jockeys 0 H C P S 53 119 3 MUST FANCY 4102 G 5 31 3 3 i 1i L Penman Williams Bros U5 G5 C5 25 15 53193 MERRY FEAST A 7 108 7 3 1s 1 1J J UaAvson J Costello fi 7 7 21 05 5319 TALENT 3 100 51 2 2r 2 3h F Hunt M Goldblatt S 10 IjB 4 531 2TWXTY SEVEN 7111 8 7 7531933ED 73 7 j 41 AV Kelsay F Boughsnum fi 7 7 21 C5 531933ED MclJRIDE w s 5 10o 1 2 4 41 4 5 = R Lcasterlt AVoods 3 3 3 1 lJ 53193 ORLEANS GI11L A n 4 lOt 1 4 4r 51 5 5 ti = A Pickeus J U Milliii 5 fi fi 2 1 1G3 r 5i93 93 sLAXGHORXE A AVIS 0 10 2 G G3 G1 7 73 J Smith AV G Campbell 5 G G 2 1 1S 52431 HEMLOCK A wi 7 111 38 S S S 8 J Dreyjr J S AVhatley 30 40 40 15 7 7Time Time 23 46 100 1061J Track fast fasti2 i2 mutuels paid Just Fancy 3SO straight i Airr P I s n i MII show Talent JJ540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Just Fancy 90 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Merry Fuast 325 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Talent 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ir f by Colin Idle Fancy by Ben Brush trained by p J AVHliams bred by Mr James A Corrigan CorriganAVcnt AVcnt to post at 325 At post I minutes Start good and slow AVoii easily second and third driv ¬ ing JUST FANCY after racing close up came fast through the stretch and Avon going away MERRY FEAST set a great pace but tired in the last sixteenth TALENT ran well but also tired and Just lasted long enough to outstay TWENTY SEVEN The hitter finished with a rush EDDIE McBRlDE pulled up slightly linue linueScratched Scratched 5319SA1 Porter 10i 530GS Marty Lou 101 53180 Fickle Fancy 107 53103 Pas de Chance 114 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 6 102 Purse 900 3yearolds and upward Claiming Handicap Net value to winner 700 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi 5i StrFin Jockeys 0 HOPS 532003SIROCCO AVI fi 103 2 Ii I1 1 = 1 A Pickens G L Fitzgerald 3 3 3 1 12 12531942THE 531942THE UELGX II wn 7 109 1 4 5i 4 34 2 AV Kelsay Florida Stable 85 S5 75 12 14 14531G13B1 531G13B1 ACIC PJHXCE AV 4 101 2 3 2l 41 3 1 Penman E J Crawford 4 44 8545 85455318IASSUA1PT1ON 5318IASSUA1PT1ON wr 5 10S 5 1 3 2 k 2i 4 J Francis J S AVhatley G fi G 2i G5 G55S181 5S181 KORAX w 0 102 7 5 C10 G 5 = 53 Ii IcattcrH Herdol 0 C C 2 G5 53194 ALLAH AV 5 9G 4 5 41 fr f G S Low J Bauer 15 15 15 C 3 3I I 53194BRIG OF AVAR AVli G 101 C 7 7 7 7 7 G Fields Uosedale Stable 2i 3 3 1 12 Time 22 46 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Sirocco 130 straight 3iO place 370 show The Belgian II 2CO place 200 show BJnck Prince 320 SIOAA SIOAAEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sirocco 305 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 85 to 100 show The Belgian II 30 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Black Prince CO to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Sir Geoffrey Helium by Snndrldgu trained by E L Fitzgerald bred in England by Mr John B Joel JoelAVent AVent to post at 351 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all but BRIG OF WAR AVon handily second and third driving SIROCCO set a fast pace from the start saved ground when enter ¬ ing the homestretch and made a game but tiring finish THE BELGIAN II made up ground steadily but tired and barely outstayed BLACK PRINCE The latter Avas cut off when he attempted to come through on the inside on the stretch turn then was taken to the outside and finished with a rush BRIG OF WAR began sideways and was left ASSUMPTION ran a fast half and tired tiredScratched Scratched 53100Mavehona 9i 9iOverweights Overweights The Belgian II 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Mile ami 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 7003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt A i StrFin Jockeys O II C P S 53189 WHITE HAAEN W 5 10 5 S 4 Gl fii I1 Ii J Smith L O Sawyer 53103 OMALLEV w C C110 110 4 4 7 i 7 2 k W Kelsay Pogolotti Stable 5 G G 2 1 53115 BREAD LINE AV n i 4 100 1 l 41 5 Si S Lowe AV C AVestmored 3 3 3 1 12 53183 TIM J HOGAX AC110 3 3 2t 21 Ii 2i 4 J Dawson G AVarwick AVarwick5i 20 20 20 S 4 53196 HUSH A 4 105 G 5 5i 3H 2 k 4l 53 L PenmanO Holmes 71071071013 1G 53202 INCINERATOR A4107J8 7 7C3 8 8 8 7 ° Gi F MerimeeF AVrispen G 7 7 2 G5 AVrispenCh C3 183 AVAR TAX AVS 5 103 7 G Gn29GGLTHOLICK Ch 5i SJ G2 7 = R LcasterF Delbslrrio 12 12 12 5 2i n29GGLTHOLICK w wi G 107 2 2 1i 1 4 8 8 G Fields A B Davidson 5 G G 2 1 1Time Time 23 i 47 J 114 140 l44 4 Track fast 2 mutuels paid AVhit Haven 3120 straight 30 place 770 show OMalley 20 place 450 show Bread Line 110 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds White Haven 14GO to 100 straight 305 to 100 place 285 to 100 show OMalley SCO to 100 place 125 to 100 show Bread Line 105 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B m by Bourbon Prince Miss Thompson by Goldcrest trained by A Porterie bred by Mr Martin Doyle DoyleAVent AVent to post at 417 At post 1 minute Start good and fast AVon driving second and third the same AVIIITE HAVEN was outpaced to the last turn where he was taken to the outside then finished Avith a rush arid outstayed OMALLEY at the end OMALLEY also closed a gap and finished fast and gamely BREAD LINE ran a good race and finished close up TIMOTHY J HOGAN ran well HUSH tired in the last quarter L1THOLICIC shoAvcd the most early speed but quit after leading to the far turn turnScratched Scratched 53205s Ava R 100 5313C Janice Logan 97 97Overweights Overweights Incinerator pounds SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt M Vi vi Str Fin Jockey O H C P S 53180HARLOCK AV G 105 fi 4 1J 1i 1 = 1s I1 L Penman J H Moody 1i 21 2 4525 4525531823OSGOOD 531823OSGOOD w 5 WS 3 2 5 4 3 = 3 2 A Pickens T Doyle 3 3 3 1 12 53201 EXHORTER AV 7 103 4 5 Si 1i 2i 21 3 R LcasterI AVulters 2 2 2 4525 4525eai0 eai0 CAXDLE LIGHT AVIS a HO 2 8 8 7l 5t 51 I3 G Flelns K P Baxter 4 4i 41 85 45 53201 REDSTART AV G 100 S fi C 6 7s 6 5 k AV Kelsiy 1 J McCafferty S 10 10 4 2 53020 GRUXDV AVH 7 110 5 3 1t 3 4i 4i G = S Lowe K J CraAvford fi G G 2 1 1rj3I95CUBAXlTA rj3I95CUBAXlTA AV 3 S5 7 7 7l S 8 8 7 P Scheffel Armonia Stable 20 20 20 8 4 453177LOCUST 53177LOCUST LEAAESwn 4 iS 11 4i 5 G 1 8 C Parrish A F Dayton S 8 S 3 S5 Time 23 47 113 l38 i 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Harlock 030 straight 390 place 330 show Osgood 400 place 410 show Exhorter 410 show Equiviilent booking odds Harlock 225 to 100 straight 95 to 101 place do to 100 show Osgood 100 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Exhorter 105 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Peep oDay Benedetta by The Pepper trained by J AV Naylor bred by Messrs R II Oots OotsWent Went to post at 440 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing HARLOCK took the lead quickly set a fast pace all the way and AVOII casing up OSGOOD gained steadily and finished fast EXHORTER ran a game race but tired when it came to the final drive CANDLE LIGHT finished fast after making a slow beginning GRUNDY began well but was cut oil on the first turn then showed speed but quit finally finallyOverweights Overweights Redstart 1 pound