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SANFORDS WELCOME RETURN WellKnown Colors Will Reappear on Metropolitan Tracks Two Year Olds Imported from fromFrance France and England Are AreNow Now in Training NEW YORK N Y April 22 More than pass ¬ ing interest is being displayed in the arrival of the John Sanford horses at Jamaica from Hot Springs as it marks the participation of the San ford stable in Metropolitan racing on a more pro tendons scale than has been the case for several years past pastThe The majority of the twoyearolds were pur ¬ chased by Mr Sanford at Doncaster and New ¬ market England and Deauville France some of which cost a handsome sum Shortly after their purchase they were shipped to Hurricana Mr Sanfords stud farm at Amsterdam N Y After a short while there to find their legs they were sent to Hot Springs where they wintered in grand style The Sanford colors in former years when raced by General Stephen Sanford the father of the present John Sanford were known far and wide many of the Sanford colorbearers still lingering in memory Perhaps the best of these was Caugn nawaga but not far behind came Chuctanunda Rockton and Mohawk II These later went to the stud with fair success successIt It is worthy of note that sbhfe of the first foals of Nassovian are among the twoyearolds These will be keenly watched and if blood counts for anything should make their mark Nassovian will be remembered as having finished third in the Epsom Derby of 1910 1910Seven Seven of the youngsters in addition to five threeyearolds have been transferred to Havre de Grace in Preston Burchs care and will receive a short campaign there The remainder of the twoyearolds twentyone in numl er will be raced by trainer Hollie Hughes on the New York tracks In addition to these Hughes will handle four older horses The full list is as follows followsAT AT JAMAICA TRAINER HOLUE HUGHES HUGHESRoyal Royal Charlie b c 2 by Charles OMalley Captive Princess by Captivation CaptivationPierre Pierre Qni Roule b f 2 by Sweeper Running Water by Sir Djxon DjxonPietrus Pietrus b c 2 by Sundridge Vacuum Cleaner by Perch PerchSercnader Sercnader cli c 2 by Bachelors Double Golden Harp by Llangjbby LlangjbbyQueen Queen Mab II cli f 2 by Snnstar St Agnes by St Blaise BlaiseOdessa Odessa cli f 2 by Sunder Snow Marten by Martagon MartagonUranus Uranus cli c 2 by Sunstar Vera Cruz by Fariman FarimanOlynthus Olynthus b c 2 by Nassovian Kildonan by Ladas LadasCicntn Cicntn b f 2 by Nassovian Hemlock by Spearmint SpearmintSadowa Sadowa ch f 2 by Predicateur Fille de Guerre by AjaxCoretta Ajax Coretta ch f 2 by Cylgad Fleur dOrange by William the Third ThirdMessena Messena b or br c 2 by Llangibby Homage by SpearmintKarine Spearmint Karine b f 2 by Prince Palatine Karamania 1y Marcovil Lettia b or br f 2 by Nassovian Louli by Flying Fox FoxSnob Snob II b or br c 2 by Prestige May Dora by IsidorHumanitarian Isidor Humanitarian b or br f 2 by Ecouen Red Cross by Macdonald II IIBenl Benl ow b or br c 2 by Sweep Folklore by Star Shoot ShootCloughjordan Cloughjordan b c 2 by The Curragh Trance by Ben Brush Strymon b g 2 by Nassovian Scammony by Sir Visto VistoThane Thane b g 2 by Nassovian Philistia by Isin ¬ glass glassOn On Guard b f 2 by Rabelais Glorita by Ajax AjaxHeatherton Heatherton br c 4 by Tracery Louli by Fly ¬ ing Fox FoxConine Conine b f 3 by Lemborg Hemlock by Spear ¬ mint mintJesava Jesava br f 3 by Rabelais La Leitha by Mordant MordantPavia Pavia ch f 3 by Vitellins Adrintha by Clif ¬ fordAT ford AT MARYLAND TRAINER PRESTON BURCH BURCHSleiveconard Sleiveconard b or br c 2 by The Curragh Danoscara by Clifford CliffordBarriskane Barriskane ch c 2 by The Cnrragh Winning Witch by Broomstick BroomstickAthelstan Athelstan b c 2 by Uncle Consuelo II by Bradwardine BradwardineValentia Valentia b f 2 by Spanish Prince II Mabel Strauss by Uncle UncleFiorina Fiorina ch f 2 by Dick Finnell Eleusinia by Isidor IsidorRadiola Radiola b f 2 by Chuctanunda Madame Curie by RadiumAzilda Radium Azilda ch f 2 by The Curragh Onaga by Clifford CliffordKillala Killala b f 3 by Vitellius or The Curragh Danoscara by Clifford CliffordNimblefoot Nimblefoot b f 3 by Rockton Onaga bv Clif ¬ ford fordSagacity Sagacity b f 3 by Macdonald II Astnce by Hermis HermisYeomanitc Yeomanitc ch f 3 by Voter Mirella by St Frusquin FrusquinChateau Chateau Thierry b f 3 by Econen Theresa by Ajar