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WHEELING ENTRIES For Monday April 25 First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Intl Horse Wt Rcc AWtUan 53098 = Navisco M 105 4 110 725 53098 Mary I 112 51 114 720 53153 Baby Evelyn 114X715 114X7155309S3 5309S3 Madame X M112 52 107 715 715Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3ycarolds 3ycarolds Allowances Allowancesrvrr rvrr j 102 108 111 725 bWinall 108107 110X721 53775 Hope Princess 108 l0 Jf 102X715 53755 Peppery Pollv 105 107 108X715 108X71553734s 53734s American Maid 100108 107X715 53775 bllarp of the North105 107 105 710 71053775s 53775s Dr Stevenson M 101 700 700Third Third Ractf G 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Allowances 53702 = bWilldo 110 l25s S 119X725 53714 Dr Campbell 112123 7 110X 110X53733s 53733s Lady Longfellow 5117X 53775 Tom Goose 0 110X715 53775 bJack Hill 5119X710 53291 Ogden Girl 100123 4115X705 53718 Judge Price 7 110X700 53755 Little Niece M 3 115 700 70053770s 53770s All There M 107121 4 117 700 15 bTrobcn M 5 119 5 bllopc 5 117X 117XG375S G375S Hay 0 119 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileWheeling Wheeling Register Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward 53715 fliPimlico 112 141 3 102X725 53712 tblolygaiuist 5 99 720 53778 = Sans Peur II 100 141 5 110X715 53715 = Barry Shannon 1051139 7 114 715 71553778s 53778s bOaklawn Belle 101143 8 114 710 53757 = Sentimental 102 142 5 114X700 114X700fE fE L Loubat and J Criuiuiius entry Fifth Race About 5 8 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingS 53759 = bAtlhnr Middleton S 113X725 53781 Terrible Susan 4 111 720 53731 bGrey Rump 4 113 715 53759 Cancion 4 111 715 53735 Northern Relic 4 112X715 53755 Galway 5 113X710 53735 Rnbivari M 4 111 705 53775 Guardsman i 112 705 53735s bNo Trumps 7 113X705 5371 S Little Bum 5 113 700 53781 My Friend 1at SI 3 105 700 53751 Stilpo M S 113 700 Sixth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming 53702 BUCK NAIL 108145 9112X725 53739 bClip 110 147 5 10SX715 537383 Fly Home 101 115 9 105X710 105X71053739s 53739s Le Balafrc 105 149 C 1051710 53715 Chcfii 3 101 705 53779 bAmerican Soldier 98 147 4 110X705 53779 = bCounterbalance 105 147 5 112X705 53755 = bStir Up 110148 91121705 911217055375C 5375C Zoie 951455 5 112 700 Seventh Race G 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds and upward Claiming 53750 Me 4 111X725 53717s Doublet II 4 107X720 53700 bKirsties Cub 5 118X715 53187 bGoId Stone 5 113X715 53700 Cockroach 5 1191715 53700s bRog 0 119 710 53541 = Yukon 4 111X710 53778 Terry 5 119X710 r3577 bLitholick 115123 5113X705 53700 Normandie 5 119X700 119X700537SO 537SO bMaiden Voter MIOO 123 4 109 700