Seventh Race [7th Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-25

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SI3VKNTII HACK 1 1Ki Allie AllieSept and upward Claiming Sept IS l ao 141 4u 1 S SHANK HANK ODAY br g 9 111 111Trainer By Peep ODay Erlo Belle by King Erie Trainer W Lock Owner W Lock C3752 HdeGo 1 110 l4S l4Sfast fast 165 110 7 7222 2 2 2 lk i C Turner 10 S Kelly PGKing Winneconne 52590 FGnds 1 116 l45 fast 25 112 146 G 0 G A Collins 0 Troilus Kimpalong Frogtown E2521 FGnds I 1IG l40fast G 113 3 4 4 G 5i 6 L Lyke 7 Lucky B Kuklux Kimpalong 52169 FGnds 1 116 l46fast 32 112 4 1 1 1 1 1i L Lylto STanll Citptninlttirns Richelieu 52315 FGnds Im70y 145 fast 3 109 G 1 1 1 I2 J3 M Garner SSKelly LightWinc Jackstraw 5227G FGnds Im70y l46good G 111 S 7 7 4 42 4 A Collins 14 On High Salute MoAdoo 52159 Jefson 1 116 l4Sfast 4 109 1 1 1 1 U 2n M Garner 13 Sentimental CoIonclLit Nccnah BEAVERKILL MigraineTrainer br h 7 109 By Ogden Dolly Higgins by Migraine Trainer S M Henderson Owner E B Ho ndcrson 53197 Bowie 61 f l20 fast 40 110 Left at the post C Ponce 8 Sagamore SmartGuy LadsLovo 52253 FGnds Im70y l47hy 7 101 1 4 5 5 G G L McAtee li IiffHang Snapdragon 11 Kizer 51424 Churchl 2 330fast 11 108 6 Broke Gown N Barrett 5 PifIr Sands of Pleas MintoII MintoII513GG 513GG Cliurchl 1 1IG 148 good 75 108 4 G 5 4 42 4 i C Bucl 5 HighCloud Dresden FairOrient 512SO Churchl 7S l2Smud 6 104 2 G 6 5 4i I3 C Buel S Dr Carmen Rifle The Nephew 31214 Latonia 34 117 hvy 3910 U3 7 06 31 l ° k II Lunsfd 8 Anticipate Hociiir Currency P G KING b g 6 103 By Mint Elsie Harris by Eon EonTrainer Trainer R E Watkins Owner R E Watkins 53752 HdeGo 1 116 l4Sfast 3310 105 133 4 43 21 R LcastcrlO HankODay S Kelly Wincoiine 5SGD7 HdcGc 1 11C l4S fast 14 103 10 7 6 G 41 31 I Gordon 13 Roisterer AmIoy Hlolarilner 63170 Shport 1 1S l55fast 115114 633 1 11 Il J Heupel S Solid Rock Suiidiiria Roisterer 5314G Shport Im70y l4S fast 45 116 3 3 3 2 1J 1s J Heupel 8 Cockroach HarSmarr Wllligan HELLO WiselyTrainer PARDNER b c 4 109 By Marajaz Ma Wee Dear by Lovo Wisely Trainer H E Yorko Owner S C Donham 53697 HdeGe 1 1IG l48fast 8 110 1 1 1 2 11 4 5 it Gregory 13 Roisterer AmerBoy PGKing 5S607 Bowie 1 1S l571 fast 10 109 1 1 1 1 I1 2 H Gregory 7 Napthalius GDawn LKmeline 53321 Bowie 1 116 Itflftfast 16 111 2 1 1 1 I1 1J A Allen 11 Indolence Warlike Kilkenny 53499 Bowlo Im70y l47fast 27f 103 7 3 G G 9 95 Schwtzl2 Mailgcl AmerBoy Anloiiiette 51616 Bowio 111215 hvy 13 99 4 1 1 1 Il 21 M Schwtz 10 1 Reeves Spearlem Light Wine 51587 Bowie 61 f 123 hvy 25 103 5 53 5 T Jarvis 7 Manoevre JBullant SEmblem 51487 Bowlo Im70y lriOgnoa 9 103 3 3 3 3 6 61Z T Jarvis MAntnctte GdpCause Pcant 51439 Bowie 1 116 15G slop 225 102 C 2 1 1 Il 1s T Jarvis 10 AmurIioy Wilfreda Arbitrator MORMON ELDER blk g 5 11G By Ogden Kate D by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Trainer W A McKinncy Owner E T Zollicoffer 53753 HdeGe 1 110 l4Jfast S IOG 3 1 1 1 I2 1 H ThurberlI Mather Iron loy La Kros Kros53C97 53C97 HdeGo 1 116 614S l4S fast 93 114 4 5 G 3 31 71 II ThurberlS Roisterer AmerBoy PGKing 30330 Dorval 1 145 fast 910 110 3 4 4 3 21 1 II Thurbcr Galley ilead Dairyman Chrome 5G2GO IDorval 1 1S 203hvy G5 110 4 1 1 1 I3 Il H Thurber 7 WMItaker Musket Galleylload 50231 Dorval Im70y l5G hvy 215105 543 3 2 31 II Thurbcr Pierrot Trackstar Mackenzie 50117 BBonts 1 l41slow 125 102 S 9 9 S S1 74 II Thurberll SwApple Trackstar IAClark 10769 ConKht 1 116 l4Ssgood 135 108 2 7 7 9 101 lls II Thurbcr 12 Manokin Cork TFMcMahon 18692 KLErlo Im70y 144 fast 1910 107 2 7 7 7 7 7 J Butwell 8 Night Wind Trophy Hondo Hondot t 313 Hamtn 1 141 fast 17 114 268 8 S S E Barnes 8 Piedra My Dear lolite 17911 KBonncts 1 142 fast 4 113 2 3 3 2 23 21 E Barnes 7 CliarlicSiimmy Glastoi JofArc 17738 Dorval 1 141 fast 18 102 G C 6 6 5k C MastcrBllI RanchcrSansPeurll ANTOINETTE b m 5 110 By Santol Vinaigrette by Prisoner Trainer 0 E Pons Owner M H Pens 53652 HdeGce 1 1S l55fast 15 98 2 1 1 1 1s lh T Brooke 9 Mather Austral Railbird RailbirdcC621 cC621 Bowie Im70y l48fast 13 100 6 C 6 7 7 78 T Brooke 7 Wdthrush Manoevre Roisterer 53535 Bowie 1 116 150 good S7 104 C i 2 3 3l 44 R Hoi way 11 Zouave GoldDawn Woodthrush 53499 Bowie Im70y l47ifast 126 100 10 7 G S 41 331 T Brooke 12 MadgeF AmerBoy Wdthrush 31159 Laurel 1110149 fast 13 103 S C 4 5 41 71S J Shelepets J Verity Lady Vard KittyJohnson EP997 KittyJohnsonEP997 Laurel 1110149 fast 14 107 S V S 8 S 8 F Cltiletti S AmerKagle AttyMuir Wlltda 50901 I aurel 1 l42 fast 3910 104 777 7 6 5 F Bryson S LinkBoy AmerEagle Railbird WODAN b g 9 114 By Dr Leggo Coma by Solitairo II IITrainer Trainer E Utterback Owner E TTtterback 50784 Laurel Im70y l45Vifast 7 110 7 JG 6 5 4l 713 J RodgezlO Franklin Stepson Nnpthalius 50656 Laurel 1 14 2OSfast 2110 112 7 13 3 2 4n 531 J Rodgezll Austral MarLuckett Indolenc 5026 HdeGo Im70y 147 fast 1 110 122 1 I2 I2 J Rodgez 7 Diadi Glen Well Nelle Yor Yor501S6 501S6 HdeGo 1 116 l48fast 85 110 1 1 1 1 H 121 A Schugr 6 Searchlight Hope Napthals 4S770 Napthals4S770 Empire 1 116 153 mud 710 110 4 3 4 4 410 J Rodgcz 4 War Club PDrapeau CourtFool GEORGE WASHINGTON cb g G 101 By Celt Sallie Washington by Eon EonTrainer Trainer A G Blakely Owner B Williams 63GOS Howie 1 1iG l51fast 8 101 S S 9 9 93 G3 F Cltilettlll Keziab Yaphank Benllampson 63521 Howie 1 1IG lr lfnst 61 108 445 4 41 5 1 F Cltllettill 11IoPdner Indolence Warlike 63476 Bowie 1 1IG l52 slow 5f 108 11 C fi 5 5 9 K CltilettiK Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn 62232 FGnds 34 l18 hvy SO 11010 987 = G It King 13 Burgoyne Kciali Mickey Moore 61814 Jefson 34 l18Vfehvy 30 107 9 7 S 810 S = J McTagtlO DoubleVan Optunity DrOpbell 60021 Kwrth 1 18 l54fast 62 10S 3 3 4 5 41 4 F Chlavta DtikeRuff J Reeves SolidUoek 60411 Thellffo 1 316 200fast 30 105 GBJ F Chlavta 7 Dottasllest Hunerana J of Are AreEOOS9 EOOS9 Dufrln 1 116 157 fast 2710 105 4 = 1 F Chlavta 1 Concha Ramona II Margery MargeryWVT WVT Dufrln 1 1lfi 153 good 10 104 1 F Chlavta 7 LadyWard Margery Contestant ContestantKEZIAH KEZIAH br m 8 112 By Ildrim Kerchief by Lissak LissakTrainer Trainer C W Gassor Owner C W Gasser GasserG3G37 G3G37 Howie Im70y 148 fast 17 M 4 4 4 5 7 7 M Ilarson 7 Manoevrc Hallybell Sum Sign G3GOS Howie 1 1IG l51fast 45 00 3 3 1 1 1 1 M Ilarson 11 Yaphank HIIampson KdlthK 6r Gl Howlo 78 l2SMfast 41 100 S S S 7 7s 7JJ L Ensor S A Gallup Ilatkamor Gltovee 63511 Howie 61 f l21good 27f 105 10 11 10 71 7 W Obert 13 Kirah Hack Hay H nevolent nevolentE3471 E3471 Howie Gl f l23slow Of 107 14 12 12 II1 911 A Tryon 14 PCnelly Amkassin Cmpsall 62710 FGnds 34 l15 mud 25 103 12 12 10 9i 9 II Gregoryl2 Vansylvia TNighter LMaudie 62300 Gnd3 1 1IG l4SVfcfast SI 100 7 9 fi 3 Gh 7 T Jarvis 11 Chesty Our Hirthday Galway 62232 FGnda 34 llS hvy 25 101 n 87 C 24 T Jarvis 13 Hurgovne Mic Moore ValWcst 61736 Jcfson 34 l17hvy 10 107 6 7 7 71 fiTJ J Roberts 1 Mormon Safranor Hig Idea 51070 Empire 1 14 200 fast 4 112 3 5 4 5 6 B L Ensor 7 GrcatGull Challenger THronk THronkORMA ORMA REED b f 4 M 09 By Duko of Ormonde Anna Rccd by Star Slioot SliootTrainer Trainer M Grant Owner R M Samuclson Samuclson51T72 51T72 HdeGco 51 f l09Vfefast f 103 10 S 7 41 41 A Allen 13 LibcrtyGirl Pueblo LitMaudie LitMaudie4230S 4230S Pimlico 41 f fS slow 20 97 7 6777 A Iticlicrk 7 Itllihler TheWit LltAlexandcr 421119 Oaklwn 12 4fast 25 100 S 7 = G3 CJ W Car112 CWalkcr AJaekson Hurgoync Hurgoync411IS2 411IS2 Oaklwn 3i f 42fast 30 103 S 7 733 C Hrown Pntoni Fair Furbelow Henecia 41773 Oaklwn 3i f 42 slow 30 112 0 9 9ID G Leeds 9 Sis Ilelciie MMinks Llatauil

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Local Identifier: drf1921042501_6_4
Library of Congress Record: