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SUNDAY WORKOUTS AT LEXINGTON 562 LEXINGTON Ky April 24 Track superintend cut John Keegan had his full force of workers on the track until late in the night with the result that the course was fast this morning and enabled some speedy gallops to lie indulged in by the many horses at exercise exerciseAmong Among the best works noted were Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Autocrat 3G Ton Ton 30 If IfLucknow Bully Buttons 3S 3SCircus Lucknow 35 35Little Circus 37 37Com Little Polly 35 35Mom Com dAmour 35 35528Colonel Mom 35 35Nig 528Colonel Lit 38 38Colossus Nig 37 37Poise Colossus 37 37Elope Poise 37 37Peace Elope 37 37512Gadling Peace Pal 37 37Rose 512Gadling 37 37438Gloria Rose of Horron3i7f Horron3i7fRowdy 438Gloria France 39 Rowdy 35 35Ruralist Iloringa 37 37454IIigh Ruralist 37 37Startle 454IIigh Cloud 35 Startle 35 527Homewd Bnd 57 435Tuanorea 39 39Isosocles Isosocles 5ij 510Who Can Tell 35 35James James B Brn 57 291Whirling Dun 35 35441Jorice 441Jorice 55 275WiI the U rent 37 37Half Half Mile MileBernice Bernice K 48 Louis A 51 51Bright Bright Trash 48 275 Non Suit 50 50521lr 521lr Carmen 51 429Napoo 52 52Ethel Ethel Vale 51 Orma Dale 51 51447Flags 447Flags 52 Plutral SOJfe SOJfe527Hcnnndcn 527Hcnnndcn 49 520Stamp 51 51Ida Ida McGcc 51 Sandman II 51 51455Jim 455Jim Daisy 52 Sister Vincena 4Jf 4JfLaw Law Manning 51 Spods 40 40532Lovcliuess 532Lovcliuess 48 48FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile518Bonc 518Bonc Dry 105 2iSMechanic 105 105Eternal Eternal 102 407Peggy Eaton 104 104520Intiuirv 520Intiuirv l026 532Prospector 102 102440Kallipolis 440Kallipolis 105 51SSandy Mac 105 105445Lady 445Lady Britain 101 520Spokane Qn 105 105020Mad 020Mad Gghaml01 437Win or Quit 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile528Au 528Au Rcvoir 117 427Nurse Jane 114 114525Botheration 525Botheration 117 45iPenwell 110 110410Blaek 410Blaek Rock 117 52SPhilanderer 120 120447Cot 447Cot Plossomlli 292Ray Atkln 118 118Calithump Calithump 117 452Rangoon 119 119283DonatclIo 283DonatclIo 115 439Ralco 114 309Dark Friar 118 144Servieo Flag 117 334 Four Leaf 118 524Spartan Boy 115 115275Fifi 275Fifi II 110 451Scrgt Yorke 114 114453lionor 453lionor Man 117 52tiSandalwood 115 115427M 427M the Time 114 Tony Beau 115 115501Miss 501Miss Gnboutllj 551Tom Norris 113 113439Marj 439Marj McKayl14 425Voorin 118 118497Marvin 497Marvin May 115 45Wsir Spirit 118 118439Maehiavelli 439Maehiavelli 115 527Willow Tree 115 115514Mcliora 514Mcliora 115 335AVcst Side 113 113Nancy Nancy Wyattl20 Wyattl20SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile451Arrw 451Arrw Point 129 Grand Daddyl33 Daddyl33501Doyle 501Doyle 129 129One One Mile Mile410AccoIcrate 410AccoIcrate 149 330Midway 141 431Adelia W 141 52iMaster Bill 141 524Pill RenderdlJ KiSMry J Bkerli3 145 407Miss Prosty 148 335Centimeter 141 519Dahabiah II 151 429Nonskid 142 438llarry B 142 4LiOur Alice 143 1435iMIwinivin 5iMIwinivin 145 492Pansy Blosinl45 Blosinl45314Interloper 314Interloper 145 4071oilu 143 143312Judge 312Judge Pryor 143 513Speetlar Girll45 Girll45527Kimpalong 527Kimpalong 149 5lSSeeret Gingsl42 Gingsl4252iLJv 52iLJv ly 141 423Travesty 147 147415I 415I thair 145 277Xuleika 152 152Mile Mile and a Quarter Quarter521J 521J C Stone 209 501Kinburn 212