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FQUHTII HACK n l 31 lie Meadows Purse Uycarolils Allowances AllowancesSept Sept U7 11I 111 15 lliS BAYWOOD b c 3 115 115Trainer By Dalhousie Bay Cliff by Clifford Trainer A G Weston Owner T Clyde ClydeMG93 MG93 HdeGce 51 f l07fnst 11 116 S CO 43 ink A Allen 15 Registrar PPdora Wlleather 63496 Bowie 34 114 fast 195 116 6 32 2 23 A Alien 10 Wcllfdcr Gurg Water Noluint NoluintB 61357 Plmllco 34 l13fast 165 100 8 94 B 43 A Allen 13 IxjveTap Itromellu IrlshAbuetm 51317 Plmllco 34 114 fast 1710 115 S 06 31 S3 J Butwell 14 Pampas Triintuln iluoncc 61271 Plmllco 34 l13fast 115 115 8 G 3 2 2i J Butwell 0 lllloininc STurret PrlnPMora 60421 IIdeGce 34 113 fast 32 114 7 G 4 4602S3 31 221 C Ponce 7 Due deM WTGvcs MBarnes MBarnesGk 602S3 HdcGce 51 f 108 fast 8 115 13 77 Gk C4J A Allen 13 Mi sRkln PTBnrnum Reyeon 60182 HdcGce 34 l13fast 5 109 1 32 22 3J1 J Butwell 5 Sailing MANnaii Chevalier 60076 HdeGce 51 f lOSy good 9 116 6 44 44GENERAL 22 21 J Butwcll 14 Bastille Rancocas PTBarnum PTBarnumBy GENERAL AGRAMONTE b C 3 113 113Trainer By Hoislan Aitarita by B vthampton Trainer W Livingston Ownsr S Louis 63708 HdeGcc 1 l41Vffa t 7 1011 134 4 4 = i C Ponce n BGrand Night Raider Ailllro AilllroB 62673 HdeGce 34 lI4fast 8 110 9 9 B 2 C Ponce 10 N Raider Is Uinina Rumpio 53583 Bowlo 34 114 fast 1210 110 4 43 21 13 F Cltilcttl 7 LueyKate Chevalier SodalStar SodalStarI 53516 Bowie 7S l28Jfgood 4 1 V 4 G 3 2 I 1 F Cltllettl 8 Chevalier Gallot Morning Kiicc 63516 Bowlo 61 f l07fast 1910103 543 21 I3 F Cltllcttl 10 Celt Lass LneyKnfe IepIolly 63495 Bowie Gi f 121 fast 12 97 S 33 33 jj cltilcttlM K Kelly Amaekassln CherubinG 52763 FGnds 61 f l09hvy 31 113 8 25 41 B1 C Robsonl MCunr MDixon YellRlitsiu 62599 FGnds 61 f lOGfast 12 110 2 43 2 3 L Morris 12 CclticLass Oralcggo MarDixon 62374 FGnds 34 llGfast t 113 2 44 41 Gi L McAtee 13 SeaCourt SilSprings JWbipple JWbipple4i 62135 lefson 34 115 fast 30 109 1 34 4i G l L McAteo 10 The Moor Sea Court SSpriugs 61518 Bowie 61 f 123 fast 40 111 1 11 21 9 T Rowan 11 Kxplosive Black Top Foam Foam7l 61476 Bowie 34 l177 slow 49 115 2 22 7l 7 L Morris 9 Tinglg KlngsHcIIe MornFac MornFacBy SEDGEFIELD ch c 3 115 115Trainer By Olambala Gonosta by Broomstick Trainer T J Healcy Owner R T Wilson G0570 Jamaica 5i f lOGgoodll10 115 G 4 4 3 3 = L Ensor 0 Muliiber CarcFrcc IIoneyGirl IIoneyGirlG 49732 Sartoga BJ f l06good 41 115 4 G 5 6 331 L Lyko 5 OnrFIag llildur SportinglUood 49563 Sartoga 34 112 good 10 110 3 2 3 3 = 1 2J L Fator 7 Pahaska Ararat Touch Mo Not 49448 Sarloga 31 113 fast 10 110 G 9 9 3l 9i C Turner 11 S Screen GJMGomcz Kbbie 49321 Swrtoga 51 f l07slop 15 10S 2 33 23 22 C Turner S Oriole Last Rose llildur JOHNS UMMA b f 3 110 110Trainer By McGee Conclusion by Peep oDay Trainer C H Smith Owner C H Smith 53G73 HdcGco 31 lllfast 11 10G 1 1 11 1 I3 3l L McAtee 10 XUaider OARhiute Uiiiiquoi 63112 Bowlo 51 f l07fast 1GG 105 3 3Gi 2 2 23 22 11 llojway S Ttibby A Social Star Danizic 53472 Bowie Gi f lOSslow 125 101 4 1 1 11 3 J lleupcl 0 NICaldcr Trantnla yoeialStar 52724 FGmls 51 f l09Jthvy 10 103 1 1 1 11 2 It McAtee S Kunznf Hcg Lanlon Itas 62602 FGnds 34 113 fast 15 103 3 1 2 Gh SJ J Conway 0 MasterJack Itunzaf WhitcStar 62407 FGnds 34 I13fti9t S2 1071 2 1 1 1J 5i L Morris S Twopair Joaqulnii Aleatraz 55 FGnds 34 114 fast G 103 3 1 1 P 3J C Ponce 10 T Official B Check Iteration REP b c 3 M 110 110Trainer By Picton Enchantress n Dy Collar Trainer S P Harlan Owner L Waterbury B3G93 IIdeGce Dl f l07fast 50 11G U 4 a 57J A Collins 10 Baywood RoRistrar IMandora 51292 Pimllco 34 l13 l13Mifast fast 11 101 3 14 0 55J J Mooncy Exodrs Dry Moon 1olythia 1olythiaB12GG B12GG Pimllco 34 114 fast 1310 115 3 33 315 2n L Knsor S DrC Wells Trantula Wicklow 50CG9 Jamaica 5 f l07fast S 115 4 4BS 2 2s 2 W Obert 8 Conine Ivernhui Itormnut 50501 Aiiduct BS l01slop 4 115 G 3 33 3 W Kelsay 111 Curfew Ituilillcs CaliRUla 60454 Aqduct 34 l14fast 3 115 7 7BS 2 2 2 431 G Kumnier 8 Cimarron Huoiiec Mer Marine 50190 Aiiduct BS l00fast 41 1111 3 2 22 2 L ISnsor 4 Frigate Kolu hight Fantastic FantasticPOLLY POLLY HlghneaiTrainer ANN ch f 3 110 By Superman Prince n Nettle by Els Hlghneai Trainer H Rites Owner S L Jenkins Jenkins5270S 5270S HdcGce 1 l41fast 5 10S 422 2 3 5 = 2 S Boyle 5 BGrand Nlghtltaidcr Ailliro 51101 Pimlico 1 iU9fast S710 111 7 7 7 7 6 G3 J Butwell S Sptii ISlood Fallacy Brinspun 51332 Pimllco 1 l40fast Gf 110 14 11 8 6 But 4 = J Butwell 15 IdleDell Itroomsiiun ItabyGiul 61270 Pimlico 34 l12fast 11 111 7 74 lk I1 J Sutwell 1 Quecrcck Despair Night Itaider 60976 Laurel 34 l141 fast 21 10S 1 3 4 4 4 D Stirling 4 Twopair Superwomau T igRC 50902 Laurel 34 l14fast 3110 109 8 8 8 8 S J L Morris S LStorm Icrioction WTGrives 50673 Laurel 34 114 fast 2 109 G 6 4 31 3 = 13 Ambrse 7 Transient LStorm MANoonan MANoonan6C4G6 6C4G6 HdeGco 31 l13Vifast 29 100 9 88 71 63 C Ponce 0 Careful llildur The Baggage BaggageCAVENDISH CAVENDISH b c 3 113 By The Curragh Isirosc by Isidor C1319 Pimlico 31 l12fast S 115 1 1 3 Gl I1 F Keogh 10 PolytMa Bon Iloniinc Twopair 51277 Pimlico 31 l13fast 7 113 4 1 1 11 7i J Grnciscn IoiiRlilaiul Good Hope Thimble 51199 Laurel 51 f l09fast 3910 11G 1 4 3 41 1 1 F Keogh 10 Trantula Actress MyKriendlat 61039 Laurel 51 f 1 09 fast 3 115 4 3 3 41 GJ F Kcogh lii Lnu hlaiid Trantula Zealous ESaUIRE b c 3 M By Meridian Dariima by Solitaire II Trainer R F Carman Jr Owner R F Car man 5CC93 HdcGce Gi f l07fast 33 HG 9 S 5 Gi 7 i L Ensor 1 Bay wood Itcgistrar IMandora BLUE BELLE ch f 3 110 By Transvaal Aunt Belle by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer R V Boyle Owner T Calcina BSG73 IIdeGce 34 l14fast 41 101 2 2 7 = GT W Obert 10 NUder GAumonte JsUmma 51613 Boxvic 7S 131 hvy 5 103 2i 3 ° 1 F Wciner U Iliioutic Urctis Blue Uille E151G Bowie 34 l15 fast 3110 104 2 3 3 23 2t F Wclner 5 Antilles Hough Girl Vic 61471 Bowie f l09M fast 9 10S 4 3 7 4l 5 = 1 J Heupel 1 JohnsIJmma LJitRose DRhGirl 51435 Bowie 51 f l10slop 9 IOG 2 1113 Lnt J Heupel 9 LhtKose Iolythla LaayGranite 61259 I aurcl 31 115 good 9 113 2 4 4 GJ 4 A Johnson 1 Charily Vie Jaeobiini 61119 Laurel 34 l15fast 1910 110 1 1 1 J3 1 J Butwell 8 Voonnir MerchMariiie STurret 50670 Laurel 61 f lAs fast 173 116 5 1111 2t J Butwell 7 Charity Galiot TuscanMaideu FLAMBETTE b f 3 By Durbar La Flambee by Ajax Trainer J W McCormack Owner P A Cl ark 51186 Kmpire Ab 34 lllfast Si 112 2 5 G 2 lh E Sande 0 OcoaiSwoll CHambler Bpiso le 5110G Empire Bi f 107 fast 12 111 3 3 4 43 23 C Kumtncr 5 LiglitiSose CriinItamb Gdltya 60869 Jamaica 34 l14good 12 114 7 7 G 7 G3 C Ponce 7 Conine Mavounieen JoanMarie 50621 Jamaica 58 l01fast 4J 113 5 560r18 2 1 1 I C Kurnmcr II Tiirnahout Dewey ICve Atala 60r18 Aqduct 58 l03slop 15 115 4 2 3s 21 G Kurnmcr 7 LhtKose Turnabout NeapTide 60501 Aqduct 68 l01slop 15 112 10 8 9Z S C Fbther 12 Curfew Huddles Rep By Transvaal Peggy L by Von Tromp 53673 HdeGce 34 l14fa t 12 110 6 5 G G 97i R Estep 10 XRder GAgmonte JsUmma 63512 Bowie 51 f l07fast 10 109 1 11 121 I2 J Heupel 8 JolmsUmma KoclalStar Dantzic 50109 Thcliffe 31 l14fast 5 IOG H31 F Chiavtall linen CharlotteC LochLeven 60305 Thcliffe 51 f l07fast 95 111 41 G Walls S Plantoon Loch Lcven Voorin 49964 Devre 51 f l07good 30 107 1 1 1 2 74 J Heupel 10 IrishJig AlvlnTHcrt MyRose 49852 Devro 34113 fast 7 114 G 8 8 S2 Si L Morris Aleatraz IrishJig Loveliness 49771 Devre 58 l01fast 45 112 1 11 I5 1s S Wida 12 Nonskid IIotNorth UncleBert UncleBertSILENCE SILENCE ForfarshireTrainer br c 3 110 By Celt Silent Queen by Forfarshire Trainer J P Smith Owner L T Bauer Bauer63G73 63G73 HdcGce 34 l14fast 97 113 4 444 SJ T PargtonK XUdcr GAgmonle JsUmma 62001 FGnds 34 l13ifast 10 0 103 9 88 S5 S = G Bablii U Day Lilly Rolo Rancocas I IB179G 61796 SuperbzKr Jefson 51 f 110 mud 4 116 G 7 3 33 2k T Rowan 8 Doric Silence Superb 61675 zKr Jefson if ifn n 34 i iirmui 8 1rT 115 G r 4 2 1h lh 21 1 T n Rowan 8 ° Rustler Ionia Doric M4SJ Bowie Gl f 123 Rood 1 G G 41 3J T Rowan J Tingling Gilt Fringe Ross R 61434 Bowie 61 f l25slop 13 115 10 10 10 10 11 T Rowan 11 Sobrigaiic Fluff Tingling TinglingHIGH HIGH SandTrainer VALUE b c 3 M 110 By Fcrole Malachite by Rock Sand Trainer T Moran Owner W L S Martin Martin5CG93 5CG93 HdcGce 51 f l07 fast Slf 11C 11 10 10 101 12 J CallahanlO Raywood Registrar Plamlora PlamloraDEVASTATION DEVASTATION OgdonTrainer br c 3 M 110 By Wrack Treeless by Ogdon Trainer W Booth Owner Redstone Stable Stable495S2 495S2 Sartopa 5A f l05fast CO 10S 6 9 10 Il 9 J Plerco 12 Serapis Hildur Darttnoor 42528 Sartoga 51 f l03fast 30 103 10 10 10 102 10 10s = s S Wida 11 Leonardo Muttiklns PollyA PollyADAFFADOWNDILLY DAFFADOWNDILLY MawrTrainer b f 3 M 105 By Wrack Bryndown by Bryn Mawr Trainer S J Bush Owner Kentucky Farms Stable First start