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irjlini IIACI5 1 31ile and 7O Yards Hiverview IMirjse 1yearoliIs and iilMvard AliMvaiicvs Sept 15 1O15 l ia 1 11 11NEDDAM NEDDAM PlanudesTrainer b c 4 102 By Orrnondale Miss Kearney by Planudes Trainer W Booth Owner Redstone Stable C1333 Pimlico 34 l12fast 37 101 5 45 73 7 1 W Kclsay 11 CaptAlck Icterliper Panoply 61127 Empire Ab 34 1OU fast 75 117 2 133 4s fi Sande 5 CaptAlcock SeaMint RRUose 60874 Jamaica 34 l13VfKood 920 122 5 22 22 1s L Ensor 7 TNepliew HO Heels RRRose 60573 Jamaica 34 l13Rood 25 113 4 54 4 3 L Ensor 5 ViceChrman SniiMlnt StAIlan F0315 Aqduct 1 l37fast 3 114 4 1 1 1 2h 31 W Kelsay T rilgrim VarMask LdBrig LdBrigSUNDIAL LdBrighton LdBrightonSUNDIAL SUNDIAL II ch h 5 109 By Faucheur Martha Gorman by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer J P Smith Owner L 1 Bauer 53703 MOran5KGJ6 HdtGc Im70y l44fast 2710 102 333 3 21 13 F Cltilettl 5 OHerslilcr LI ove MOran 5KGJ6 Bowie Ill2fast 5 IOG 2 2 2 1 ii 55 A Richcrk i MyDoar SandyBcal TlicAr 635G2 TlicAr635G2 Bowie 34 l13 fast 17 107 G G 54 4 4 = 1 S 4i G Babin 5 DrCIark DrCiark ClliTshlir TArcIier PAri TArcIierB22J6 B22J6 FGnda Itn70y l41fast 1 1111 841 1 1J I3 T Rowan 10 BarryShannon StIsidore Chief 62156 Jefson 1139 fast 1110 109 422 1 I2 I1 T Rowan G Waukeag Hadrian Smart Guy 61417 Bowie 1 l43fast 19 112 3 6 3 1 11 I T Rowan 11 King John Veteran Columbine 61335 Pimlico 1 14 206fast 10 102 222 2 2 S J F Weiner 7 WarNote NatBridge LHerbert 61306 Pimllco 1 18 l53fast 31 113 6 2 2 2 41 S14 T Rowan 11 Goaler Regal Lodge Bclario 50178 Aqduct 1 1IG l45fatt 1110 107 2 3 3 2 2l 2i G Babin 5 The Lamb Sunnyland Uenry G 50391 Aqduct 1 51G 213fast 2 113 3 1 1 1 in 21 G Babin 1 Snapdnll ShilhII KAgrippa TANTALUS b g 5 By Knight of the Thistle Tantalize by Meddler Trainer W A Burttschell Owner J R Skinker GG74 HdeGo 1 1IG l47fast 125 108 G 7 G 3 33 3 J R Holway 7 Crystal Ford King John Oath 53G2G Oath53G2G Bolster53GOO Bowie 1 IM fast 19C 10S G 5 G 1 I3 17 R Holway 7 Penelope Shillelagh IL Bolster 53GOO Frogtown6IS48 Rowio Im70y 147 fast 4 109 5 7 G 1 S 11 A Allen S Penelope 1asSwain Frogtown 6IS48 Bowie 1 l42Efood3110 115 3 4 4 2 32 4 = 1 C Ponce 7 LadsLove SmartGuy Frogtown 63198 Bowie 1 143 fast G 103 3 4 3 1 I3 1 C Ponce 0 1as Swain Kscarpolette Fizer K47B FizerK47B Bowie Im70y l4S slow L 112 2 3 3 S 3l 23i L Ensor G Columbine Claquer Frogtown FrogtownP2838 P2838 FGnds 1 116 l4Gfast 41 113 1 1 2 1 2 10i U RomellllS The Archer Kuklux Frogtown FrogtownMOCK MOCK ORANGE b g 4 102 102Trainer By Lobawand Oransre Lilly by William the Third Trainer I Gorham Owner J J Farrell Jr 52709 HdcGc Im70y l41fnst 20 103 4445 482 J CaUahan 5 Sdial 11 CHshlcr Ladsljove 53650 HdcGe Im70y 141 fast 42 104 133 4 4h 481 J CaUahan 7 Milkmd T Uitcht 55G2 Bowie 34 l13rast 7 101 4 3 G 6 Ci A Allen DrCiark CHershler TArchcr 53519 Bowie Gi TArchcrGi f l20 fast 2310 108 1 21 11 2 L Ensor u Sandy ISeal Shoal Satana 61518 Bowie 1143 fast 11 111 4 3 3 2 4 41Z J Butwell 7 Super Jadda Venal Joy 61491 Bowie 1 l14V fast G 108 3 7 7 G 53 45 L ITorris 7 Super Blang Cock otheRoost 61479 Bowie fil otheRoostfil f l21slow 32 100 5 G 3 3 3 R Lcaster 7 Jadda Dry Moon Fruit Cake 61451 Bowie Cl CakeCl f 123 hvy 26 101 4 33 41 G J Heupel 9 Jadila Ticklish Dry Moon 61444 Bowlo 1 147 mud 20 93 4 4 4 4 4 4 = J Shelepets 4 TiptyWitchet WarNote Super 61416 Bowie Im70y l46J fast 22f 99 4 1 1 3 B B15 J Shelepets 7 1ellowlld Itubidium Recount FLIBBERTYGIBBET blk g 109 109Trainer By eter Pan Paintbrush by firoomitiok Trainer R E Watkins Owner R B Dwyer E3709 HdeGo Im70y l41 fast 40 102 5 G G 4 41 5 3 L Penman n Sdial 11 CIIshler LsidsIxiVe 53C50 LsidsIxiVe53C50 HdeGe Im70y 144 fast SI 104 577 G 5U 5 i L Penman 7 Milkmd TWitcht TMcTagt 501 Shport 78 l35hvy 115 108 3 4 4 C G 5 L Aroi 5 Lads Love Raider Paiiamaii 62977 Shport 51 f llGVihvy 21 10G 3 22 21 Il L Aron 4 Lads Love Warsaw Gray on on52S37 52S37 FGnds 1 l38fast 20 IOG 4 5 6 9 51 GIS J J Mney 12 Luckyl Yung Chiug St Allan 52723 FGnds 34 115 hvy 20 111 7 G 4 21 I3 J Roberts 8 Herald Green Grass Trooper TrooperB2714 B2714 FGnda Im70y l47mud 3 108 4 4 3 3 32 3J L McDott f Dr Carmen Warsaw Fluzoy 62540 FGnds Im70y l43Hfast 12 103 4 3 3 3 6J o l J J Mney C StIsidore Warsaw PastlSwaln 52479 FGnda 1 116 l45fast 40 101 G 4 3 5 41 4 T Brooke 5 CaptMac TWchet C Hshler 62344 FGnds 1 116 l4Rfast 15 IOG 4 5 5 4 2l 2i G Ponce DarkHHI FairOrient Veteran VeteranSEA SEA SERPENT ch f 4 95 By Seahorse II Ogress by Eon Trainer J T Kermath Owner W L Prime 43671 UHnts Ab34 fast 5 119 4 1 1 in 33 R Ball 1 WthePlank Weary Snamloah 43593 UHnts Ab34 Rood 7 109 4 2 1 I3 1 R Ball 4 BrdLine Comique Indiscretion 43015 Anduct GS 571ifast 50 315 11 11 11 11 11 E Haynos 11 Cobwebs Gcrma Flying Flower 42260 Pimllco 41 f BSTsmud 88 109 7 7 8 S 7 W Kelsay S Itowos Bud Wendy Super GOLDINE b f 4 95 95Trainer By Golden Maxim Mary Bodine by Star Shoot Trainer A L Austin Owner A L Austin 53750 HdeGce 1 l41fast 23 M 6 4 5 7 = 713 L Gordon S CFord Constancy TMcTagart 51333 Pimlico 1 14 206fast 41 100 4 4 4 5 n GIZ J CaUahan 7 WarXote NBridge Sundial II 61223 Laurel 1 18 l57slop 2510 1071 421 1 I3 I4 L Morris 7 WUcdotte FMonroe IaddyD 61104 Laurel 1 116 l4Sfast 910 109 5 3 2 34 1 L Morris G Kallipolis SandyMac Sugarmint 50996 Laurel 1 1IG l47fast 23 107 o 2 3 22 1 L Morris 8 AAlsxdcr Salvelle WMachine 60S79 Laurel Im70y 146 fast 6 109 1 3 i 3 3i l i j Wilriama 5 Kallipolis Sugannint Alllvan BIFF BANG b c 4 102 By Textile Byf by Miller MillerTrainer Trainer J P Smith Owner L T Bauer 52636 HdeGo Irn70y l4Gfast 18 112 2 5 5 5 5 G10 T Pargton 5 The Archer Sagamore Shoal 52837 FGnds 1 l3Sfast 20 101 7 7 5 5 S 4 F Cltllctti 12 Luckyll Vung Ching St Allan AllanG274G G274G FGnds 1 1IG 151 hvy G 103 1 2 2 2 23 2 L McAtee 7 Title Simpleton Waukeag 52418 FGnds 1 139 fast 3 111 G 4 5 5 fi1 8J T Rowan S Dr Carmen Louis A Tantalus 52357 FGnds Im70y l43fast 7 107 5 4 6 5 3l 2 G Babin St Isidore Inquiry Hcroisme 52253 FGnds Im70y l47hvy 66 100 2 1 3 2 11 1 G Babin I SnapdragoiiII Fixer SGcrmaln 62221 FGnds 1 l434mud 3 103J 233 2 2 21 H King 0 SSinncr Bscarpolette MarMay