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GUY IN RUNAWAY VICTORY r Gives the Others No Chance in Devonshire Feature. Dark Ages Wins the Race for Two-Year-Olds When the Favorite Is Left. WINDSOR. Ont.. August Guy. carrying the colors of .Mrs. .1. Phillips :inl ridden by the rising apprentice C Lang, made :i runaway affair of the ,000 Crawford House Handicap tliis afternoon, lie raced into a long leail in the first half mile :iinl at the finish boat I lie favorite, Rygono Days, by five lengths. Guy hold his opponents safe at all times, although Lang became a bit overanxious at The eighth osf, where lie struck his mount with his whip a couple of times. This was not necessary, as lie had those back of him thoroughly beatort. The mile and a piarter was run in 2:01. Tito fractions were: 2.1 If., 47if.. 1 :1- fi, l::!S:!f. and 2:04. The winners portion of the stakes was ,000 and the owner was presented with a handsome gold cup. gift of Mr. 17. M. Ronmani. During the running of the third race light showers roll, but. despite this, the going remained fast all afternoon. It was the closing day of the meeting and an immense gathering turned out, the attendance equaling that of the opening day. Tlie fourth race, for two-year-olds, for a purse of ,800. fell to Dark Ages, which won easily .-if let racing, .into the lead on the far turn. The heavily backed favorite Johnny Dundee, after being responsible for n delay at -twr iot, "wheeled wlien the barrier was sprung and was left at the post. " After the running of the third race Bradley Wilson, the moving spirit at Devonshire, was called into the stewards stand and pre.-ented with a gold watch and chain, the gift of the owners and trainers racing here. Herman Ooiikliug, who is one of the officials here, made the presentation speech. A number of stables have arranged to leave here tonight on a special train for Fort Erie, to be on band for the opening of the meeting at that place. The Devonshire people will bold a meeting on Monday to decide on the dates for their next meeting. The management of the Kenilworth plant was to have held a meeting in Toronto today for the same purpose. 0. Irby purchased this morning from Lee Erb the two platers, General Agramonte and Golden Dawn, lie will ship them to Kort Eric lo take part in that meeting. Gallaher P.rothers have decided to remain at Windsor with their horses. Several of their string liave trained off a bit and need a rest. John laul and It. E. Wnlkius have decided to ship to Tort Erie. "Watkins will send his entire stable, while Paul will send only a half dozen. lienor!. s from Montreal are that Gocrge Frayley. j who had charge of the jockeys room at the half mile tracks, is sick and in a bad way. It. S. Eddy, Jr., of New Orleans, who arrived yesterdny, will depart for Fort Erie in the morning. Jle announced that A. It. Dade had Iwen engaged to do the starting and Joseph Mclennan will a:ain j act as racing secretary. It is said that there will be no change in the stewards stand. The association is considering the advisability of reviving the Crescent City Derby. If it is decided to give this stake race again at least 0.100 will he added. The value of the Derby would depend on the number of the three-year-olds entered and sent to New Orleans. Mr. Eddy also announced that all of the stake races would have increased money values. M. N. Macfarlau will depart for Fort Erie tomorrow, to be on hand to fill the position of steward at that, meeting. S. 1-aiulo, owner of the speedy Goaler. left for Saratoga, where he will remain until the opening of the Windsor meeting. Tl condition books of the Windsor meeting were distributed among the horsemen- today. Jockey Gnntner canceled his engagement in the sixth race this afternoon in order to make connections for the train leaving for Saratoga, lie was accompanied by his employer, C. Ituxton.