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i DEL0RIMIER PARK ENTRIES O : o The figures under the heading "Rec." in tha entries bolow show the best time of each horse at the distance sinca January 1, 1918, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. . o- 0 Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:43 p. m. Chicago time, 1:43. Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Pair mud runner. M Maidens. "Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race 5-8 Mile. Purse ?3C0. 3-ycar-olds. Pillies. Allowances. Todny Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.lliin. 50173 Aunt Dcda 107 l:02?i 115 ,-725 50173 Lura 112 1:01 3 13.. 720 50170 Ragged Robin ... 02 UOSVr, 101X715 50172 Tige 10S 1:03?-. 108X710 50147 Kathleen K 105 1:03 100.. 710 50173 American Maid ...103 1:03m 111X711 50173 Minnie Mack 100 1:01 116..705 50141 Split Silk M tOS 1:08 f. 100.. 700 5oC03s bCanteen Girl M..107 l:04s;h 109.. 700 33S32 Scintillate M ..107 1:03 100.. 700 Second Race 3-4- Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3G142 bPolnt to Point 103 1:12 7 m:723 5CO03 Prince Bonero ...114 1:13 0 111X720 GC0933 Mill 107 1:13 3 104.. 715 5G147 Sand River II. ..114 1:14S 4 114. .715 50039 bMontague 103 1:13 3 114.. 715 53S7S5 .1. D. Sugg 110 1:13V-; 8 114X710 30145 Monomoy 115 2:10ih 7 1110710 5C0723 Thirteen ,.115 1:15 5 111.. 710 30008 bLewis B 115 1:14 0 111X710 0C097 Little Pete 103 1:13 9 111X705 47071 Lady Eileen 112 l:15f. 0 1090705 533773 Velio M 100 1:15 4 109 X 700 30142- Sir Adsum M 111 1:17 0 111.. TOO 50097 Miss Ouri M .. 0 100X700 Third Race 5-8 Mile. Purse ?3O0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 30017 MACK GARNER. .100 1:01V.-. 5 109X725 55S79 bCuba 108 1:01 r. 4 112X715 35725 Robert L. Owen... 114 1:01 0 109X715 50172 bWalter Mack 113 1:00 0 114 X 715 53351 Elga 103 1:01 5 107X710 300452 bLady Ioho 103 :Viysh 4 112x710 33829 Dr. Campbell 110 1:01 7 114X705 53743 Hnzel R. M 113 l:03i 0. 107. .700 Fourth Race 6 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrse 000. 3-yenr-olds and upward. Handicap. 5C090 Sheba 09 1:20 3 105.. 723 30171 JbMnrmite 100 1:20 :i 110X720 55S27 bCacambo 5 118X720 5C171fbMay Maulsby 00 1:20"-3S 0 103. .715 C33G0: bOaklawn Belle 8 103.. 715 ..TIS JSentimental 103 1:26s ft 109X713 50171 First Pullet 5 114..Tl.r. 3C042 bllelen Atkin 100 1:23 0 113XT03 5C042 bRameau 5 108X700 30017 Sedgegrass 4 109 X 700 30013 George C. .lr.. 3 103.. 700 fJ. 31. Cooper entry. JW. E, Jones and P. Davitt entry. Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-yenr-olds and upward. Claiming. 50018 Miss Horner Ill 1:09 Ji 4 10SX725 5574S- Lucky Pearl 5 10SXT20 50010 El Coroncl 100 1:07 5 110x715 500118 Tony Beau 3 103.. 713 50090 Laughing Eyes II. .108 1:0S 5 10S..713 55057 bChnrlestonian 109 1:0S 10 1110710 50072 Second Cousin 108 1:0S 4 108.. 710 50144s Little Niece 112 1:10 4 108. .703 50013 Drapery 108 1:03 4 110. .703 50015 Jack Healey 109 1:00 3 110X705 50144 Lcoti Pay 00 1:0S 3 108X703 50140 Altamaha 13 110-,:705 50003 bSevillian 8 110X700 3G06C bPcwaukec 114 1:10 4 110:-:700 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ?50O. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 55S77 bCirculate 109 1:1 1- S 111X723 5H ir- Hatr.ick 105 1:13 JMflMI 50142 bJunnita III 103 1:14 tilH 50142 Liberator 110 1:15 V.1, U lPB 51545 l.Trappiug 115 1:18 7 114X715 53115 bClark M. 103 1:12 11 111X715 33830 White Haven 105 1:10s 5 100XT1O 55705 bJanies G 110 1:13 7 111X710 50013 Tony 107 1:16 Vf. 4 111X705 5000S bP.evelry James ....104 1:12 0 111X705 50097 bMargurK N 107 l:17s S 100:700 53017 Clean Sweep M..112 1:10 4 100.. 700 56007s Joes Sister 7 100.. 700 34133 Ray o Light 10 111.. 700 Seventh Race 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 53554 bSandab 113 1:02 R 111X723 r.S173 bRunmic 113 1:03 3 100X720 514433 Hurou II 112 1:01 5 119X713 3R172 L. Gentry 07 1:01 0 100.. 715 56173 bJoc Tag 07 1:01 3 101x715 50143 blna Wood 120 :30 4 111. .710 55S34 bLady Ivan 109 1:02 - 7 103. .710 50111" bLady Hester 101 1:01 5 107X705 52334 Magic Castle M .110 l:05h 3 100. .700 56143 Hush 100 1:01 4 117. .700