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SARATOGA YEARLING SALES AUCTIONS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DO NOT BRING SENSATIONAL PRICES IN ANY CASE, BUT THE AVER-AGES DISCLOSE A HEALTHY AND REASONABLE DEMAND FOR THE WELL-BRED YOUNG HORSES j SARATOGA, N. Y., August 5. A representative attendance was on hand for the opening sale of yearlings, conducted under the auspices of Fasig-Tipton at their spacious sales mart in Saratoga. Consignments from Ilaylatids. the Italgowan Stud. Adelbert Stud, the Herbert Stud and others were flic offerings, and the more desirable or racy specimens found ready bidders. There were no sensational incidents, and sharp, competitive tilts were conspicuous by their absence, but a healthy tone prevailed, and the different offerings received discriminating attention. Thirly-five youngsters went under the hammer for an aggregate of $.75,400, an average tf ,154. The thirteen colts and fillies consigned by Miss Elizabeth Daingerfield from her llaylands realized a total of 1.oj. an average of ,110. The two stars of the sale were both in Miss Daingerfiolds consignment, and brought a like amount,,100 each. They were the chestnut colt, by Tltimu Matinee, which Fred Taral secured for P.. Vivadou, racing under the nom de course of the Iliviera j Stable, and the chestnut filly, by Ultimas Aman- i uensis. that S. n. Riddle became the owner of. Lewis Garth secured the Ultiuius Toucan filly for 4.800. and he also outbid others for the Ulti-nius Cloak colt, securing him for $.1,100. The Jim Gaffney Hull Gull colt attracted J. C. Milams fancy to the tune of ,000, at which price he secured him. The breeders in attendance expteij-jeil . satisfaction with the results of the sale, aud voiced the opinion jiiutort!Vji.aterial is-stilfdeslrable and will realize its wortlfin the remaining sales. Property of Miss E. Daingerfield. Chestnut filly, by Ultimus Amanuensis, by The Scribe; S. D. Kiddle $.-.,100 Chestnut filly, by Ultimus Touean, by Star Ruby; I,. W. Garth 4.S00 Chestnut colt, by Pennant Juliette II., by Marco; M. L. Schwartz 1.000 Chestnut colt, by Ultimas Cloak, by Disguise; L. W. Clark .1,100 Gray filly, by Ultimus Sunshade, by Grey Eeg; S. T. Willetts . 2,HK Chestnut colt, by Ultimus Broom Flower, by Broomstick; R. I. Miller 2,000 Chestnut colt, by Ultimus Matin, by Broom - stick; P.. Vivadou 1,500 P.rown filly, by George Smith Doria, by Og- den; W. M. Jeffords 1,200 Rrown colt, bv Colin Masque, hv Disguise; W. II. Rowe 1.000 P.rown filly, by Colin Blushes, by Hurst Park; F. M. Taylor 1,000 P.rown filly, by Tea Caddy Li Mode, by" Peep o Day. E. T. ISauer S00 Ray filly, by Fitz Grafton Miss Valens, by Yalcus; F. M. Taylor S0O Chestnut filly, by Pataud Woodnitch, by Octagon; C. Parsley .100 Property of Whitney and Smitha. Ray filly, by Peter Pan Winifred A., by Sir Dixon; E. Waterbury ".,000 Property of J". H. White. Chestnut, or roan colt, by Zeus Rnda. by Sweep; William Garth ".,500 Property of Madden S: Smith. Ray colt, by Zeus -Nellie Irene, by " Ogden; T. J. Pendergast 3,500 Property of Moscly and Madden. Ray filly, by Zeus--Eureka, by Fair Play; E. F. Whitney . . jtS0O Property of White and Rines. Ray filly, by Plaudit or Star Shoot Meritorious, by Miller; Montfort Jones ,350 Rlack filly, by Hessian Eady Dunraven, by Desmond; E. J. Walls 700 Property of White and Claiborne. Rrown colt, by Zeus Annie Singleton, by Singleton; C. Trotter ." c,00 Chestnut colt, by Zeus Horla, by Henry of Navarre; C. E. Whiting . 400 Property of Moseley and Claiborne. Ray filly, by Zeus Yuletree, by Hastings; G. Mulder ,100 Property of M. W. Williams, j Ray colt, by Zeus, Edna Collins,- by The; Commoner; M. J. Ryan 500 Rrown filly, by Zeus Lassie, by Knight Errant; J. C. Milam 1,?00 Ray or brown colt, by Zens Eida P..,- by Kingston; E. J. Walls . 1,100 Property of White and Garnett. Ray colt, by Zeus Sans Gene, by Rock Sand; J. C. Milam 3,200 P.rown filly, by Zeus Frances, by Singleton; J. Carroll . 200 Ray or roan colt, by Zeus Romania, by Peep o Day; W. II. Rowe . 1,000 Ray or black filly, by Zeus Ryola, by Mexican; I. R. McDaniels ." 1,300 P.rown filly, by Zeus Ravenroo-t, by Prince of Monaco; C. Parsley 400 Property of Balgowan Stud. Ray colt, by Jim Gaffney Hull Gull, by Mar- ta Santa: J. C. Milam ,000 Ray colt, by Great Rritain Metzie, by Alloway; R. Vivadou. 3.S00 In si nut colt, by Short Grass Ckrania. by Peep o Day; W. J. Salmon ". . 700 Ray filly, by Short Grass Janiua. by The Scribe: C. L. Whiting -ir.0 Property of Ccmbs and Camden. Chestnut filly, by Peter Quince Eden Hall, by imp. Armeath II. ; J. C. Milam ,300