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QUEEN VICTORIA AND MIDGET JOCKEY When Queen Victoria visited Ascot races in 1830. Mr. Forths filly, by Merchant Turquoise, wou the Ascot Stakes by half a length. The excellent riding of little Bel!, a mere child of only 50 pounds weight, who was on the winner, excited general wonder and admiration. Her majesty became interested in the boy and was pleased to havo him brought before her after the race, presenting him with a ten-pound note. Upon being nsked by tho queen how much he weighed, he nnswerefl to the great amusement of tlm royal circle: "Please, maam, master Bays a how I must never tell my weight to any one." The manikin was accidentally, picked up by Mr, north wiiile riding a restive horse in Oxford street. Mr. Forth apprenticed him, but he soon afterward bolted. He was recovered upon a reward: of 50 lining offered by his employer, much after the method practiced on the loss of a favorite lap-dog. lndon Express, tr I. n?.i rto H p ;o t RrH i- r