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RESULTS OF THE SALES FRIDAY SARATOGA, N. Y., August !. Solid bidding and soundness of the market was again discernible at the sale of yearlings by auction in t he Fasig-Tiptou Saratoga sales mart Friday night when consignments from P.eaumont Stud. Sun Rriar Court, W. R. Miller, Hal Price Headley, Thomas R. Cromwell, Dan Scott and others were offered under the hammer. Thirty-four youngsters were disposed of for an aggregate of 1921.sh9.1150. an average of ,039.70. The Sun Rriar Courts twelve head went for a total of 8,500, an average of ,542. the star of this sale being the chestnut colt by Magic Hussy, which Fred Taral secured for the account of the Riviera Stable. The Assagai Eos Altos colt, also in the same consignment, went to F. J. Kelley for ,700. The eight colts and fillies offered by W. R. Miller brought the handsome total of 3,!r0, an average of ,244. Spirited bidding marked the presence in the ring of the Ultimas Marian Casey colt, which finally went, to S. P. Harlan ou his hid of,300. Commander J. K. L. Ross secured the Ultimus De Luxe Annie colt, in the same consignment, for ,200, and T. .1. Pendergast. well-known Kansas City political figure, gave ,100 for the good-looking brown colt by Ultimus Event. The star filly in the Miller band fell for ,000 to 1:. 1. Widenor. The four head consigned by Hal Price Ileadley sold for a total of,200, an average of ,r.50, lie Riviera Stable paying ,000 for the colt by Iltimus Mollie Kearney in this consignment. I. W. Scotts five youngsters sold for ,000, an average of ,200, with the Jim Gaf fney--P.ea trice filly the hcadliner and going to E. F. Whitney for ..ri00. The Rlack Toney Mesina colt, consigned bv T. P.. Cromwell, was taken by Rud Fhher for .r.oo. The attendance was not so extensive as on the previous night, but the bidding was faster. Summary of the sales: Property of Arrow Point Stock Farm D. W. Scott. Chestnut fillv. by Jim Gaffney -Rent rice K., by Handsel; E. F. Whitney .r.00 Chestnut filly, by Jim Gaffney Wavering, by Maria Santa: L. T. Ratter 1,000 P.rowii filly, by Jim Gaffney Laura, by Wor.lsthorpe; .1. E. Holland 1,100 Ray colt, by Half Rock 0. Co Ee. by Jim Crow; it. l. Gerry ."00 Ray filly, by Watervab- Lady Wykeham, by Chaleiiteux: John Rigtone 400 Property of Willis Sharpe Kilmer. Chertnut colt, by Magic II. Hussy, by Slar Shoot; Riviera Stable S3,r00 Rav colt, bv Asagai I0S Altos, by Pala Alto; F. J. Kelley 2,700 Rav colt, by Assagai -Felucca, by Trap Rock; F. J. Kelley 2,200 Ray filly, by Magic Jay Polymel, by Poly-mi Ins; Rivieia Stable . 2,101 Ray colt, by Assagai Affinity, by Star Shoot; J. E. Holland ; 2,000 Ray colt, by Magic II. Espero, by Sir Dixon; A. G. Rlakely 1,900 Chestnut filly, by Magic II. Romagne, by Polymelns: J. R. Iladsell . 1,100 Ray colt, by Magic Anna Reed, by Star Shoot: Carr and Piatt S"0 Ray filly, by Assagai llathor, by Meddler: E. J. Wall S00 Ray colt, by Magic II. Carpathia, by Star Shoot: W. F. Egan 700 Ray filly, by Magic IE Irish Lady, by Rachelors Double; J. Ryer 3.10 Ray filly, by Magic II. White Dinah, by The White Knight; F. J. Kelley 300 Property of Thomas B. Cromwell. Ray colt, by Rlack Toney Siniona, bv Water-vale; H. C. FMier ". ,500 Property of Headley and Miller. Chestnut colt, by Ultimus Ollie Relic, by Charaxus; .1. C. Milam ,000 Chestnut ,olt, by Uncle Noontide, bv Colin; W. H. Rowe 2.200 Ray coll, by Ultimus Princess Orna, by Ornament; R. J. Rrown 1,."00 Property of Hal Price Headley, Chestnut colt, by Ultimus De Luxe Annie, by Ogden; J. K. L. Ross ,200 Chestnut filly, by Ultimus Mollie Kearney, by Sir Dixcn; Riviera .Stable .. 3.000 Chestnut colt, by Ultimus Crazy Quilt, by Hamburg; A. G. Rlakely ". 2,200 Chestnut filly, by Uncle Anna Ray, by Peep o Day; C. A. Applegate r00 Ray filly, by Jack Atkin Ressie Simpson, by Deceiver: R. L. Gerry 500 Property of W. B. Miller. Ray colt, by Ullimus Marian Casev, bv Star Ruby; S. P. Harlan,300 Rrown colt, by Ultimus Event, by Adam; T. J. Pendergast 4.100 Ray filly, by Ultimus Hurakan, by Uncle; G. D. Widetier 4.000 Chestnut filly, by Ultimus Queen of the Water, by Waterboy; E. F. Whitney 3,100 Ray or brown colt, by Sweep Unseen, by Yankee; W. J. Salmon 2,000 Ray filly, by Uncle Continental, by Yankee; E. J. Tranter, agent ..: 1.300 Chestnut filly, by Uncle ltlakeslec. by Yankee; It. McGovern 350 Property of Mrs. P. A. Clark. Chestnut filly, by Ultimus Aile dOr, by Capt. Hancock; .1. L. Holland ,100