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FRENCH STEEPLECHASE STATISTICS Eighteen horses won 0,000 or more in French steeplechase events from the opening of the season to July 1. Here are the horses and their winnings: Amt. Amt. Horse. Won. Horse. Won. Roi Beige ?32,30O Ultimatum 13,330 Forearm 32,800 AiuIlon 14,580 Landman 23,400 Master Bob 33,900 LYser 22.005 Vimy III 12,055 Bateau 21.0S3 Patrocle 12,005 Heros XII 21,000 Mukurino 11,370 Rossator 17,0-15 Elseneur 11.200 Coq Gaulois 17,320 Sapristi 11,020 MIgnon 10,423 Rains 10,003 The following breeders of winning horses received ,000 or more each, in accordance with the custom prevailing in Prance: Breeders. Amt. Won. Heirs of late W. IC. Vanderbilt ,040 A. Champion 4,080 II. Roux de Bezieux 3,210 J. Jnrlel 2.80O Gouttenolre do Toury 2,200 Baron Edouard de Rothschild 2,200 E. de Snint-Alnry 2,132 P. Mirat 2,070 Mme. Houyet 2,010 Sires of winning steeplechase horses whose progeny won 0,000 or over are: Amt. Amt. Sire. Wou. Sire. Won. Gros Papa 1,190 Badajoz. 38,333 Ex Voto 35.484 Saint Just 28.46!t Mainteuon 38.S10 Prestige 27,365 Sea Sick 34,302 Santoi 27,013 Permoyle 31,020 Maximum 23.818 Roynl Dream 29,027 Chulo . 21,180 Saint Brls 20.2S1 As dAtout 20,165 Steeplechase jockeys who rode ten or more wiu-uers urv: Jockey. Won. Jockey. Won. A. Benson 37 R. Parfremeut ..15 G. Mitchell 31 P. Herve 12 W. Head 20 A. Lafnbrie U J. B. Lassus 20 G. Bersihand 10 P. Berteaux IS L. Barre. 10 A. Kalley 10 C. 11. Semblnt 10 R. Head 15 G. Gautle 10