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LATEST WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST 662 SARATOGA. X. V., August R. The following work-outs took place this morning: Weather clear; track fast SARATOGA SPRINGS. Three-Eighths Mile. 60-Avispa 36 657-Plnyfellow 3S Aspiuwall oItj Ctil-Restrnint 38 660- Caretaker .....35 652-Split Grass ...37 Ofil-Deapair 3714 Singapore 36 427-Edwina 3S Supercargo ...38 fil!2-Lcghorn 37 ."S-Thunderclap ..38 KB-Mad Hatter ..37 651-Vincyard 36 6JO-Pavia 37 Half Mile. 6tW-Arrow of Gold. 51 North Wales. ..lO 661- Broomster r3 657-Fnul Jones ...51 fiOS-Bluo Belle M ioO-Pastoral 48 fiM-Berrington 40 6TO-Polyantha 52 622-Cimarron 48 653-Pallette 10 Crock of Gold.10 661-Panthcon 40 639-Damask 53 660-R. of Autumn. 50 Dolores 40 C60-Rosc Hill 47 GM-Dunboyne 48 630-Rib Grass 40 t!60-Gallant Foe ..40 660-Silcncc 40 650-Irish Confetti. .18 650-Swift Grass ..48 017-Knoblrie 52 fioO-Tnn II 52 !50-Lucky Button. .50 ti50-Ten Buttons. ..40 !G0-Lord Brighton. 54 650-Trystiug 53 CCI-Meadow Mist. ..50 Ml-Yashmak 53 Mary 49 "i Five-Eighths Mile. 028-Bejnorecful .1:03 tiCO-Xight Raider.l:00 2S-Brignnna 1:05 C57-Xedna 1:00 Mo-Banker Browul:02H; 059-Oriole 1:01 037-Cnlaniity Janel:01 U3S-Rolo 1:04 659-Grn. Vlllage.l:01 l!3G-Rose Brigadel:01 032-JaniHiea Bellel:01 GGO-Ruddles 1:00 0C0-Jesava 1:02 034-Surinount 1:00 GCO-MIssionary ..1:01 050-Snob 1:00 GUl-Muskallonge .1:02 CGO-The Vengneel:04 037-Montalvo 1:02 000-The Boy 1:04 059-My Play l:04Vr, Three-Quarters Milo. m9 Article X. ..1:18 C32-Lady Mother.l:21 G3fl-B!ff Bang ..1:18 Co8-Mahony 1:17 OUO-By Jimiay ..1:10 CCO-Mavourneon ..1:20 124-Broomflax ...1:10 C39-Musty 1:15 GoS-Bravo 1:20 052-Optlmism ...1:10 Ofil-Bunting 1:141": 230-Overcast 1:13 tJ57-Bersagliere ..1:20 OGO-Perfectlon ...1:14 38-CourtshIp ...1:1 COO-Prince James.l:15 30-Ir. Clark ..1:20 C.IO-Rockport 1:18 COO-Dominique ...1:13 560-Racquctte ...1:17 630-Pexterous ...1:10 630-Smoke Screenl:27 020-Deep Sinker. .1:18 052-Snare 1:13 059-Elected II... .1:10 C32-Sweep Clean. 1:10 ! G32-Fred Kinney. .1:22 058-Sweepy 1:24 030-His Choice ..l.nYz GGO-Victor S. ...1:17 GCO-Jock Scot ...1:22 o7J-Vl; 1:13 COO-Kingdom 1:14 030-Wanatah 1:17 CCO-Krewer 1:13 GoS-Willlnni A... .1:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. GGO-Broaielia 1:30 037-Coming 1:30 One Mile. COO-Blazes 1:42 COO-Pen Kiw ...1:48 I 050-Beh. Yourselfl:40 600-Scot. Chief ..1:42 I 030-Dartmoor ...1:42 C3U-Tufter 1:40 G38-Dry Moon ..1:41 COl-Tryster 1:42 ! 037-Fair Gain ...1:41 001-Touch Me Xotl:42 OSC-Inchcnpe 1:30 038-Westwood ...1:4G C37-L. Gertrude .1:43 CGO-War Xote ...1:43 I COl-Mawhona ...1:42 Wynnewood .1:40 j 001-Ocenu Swell. .1:43 000-Yellow Hand. 1:40 j Mile and an Eighth. U37-Banksia 2:10 CCO-Ralco 1:38 020-GIpsy Lad ..1:33 C0-Recot:nt 1:5G Milo and a Quarter. 39S-Karlockcr ...2:12 Caretaker showed speed. Rose Hill worked fast. Night Itaidcr worked easily. Rose llrigndo was not extended. The Vengeance and Tho Boy worked easily on even terms. Greenwich Aillugc did a creditable gallop. My Play and Missionary worked easily together. Snob worked impressively. Xedna did a fine trial. Calamity Jane cantered ! all the way. By Jiminy xcetns- fit and good. His . Choice galloped an easy three-quarters. Dexterous showed much speed in tho first half of his work, j Kingdom has a good way of going. Dominique and I Krewer did a pleasing sallop on even terms. Wllllam A. worked eandntly. Parfectlon showed Improvement. Dartmoor and Trystef worked together. Blazes seems "fresh and good. Touch Ma Not was uneztended. Yellow Hand could have worked faster. Inchcape showed fine speed all the way. Behave Yourself did a good work easily. Dry Moon ! viii never better. Raleo galloped easily. Recount I seems at his best form.