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, . ALL MiSSOUREANS DOUBTERS SKEPTICS LOSERS ! ! iiir i 1 wiinmiwo.aro "Write Today for Complete Prospectus of w irr bmimh imwmi WONDERFULLY 1 I NOT A I I 525 THE MiRACLE SYSTEM 8PN WONDEHFUL i 8 " U " L V V? I t- g INVESTMENT I m mil a FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED ira ini l -n lmmmmtmmmZ OUR CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally Important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "systems" published, will be sent you absolutely -without charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. YOU CAN MAKn EVERY DAY A WIWlJfG DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified cheok! The System is not a list of horses to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied olients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Winner Supreme. We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelopo attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence is a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are waiting for you to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-N! Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing. M. P. WALTER and CO., kIcd CAjVADA THE TlKlAW Of SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, Iublie Relation aitrr. PRIVATE LOCK IIOX 4 OP - TOWSON, MD. I I A A GUARANTEED 1UU SPECIAL OUR TWELFTH 00 GUARANTEED SPECIAL, goes opening day at Fort Erie, THIS. Monday. August 8. Now, this horse, trained by one of the shrewdest men in the business, is fit to race for a kings ransom. All angles have been taken care of, and the name of the horse was filed with this publication FRIDAY NOON. No, these are not "tips," but GENUINE INFORMATION. THIS IS OUR GUARANTEE: REITERATE, WE GUARANTEE this horse to win, not run second or third, or your subscription WE will be refunded. We only have one or two a week like this, and its smart "INFORMATION" for players WHO KNOW. Dont he a mollycoddle. Throw away your dope books. Purveying of INFORMATION is, with us, a business. In order to circumvent the "pilferers," -we ask that you include your phone number. SPECIAL: We PREPAY all long-distance charges. The price of Mondays Special is ?100, and no propositions accepted. Rush your order -NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 10! NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO. ILL. I ADY LILLIAN L My 5 Special Won THIS HIRI "OCT FROM under the leg" for my many clients, IITLLEI and they get my next. 5.00 Speeinl, going Wednesday, FREK, my guarantee being that this horse must win at : to 1 or better or next Special free. Of course, I cannot make the pi ice. This trick has not been close in. her last two starts. Do yon think I KNOW? Dont be a dunce all your life. Throw away the dope. Buy "liv information." Buying and selling INFORMATION not "tips" is a business with me. Jet me? As mentioned above, my next Or GUARANTEED KJ SPECIAL WKDNHSDAY, ACCCST 10, WITII the same guarantee if it does not GOLS WIN at odds better than .1 to 1 you get Fridays Special FREE. 1 expect a good price on this horse. All angles will be taken care of. Enuf sed. Better get in and follow a winning band. "Smart stuff." The price, as stated above, is if.OO. No propositions accepted. Rush your subscriptions NOW. I pay the telegraph tolls. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE Bay filly. 2, 15.2 hands, weighing 1,050; eligible for the Piinlico Futurity; by the Middle Park Plate winner Flotsam beating Rock Sand, sire of winners in England, United States, Spain and In South Americe, where they won 2D,-000; out of Miss Dooley, dam of 2 winners; granddaughter of the Derby winner Galopin, and a lower line descendant of the four-mile race mare Fashion, that defeated Boston. ,000, or would sell her racing qualfMes. HARRY S. GAIL East Aurora Now York OH, BOYS, LOOK! This wonderful system only had 10 losing plays out of 04 bets. Best bet only had 2 losers out of 10 bets in one week at the different tracks. The first ITS days at Canada same system only had l." losing plays out of !I4 bets. The lest bet only had - losers in 2S days. My oecasionals for one mouth en a .0i flat bet to win figured .HlS.OO profit. Just think: Over ."i.0O per day! SYSTEM NO. 2 This system is still picking long shots. Here are a few winners: SERGEANT YORK 7.45-52 WON KINBURN ...9.10-52 WON FRANKLIN 7.60-52 WON MY DEAR . S12:45- WON PONGEE 2.15-52 WON N0NSKID S7C.50.?2 WON GINGER 01. 50-52 WON BYRNE ..; S.10- WON CHATEAUGAY 9.95-52 WON ALLIES WAY 7.85- WON AND A LARGE NUMBER OF OTHERS. It can bo played at or away from the track. Price in full for both systems Js S10.00. After you get them, and if they have not done just as I say, I will gladly return your money. Nothing Accepted by Telegraph. J. H. CR0SMAN BOX 2G, PALMYRA IND. FREE SAMPLE COPY OF NEXT-OUT WEEKLY BULLETIN Mailed on request. Contains list of from teu to twenty horses ready and expected to win next out. All horses mentioned are rated, enabling player to make selections if two or more mentioned horses are in the same race. First cost is only cost. We havo no specials for sale. When we get late word on something extra good we mail or wire our subscribers this additional information absolutely free. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Week, . 3 Weeks, . 5 Weeks, S3. 10 Weeks, . Send for Free Sample Copy mailed in plain wrapper. Address NEXT-0UT, Suite 415, 500 5th Ave., N. Y. City.