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DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART WINDSOR, ONT., SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1921. Devonshire Park 1 mile. Seventh and last day. Western Racing Association. Summer Meeting of 7 days. Weather rainin; temperature 85. Stewards, Joseph A. Murphy, S. C. Nuekols, Jr., and W. A. Hewitt. Judges, Herman Conkling and W. It. Norvell. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. ftt KA FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 4, 1920 1:11 3 112. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and andh3JL: upward. Claiming. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; tldrd, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?.l Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56032NORMA J. w 3 104 2 2 l3 1 15 V R Holway J Hendrick lllC-RO 56029 BENGALI w S 116 5 6 25 23 2 2 H J Burko P G Magni 115-100 56052 VIOLA G. w 1 101 7 I 3. 5fc 3 E Josiah E Glassco 17S5-ino 55817 LADY CATHINE w 3 99 X 4 r.t C 4 4i II Stearns M Hynes S33-100 56052 3C.RRY OX w 5 111 C 10 7?. 3k 5i 5i F Hunt Foxhor.dMews 2323-100 5 6 05 2 3 ST ATI M w 7 10G 1 S 10 9 7i 6 G Man. an A Wilson 755-K0 56029DOROTHY CRLIN w :i 106 4 3 ? 7!i 05 71 E Anthonv Burnsido Stable S063-1M 55871AUXT LIN wn 3 99 9 7 4l 45 S1 Sr- C Lon-. M Gorman S0O-1W 55120 WAAC w 3 103 3 9 9-5 V 9 9 B Parko E Warner K20-10. 48310 MANDARIN wn S 111 10 5 S S 10 10 E Pollard L Boido 910-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid. Norma J.. 4.20 straight, .80 place. .15 show; Bengali. .50 place, ?3.20 show; Viola G.. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Norma J.. 1110 to 100 straight, 290 to 100 place, 137"-. to 100 show; Bengali, 75 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Viola G., 210 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Win. Wright Blumina, by Plaudit trained by II. F. Preeman; bred by Mr. J. Hendrick. Went to post at 2:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. NORMA J. set a fast pace from the start and, drawing away into a long lead, tired iu the stretch, but outstayed BENGALI at the end. BENGALI ran well, but tired after getting to the leader at the eighth post. VIOLA G. had to be hard ridden to outstay LADY CATHARINE. The latter linished fast. ST ATI M closed a big- gap and finished with a rush. AUNT LIN quit. Scratched 56032 Tyrone, 106. Overweights Norma J., 1 pound. K4R-ti KK SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Oct. 4, 19161:003101. Purse ,500. 2-year.olds. VP JLtJPtJ Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third. 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt VL hz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt 560533BUMPETY BUMPS w 101 3 1 2 15 l3 P II Gregory J H Louehlieim 222M00 55972 PUMPS w 107 10 S 31 45 25 2:5 K Iool II P Whitney 1220-100 56053 DISSOLUTE w 102 2 2 7 P 55 Ch T Burns Pelican Stablo 2303-K . 560533?GAZINTA w 97 7 G 4 2"t 31 4! A Gantner J C Fletcher 623-100 55475THE MANAGERESS w 103 4 i V- ;: l5 55 J Bhelepet.i 12 K Brynon HilS-HXi 5B128ZACK TERRELL 107 1 2 Li fi C Gi P. Holway J R Alexander IJC-lfW .563SSPEaD RIVER w 97 6 i: S3 Sj 71 E Jbslah J A Srriaiiman .S-1W 65843IiIAL2AViiNA 33 s 7 S:i 81 ?3 S: B Parka E W Moor. 1.76.-100 54594 THONELLA we S2 11 6 2 73 7 9 C Lang E B Henderson t445-K.O PEGGY ATKINS w S3 8 10 10 11 11 10 E Anthony AV J Dowllng- t 56128 SPIRIT LAKE w ir.7 9 11 11 10 10 11 II J Burko W V Walsh 1975 Mutuel field. Time, 23, 47, IiQIVj. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bumpety Bumps. straight. :;20 place; ?3.30 show; Pumps, 1.25 place, .00 J Fliow: Dissolute. 9.70 show. , . Equivalent booking odds Bumpety Bumps. 222 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; rumps, 402y to 100 place. 300 to 100 show: Dissolute. SS5 to 100 show. z Winner Br. f, by Granite Galloping Queen, by Hen Brush trained by C. P. Clark; bred by Mr. -.7. H. Louchheim. Went to post at 3:13. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUMPETY BUMPS, close up from the start, raced into the lead on the stretcli turn, but had to be hard ridden at the end to outstay PUMPS. The latter was forced to go around on the outside on the far turn, but closed a sap and, finishing fast, would Have won in n few more strides. DISSOLUTE made, up ground and otitgamed GAZ1NTA in the final drive. THE MANAGERESS tired after setting the pace briefly. Overweights The Manageress, 4 pounds; Pumps. 3. Kfi KJ THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. July 30, 1921 1:50 3 126. Purso ,600. 3-year-olds j PVpXJ0 and iipward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,200; second, 50; third, 50. Index Hdrsea AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt : 56004 KING flKORGE wis 4 102 4. 3 2h 25 2 l1 1J J SheKpets Lincoln Stable 1445-100. 56O04 FRANKLIN wb 8 108 ! 7 Sl 5 45 3 2 K Fator S Polk 435-100 c 560 04 BRIBED VOTER w 7 101 2 4 3"t 31 3l 2s 3l S Nuckels J II Goodman 195-100 , 53230 WAVE w 5 111 7 1 7and 7 G 5- 4 W Morsey A Luzader S20-100 56058 WALTER, TBOAA wit 0 107 1 8 4s 4s 5s C 5i E Denny S McNeill 2220-100 j 55896 MARAUDER wn G 110 5 11 10s 106 10 9 fi J It Burke A G Robertson 3593-100 56058PIT w:: S IOC 3 10 11 11 11 10 7 G Fields J Phillips SS0-1CO : 56082 CONTESTANT wb 7 ll6 11 2 51 C 7 7 S3 F Paul J Funk 18530-100 J 55890CHIEF BARTHL wis 3 93 8 ;". Is li l1 4- P E Anthony E W Moore 6S75-100 55870MELLISON w 6 101 10 9 911 9 S Si 10H E Josiah G Gray t 550X2 KING LING II. wn S 101 C 6 6 S 91 11 11 C Lang J P Mayberry 5400-100 fMutuellield. Time. 245. 48. 1:15, 1:41, 1:54. Track fast. t miituels paid, King George, 0.90 straight, 3.55 place, .00 " show; Franklin, place, .15 show: Bribed Voter. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds King George, 1445 to 100 straight, 577 to 100 place, 250 to 100 show; Franklin, 24714 to 100 place. 10714 to 100 show; Bribed Voter. 55 to 100 show. i Winner Br. c, by King James Notnsulga, by The Commoner trained by T. Lynn; bred by Mr. I Henry T. Oxnard. 1 Went to post at 3:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ! same. KING GEORGE, suddenly improved, forced the pace to the stretch turn, where he passed CHIEF I5ARTHELL into n clear lead, but tired near the end and had to be hard ridden to outstay FRANKLIN. The latter, shuffled back in the early running, gained steadilv and finished fast. BRIBED VOTER raced well, but tired finally. CHIEF BARTHELL set a good pace for seven-eighths and quit badly. WAVE closed a gap in the last quarter. Scratched 35S05 Corson. 101; 55S00 Frank F., 100; 55742 Biddledee, 101: 500S1 San Marcus, 101. Overweights Walter Turnbow, 1 pound: Bribed Voter, 3; King George, -; Marauder, 4. 5kt EC fV FOURTH RACE 5 1-2, Furlongs. Oct. 6, 19161:06 5 112. Purse ,800. 2-year-vj JLtP a olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,350; second, 00; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Is SA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 55971 DARIC AGES W 107 2 1 2 2" 1 l V. Parke AAr Adkins 637J-100 56088DEArONlTE w 110 6 5 3 5 4 2" E Pool J H Louchheim 210-100 55776 GLENGARRY w IOC 3 4 48 2 s 2ni H J Burke Gallaher Eros 1050-100 5608:: INCOGNANCE wn 110 5 2 l1 1" 4l; E Denny G W Berry 1900-100 56026 MOMENTUM w 110 1 2 43 5 5 W Morsey F Farrar 995-100 56083JOHNNY DUNDEE w 115 4 Left at the post. M Buxton J Dundee 143-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:02, 1:08. Track fast. mutuels paid. Dark Ages, 4.75 straight, 5.35 place, .00 show; Devonite, .35 place, .80 show: Glengarry, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Dark Ages, 63714 to 100 straight. 10714 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Devonite, 07. to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Glengarry, 120 to 100 show. AAinner B. f, by Iloneywood Ina L., by Otis trained by J. D. Adkins: bred by Nevada Stoek Farm. Went to post at 4:35. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but JOHNNY DUNDEE. Won easily; second and third driving. DARK AGES easily passed INCOGNANCE when entering the homestretch and drew away to win easing up. DEVONITE closed a big gap and finished witli a rush. GLENGARRY ran in much improved form and finished gamely. INCOGNANCE set a fast pace to the stretch and tired badly. JOHNNY DUNDEE, fractious at the post, wheeled when the barrier was sprung. Scratched 54171 Alva. 110. Overweights Glengarry, 1 pound. ET-f CTQ TIFTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Nov. 3, 1916 2:05 4 110. Crawford House Handicap. 30 JLcPO Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 1921.sh50; third, 50; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 14 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnlT. Odds Strt 56081 GUY w 5 95 3 3 1 Is 1 1 l5 C Lang J P Phillips S65-100 55575 BYGONE DAYS wn 3 111 C S C 41 4 2 28 J D Mney C J Brockmiller 1SO-100 56050 SANDY BEAL w 4 120 7 2 5h 5s 0i 5 !t AV Morsny W S Murray 4CO-100 55074 BREEZE wr. 7 107 1 4 4 3h -jh 4s 4 x Duggan G H Abbott . 1195-100 56056 3 WAR GOD w C 100 2 5 2 2 2 2l 51 J Dreyer H Unna. 1220-100 55056 PONGEE w 3 10G 4 C 3J 65 7l C1 C H J Burke Gallaher Bros 793-100 56030DRESDEN w 4 107 5 1 S 7 P I1 7J E Pollard W Fenwick 140-100 50002 PETRARCH w 3 95 8 7 7 S S S S A Gantner G J Long 2525-100 Time. 23, 47, 1:12, 1:38. 2:04 new track record. Track fast.. mutuels paid. Guy, 9.30 straight, .53 place, . SO show; Bygone Days, .75 place, .75 show: Sandy Real. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Guy, S05 to 100 straight. 327. to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Bygone Days, iy2 to 100 place, 3714 to 100 show; Sandy Beal, SO to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Leonid Belle Rankin, by Handball trained by J. Phillips; bred by Mr. Wade McLemore. Went to post at 5:10. At post - minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GUY raced info a long lead in the first half and was shaken up a bit at the eighth post and Won off by himself. BYGONK DAYS began slowly, but made up ground steadily and easily outstayed 1 he -others, but could, never get near the winner. SANDY BEAL finished tranely and wore the tiring BREEZE down in the stretch. The latter raced well to the last eighth. WAR GOD ran a good mile. Overweights War God, 2 pounds; Petrarch, 3. RTQl SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 4, 1920 1:11 3 112. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds llUJ.iiJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt M and 91 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 559 73 3 HEREAFTER w 4 11S 9 1 1 1 l4 l H J Burke It Goose 152.1-100 56028 YOUNEED w .1 118 10 S 2 2- 2 2s J Mooney II J Gilmore 410-100 56054 NURSE JANE w 3 103. 2 2 3 Si 3" 3J J Kedcris P L Putnam 3S95-100 55498SAM REH w 3 103 6 4 7" 71 4 G Fields W E Applegate 1545-100 55802 NELLE YORKE w 5 113 4 11 11 9 S1 5?. J McCoy A Hill 1545-100 558!2 THE BELGIAN II. w 7 US 7 7 Gand 4 41 GJ R Harton G F Gray 2010-100 55973 COLONEL MATT w 8 113 5 9 Gl G1 1- E Fator S Polk t 50054WILD THOUGHTS w 3 100 11 6 5h 6U SJ B Parke G T Miller 2S10-100 56081AMACKASSIN w 113 110 95 10U 9 9 J Shelepcto E K Bryson 885-100 55!73KIRAH w 1 10S 3 5 4 7pkl0 10: E Anthony J D Bartolomco 3323-100 4 0785 .1ACK MOUNT w 7 113 S S 10 11 11 11 N Dugcan G II Abbott t fMutuel field. Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hereafter, .05 straight, .70 place, .30 show; Younecd, .05 place, .40 SI10W7-Nurse - Jane, 6.65 show. Equivalent booking odds Hereafter, 152. to 100 straight, S5 to 100 place, C5 to 100 show; Youneed, 147J4 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Nurse Jane, 73214 to 100 show. Winner Ch. c, by Dick Finnell Octavo, by Octagon trained by R. Goose; bred by Mr. R. II. Anderson. Went to post at 6:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HEREAFTER set. a fast pace from the start and was never in trouble. YOUNEED withstood NURSE JANE when the latter challenged and finished fast and gamely. NURSE JANE tired and had to be hard ridden to outstay SAM REH. The latter and NELLE YORKE closed big saps. .Scratched 500S4Anna Gallup, 113; 55971 Bengore, 11S; 55805 Lowell, 10S; 500S1 Charlie Ley-des-ker, 10S. Overweights Nurse Jane. 2 pounds. fk SEVENTH RACE 1 1-S Miles. July 30, 19211:503126. Purse ,600. 3-year--P vf JLtSAir olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,200; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 14 and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55780 KNCRINiTE w 4 9G 9 S 2at l 1 li 1 C 1-mg F Farrar 125-100 1 55998 RICHARD V. ws 4 IOC 1 2 65 65 25 25 2 II Gregory W D Bernhardt 2305-100 56004 D. OF WELL GT N w 4 100- 6 7 4 J 4 Si 3 3nt f Paul H E Swan CS45-1C0 I 560571,HUEN w 3 103 11 3 1 21 4 4l 45 J Kederis P L Putnam 1130-100 I 55998 FRANK SHANNNwb 5 100 4 4 9s 71 S 8 55 G Fields F C Marmet 233-l-?0 1 55847 NAPTH ALIUS wb 5 111 S 9 S5 55 6l Gi N J Barnes T E Edwards 4305-100 I 56085 YERMAK w S 107 5 5 7l S5 1 C 7 E Denny W L Stanfield 7300-100 55876BUCKBOARD w 7 103 2 10 VP 10 10 10" 8 II J Burke K J Farris U70-100 I 55780 DOTTAS BEST wh 0 104 7 C 5l 55 9 9l R HoTway J Hendrick 2600-100 56082OLD FAITHFUL ws 3 S 1 35 9- 91 7 10 B Parke D McDermid 15215-100 I 55552 HOMED BOUND wb G 101 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 E Anthony F J" Douglass f tMutuel field. Time, 24, 49, 1:16, 1:41, 1:53. Track fast. mutuels paid. Encrinite. .50 straight. .33 place, .10 show; Richard A., 4.60 place, I show; Duke of Wellington. 8.50 show. Equivalent booking odds Encrinite. 125 to 100 straight. 671-. to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Richard A., 030 to 100 place, 3JO to 100 show; Duke of Wellington. 825 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Rocktou Rockwater, by Laureate or Clifford trained by W. Smith; bred by Mr. John Sanford. AVent to post at 6:33. At post 2 minutes. Start sood and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. ENCRINITE raced into the lead on the backstretch and, keeping it, gamely drew away in the last quarter to win easing up. RICHARD V. moved up on the far turn and raced into second place, but could rever get to the leader. DUKE OF AVELLINGTON outgumed HUEN in the final drive. The latter finished gamely. FRANK SHANNON closed a gap. Scratched 55S4Grace. 101; 53012 Jake Feld. 106; 3C057 Mary Cowell, 93; 55700 Captain Tom, 100. Overweights Ycrmnk. 1 pound; Dottles Best, 3; Huen, 3.