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EX-ARMY HORSE WINS STAKE RACE PARIS, France, August G. French turf circles are discussing with much interest the victory of Hitftorien, eight-year-old son of Ex Aoto Hlstorienne, and brother of the noted Heros NIL, in the Trix Gladiatcur, a mile and an eighth race, at the recent AVieshaden meeting. Historien as a three-year-old had been among the also rans in a claiming race at Mont-a-Marsan in 1910. He was then sold to the French army and during the war became the mount of General Michel, General Degouttes chiof of staff. He was recently turned back to the Sixth Cuirassiers and placed in training. In his debut at Krcusmack on July 17 he finished second after having been practically left at the post. He won easily at AViesbaden the Sunday following.