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LATEST WORK-OUTS FROM SARATOGA 682 SARATOGA, N. Y., August 29. Sunday workouts here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. CSO-Devastation ...35 GSl-Qneereek 35 C72-Kinality 35 GSO-Straight Shot..3S C52-Finnish Maid.. .30 SO-Whiskaway ...10 074 -Miracle Man... 3", Half Mile. CSO-IIalu 54 070-Xedna 5S 023-11. Artillery ..47 075-Otiole 48 SGS-Idle Dell r4 07!-Singapore ."2 077-My Play 51 078-Tody 4! CO!-Mawrcoron ....49 Underwriter ...52 Gul-Nohant 52 077-Utah 54 Five-Eighths Mile. G7G-Elected II. ..1:02 071-Motor Cop ...1:02 027-Finery 1:02 G75-Prodigioii3 ...1:00 GSO-Firm Friend. .1:01 GSO-Pantheon 1:02 079-Hephaistos ..1:02 GSO-Pnulish 1:01 GSO-June Bar 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. G80-Bromelia ...1:10 GSO-Modo 1:13 CSO-Broomster ...1:10 077-Mnrg. White. 1:10 CSO-Blazes 1:18 CSO-Oil Man 1:17 GSO-Brainstorm ..1:15 0S0-Sedge 1:15 C78-Billy Kelly ..1:10 GSO-Sweep Clean. 1:17 074- Capt. Hshler 1:14 G5S-Tricks 1:15 07G-Coming 1:10 078-Tidings 1:24 079-Careful 1:10 GSO-Theo 1:15 GSO-Forst Queen.l:15 070-Toil 1:14 G7S-Killala 1:18 KSO-Wrack Grass. 1:15 One Mile. 079- Br Lights ...1:4G 080-Rockport 1:45 080- Damask 1:40 OSO-The Boy 1:4S 079-Nolawn .....1:43 GSO-War Note ...1:41 Mile and an Eighth. GSO-Chat.Thierry .1:50 Mile and a Quarter. G7G-Flambette ..2:04 Heavy Artillery showed speed. Toil did his work in good, style. Chateau Thierry went well. Oil Man worked easily. Prodigious worked fast. War Note galloped an easy mile. Captain Hershler worked well. Flambette wont easily all the way. Firm Friend is near racing condition. Sedge is in fine condition. Careful was under strong restraint. Tody was full or run. Billy Kelly looks and acts good. Modo did a splendid trial well. 683 SARATOGA, X. Y., August 29. Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 079-Ar. of Gold ...35 081 -Modesty 3S OSl-Bluffer 37 077-Our Dear 3S GOO-Conine 35 079-Rolo 37 075- Caretaker 37 G7.".-Runstar 30 GS1-L, Emmeline. ..38 079-Sunnyland 37 C79-MolIie Barnes. 37 0S0-Zovian 37 Half Mile. G79-Cote dOr 40 OSl-Hea 53 GSl-Consort 50 GG9-Philosopher ...51 073-Diomedes 53 St. Henry 48 079- Furious 48 GSl-Snaro 51 080- Gray Gables ..51 070-Trajanus 47 Five -Eighths Mile. G71-Bravo .. 1:02 GS0-I"rre Q.Roulel:01 GSl-Bantrv 1:02 Queen Mab .1:04 GSl-Irish Dream.. 1:01 070-nebttke 1:01 OSl-Penitent 1:03 G7S-Rosa Lee ...1:03 G35-Phantom Bluel:01 002-Sweepy 1:01 GSl-Pietrus 1:01 GSO-Tan II 1:04 GSl-Perfeetion ..1:01 Three-Quarters Milo. GSl-Ararat 1:22 G79-L. Baltimore. 1:18 GSl-Bersagliere .1:15 07S-L. Baltimore. 1:13 G79-Clamity Janel:17 079-Prudery 1:22 OSO-Camoufleur .1:20 079-Quesada 1:15 050- Comic Song .1:1S 077-Smoke Scree. .1:23 051- Gondolier ...1:17 079-Sweep By ..-.1:18 GSl-June Grass ..1:14 One Mile. GSl-Crocus 1:47 078-Eye Opener .1:42 079-Dry Moon ...1:43 080-ltomany 1:42 CSO-Dr. Joe ....1:51 081-Tryster 1:40 Mile and a Half. G79-Extcrmtor ..2:41 St. Henry went easily from the barrier. June Grass and Borsagliere worked together. June Grass was under strong restraint. Conine showed good speed. Exterminator was going fast at the finish of his trial. Quesada did his work well. Sweep By was under restraint. Bantry went easily. Lord Baltimore went fast in first part of his work. Pierre Qui Roule and Pietrus worked well. Calamity Jane had an easy gallop. Irish Dream is training kindly. Eye Opener and Romany were on even terms all the way.