Kenilworth Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-10-11

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KEMLWORTH PARK FORM CHART WINDSOR, ONT., MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1821. Kenil worth Park 1 mile. Fifth day. Kenilworth Park Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear; temperature 64. Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards at Meeting, Samuel McBride, M. N. Macfarlan and W. R. Norvell. Judges, P. E. Callen arid E. W. Cole. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, W. It. NorvelL . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 30, 19i7 1:05 6 110. Pursa 1,300. 3-year-Q 4 O 4 O olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1,000; second, 200; third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin. Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57778SPUGS wn 3 102 8 7 51 1 l3 ins j Conway W ICearna 325-100 57730BETSINDA W 4 102 4 ." 4l 3 2l 2 H Jones C T Worthington 205-100 578133BUGLE MARCH wb 5 102 9 2 3h 25 3s 8 L Aron T Riddle 745-100 57683 LADY IONE wn 4 104 0 73 73 4 4i M Schwtz M Sansone 0750-100 57778 FRIVbL wsb 3 107 2 3 21 4n 53 55 is Boyle II Neusteter 3;i00-100 57730LITTLE MAUDIEwb 5 99 1 4 C 5 6 C5 C Lang J Arthur 9SO-100 57375WINNECONNE wn 4 104 3 9 9 9 9 7 A GanUier C Buxton 470-100 57813 GALLANT GROOMw 4 102 5 S S3 S 7i S K Partori .1 Meagher 4310-100 56669 FICKLE FANCY w C 104 7 1 11 G Sk 9 J Dreyer J II Murray C2C0-100 Time, 25, 51, 1:03, 1:10. Track heavy. 2 mntuels paid. Spugs, S.50 straight, 4.05 place, ;1.20 show; Betsinda, 3.60 place, 2.80 show; Bugle March, .45 show. Equivalent booking odds Spugs, 325 to 100 straight, 102 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Betsinda, 80 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Bugle March 72 to 100 shew. . Winner U. S. by Charles Edward Shoo Fly, by Meddler trained by C.. H. Smith; bred by Mr. Eugene Rucker. . . . ,. . ; , fc . " Went to. post at. 1:48. At post 2 minutes. Start poor jind slow. Won, driving; second and third the same-. SPUGS began slowly, bnt worked his way up on the oritsido arid raced Into a long- lead after entering the homestretch.-bnt wan tiring at tho end. BETSINDA finished fast and was catching the winner with very stride. BUG LH" MARCH raced forwafdly, but tired badly In the lost quarter. WINNHCONNE was as good as loft nt the post. Scratched-r37C81Bengore. 102; 12901 Green Jones, 104; 537CiMorraon, 107; 57779 Dora, 102; 57240 Stiletto, 104; 57813 Redland, 104. Overwelghts Frivol, 2 pounds. Et fTfirl SECOND RACE 1 J4ilo. and 70, Yards. July 121 1:43 5 114. Purse 1,600. I O 4 O 4 TC 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1,200; second, 260; third, ! 150. J I index Horses AWtPPSt . StrFln Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 5777B3BELJOY W 3 92 2 3 I3 1 is 1 1 C Lane Tho.rncliffe Stable Saa-lOO 578J,2ANMUT yr 4 106 11 7 CJ 515 3? 23 A Gantner Brookdaiq, Stable 2O0-J0O 57433ST. PAUL we 4 98 4 7 4 sh 3 45 S K Pat ton H GIddlrigs 2ChB1Q0 57682s JUNE FLY , w 4 109 0 5 Ci 41 4 513 44 H Ericksn P G Christopher 950-100 57812 ISWT BOUQUET w 4 10S 3 2 3l 2s 21 2nk 5:u J Dreyer Seagram Stable :C15-1D0 5760,3 F, AND WARMER w 5 107 7 G .2" 5s 6 fi"" 6 S Boyle J Rorris 3320-100 57812 CARRY ON av 5 103 5 4 .5"?. 7 7 7 7 R Romelll Eoiritead MeW3 7233-100 Time, 24, 50, 1:17, 1:47, 1:52. Track heavy. ... , mutuels paid, Beljoy, 13.25 straight, i.C0 place, .10 show; Anniur, .50 place, 2.70 show; St. Paul, 3.40 show. , Equivalent booking odds Beljoy, 5C2 to 100 straight, 130 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Aninut, 75 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; St. Paul, 70 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Calgary Fair Annie, by Hawkswick trained by F. Schelke; bred by Mr. Harry Giddings.: ": , Went to iwst at 2:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and. third .driving. BELIOY sprinted into a long lead on the first -turn and won all the way.uuextended. ANMUT Ijc.-gan slowly, as usual, but gained .steadily and easily, outfihished the .others. ST. PAUL tired; but just iasteil long enonhg to outstay JUNE FLY. SWEET BOUQUET qnitjin the. Inst "eighth. .; : . ECfyiCffK THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. July. 24, 1917 1:11 4 110.. Purs 1,200. 2-year.olds. t3 j Q 9 Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 100. Vk Index Horses AWtPPSt 94. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 578U3QUICK RUN w 112 5 1 i p l 1" W Hinphy A E Alexander 235-100 57811 FOX GLOVE w 100 1 7 5i 41 3t 2 T Burns Brookdale Stable 4415"-100 57777NELLIE LEMON w 107 2 5 6l and 4- 2s H Ericksn H Tullett 4n5-10O 57.777 :PLAYWRIGHT w 95 4 3 21 23 2 4nt H B Bwer Thorriclirfe Stable 250-100 57777 INDIAN PRINCE wsn 93 7 S 7! C1 713 5a E Harbne Xi O Sawyer 2SS3M00 57777 PLAUDEL w 102 8 G 8- 7s 5J i.4 C Lang: J P Sullivan 1C70-100 57079 ONE PIN w 107 C 2 33 3l Cl 720 A Gantner C Buxton 720-JOO 57309 POWDER FACE w 107 3 4 4and 8 8 3 S Hoyle L S Cdftfs 2150100 Time, 25, 52, 1:18. Track heavy. 2 mutuels paid, Quick Run, 6.70 straight, 4.95 place, 3.60 show; Fox Glove, 1.10 plifce. 12.S0 show; Nellie Lenioh, 3.00, show. . Equivalent booking, odds Qdick Run, 235 to lOd straight, 147 to 100 place", SO to 100 show"; Fox Glove, 1455 to 100 place. 545 to 100 show; Nellie Lemon, SO to 100 show.- . .. Winner Ch. f, by Theo. Cook Dixie, by Ogden trained by A. E. Alexander; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simm3. Went to post at 3:01. At ppst 1 niihate. StaTt gcod and slow... Wen easily;, second and third driving. QUICK RU.N; st a good pace from the start and kept increasing her advantage. FOX, GLOVE, hard ridden all tho Kay. ran well and outgamed NELLIE LEMON In the final drive. The latter began slowly and finished fast. PLAYWRIGHT saved ground on all the turns, but quit in the last eighth. SoratchedM57SllDelhSmar. .112. . , . .... FOURTH RACERS 1-2 Ftirlongs. July -30, 19L7 1:05 6 110. Purs .300; 4 4-year-Ql lOl V olds and upward. Claiming. Net value ta winner. 1,000;. second, 200; thigd, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StFt 57567 THE DECISION wn 8 115 4 1 2 2 2s 1 C Lang A Sweiike; 120-100 57319EARNEST w 5 111 9 5 lh id 1and 23 W illnphy C L McDonald 1040-100 : 57778 WAR TANK w 2 100 11 11 71 7s 53 3l J Hunther Seagram Stable t2490-10O 57813NENETTE y 3 108 10 $ rct andnt 3J 4 U Dreyer W C Weant 550-100 57243 PINARD wb 5 110 5 3 4 3 4 5 H Thurber E T Zolllcoffer 1545-100 57779 GEN. AGRAMTE vB 3 110 7 10 103 108 7 Cl M Buxton C Irby 630-100 57681 GENERAL w 11 109 1 9 S 91 C3 7" II Ericksn T H Wilson 1250-100 56440 OLD McKENNA w 4 104 8 1 fii 101 g! H E Bwer J Hovlzi 8830-100 57782 3 RETREAT w 5 99 3 7 91 8l 9 91 T Burns F L Egan 3070-100 57538 LADY LOVITT w 3 102 2 2 11 ll 11 101 E Harbne J Melntyro 785O-I0O 57319STREADWELL w 5 104 G C 3 4 8111" M Schwtz P Laney f fMutuel field. Time, 25, 51, 1:12. Track heavy. 2 mutuels paid. The Decision, .40 straight, .80 place, 3.05 show; Earnest, place, .40 show; War JCank, field,, 9.90. show. Equivalent booking odds The Decision, 120. to 100- straight, 90 to 100 place, 82 to 100 show; Earnest, 235 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; War Tank, field, 395 to 100 show. Winner -B. g, by King .Tames Verdict, by Tyrant trained by A. Swerike; bred by Mr. Henry- T. Oxnardj. , Went to post at 3:40. At post C minntes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second ani.thlrd the same. THE DECISION forced the pace from..tJie start and outgamed EARNEST in the final drive. The latter set the. pace, gamelj.- arid was on the bhtslde of the winner all the way. WAR TANK began slowly, but closed a big gap and finished fast. GENERAL AGRAMONTE was shuffled back at the Btart and ran a good race. NENETTE ran well. PINARD showed speed. . . Scratched 57813 American Eagle. 110; 57243 Dancing Girl, 107; 57248 Bryngar, 94; 57372 John .T. Casey, HtL . . , . Overweights LCeneral, 5 pounds; Earnest; 1; War Tank, 5, . , : .: tZrtf2F7r7 FIFTH RACE l l-8 Miles. July 22, 1920 1:53 8106. Purse ,400. 4-yeaf-olui, tl 4 O d .4, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1,100; second-, 2C0; third, -100., v Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 57683SMTAIN ROSE II. w 8 112 4 C C C13 4 V li M Schwtz L A Seregni 355-100 57815 CHIMERA avs 5 112 G 5 11 1 l3 2 2i W Hinpiiy P Hinphy 2455-100 57815SALGEORGE w 5 103 7 4 3J 5 5i 43 31 H Jbhosj B SuKr 1163-100 57333 WOODTHRUSH w 6 115 2 2 4 4s 2nt 3h 4 H Erifcksn J M Cblliris l45-ljto 57780 ELLISON w S 105 1 1 510 21 3 5a 51 J Huijrhcr G J Buskay 4440-100 57780CAPT. HODGE w 6 107 3 7 7 7 7 7 6s T Burns S J Kelley .970-100 57730SGREAT HAWK ws 4 108 5 3 21 3and 6.0 Ci 7 K Parton W A Crawford 515-100 Time, 25, 52, 1:19, 1:50, 2:04. Track heavy. 2 mutuels paid, Mountain Rose II., 9.10 straight, 4.55 place, 3.75 show; Chimera, 3.05 place, .20 show; Salgeorge, 4.60 show. Equivalent booking odds Mountain Rose II., 353 to 100 straight, 127 to 100 place, 87 to 100 show; Chimera, 552 to 100. place, 210 to 100 show; Salgeorge, 130 to lOO show. Winner B. g,. by Yankee The Rose, by Miser trained by B. E. Chapman; bred in France by Mr. Thomas Hitchcock., Went to post at 4:25. At post 1 tninnte. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. .MQUNTAlN ROSE II. was outpaced in the early running, but began closing up on the leaders after they had gone a half mile and, working his way up on the outside, easily passed CHIMERA and won going away. The. latter raced into a long lead after rounding the far turn, but-tired in the stretch drive. SALGEORGE ran well and finished gainely WOODTHRUSH tired badly after racing into second place. ELLISON ran, well to the stretch. GREAT HAWK. quit. Scratched 57733iLazy Lou, 112; 57810 Rouen, 102; 57683 Flame, 103; 57735 Yerniak",- 103; 57816 Buckhoni II.,. ,108; -5724C L Serbian,. 112;. 57780 Alma B.. 108; 57815 Spearlene,, 108. .. KTOrfig SIXTH RACE 11-16 IdUsS. July 30, 1917 1:44 6 110. Purse ,500.. 3iyear-olds Qi Oi O and, upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 250; third; 1007" Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds, Strt I - 57606 VETERAN wb 5 109 8 3 H 1 I3 1. 1. M Buxton C Buxton 235-1OT 57687 JOHN A.REOR wb 3 107 6 4 4i 3l 33 2l 2t E Harbno F St John 3735-lOa V 57538 aGILT FRINGE w 3 102 7 8 7s 6 53 3J 3. J Conway C H Smith 600-100 " 57817A"USTRAL wb 6 113 3 7 8 S 6" 4H 45 J McTagt A Swenke , .12C-ia0T 577353SECRETARY wb 3 103 4 5 C 4l 4 6 5 J Hunmer .R V Haymaker 3310-100 V 57815CIIOW wb 3 98 1 2 3l 23 2h 5"t 6. H E Bwer W Walker. 5845-100 " 57817 ROISTERER u 4 i0$ 2 1 2"tf 5lJ 710 7s 710 C Lang G W Atkinson 1700-100 57815BLACK TOP w 3 97 5 6 5oS 71; 8 8; S T Burns D S Fountain. 3SW-100 Time, 25, 51, 1:19, 1:48, 1:55. Track heavy. 2 mutuels paid. Veteran, 6.70 straight, .30 place, 3.45 show; John Arbor, 16.70 place, .40 show; Gilt Fringe, 3.03 show. Equivalent booking odds Veteran, 235 to 100 straight, 115 to 100 place, 72 to 100 show; John Arbor, . 735 to 100 place, 270 td lOO show; Gilt Fringe, 82 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by His Majesty Nectary, by Dlrineford trained by C. Buxton; bred in England by -Mr. J. J. Parkinson. . . Went to post at 4:58- At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second .and. thir drry- ing. VETERAN outran the others from soon after the start aud, racing into a long lead, was eased up at the end. JOHN ARBOR ran u, good race, but was tiring at the end and just lasted long enough to outstay GILT FRINGE. The latter began slowly, but ran well and finished fast. AUSTRAL closed a big gap in the last half. Scratched 57735 Roseate, 98; 57815 Fair Lassie, 100. Overweights Gilt Fringe. 2, pouuda; Black Top, 2; . . . . . KrTQHCk SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. July 31, 1917 1:44 5 110. Purse 1",600: 8-yeax-O 6 C3 i V . olds and upward. Claiming. Net value o winner 1,150; second, 250; third, 100. ; Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys . Owners. . Jiquiv. Odds. Strt C57735MMON ELDER wn 5 113 4 2 43 2 li l3 i H Thurber E T ZOUicoffer 1771-100 57735 JOAQUINA wb 3 100 2 7 7 51 4s 43 2l J Hunmer T H Wilson 1835-ltK 578173THE DESERT whb 5 106 1 6 21 23 3 3 3s H IDrlcksn H W Barnes 445"-fl 57735 BRM PEDDLER w C 101 3 1 1 in 2t 21 43 I Gordon HB Holmes 260-100 57778 JACQUES WB 3 100 5 5 21 4 5 5 5 C Lang N K Bcal 1300100 57 734 SMART MONEY w 7 10G G 4 Gl 63 G3 ffi 6 R Ranelll G Holmes 2545"-l 57734 SENTIMENTAL w 5 10G 7 3 5 7 7 7 7 E Harbne- W E Jones 1650-100 Time, 25, 51. 1:18, 1:48, 1:56. Track heavy. . . mutuels paid, Mormon Elder, 5.55 straight, 4.00 place, 3.40 show; Joaquiha, 13.95 place, 7.45 show; The Desert, 4.05 show. Equivalent booking odds Mohnon Elder. 177 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Joaquina. 597 to 100 place, 272! to 100 show; The Desert, 102 to 100 show. Winner Elk. g, by Ogden Kate D;, by Cesariori trained by W. A. McKiriney; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. , Went to post at 5:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and sldw. Wbri cantering; second and third driving. MORMON ELDER, after racing in close pursuit of the early leaders,, rushed to. the front when called on and won In a. canter. JOAQUINA dropped back while rounding the first turn; but saved much ground on the turn into the homestretch and, in a fast finish, passed THE" DESERT in the final, sixteenth. The latter, always close, tip, tired slightly near the end. BROOM PEDDLER set a fast pace next to the Inner rail in the heaviest going and tired badly in the stretch; Scratched 57815 Bond, JOG; 57735 White Jiaven, 106; 57374Sea Wny, 100

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