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LAUREL PARK FORM CHART LAUREL, MD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921. Laurel Park 1 mile. Seventh dav. " Maryland State lair. Autumn Meeting of 23 days. Weather clear; temperature 76. Steward -Representing Maryland Racing Commission, GeOrge Drown, Jr. Judge at Large, Carlos M. DeGarmendia. Stewards of Meeting, Raker Water.- Frank J. Bryan and George Brown, Jr. Judges, H. P Conkliug, J. B. Campbell and George T. Miller: Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary; Fl J: Bryan. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. m... Indicates apprentice allowance., rfcTRQ rnT KACE 1 1-8 Miles. Oct. 10. 1914 1:49 3 124. Purse ,371.24. 3-year- . and upward.. Selling. Net value to winner 71.24; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Y y. ?j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. OddsstFt 57803FAIRWAY w 4 305 4 5 45 3 I2 1U A Allen T Clydo . SC.I-IOO 5783MERRIMAC wn f. 303 2 3 Vi V 2 22 2- J Mooney C Kochler 2C5-10O 57G72sBELARIO wn 5 305 1 2 5U r,U 4k 3t L Coney A L Austin 400-100 a7722RUNQUOI wnS 10S 3 1 31 43 35 31 4U X, Penman O Torrell 330-100 57558 DENEVOLENT w 9 307 G 7 7 7 7 r.u 52 j Morris C J Casey 775-300 57803?IvING JOHN wn G:135 7 C C C 5" 7 GU W Kelsay F Musante SSO-100 577G8 CROMWELL wsn 5 115 5 4 22 25 41 GJ 7 J Callahan W J Daly 710-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:41, 1:53. Track fast. mutucls paid, Fairway, .50 straight, ?2G.G0 place,, 4.90 show; Mcrrimac, .00 place .30 show; Delano, ?4.G0 show. Equivalent booking odds Fairway, 3025 to 100 straight. 1230 to 100 place, G15 to 100 show- Mcrrimac, 100 to 100 place, 5 to KM, show; Belurio, 130 to 100 show. Winner Br. c, by Bryn Mawr Justly, by Mithra trained by A. G. Weston; bred by Mr Thomas Clyde. Went to post at 1:4G. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driving. FA1RYSAX gradually improved Ins position and, passing MERRIMAG on the last turn, took a good lead and. won easing up. MERRIMAC took the lead quickly and raced CROMWELL into defeat but could i.ot withstand the winners rush. BELARIO was messed about in the early running and finished with a u-,,JlLTrQL0.I r:i" wcU ?,,rt fu,,sIel samcljv BENEVOLENT -was- off badly and always outrun. CROMWELL quit alter running- a good three-quarters. Scratched 5771S2Rubirtium. 107; .r76092Suniiy Hill. 100; 57S01Goldiue. 104; 57670201d Dad, 110. ft 3?f,?1,D 0EM ?;f We 0c 5 191-l;--ll?5---108. Purse ,371.84. 3-year.oIds! Q 4 OCPTb Allowances. Net value to winner 71.24:; second, 50; third, -6tt. : Index; Horsea AWtppst StrFln Jockeys. Owners . - gqniy. Oddff str7! 55520 CALIGULA AVn 303 2-2 H 3 J- i. n Jj MCfcIs 3 Si DaVis - -175.141 5753G3SAIHNG B. wn 1IG 1 -1 2t 2t li 2J W Kelsay J IC L Ross jVJoft 578t;i3AIlARAX wn 112 5 5 58 4nk 43 3" L Penman II P Whitney iij-joo 57 18G BLUFFER wn 10S 3 G G 6 5-" 4 J Houpel Crow Point Stable "795-10O 57307. SUPERWOMAN av105 C 1 4U 3 31 V 3 iMooney W J SalnVon 7GO-100 5G898AVRACK GRASS w ICS 4 3 SU 52 G G II Clmenls Mrs F A Clark 355-ioo U0 Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. 2 rnutucls paid, Caligula, 51.50 straight, 13.50 place, 1.00 show; Sailing B., 3.20 place, 2.20 show: Ararat, 2.40 show. . Equivalent booking odds--Cnligulat "175 to; 100 straight, 575 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Sailing 11., 60 to 100 place, 10 to 100. show: Ararat, 20 to 10.0 show. Winner Blk. c, by Wrack Continue, by Orlando trained by 31. Brady; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simzns.. Went;, to post at 2:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good anil slow. Won driving; second and third the .same. CALIGULA set a fast early pace and. after being passe.d. was pared to the last-turn, then came last through .the stretch and outstayed SAILING H. in. a game finish. SAILING B. raced in close quarters on the inside and, showing a good order of speed, stood a hard drive gamely. ABARAT began slowly anil was forced to work his way up on the outside, but finished fast. BLUFFER closed a big gap. SUPER WOMAN showed early speed, but quit after racing into a long lead. Scratched OOTSOStep Lightly, 105. . . : , jiyQK THIRD .RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs.. Oct. 31, 1S14 1:05 2 11?. Purse ,371.24. 2-ysar-t3L4.GQj olds. Fillies. Special Weights. Net rvalue to winner 071.24; second, 50; tMrd, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt A y4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57025 PP.ODIGIOUS w 113 4 4 35 31. 2i iu L Morris J E Davis 290-100 5762 ULTIMATA W 110 10 1 P H JJ 21?. J Mooncy E 31 Weld 1123-100 57520 PLUCKY w 110 7 5 2l 21 L Penman II P Whitney 6S5-1Q0 57301SIMPLICITY w 115 3 8 55 45 5i 4 J Butwell W J Salmon 535-100 56039 ROULETTE w 115 3 7 45 f.u 41 5 T Bice J S Cosden IMO-100 55437 MISSION . BELLS w 113 1 3 75 Cl C2 G! A Johnson J H Rosscter 1415-100 57642 BOUNTIFUL wit 115 6 ! S" and S" 7l J McCabe A Grantz 8CO-100 57799 GLADBROOK w 110 S 3 62 75 75 S10 .1 Callahan W L S Martin 2000-100 -NETTLE w 1122 2 0 9 0s S- fil H Hamtn G L Jenkins S73O-1O0 576023WESSIE B. w 115 "5 10 10 10 10 10 A Kichcrk J Arthur 2840-100 Time, 23, 4S, 1:01, 1:08. Track fast. . mntucls paid, Prodigious, 7.80 straight, 3:20 place, 3.S0 show; Ultimata, 12.G0 place, 6.30 show; Plucky, 4.50 show. Equivalent booking odds Prodigious, 290 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Ultimata, 030. to 100 place, 215 to 100 show; Plucky, 125 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Fayette Ilimation, by Ilennis trained by 31. Brady; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. . Went, to post at 2:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. .Won driving; second and third the same. , PRODIGIOUS .followed the .early pacemaker- closely ,to the stretch, then came with a yusli and, liallengfng ULTIMATA, outgamed her at the end. The latter set a fast pace and tired when challenged, but finished gamely. PLUCKY raced in, nearest pursuit to the stretch, but tired near the end. SIMPLICITY ran a fairly good race. ROULETTE was on the inside all the way. WESSIE B. was taken up Scratched 575502Fnnnie Bean. 115; 57600 Ogarite, 115. . . OTengeiclits Simplicity, r pounds; Mission BellsT. 3; Nettle, 2. . - i7SOlfi FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 31, 1911 lMZ 118. Purse41,671.24. 3 6 O 3 2-ycar-old3.. -Allowances. Net valno to winner 1,071.24; second, 00; third ,00. Index: Horses AWtPPSt U 94 Sir Fin Jockeys - Owners - Equiv. Odds Strt 57304 DREAM OF ALLAH w 115 1 2 2 22 Jk li J,Butwell KT. McLean 35-100 57642 SEDGE w 113 6 1 45 8J 2 L Penman Greentreo Stable 1075-100 57799 1 YAN KE E STAR wis 113 3 3 15 A5 2J 2 J Mooney Qulricy Stable 310-100 57642:,CHA31PLAIN wu 110 5 5 5 42 43 410 J Hetipel OWJ Bissell 12C5-1G0 56615 INCOGNANCE n 110 2 4 2l ,5 5 5 E Fator 8 Polk 7550-100 575562FANNIE BEAN wn 110 4 Left at the post. Tj Morris B Harding S35-1G0 Time, 23, 47, 1:07. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid, Dream of Allah, 3.70 straight, 3.00 place, 2.30 show; Sedge, 7.60 place, 3.S0 uhnw; Yankee Star, 2.00 shoWi Equivalent booking odds Dream of Allah, 85 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Sedge, 2S0 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Yankee Star, 30 to 100-show. Winner Oh. f, by Colin Garden of Allah, by Star Shoot trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by 3Ir. Edward B. McLean. Went to post; at 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but FANNIE BEAN. Won easily; second and third driving. DREAM OF ALLAH was saved Under restraint in the early running and came on the outside on the stretch turn, then came fast and, passing YANKEE STAR, -was eased up :cl the end. SEDGE, away quickly, finished resolutely when called 011 and outgamed YANKEE STAR. The latter showed good speed and set a fast pace, but tired. CHA3IPLAIN had no mishaps. FANNIE J: BAN refused to. go. . - - - - ; - r , rtyQCkfy FIFTH ilACE 3-4 Mile, Oct. -5, 15181:11 4 108. Glenlnirnie Handicap. Purse O o5J t ,071.24. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 1,471.24; second, 00; third, " " " - - - ; 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt j 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds 3trt 57643CA.R.EFUL w 3 114 .2 3 IJ I2 l2 1 J Butwell W jHolman. 33-100 W02S.BABY GRAND w 3 113 4 2 k 2 25 2 W Kelsay J K L Ross 500-100 56480 PRIDE OF INDIA wb 5 S3 3 1 3 ,-32 ?. S :McLane S Ross 1S10-100 r7:4943MINUTE MAN wb 4 102 14 4 , 4 4 4 J Rowan H Dattner 685-100 " Tima,. 8Z,JB, 1:12. -Trackr fast. 2 mutuels "paid, Careful, 2.70 straight, .20 place; Baby. Grand, 2.70 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Careful, 35 to 100 straight, 10 to 100 place; Baby Grand, 35 to 100 place. Winner Br. t liy Wrack Mindful, by Star Snoot trained by E. Wayland"; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CAREFUL, displaying the most speed from the start, took the lead at orice and, setting a great pace under restraint, won in a canter. BABY GRAND, .always in closest pursuit of the winner, made a game rush thrpngh the .stretch, but could never get to the leader. PRIDE OF INDIA raced well for the first half, but was tiring at the end. and barely lasted to save third place. MINUTE MAN would have been third irt another stride, but ran greatly below his true form. KI7QQQ SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7, 1916 1:43 5 116. Joppa Claiming Handicap, tj. fl OOO Purse ,571.25. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,071.25; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt A Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 574S6-OUR BIRTHDAY wb .4 101 1 1 2s .1 l4 1 l2 J Rowan E J Salt 1835-100 57717 SANS PEUR II. W 5 107 5 4 Cl 5l 51 35 23 H .Clments C Kirschbaum 455-100 5771.7 2 FRANKLIN wb 8 111 3 3 9 3l 2J 2 3 E Fator "S Polk 1135-100 5776S DE.VILBOG wb 4 106 G 7 7s 71 C2 5"t 42 J Mooney Quincy Stablo 403-100 57719 LEFFARE wb 5 110 4 3 IS 22 3 4J 5 A Allen E M Weld 305-100 57004 ROMEO WB 5 09 2 5 SJ S2 71 7i 62 E Josiah H Falleby 3505-100 57766s BURGOYNE wb 4 105 7 S 52 42 43 C2 7 L Penman C P Winfrey 405-100 57557 HENDRIE wb 8 102 8 9 9 9 Si 8 Si0 J Heupel F Farrar 2005-100 562912ERNEST A. wb 4 BG 9 G 4t G1 9 9 9 T Brooke M R Pons 1533-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:41,1:48. Track fast. 2 mutqels paid, Our Birthday, 8.70 straight, 10.00 place, 10.00 show; Sans Peur II., 6.10 place, .00 show; .Franklin 0.00 show. Equivalent booking odds Our Birthday, 1835 to 100 straight, 700 to 100 place, 400 to 100 show; Sans Peur, Hi, 205 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Franklin, 200 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Golden JIaxim Autolee, by Lettoou trained by E. J. Salt; bred by Mr. A. V. Thomas. Wetn to post at 4:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OUR BIRTHDAY raced LEFFARE into defeat in the first half and, racing into a long lead, was under restraint all through the last eighth. .SANS PEUR II. closed up ground steadily and came fast Hirongh the stretch. FRANKLIN forced a fast pace until in the last eighth, where he began to tire. DEVILDOG closed a gap and finished fast and close up. BURGOYNE, close up in the early running, did not respond wheit called on. ScratcHed 57S01Coldine, 111. Overweights icoiuco,, 1 pound. . . andandG?andfk SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 5, 1918 1;11 4 108. Purse ,371.25. All Ages. O $ O r tJ Naidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 971.25; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt and -j ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Eqnlv. Odds Strt 5131" CRACK O D003I w 3 113 5 4 2 22 2 1 F Keogli Salubria Stable 220-100 577G3COLANDO w 2 9SJ 9 10 QU 5U 41 2S E Josiah E B McLean 1185-100 57767 RAJAH w 3 116 G 1 in li in 3J 31 3Iritain J J Farrell Jr 1780-100 57769 SASHLIN wb 2 OS 8 7 52 42 3t 4l V Bogski P J Miles 430-100 57555 3IAY GIRL -w 3 113 11 13 103 7 6ii 5i J Rowan Crown Stable to30-100 57707 WLIA3I OF "C3IANw 3 11G 13 41 S 5i Gu A Johnson II R Dulany 835-100 57015 FLYrPAPER wb 4 113 3 9 Si Si 9l 7i 3V Kelsay T J Shumaker t 57555EDNA D. w 3 103 4 5 31 10l 7i Sl A Allen E Phelan t 57767 GRENADIER w 3 116 14 12 12J 101 9J B Lowe Quincy Stable SG90-1CO 575R8CELIVA wn 3 10S 12 11 1U1 141 HlOi L Penman S Louis 2310-100 577633THE VGEANCEwb 2 02 10 15 115 111 12U un m Schwtz C J Casey 11SO-100 57554YE03IANETTE wb 3 10S 2 G G2 9U13 12i J Simmons J Arthors t 574HHCAR w 4 111 7 14 15. 15 141 135 T Brooke C J Brockmiller t 57.498 COMING wb 4 113 15 2 7i GJ 8 142 L, Coney Mrs F A Clark 17SO-100 57453 WATEREO w 3 116 13 S 14J 331 15 15 H Clments W L Saunders t tMiituel. field. Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. iimtuels paid, Crack o Doom, 0.40 straight, 5.10 place, 4.20 show; Colando, 11.50 place, 7.10 show; Rajah, 9.70 show. Equivalent booking odds Crack o Doom, 220 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Colando, 475 to 100 place, 255 to 100 show; Rajah, 385 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Ultimus Searchlight, by Kingston trained by W. H. Brooks; bred by Miss Jay Daingerfield. " Went to post at 4:4S. -At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CRACK O 10031 forced the pace to the stretch, then passed RAJAH when called on and, laking the lead, won easing up. COLANDO closed a big gap steadily and finished witli a rush. RAJAH ran away a half mile before the race and tired after making the. pace to the last eighth. ASHL1N raced well up all the way. 3IAY GIRL closed a gap. W1LLIA3I OF COROTOMAN quit. OvcrweightH Colando, 3 pounds; Ashliu, 1.