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k: JAMAICA ENTRIES AND PAST PERKoRWlANCES FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 2 WEATHER- CLEARS TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. ; Chicago time 2:15. 577C0 115 1:12 3 118XS43 Superior mud "runner. X Good mud runner. "7GS43 fKnobbie Ill l:l-4,h 3 128X845 Fair rmud runuer. M Maidens. Apprentice 570i9 bDream of the Val- allowance. b Blinkers. ley 112 1:12 4 120XS40 First Race-3-4 Mile. W3 bDimmesdale 123 1:11 !"2..g3 Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Wr Pennant... V c"n 4 WS- Track record: May 21, 1021 l:ll-3-120. J:i jy.hisk , 1:J.; -S30 Todays 54242 bKinnoul 1221:13t3 4 122xb.J.0 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. tltancocas Stable entry. r;7S4SbVendor 104il:13Vi 10SX725 Fom-th Race 1 1-16 Miles. S! .DoirTjrdJn:::::107 1:1314 1: Fourth Kunninff 0ctol,er p- 525co Adda- r.78G03 bKedTom 113.. 715 3-ycnr-olds and upward. r,7tJl wift Grass 110.. 713 Track record: May 7, 10211:455121. 57478 Last Girl 94 1:15 105.. .715 -57379 bMAD HATTER .. .132 1:43 5 12S850 503SS Beverly Belle 1011:13 110.. 715 r.7794 Audacious 127 1:44 B134XS40 37791 Glenbclls 110X710 -.7794 bDonuaeona 110 1:44 4 105.. 840 57850 Theo M 100 X 710 570G4 Scdgefield ...1081:46 3 00X823 55345 Cloncannon M .. 108.. 710 57W.1 IKIKi Maid 302 1:14 110. .710 Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 578G0 Promenade M ... 103. .710 Purse ,000. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Selling. 57478 Simple Simon 113.. 705 Track record: May 7, 19211:435124. 5ioE T.i!nbr? 57S91 Tufter 100 1:44 0 115X725 5u2S7 Execution M .... 108.. 700 r,786is R1Umado 115 1:47 5. 111. .720 Second Race 1 1-lG Miles. 57804 bSea Sinner 112 1:47 4 111X715 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 57S04 Diomedes 110 1:43 4 122x710 Track record: May 7, 1921 1:45 5 124. . xi , 57713 Tan II 108 1:40 111x725 T. SS lSViu 57758 l.La Kross 109 1:40 5 111X720 lal" 1 Wote2?s 57101 DNplawn 100 1:49 0 100X715 foiO-l-OT T roconl- May 4l .11010 War Machine 97 1:45 0 108X715 r" V rZ:,,,-"ln- 57RC2 ?:J. "aynne.. 112 l:0o bRockport 1111:47 7 10SX710 57802 bLord Herbert .,..,13 1:45 0 103X710 f" " 0 1:00 "1 .. , - 57iil7 Phantom Blue 114X 15 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 50S12 bDuncecap 95 1:06 114X715 Columbus Day Highweight Handicap. .17600 Prelude 112 1:07 114.. 710 ,200 added. All Ages. , 57791 Castanet 105 1:08 314.. 703 Track record: May 21, 1921 l:llv; 5 120. 53599 Lucky Button 112 1:0S 314. .705 G77fi0"tbThnnderclaii 127 1:10 S 130x850 . 57227 Orcndla, M 107.. 700 JAMAICA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. x .... " . From January 1, 1021, to September 25, 1921, Inclusive. At or At or Over s Over- Jockey. P.O. -Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d Bnnde, K 30. 114 88 103 S8 45 Ambrose, B .09 109 66 8 8 1 Fator, L. ,28 105 805 84 C9 81 Babln. O .09 104 171 15 23 24 Marinelll, B 23 98 459 106 83 69 Brenning, 0 09 93 11 1 1 3 Hamilton, H. ... ;23 109 53 11 7 C Scott, R. .08 95 13 1 1 0 Kummer, O .22 112 191 42 81 23 Carroll, G. W 06 100 12fl 7 10 17 .Wilson. F 21 99 243 51 85 43 Lowe, S .00 95 126 8 12 10 Finn, T. 17 95 6 1 2 O Zoeller, J .06 101 156 9 18 16 Slaughter, M 16 103 106 81 28 23 Nolan, T 03 107 58 8 6 9 Penman, L. 16 97 511 83 J32 70 Weiner, F 05 101 180 9 15 21 Miller, O, H .15 112 ;162 25 24 24 Obert, W 04 103 72 8 2 .6 Rice, T. 14 110 214 30 36 84 PJtz J 04 105 85 3 6 10 Sehuttinger, A. .. .14 108 91 13 -11 t7 Swart, N 04 05 23 1 2 A Turner, O. 14 H8 191 28 82 83 Harrison, M .02 102 89 2 7 8 Walls, P 13 90 15 2 1 1 Catrorie, F 100 2 0 0 0 RobinBon, C 12 109 126 15 11 14 Doyle, T. J. 05 12 0 0 0 Monntaiu, M 11 107 4 3 6 McMurray, B 95 4 O 0 0 Kummer, B .11 95 47 5 6 3 Meln, G .. 100 Z 0 O 0 McAtee, L 10 105 286 29 45 43 Murray, J 05 5 0 1 2 Bullman, S IP 10O 147 15 14 23 Pets, J. G 105 8 0 0 1 Pierce, J .10 106 21 2 2 a IUIIST, RACEr 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. May 21, 1121 1:11 ii-S 5 120. k, Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Fialsli. VENDOR, b. 0, "Z i08 By Olamotli Mary Sellers, by UncoBBmon. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, B. ,T. Wilson. " C7S4S Atfiluct 3-1 .l:lB?Shud S-5 103 3 4 -2 2s 24 S Bultman "5 Zovian, -Fred Kinney, Berrington C7412 Aqtdiict 3-4l:i3"faat 8 102 G 6 8 8 S .Bullman G Simpatica. "Sweepy. Delhi Maid 57229 Aqduct 3-4 l:13faet 3-5 103 1 3 3 3 3? S .Bullman 3 Lucky Girl, Doughnut E6812 Belnj. 3-4 MC l:14s!ow 2 99 7 7 6 G fiJ S jBullman 7 Duhcecop, Quesadn, Atta Gal 66568 Sartdga 3-4 l-lSifast 5 104 42 10 8 7J 4 S .BuHmanl2 EagerEyes, Doughnt, Dovesroost DGT17.Sart6g?. 3-4 l:13fast 10 10610 9 9 6 2P- J Rowan 13 Dolman, Dive, DougJmut 6338 Bar toga 6 f l:07ttfast 12 lOTfi U 11 11 9i S Bullmah 14 Jankii, Koster Girl, Racquetta andVISPA, ch. f. S 115 By Jluanymede-Nra Girl, by Bolltair JJ. Trainer. . O, Wqbber. O.wacr, T. O. Webber. iiVWO ..iainaica 5i f t;07ifnKt 9-5 lit 0 2 2 lJJ C Turner 9 M.W.hilc, licdTom, Promenade 57661 Jamaica 5 f 1 :0S"sfast 7 109 12 12 12 12 12" C Turner 12 Sweepy, Our Dear, Fusee 57031 Belmt 5if MG l:Q5Cast 3 101 4 ui ,4 5 4J S Bullmanl2 AttaGal, LuckyGin, O.McMeekln 5G3SS Sartoga 3-4 1:13 fast 2 ;10T 5 3 4 4 21 C Turner 9 Tulwar, Bvil, Citation 36463 Sar toga 5-8 l:00tast 5 115 .3 2 " 2 1 C Turner 9 Rose Hill, Oolong, Bellarrix 56241 Sartoga El f 1:07 fast 30 115 7 3 6 6 6J C Turner 8 Citation, Rose Hill, Story Teller .54143 Jamaica B-S l:00fast 15 112 6 7 9 91 714 J Metcalf 10 Cal.Jane, Budana, Humanltarn DOLLY VARDEli, b. f, 2 110 By Sain Everdcne, by Sempronlus. Trainer, D. R. McDahiel. Owner, K. J. Brown. 5747S Aqduct 5-8 3;01fast 5 101 1 2 Ill L Penman 13 Red Tom, Pastoral, Last Girl 5420$ Jamaica 5i f 1:07 slow 12 97 2 4 4 31 3T B MarielU G Morvich, Brush Boy, LittlePatsy 54123 Jamaica 51 f l:0Sfast 12 99 4 5 4 5 3i B MarielU 7 Duncecap, Superlllusion, B; Boy 54029 Jamaica 5-S l.gciod 8 59 5 EG 3h 3l B MarielU 12 Morvich, Brush Boy, Dnncecap 53747 ILdcGce 1-2 49fast 9-10 109 4 3 2 31 C Ponce 5 Duncccrfp, RosaLee, Delhimar 53330 Bowie 1-2 49Koodi9-10 113 4 3 2 2 L Ensor 9 Grace E., Mad Nell, Miles S. 527S3 P.Gnda 3-8 35 fast 10 110 3 41 4s N Barrett 9 Adventure, Mawrcon, Gentility RED TOM, ch. c, 2 113 By His Majesty Burlesque, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. 57JT.0 Jamaica 5J f l;07faat 0 lit 4 1 1 22 3-J C II Miller 9 Avpa, Mar.Wliite, rromenade 57478 Aqduct- 5-S l:0l-;fast 20 110 2 1 2 2l C H :Mlllerl3 DolIyVarden, Pastoral, LastGlrl 57103 Belmt 5Jf MC 1:07 fast 13 107 3 5 5 5 5 L Penman 5 MchcsMary, Clchfld, M.White 36778 Belmt 51f MC l:06fast 50 106 7 10 10 10 10 B. Turner 10 SwiftGrass. Ban.rass, Pastoral 55C52 Empire 51 l:072.4fast 20 101 3 1 4 5 E G W Carll 5 Alice C, Picnic, Sailing Along 55597 Empire 51 f l:07Rood 20 102 5 2 3 41 .6 R Turner G Lady Delhi, Timbrel, Marsdale 54568 Belmont 41f st E3fast 6 110 1 1 2Z 6 R Turner 9 Vendor, Bhntry Pass, Wreckless 54475 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 12 112 3 7 7" 101? A Schugrl2 Manna, Brilliant Ray, Confusion SWIFT GRASS, ch. f. 2 110 . By Short Grass Safe Home, by Hilarious. . Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner, Short Grass Stable. 576GI Jamaica 51 f l;0Sfast 15 101 4 7 7 GJ 91 C Breung 12 Sweepy, Our Dear, Fusee .57136 Aqduct 5-8 l:00good 41 99 3 8 11 11" L Penman 11 Ban.Pass, Modesty, Hephaistos EG77S Belmt 5if MC l:0Gfast 6 99 2 1 . 1 1 1 L Penman 10 Bantry Pass, Pastoral,. Citation 3633S Sartoga 51 f l:07fast 41 107 1 11 1 51! L Pator 14 Jnnku, Koster Girl, Racquetta 56.184 Saratoga 51 f l:10mud 5 105 1 1 2 3 3 L Penman 3 Restraint. Cape Eillir B3959 Empire 5-8 l:01fast 1S-S104 4 2 1 1 11 L Penman 15 Dolman, Fair Virginia, F.Klhney 55SG4 Empire 5-3 1:01 fast 100 103 1 2 2 2 2 C Ponce 4 Yank. Maid, Emotion, Val. dOf LAST GIRL, ch. f. 2 105 By Cock o the Walk Lida Thrush, by Royal Flush Trainer, J. Johnson. Owner, H. Walser. III. 57478 Aqduct 5-8 1:0lfnst 20 96 5 5 4h 41 C Breung 13 DolIyVarden, RodTom, Pastoral 57412 Aqduct 2-4 l:13fast 30 94 4 1 2 5 r,J G Brueng 0 Simpatica, Swpepy, Vendor 57285 Aqduct 3-4 l:15fast 3 105 G 5 G C5 Ci L Pator 0 Witchwork, Dolman, Delhi Maid 56851 Belmt 51f MC l:06fast 11-5 105 3 1 2 21 33 C Brning G Fair Virginia, Sword, Lady ZeO 56709 Belmont 51 f l:07fast 12 103 G G 2 l2 11 L Penman 5 Tricks, Kirtle, Miracle Man 55543 Aqduct 5-S l;00fast 13 96 5 5 G C" E Kummer 0 Hyperbole, MgieMurphy, Kirtle 55223 Aqduct G-8 l:01faat 10 104 8 9 93 9 J Zoeller 11 Marsdale, Stock Pin, Hillsdale BEVERLY BELLE, b. f, 2 lib By Unole-Ivabel, by Ogden. Trainer, L. Garth. Owner, C. J. Quinn. 5G5SS Sartoga 3-4 1:13 fast 5 101 4 4 5 5 jOs J Callahan 9 Tulwar. Avispa, Evil 565W Sartoga. 3-4 l:13faHt 31 306 4 G 5 jr.1 J 71 J Callahan32 EagerEyes, Dghnur, Dovesroost 56285 Sartoga 51 f 1:10 hvy 7 i02 6 6 G ffl fri J Callahan 8 Duncecap, Evil. Clansman 55S37Emplro 51 f l:07fast 13-5 102 1 2 2 21 13 J Callahan 9 Fifty Fifty, LadyDelhl, Dnncecap 55S13 Empire 51 f 20 311 3 5 5 41 4 T Rice 10 Sedge, Reparation, Shaffer 54724 Belmont 41f st E2?fast 31 104 G 4 4 31 X, Penman 8 Modesty, V.Colleen, Mir.Cooper 545SS Bolmont 41f at C3fast 5 104 5 i IJ 11 J Callahanl3 D. Deadeye, F.Rush, Blackstone tDisqualifled. GLENBELLS, ch. f, 2 . . . 110 , By Olencairn Singling, by Fatherless. Trainer, J. p. Mayberry. Owner, Xarrona Stable. 57791 Jamaica 51 f 1:08 good 12 310 11 10 30 9 C. Ponco 11 Grace E., Pastoral, Nightbont 5744G Aqduct 5-8 l:01faat 16-5 112 2 3 2s 3 L Penman 9 MiriamCper, Ftirlbus, Promade 57295 Aqduct D-8 l:6lSlop 12 104 3 4 H 41 P eitllettl 8 leghorn, Theo, Juno 55710 Empire 51 f l:07fast 15 104 7 6 4 Ci 7i J Mooney 8 R.Bgade, Cmehcita, Wltchwk 5C53 Empire 5-8 1:02 fast 15 111 7 C El 7" J Rod gezl2 Colllnga, Carmenclta, Balance 55466 Aqduct G-8 l:00fast 8 112 G 3 2i 21 P Cltiiettll3 Zenhotta, Bountiful, M. Murphy 55264 Aqduct G-8 l:00fast 20 107 9 7 d 4-P Weiner 9-RoseBrlgade, LadyDelhl, Kirtle 55167 Aqduct 5-8 l:00fast 20 135 7 5 G 7"i C Ponce 12 Montara, Oarmclta, N. Shanki THEO, b. f, 2 M 100 By Theo. Cook Eddie Eiddis, by Hermie. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. 8. Cosden. 57S60 Jamaica 51 f l;07fast G 10S 7 4 4 4s T Nolan 9 Avispa, Mar. White. Red Tom 57791 Jamaica 53 i 1:08 good 7 97 9 6 8 101 10la T Finn 11 Grace E., Pastoral, Nightboat 57350 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast 7 107 4 3 ,3 .81 N: Swart 5 Phantom Blue, NJghtboat, Juno 57295 Aqduct 5-8 l.-01slop 20 93 4 G 2S 21 N Swart 8 Leghorn, Juno, Glenbells 57031 Belmit Ef MC l:05fast -32 102 2 8 2 31! 53 F Cltllettll2 AttaGal, LuckyGirl, C.McMeekia 56886 Belmt 51fMCl:06 fast 6 110 3 I 3 41 41 T -Rice 8 Nose Dive. Bayonnfr, Finality 6713 Belmont 5-8 at-l:0Qfast 20 -114 2 G -7 8l T Rice 8 Oolong, Fanfare, Irish Confetti 56436-Sar:tog E-8 l:01slow 30 115 7 6 C eT T Rice 8 Polyantha. Llzette, Chewink CLONCANNOir, b. c, 2 M 108 - By The CurraEh La Cliff, by Clifford. Trainer, If. Stonebridge. Owner, H. P.Igionir. 55345 Aqduct 5-S 59mud 100 135 9 9 9 9". J Metcalf 9 Mon.Morng, Nthcllff, fiiinreigh DELHI MAID,, ch. t, 2 119 By Delhi May Maid, by Yankee. Trainer, R. McKeever. Owner, H. Sheln. 57C61 Jamaica 5if l:0Sfast -50 307 11 11 11 HJ 11" TV Obert 12 Sweepr, Our Dear Fusee 57412 Aqduct 2-4 l:33fast 20 301 1 4 4 41 4 M Harson 0 Simpatica, Sweepy, Vendor. E72G5 Aqduct 3-4 l:15fast 13-5 107 1 4 3 21 31 W Obert G Witchwork, Dolman, FdKinney 67031 Belmt 51f MC l:05fast 15 10G 10 11 11 11- 11" W Obert 12 AttaGal, LuckyGirl, CMcMeekin 5G635 Dshire 3-4 l:H5mud 13-5 104 1 1 1 1 1 W Obert G Black Deer, Al, Speed River 56487 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 27 102 7 7 7 781 W Obert 7 Aloft, Dor. Buckner, Billy Dunn 56437 Windsor 51 f l:10slow 19 112 8 7 G 51 41 S Sndman 9 D.Bkner, S.Adams, LilnMaeB 56121 Sartoga 5-8 l:o0 fast S 107 5 3 4 41 61 L Fator 10 Evil, Early Bird, Citation PROMENADE, ch. , 2 M 105 By Cock 0 the Walk Prnde, by Meddler. Trainer, E. J. Crawford. Owner, E. J. Crawford. 57SC0 Jamaica 51 f l:07fast 20 10G 2 5 5 5 453 J Zoeller 9 Avispa, Mar. White, Red Tom 7446 Aqduct 5-8 l:01fast 5 101 3 5 6 41 J Zoeller 0 Glenbells, MiriamCper, Furious 55965 Empire 51 f 1:08 slow 8 1041 2 .3 3 31 7 J Zoeller 7 LyMother, Sweepy, FlnnishMaid o911 Empire 51 f -1:08. fast 18-5 105 7 4 3 21 21 L Penman S Dexterous, Fin.Maid, Barriskane 55730 Empire El f l:0Sfast 15 106 5 4 7 6 C J Zoeller 8 Marsdale, Kirtle. Timbrel 55G75 Empire 5-8 l:02slop 6 10G 14 14 11 9 V J Zoeller 14 Atta Gal, Stock Pin, Sling 53CG0 Aqduct 6-8 E9mud 12 105 7 4 3 31 ,L Penman 14 MesMary, Zennotta, LastEffort SIMPLE SIMON, "ch. g, 2 113 By Lough Foylo Drexel Hill, by Nasturtium. Trainer, W. Shields. Owner, M. J. Keane. 57478 Aqduct 5-S l:01fast S 107 12 13 13 13!1 A Schugrl3 DolIyVarden, EedTom,. Pastoral 55SS4 Empire S-S l:C2slow 4 115 G 5 4 31 31 C Fbther 11 Janku, Tricks, Fair Virginia 55842 Empire 51 f l;CSfast 6 10S 2 111 Il W HInton 8 Kirtle, Wreckless, SailingAlong 55750 Empire 5-S l:02slow 15 1031 S ,6 6 6 G W Kelsay 14 Restraint, Emma W., Awning 55634 Enipire 51f l:08fast 10 lis 2 11 3J 41 L Ensor 0 Timbrel, Dare, Citation 55092 Aqduct 6-8 l:01fast 50 315 14 16 16 16 H Hamtn 10 LtUly, Picnic, Aknusti 54613 Belmont 41f st 52fast 30 115 9 10 10 10" H Hamfnll SweepBy, Blk.Rascal, Whirligig TIMBREL, blk. o. 2 118 By Zeus Black Swan, by Herbert. Trainer, J. F. Richardson, Owner, J. F. Richardson. 57SS7 Jamaica 3-4 i:13fast 50 113 9 9 9 10 V G Babin 10 Reparation, Rosellill, NoseDive 57757 Jamaica 51 l:06fast 20 1041 9 10 9 03 911 G Babln 11 Leghorn, Ccmic Song, Modesty 55730 Empire 51 f l:0Sfast 5 113 8 8 6 5 3 It Fatbr 8 Marsdale, Kirtle, D. Deadeye ;5634 Empire 51 f l:0Sfast 1-3 112 G 6 4 11 lJL Fator 0 Dare. Citation, Simple Simon 55597 Empire 51 f l:07gool 13-5 303 3 6 4 31 21 L Fator G Ly Delhi, Marsdale, Reparation 55464 Aqduct G-S C972fast 9-5 1061 7 10 91 Sl L, Fator 11 B.Rascal, Bndana, Dr.T.S.Dne 55287 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast .6 103 11 7 7 6i B Kenndyll Dr.T.S.Dabney, Runnyol, Picnlf 55089 Aqduct 5-8 l:01fast 7 107 13 13 8 Si L Vator 12 D.Deadeye. LadyDelhi. M.Whitf EXECUTION, ch. c, 2 M 108 ; By Trap Rock Anna Russell, by Russell. Trainer, S. P. Harlan. Owner, L. Waterbury. 532S7 Aqduct 5-S 1:C0 fast 30 102 10 11 10 98.1 J Callahanll Dr.T.S.Dabney, Runnyol, Picnic 55018 Aqduct 5-8 59good 40 1071 3 6 6 7 A Collins 7 Morvich, Draft, Relay 548S9 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 25 107 11 9 SI S10 A Collins 13 Violinist, Mawrcorou, Apex 54727 Belmont 41f st 52rast 60 107 7 12 12 12" A Collins 12 Roulette, Lally, Wlshbon SECOXD RACK 1 1-lG Jlilcs. Il-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. May 7, 1021 1:45 5124. FAN H., ch. g, 6 111 By Eock Sand Tanya, by Meifdlar. Trainer, H. Roseacber. Owner, H. Roseacher. 57713 Jamaica 1 1-lG l:4Sfast 10 111 3 2 3 2 51 G11 L Fator 0 Challenger, Canso, FrankFogarty 57419 H.deGe 1 1-lG l:49fast 10 116 5 4 5 5 41 5 C Ponce 8 Siesta, B.Hunley, NfrdsChoice 573S3 H.deGe lm70y l:.46fast 0 136 6 8 8 11 9 10. C Ponce 12 Ticacey, Stanley, Canso 56630 Sartoga 1 l:39fast 10 113 4 8 8 9 9 9 C Ponco 9 Episode, Pickwick, Bantry 56561 Sartoga 3-4 l:12fast 20 117 2 8 8 9 91 C Ponge 12 M.Barnes, GrnyLee, PgourdloH 53841 Empire 1 1-lG 1:49 fast 8 103 5 2 3 2 1 15 C Ponce 14 K.oftheHr, Salute, Fred.theGrM 55774 Empire lm70y l:45fast 12 112 8 12 10 G 61 510 C Ponce 13 Nohant, PlrateMcGee, JockSco 55734,Empire lm70y l:47fast 8 106 3 7 5 4 S 41 C Brueng 10 Grundy, Rockport, Salute LA KROSS, b. g, 5 111 By Martinet Ohemuips, by Sea Stroma. Trainer, E. J. Crawford. Owner, E. 7. Crawford. 57758 Jamaica 1 1,10 l:4Sfast SO 11G 5 5 5 G 5 5" J Zoeller 5 Pickwick, LEnjoleur, Favour 57733 Jamaica 1 1-1C l:4.Sfast 15 111 5 G G G G 51 J Zoeller Challenger, Canso, F.Fogarty 57550 Aqduct 1 1-lG l:50mud 7 113 17 6 G 61 781 J Zoeller 9 Thimble, FrankFogarty. Salute 57299 Aqduct 1 1:43 slop 6-5 110 1 5 4 3 31 3s J Zoeller 5 Vulcanize, Fluff, Rockport S96G Empire 11-8 1:56 slow 41 110 3 5 5 4 4 23 M Slghter 6 Salute. Bombast, Miss Rankin 55963 Empiro lm70y l:47fast 8 113 12 12 9 7 6 Ea G Yeargln 12 Mose, Makie, Current Events 55863 Empire 1 1-8 l:56mud 12 110 6 10 10 8 3 21 XJ Yeargln 11 Queen Blonde, Bombast Pibrocli 55774 Empire lm70y l:45fast 10 114 G 11 9 10 101 12" J Zoeller 13 Nohant, PirateMcGee, JockScot NOLAWN, i. -g, 6 103 By Sir John Johnson Onaga, by j Clifford. Trainer, W. H. Fizer. Owner, S. Lewis. 57160 Belmt 3-4 MC 1;12 fast 12 106 10 7 8 7 71 L Penman 12 Saddle Ring, Esquire Tldlnss 5G628 Sartoga 3-4 l:14sl"ow 3 306 1 1 1 1 1 P Weiner 4 Saddle Ring, Fluff, Surmount 56431 Sartoga .3-4 l:15slow 30 112 3 4 G 7h 6 G Babin 12 Staunch. Bodanzky. Blue Bella 535S8 Bowlo 1 1-1C l:51isfast 21 108 9 E 6 6 G" 61 A Richcrk 9 Alma B Warlike Polvcamist 53522 Bowie 1 1-lG l:51fast 49 1051 7 4 4 2 4 6 C Ponce 11 Maize, Al Pierce. Crumosall .53495 Bowie 61 f 1:21 fast CS 110 9 9 7 VI 6 A Richcrkl4 S.Kelly, G.Agmonte. Amkassla WAR MACHINE, b.. h, 6 ICS By Uncle Princess Orna, by Ornament. Trainer, J. Wessler. Owner, J. T. McMahon. 5GG10 Sartoga 1 l:39fast .41 333 9 9 9 8 S GJ C Kummer 9 Bpisode, rickwicl: Bantrv 55195 Aqduct 1 1:28 fast 15 317 2 S G fi f. 4 C Rpbson 9 Iteg.Lodge, Devastation G1 Gus 54C12 Belmont 1 l:39Vsfa8t G 118 10 10 9 10 8 G C Robsonl2 LeadingStar, OmerK. Mandalar 54441 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:48slow M 118 4 7 S 8 fa 53 L Fator 10 Mr. X, Salute La KrOss 54339 Jamaica 11-10 1:49 goodll-10 11G 4 7 8 7 C 53 T Rowan S Elmendorf, Mr.X QueenBlonde 54227 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 18-5113 ;1 3 2 2 1 1 J Rodgez 7 L.Lillian, Mandalay; Challenger 51509 Jefson lm70y 1:45 fast 11-5 10G1 2 5 6 7 7" 711 N Barrett 8 Lncky B., Nelle Yorke Flzer 51261 Laurel 1 l:43good 14-5 ,11S 4 3 3 1 1 1 W Kelsay 8 Piedra. Deckmate Salvatelle 5US3 Laurel 1 1-3G l:48fast 13-30 110 C 7 0 G 31 13 J Butwell 8 MissFilley, LadyEmline. Piedra ROCKP,bRT, ch. h. 7 108 . By Trap Rock Retained n by His Highness. Trainer, W. French. Owner, W. O. Daly. 57S62 Jamaica 1 1-lG l;48fast 23 110 2 5 f, f, 51 5 C Turner 8 QueenBlonde, Pavia, Scot Chief 57GG2 Jamaica lm70y l:45fast 20 104 3 4 3 3 31 4 S Bullman G JockScot, Pickwick, PIr McGee 57615 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49r10w 20 112 7 G 4 4 4 3 C Turner 8 F.Fogarty, Salute, QueenBlonde 57550 Aqduct 1 1-lG l:50mud 30 106 8 2 7 7 8" Sl E Kummer 9 Thimble, FrankFogarty Salute 57299 Aqduct 1 1:43 slop 7 30G 3 3 3 4 4 4 E Kummer 5 Vulcanize, Fluff La Kross 570G3 Belmont 1 1-4 2:07fast 15 101 3 3 3 3 3 3" C Kummer 3 Dark Hill, Pansy 56855 Bolmont 1 1-8 l:52fast 5 9SJ 4 3 4 3 3 3 E Kummer 4 Walnut Hall, Phalarls P McGes 56493 Sartoga 1 5-16 2:12fast 8 101 4 4 2 2 3 41 E Scoble 5 N.Bridge, P.McGee Letherface 56267 Sartoga ll-J9fa,st 25 HI 10 10 10 10 9 743 A MoLhlln 11 Pirate McGee. Sagacity EDisoda 968 Empire 11-8 1:56 slow 10 107 2 3 3 6 6 5 .S Lqw.e 0 Salute, La Kross, Bombast LORD HERBERT, b. g, 6 103 By Fits Herbert Manzauita, by Meddler. Trainer, W. C. Qlancy,- Owner,. E. Arlington. 57E62 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 20 113 8 8 6 5 6J 7"L McAtee 8 QueenBlonde, Pavia Scot Chief 57662 Jamaica. lm7Qy 3.:45fast iQO 109 .6 6 C 6 6 M Harson 0 JockScot. Pickwick, Pir,McGee 54031 Jamaica lm70y 1:45 good 12 108 4 .8 8 8 8 8" E Josiah 8 Lads Love, StarRealm S.TlfelW 62788. F.Qnds 1 3.-16 l:59fast 44 HO 7 7 6 7 7 73 J J Mney 8 Sandy Mac, Plenty, Raider .62623 PiGnda 1 1-$ 1 :52f aat 6 103 4 4 4 .6 G D J J Mney 7 Kpalong, Fgtown, T.Ptnsuesa 52202 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:50hvy 8 -107 4 4 4 4 4 1" J Roberta 7 Ruf.Rlley, W.Cluh, St.Germaln 52044 Jefson 13-16 2:01 fast 41 112 7 5 5 G 4 51 L Morris 7 WarClub, DarkHIll. Klmpalon 51828 Jefspn 1 ?-lG 2;10 myd i6-5 308 4 .4 4 3 3 3 J Roberts 4 Gain.deCause, S.Sigh, GameCock 51617 Bowie lm70y l:50hvy 9 105 6 6 5 4 3 2 R L caster G Goaler. Tantalus, Gain de Caua THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Columbus Day Hislivreifflit Handicap. All Aires. May 21, 1021 1:11 -5 T, 120. THUNDERCLAP, "blk. g, 5 130 By Valcain Bandana, by Star Shoot. Trainer, 8. 0. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. E77G0 Jamaica 55 l:03fast 7-10 ISO 1 2 3 3s 21 L Fator 4 Elected II., Ten-Lee, Sea Mint 67586 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 140 3 4 3 4- 23 E Sando 5 Audacious, Missary, Elected II. 67298; Aqduct 1 1-16 l:45slop 4-5 12S 1 1 1 1 n j B Sande 2 Captain Alcock 7 67198 Aqduct 1 l:37good 3-5 133 2 2 a 1 21 225 E Sande 7 Georgie, Chat.Thierrv. GenlcW. 66;Belmont 3-4 l:10fast U-20 127 3 3 3 2- l2 E Sande 4 Rontledgc, P. Piper, "7. Sweeper C64S0 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 3-5 139 3 4 3 3 1and E Sande 0 Routledge, Best Pal, Enfilade 66318 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 7-10 135 12 1 1 23 1and K Sande 5 Knot, Copper Demon, Eellsolar 66265 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 5 mi 7 C n 11 i is Sando 7 Smoke Screen, Georgie, Reprisal 55018 Sartoga ll:37fast 5 123 3 1 1 1 lii n L Fator 5 ShgsPark, PaulJones, ByGrand TEN-LEO, ch. f, 3 118 By Celt Network, by Eon. Trainer, S. McNanghton. Owner, Foreign Stablo. E7760 Jamaica 55 f l:05fast S-5 115 3 4 2 2 3J C Kummer 4 Elcctedll., Thundclap, SeaMint 57639 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 2-5 126 1 1 1 1 T" C Kummer 4 Good Bye, Vista, Lady Gertrude 57449 Aqduct CI f l:19fast 11-5 122 3 1 1 n 11 c Kummer 6 Tody. All Over, Com. McMeekln 67036 Belmt CJf SIC l:lSfast 9-5 115 3 11 is 2and C Kummer 7 Ar. of Gold, Electedll., PoIythU 66590 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 18-5 113 1 3 2 3i 4S4 C Kummer 0 Reprisal, Serapis, Knot 66283 Sartoga 7- l:27hvy 13-5 103 3 1 1 1 1 4SJ G W Croll 7 Edwina, Last Straw, Pen Rosi 66183 Sartoga 1 l:42mud 1 103 1111 1-" 22 E Kummer 4 Parader, Dartmoor, Dry Moon 56123 Sartoga 3-4 1:11 fast 15 121 8 5 5 6 5J C Kummer 9 Crocus, Careful, Last Straw KNOBBIE, b. c, 3 128 By Wrack Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer, S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Bancocai Stable. " f.7661 Jamaica 1 1-10 l:46fast 3-10 120 ill 1 2J 33 L Fator 4 C.Thierry, Sedgefield, C.oDawn 575S3 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-10 11S 111 1 13 ;ii E Sande 2 Georgie 574SI Aqduct 1 1-1C l:44fast 2-7 122 1 1 1 1 in 2s E Sando 2 Copper Demon 57296 Aqduct 3-4 l:13tf,slop 2 123 1 11 12" i E Sando 5 DryMoori, Gladiator, Blazes f.C854 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 16-5 118 4 4 4 4 21 25 Ii Fator 4 Tryster, Frigate, Dartmoor 50813 Empire 11-16 1:43 fast 2-7 126 2 2 2 4 4 4" L Fator 4 GreyLag, Careful, CoppcrDemon 55693 Empire 1 1-4 2:07slow 1-4 127 1 1 4 4 4 4" ! Ensor 4 GreyLag, SptgBlood, O. Demon 65439 Aqduct 1 1:27 fast 3-5 124 1111 l2 l2 L Fator 4 O. Demon, Sedgefield, B.Barton DREAM OF THE VALLEY, blk. g. 4 ISO By Watervale Dream Girl, by Voter. Trainer, L. Feustel. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm. 57619 Jamaica . S-i l:13slow 16-3 122 1 4 4 41 5a E Sande SBillomme, Sea Cove, LastStraw 67107 Belmt 3-4 MC l:ilfast 13-5 116 5 3 3 5l 623 E Ambrse 7 Dunboyne. Dry Jloon, Mercury 56887 Belmont 1 l:37fast 6 106 2 1 1 1 28 225 L McAtco a Georgie, Two Feathers 54942 Belmont 3-4 st l:13fast S 122 1 2 2 25 44 E Ambrse 4 Gladiator, Cum Sail, Idle Dell 64S06 Belmont 11-8 1:49 fast 7 112 2 1 1 1 1J 4s C Kummer 5 Goaler, La Rahlee. Capt. Alcock 64629 Belmont 11:28 fast 13-5 122 2 1 1 1 lijy C Kummer 5 FairGain, JnMarie, St.Michael 61373- Jamaica 3-4 l:Hfast 4 103 1 1 1 25 2s J Mooney 3 Audacious, Tliunderclap 64242 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 111 2 11 1 ii C Kummer S Carnarvon, T.Witchet, TeddyR. 64189 Jamaica 65 f l:07mud 25 118 5 4 2 2J 25J C Turner 5 Kinhoul, Irish Dream, The Boy DIMMESDALE, ch. c, 3 112 By Olambala Hester Prynno, by Disguise. Trainer, T. Ji Healey. Owner, R. T. Wilson, 57793 Jamaica 3-4 l:13good .12 10S 4 5 4 u3 Ci T Nolan O IionBTomme, DryMoon, LtStraw 67547 Aqduct 1 l:3Smud Sj 105 2 1 1 2 3 2 L. McAtee 3 Becount, Sunnyland 67413 Aqduct 3-4 1:12 fast 7 107 3 1 2 25 22 L McAtee 4 Dunboyne, Dry Moon, Gladiator 57066 Belmont 11:33 fast 1 114 3 4 4 4 4 S;S L Fator 4 Devastation, T.Fthcrs, Scot.Yet 5C942 Belmt 3-4 MC I :llfast 11-5 123 4 3 3 25 25 L Fator 5 Last Straw, Dry Moon, Queereck 6651S Sartoga 7-8 l:24fast 9-10 110 3 111 llj L Fator 4 St. Allah, Servitor, Mercury 6C458.Sarltoga 7-S 1:20 fast 8 113 S 7 4 3 In 15 L Fator 10 Georgie, WarXote, CpetSweepei 66078 SarHoga 3-4 llfast 12 109 7 7 7 7 61 C II Miller 7 Reprisal, Mcssines, StepLightly WAR PENNANT, br. h, 5 124 By Jim Gaffney Maltha, by Ogden. -"Trainer, T. J. Carroll. Owner, T. J. Carroll. x 46990 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 5 lis 4 3 3 3"fc 45 E Sande 10 Panoply, Ticklish, Crank 46968 H.deGcc lm70yl:44 fast 2-5 103 111 1 1 21 E Sande Irish Kiss, TheDescrt, F.Monroe 46910 ILdeGce 3-4 l:lljmud 7-10 1095 3 3 2 2 li E Sande 4 Old Rosebud, Quietude, U.Thule 46859. H.deGco 1 l:39V4fast 7-10 1095 5 11 1 SE 34 C Kummer 7 S,Master, Billykelly, Cromwell 46812! ILdeGce 3-4 l:13Vfast 35 108 6 5 5 35 3s E Sande 7 Dr. Clark, Fruit cake, Quietude 46783 HideGco 3-4 l:14slow 3-10 108 4 3 3 2 375 W Kelsay Pickwick, Motor Cop, Yduneed 4310 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:02fast 16-5 120 3 2 2 2 2 2 J Lcftus C Hannibal, Thunderclap, W.Zohe WHISK, b. o, 4 108 By Osdcn Broomleaf, by Broomstick. Trainer, J. F. Mayberry. Owner, Marrone Stable. 67581 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47fast 20 116 6 3 2 4 5s 51 T Rico 0 Genie W., Ncddam, Irish Dream 67414 Abduct 1 1-16 l:46fast 8 115 1 2 2 2 65 6" L Penman 5 Sunnyld, RegalLodgc, Brumado 668S4 Belmt 7-8 MC l:25fast 8 108 1 6 4 2 H 1J J Mooney 11 Carpet Sweeper, Valor, Mercury 66708 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 10-5 110 8 8 8 7l 62 S Bullmanll AwofGold, GlieSummy, CumSab" 659.67 Empire-Ab 3-4" l:09sslbw 11-5 125 1 2 2 2 25 J Rodgez 3 War Note, Quecreek E4916 Belmont 11-16 l:44?ifast 6 1U 2 1 1 1 1 1 A Schugr S SirGrafton, Cr.Ford, Pad.Whack 64805.BelmQnt 7r8 1:24 fast 8 100. 4 7 8 6 6 6 F CltilettilO Ralco, Royce Roolfi. Cum-Sah 64675 Belmont Ht-109. fast .10 110 5 - 4 5 6 41 J D Mneyll Strombpli, Maj.Pke. Arrowhead KINNOXILt cli. Bi 4 122 By Peter Quince Lyctics Nut, by Sir Modred. Trainer, J. Hastings. Owner, W. H. Jeffords. - 64242 Jamaica 3-41:12fast 8 118 3 2 2 .2 ESW Kelsay 8 D.of t.Vley, Cnarvon, T.Wchet 64189 Jamaica 55 f l:07?niud 12-5 122 2 111 ls5 W Kelsay 5 D.of theVley, Ir.Dream, TheBoj 47201 -Church 1 2-4 l:15?shvy. 8-5 116 .4 1 1 li 25 L Ensor 5 Angon, BlackieDaw, AttaBoylL 47132 Church 1 7-8 1:26 -fast 6J 118 2 2 3 4 71 S1 L Ensbr 8 Courtship, King Gorin, Sway 46918 Lexton. 3-4 l:16hvy 19-10 112 3 11 li 15 L Ensor 5 On Watch, Regalo, MickeyMOort 44746 Pimlico 1 l:46hvy 1 107 4 4 4 4 21 3J E Ambrse 7 FdisanDore. St. Allan, SirenMaid 44690 Pimlico 3-4 l:15slow 21 110 6 1. 1 l"2i E Ambrse 7 Damask, Carmandale. HisCholc FOURTH RACEI 1-1Q 3Iiles. October Handicap. a-year-olils and upward. May 7, 1921 1:45 Ti- 124. MAS HATTER, b. h, 5 128 By Fair Play Madctp, by Xotk UmA. Trainer, S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. 67379 Aqduct 1 5-16 2:llfast 4-5 129 1 2 2 2 2 235 E Sande 3 Damask, Kingdom II. 67197 Aqduct 1 1-8 l:50good 3-5 132 111 1 2l 321 E Sande 3 Captain Alcock, Damask 66940 Belmont 2 3:22fast 3-5 125 3 1 1 1 1 12J E Sande 4 Grey Lag, TouchMeNot, Damask 66779 Belmont 1 1-16 l:44fast 1-12 130 1 1 1 1 l5 l7 E Sando 2 Kingdom II. .66691. Belmont 11:36 fast .1 132 5 4 4 3 3s 31 E Sande O Yellow Hand. Tryster, Careful 66E64 Sartoga 1 3-15 l:57fast 7-5 132 7 6 6 4 45 2 L Fator 7 Estator, Eellsolar, YellowHand AUDACIOTJS, cb. b, 6 134 By Star Shoot Bold Girl, by Of den. Trainer, S. HcNaughton. Owner, Foreign Stable. 5779-t Jamaica 1 1-4 2:054 1-C 129 111 1" 15 In C Kummer 2 Donnacona D75S5 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 6-5 140 1 1 1 l3 Is C Kummer 5 Thderclap, Misnary, Electedll. 57445 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:44fast 9-20 127 1 2 2 2 2 13 C Kummer 4 T.Feathcrs, C.Alcoek, Donnacona 67332 Aqduct 1 1-1G l:43fast J -10 125 1 1 3 3 l2 lJ C Kummer 4 Georgie, CoppcrDemon, Sedgefld 57191 Aqduct 2-4 l:12good S 129 4 9 9 73 555 C Kummer 10 Dunboyne, Gladiator, LastStraw 66815 Belmt CJt MC l:20y3slow 2 ISO 2 2 2 2 2 C Kummer 2 Georgie 53993 Sartoga 1 1-4 2:03fast 5 127 2 4 3 3 3 3" C Kummer 5 YellowHand, MadHatter, Gnome 55573 Empire 1 1-8 1:51 fast 11-5 129 1 1 1 2 2 2k C Kummer 5 YellowHand, MadHatter, Blazei 65433 Aqduct 7-8 1:23 fast 13-10 126 1 2 2 2 l3 1 C Kummer 7 SgsPark, IdleDell, SmokcScreen DONNACONA, b. c, 4 105 By Prince Palatine Kildonan, by Xadu, Trainer, U. Hirsch. Owner, G. W. loft. 57794 Jamaica 1 1-4 2:0Gandgood 5 ICG 2 2 2 2 2 2 B Marielli 2 Audacious 67143 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:44tast 12 109 4 4 3 3 4 4 B Marielli 4 Audacious, T.Feathers, C.Alcoek 67164 Belmont 1 l:SSfast 9-5 1 25 6 5 3 4 6 C8 C Kummer Edwina, Super, Elected II. 67031 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43fast 3-5 116 3 1 1 2 25 21 E Sande 4 Super. Mllc.Cadcau, L.Emmelinft 66519 Sartoga 1 l:3Sfast 17-10 114 4 4 3 2 24 J-h E Sande 4 Hob. Raker, C.Sweeper, Recount 66337 Say toga 1 l:38fast 8-5 122 C 6 6 6 0 CJC Mergler 6 Klevgton, Mkallonge, Servitor 65995 Sartoga 1 1-4 2:03fast C 107 5 3 4 4 4 5" L. Fator 5 YwHand, MadHatter, Audcioug 66019 Aqduct 1 1-8 l:49good 10 1095 Left at the post. W Kelsay 11 GreyLag, J.P.Grier, Extermtoi 64915 Belmont 1 1-16 l:44andfast 10 110 6 6 6 6 45 41! F Keogh 6 Yel.Hand, La Rablee, Dr. Clark 64651 Belmont 1 1-4 2:02fast 15 111 8 8 6 6 62 71 W Kelsay 8 Audacious, M.Hatter, Sen.Park SEDGEFIELD, cb. 0, 3 90 By Olambala Geaosta, by Sroorastlck. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, R. T. Wilton. 57651 Jamaica 1 1-1C l:40fast 20 965 4 4 3 3 3" 2 B Marielli 4 C.Thierry, Kiiobbie, C. o Dawn 57581 Jamaica i 1-16 l:47fast 16-5 103 5 5 C 5 43 4i S Bullman 5 GenieW., Neddam, IrishDream. 57332 Aqduct 1 1-15 l:43fast 25 9S5 3 2 4 4 4 4j F Wilson 4 Audacious, Georgie, CperDemon 67264 Aqduct 1 l:3Sandfast 6 103 3 3 3 3 3 3T5 F Cltilettl 3 Two Feathers, Devastation 65000 Empire lm70y l:43good 5 995 3 3 3 3 3 35 S Bullman 3 Royce Rools, Pen Rose 5551S Aqlduct 1 l:3773iast 10 102 2 3 3 2 23 .15 S Bullman 4 Valor, Romany, Neddam 65439 Aqduct 1 1:37 fast 35 99 3 3 3 3 3s 3" S Bullman 4 Knobhie, C.Demon, Billy Barton 66109 Aqduct 65 f l:18fast 5 111 6 6 6 55 6J L Ensor 6 Dry Moon, Banksia, Quecreek 64374 Jamaica 11-16 1:45 fast 45 103 8 7 7 7 63 4 L- Fator S Knobble, SportingBlood, Banksia E4261 Jamaica 1 l:39fast 6 100 2 4 4 3 l3 li F Cltilettl 8 Knobble, Muskallohge; Sp.Blood FIFTH RACE 1 1-10 Miles. :-ye:ir-olil.s ami niMVard. Sellin-. May 7, 1!21 1:15 5124. TOTTER, b. g, 6 116 By Maodonald U. Rose Pompon, by Rock Sand. Trainer, E. Sietas. Owner, H. Alterman. 7891 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 13 110 3 7 7 S2 Ss3 C Turner 9 SqiiawMan, Frigate. SirenMaid 575S2 Jamaica lm70y 1:43 fast 7 114 GOO 5 5l 6- E Sande 0 LhtRose, J.Scot, K.of theHther 67414 AqMuct 1 1-16 l:40Mifast 6 10G 2 1 1 l 2 6 M Harson G Sunnyld, EegalLodge, Brumado 66888 Belmont 11-16 1:4 lfast 7-10 106 111 1 1 l8 L Penman M Sunnyland, Dark Hill 66760 Belmont 1 l:3773fast 9-5 114 1 1 2 2 35 3i C Robson 4 Sunnyland, Rep, Super 66563 Sartoga 1 1-S l:.522fast 16-5 106 111 1 l2 I1 L. Fator 6 T.McTagt, Escpolette, BlffBg 65711 Empire 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 6 101 2 11 1 l1 15 J Campb1113 Pickwick, Scotch Verdict, Padua 65362 Aqduct 1 l:405smud 30 110 4 C 6 6 73 91 O Heidar 10 Rep, Tom McTaggart, Silence 65267 Aqduct 1 1:38 fast 60 102 3 3 6 7 6" J CampbMl 8 Ralco. Valor, Ballet Dancer II. BRUMADO, ch. h, 5 111 By Maintenon Brume, by Prestige. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden, 57S61 Jamaica lm70y l:43fast 9-5 111 3 3 3 3 3 3 F Wilson 3 Regal Lodge. War Note 57414 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:4GVf,fast 13-5 115 6 4 5 C 45 S5 F Wilson ! Sunnyland, Regal Lodge, Super 67107 Belmt 3-4 MC l:llfast 30 127 7 7 7 7 7" A Johnson 7 Dunboyne, Dry Moon, Mercury Paris 1 5-1C 2:30 11-10 137 125 ONeill 4 GardeNoble, P.Palajs, H.Spirita St.Cloud 1 5-16 2:16 11-10 137 1 J ONeill 10 Maurrasan, Bosolin, Pindare St.Cloud 1 5-S 3:05 6 133 6 ONeill 9 Sorgho, Rupert, Landman StClpud 1 1-4 2:20 126 Walk over. ONeill SEA SINNER, b. o, 4 111 By Seaandorse II. Censure, by Star Ruby. Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, T. H. Cross. C7SC4 Jamaica 1 1-S 1:54 fast 5 K2 4 C 3 3 51 R Scott T. Diomedes. Darkllill. Escarptte 67618 Jamaica lm"0y l:432slow 7-5 113 4 t 2 2 22 2s C H Miller i Wynnewood, Rep, Court View 67584 Jamaica 1 1-1C 1:47 fast 7 111 2 4 4 3 22 3s C Turner 7 Crack o Dawn, Vista, Pickwick 55865 Empire lmTOy l:44fast S 107 C 6 C 4 3 32 L Fator 9 St.Isidore, C.oDawn, Reg.Lodge 65772Bmpiro. 1-1-1G-I:48sfast C 105 7 5 5 5 6 Ctl J Mooney 7 Devtation, B.Eang, SirGrafton E5672 Empire lm70jr l:465islop 11-10 101 111 1 l2 lJ G W Croi: 4 BiffBans, Sunnyland, The Enqi 65517 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 8 111 9 8 8 S C JJA Collins 10 TlieLamb, T.McTaggt, DkHill 55362 Aqduct 1 l:40imud 8-5 107 6 4 6 5 C3- 65i B Turner 10 Repr-Tcm McTaggart, Silence D4477 Belmont 1 l:33fast 20 115 4 4 3 2 2 43 L- Ensor 5 Dioraedes, Regal Xodge, CumSai DIOHEDES, ch. g, 4 122 By Voter Fille de Guerre, by Ajar. -Trainer, P. J. Fouby. Owner, Orossett Stable. D7SC4 Jamaica 1 1-S 1:54 fast 25 10S .5 .3 4 3 3 Ink t, Fator r DkHill, Escarpolte, Crvs.Ford 57018 Jiimaica lm70y l:45"slow 9-5 113 0 0 5 5 53 5 C Kummer Wynnewood, Sea Sinner, Rep 67482 Aqduct 1 l:3SSfast 13-10 113 3 5 3 3 4l 4i S Bullman 7 Paddywhack, Pickwick, Lainpus 67307 H.deGe lm70y l:49slop 1 107 2 5 1 1 S GJ L Fator 9 CleanGne. D.deMorny, N.ltaider 55::2:i Aqduct 1 l:3S3ifast 13 97 3 3 3 4 43 2 J Callahan .3 Uapt.Alcock, FrGain, n.Eaker 552CS Aqduct 1 l:3Sifast 25 961 1 4 4 3 35 412 L Penman 4 Thclap, CperDemon, Electedll. 54700 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43fast 11-5 110 3 2 2 2 23 27. G Turner :i Ceorgie, Ballet Dancer II. 54603 Belmont 65 f l:lSfast 33 110 9 4 2 32 3l C Turner 10 Cum Sah. Xcddnm, Whalebone 54477 Belmont 1 l:3S?ifast 7 113 1 2 4 4 42 ll A Collins 5 EegalLodge, CumSah, ScaSinner SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Fai-lons. 2-ycar-olrts. Fillir.i. Special Weigbts. May 10, 1910- 1:05 4122. BAYONNE, ch. f , 2 114 By Berrlllilon Angela K., by Celt. Trainer. R. O. Miller. Owner, Sylvosler Stable. f.7757 Jamaica 65 f l.-OOfa-st 5 K7J 7 : V 10 101 C Ponoi- 11 Le;, Oomio .Song. Modc-stv CrJ415 Aqduct 5-8 CSfafit 12 113 7 1 "li jj B Marielli 12 Yashmak. Anna M., Confusion 67227 Aqduct 5-3 69 fast 30 102 2 2 35 3i V Cltilettl 0 LadyEtlmore, S.Clara, Chewink C7162 Belmt 51 MC l:03.faat 13-10 108 4 1 1 2l 2and O Robson 9 Bountiful, Juno. North Wales 66S86 Belmt 5Jf MC 1:06, fast 18-3 104 1 11 1 25 L McAtco 8 Nose Dive, Finality, Theb 66738 Belmont 5-S fit 59fast 13-5 109 2 2 21 2J L Penman 9 Bcllutrix, LuckyGirl, F.yirglnia vm Aqduct i-8 l:00?ifst 15 1W i 10 I V C Turner 13 Zennottn, QlenbeUi, BounMul LEGHORN, ch. f, 2 ill By Celt Tuscan Bed, by "William EufM. Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner, W. Dugan, 67757 Jamaica 55 f l:00ifast 35 99 4 5 .4 22 I3 C.Breuningll ComicSong, Modesty, KnotGrass 57637 Jamaica 55 f l:06:faKt 4 01 5 5 3 3 22 C Bruens 0 Mwrcoron, Hephaistos, Quesada 57380 Jamaica 55 f l:OP4fast 15 309 5 7 5 65 6J A Schugr. 9 Sleiveconard, Penitent, Modesty 67295 Aqduct 5-S l:013s3lop 6 S3 1 1 1 1 Q Bruenff S Theb," Jnno, Qldnbelrt 5719S Aqduct 5-8 l:Q02gopd 45 59 1 2 3lJ J Callahan ll Ran.Pasfi, Modesty,. Hephaistoa E6812 Belmt 3-4 MC l:147sslpw 13-5 104 3 1 1 2 4i L McAted 7 Duncccap, Quesada, Atta Gal " PHANTOM BLUE, ch. f, 2 114 By Ultimus Algie K., by Hanover. Trainer, W. S. Walker. Owner, J. E. Madden . 57517 Aqduct 3-4 fast 4V 114 -1 4 445 T Rico 0 Emotion, Dolores, P.QuiRoule 57350 Aqduct 5-8 1:00 fast 2-5 112 1 1 15 1J5 F Wilson r. Nightboat, Theo. Juno 57023 Belmont 5-S st 53ifast 12 105 1 4 3as 4J L. CVIcAtee 8 LidylJaltlmore. Dolores?, Emotion E6814 Belmont 5-S st 53slow 30 103 6 5 5 5" J Zbeller 7 NancyF., MyReverl?, DnofAllah 65094 Latonla 5-8 l:02slow 56 112 1 3 2 21! 28 T Nolan 10 StaClara. BillandGob, LyMher DUNCEpAP, ch. f , 2 114 By Olambala Booby, by Voter. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, E. T. Wilson. 56S12 Belmt. 3-4 MC 1:14tssIow 2" 100. 5 C 5 V- lt F Cltilettl 7 Quesada, Atta Gal, Leghorn 50323 Sartoga 55 f l:06andfast 7 93 3 3 3 3 2l H Scobie 3 Budana, Galeta 562S5 Sartoga 55 f 1:10 hvy 7 100 4 4 4 31 ll S Bullman 8 Evil, Clansman, Carmenclta 56073 Sartoga 55 f l:0GandfaHt 45 102 1 5 3 32 15 H Walters 8 BntryPass, SlgAlg, Doughnut 53964 Empire 55 f l:0Sfast 11-5 100 6 5 4 2s 2i S Bullman 7 SailingAlohg, Zenotta, GrrssTree 53S37 Empire 55 f l:07fast 8 101 9 8 6 65 42 S Bullman 9 Bev.Belle, FiftyFifty, LdyDelhl PRELUDE, ch. f, 2 1H By Fair Play St. Priscilla, by Rayon dOr. Trainer, K. Patterson. Owner, Lexington Stable, 570C6 Jamaica 5-S; l:0iy;fast 12-3 1155 2 l 2 l2 A Schugr 9 FlyingJib, AnnaM., Ir.Confcttl 57103 Belmont 5-S st rafast 2 Hi 3 3 3 3J 32 A Schugr 7 P.Q.Roule, AnnaM., IrishCfetti 66939 Belmt 3-4 MC l:llfast 10 114 23 20 20 1 191 A Schtger" Hunting, Galaritman, D. of Allah 56781 Belmt 55 MC 1:06 fast 10 112 12 9 9 91 919 A Schugrl2 Firm Friend, Aknustl, Pietrus 56713 Belmont 5-S st l:00fast 10 Hi 5 8 CM A Schugr S Oolongi Fanfare. Irish Confetti CASTANET, b. f, 2 . 114 By Frizzle Kaskaskia, by Yankee. Trainer, W. H. Karrick. Owner, Oncck Stable. 57791 Jamaica 55 f 1:03 good 13-5 103 5 2 1 2J 42 L. Fator 11 Grace E., Pastoral, Nightboat 67661 Jamaica 55 f l:0Sfast 5 107 10 10 9 9 l 73 C Ponce Vl Sweeny, Our Dear, Fusee 57261 Aqduct 5-S l:01fast 7-5 107 5 3 Is 1 R Scott 7 Grandson, Gllnchflcld. S.Stcfano 57103 Belmont 5-8 st 59andfast 60 114 7 7 7 6 6 R Scott 7 P. Qui Roule, Anna M Jrclude LUCKY BUTTON, b. f, 2 114 By Sweep Buttonhole, by Stalwart. Trainer, F. Kraft. Owner, Ascot Stable. 55399 Empire 55 f l:07good 4 112 7 7 7 6 G L Ensor 7 My Reverie, Penitent Nancv F r,5437 Aqduct 5-8 TSfast 4 112 2 4 35 3J B Marielli 8 MyReverie, R.nrigade, Penitent 553C4 Aqduct 5-S 59?imud 2 113 6 3 4l 86i B MaricllilO Sherando, Emotion, M.Patricia 53145 Aqduct 5-8 59fast 45 112 9 5 45 3i C Kummerl4 Budaria, Penitent, "Ultimata 54512 Belmont Alt st 52fast 15 115 9 2 lJ ll B Mariellil4 MissriBclls, Balance. BecsWax ORCADIA. br. f, 2 M 107 By Chuctanunda Sadaquada, by Rockton. Trainer, H. Hughes. Owner, J. Sanford. 57227 Aqduct 5-8 59 fast 40 103J G 5 5:o 522 J Zocller C LadyBltiraorc, S.Clara Eavoiinc