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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 731 CHURCHILL DOWNS. LOUISVILLE, Ky., October 18. Todays workouts over the local courses Included the following: "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 725- Billy Starr ...35 718-Meliora 39 726- Don Pepe 38 726-Monsoon 35 721-Ferguson 35 728-United Verde ..37ji 725- Miss Joy 3G Half Mile. 726- Castlereagh ...49 72G-Merchant 54 723- Col. Winn 58 72G-Paris Maid 53 727- First National 50 TIG-Pongee 49? 718- Guvnor 50 G91-Sportsnian 47 725-Lucknow 49 726-Tharon 55 705-Lady Astor ...53 723-Thibodaux ... 49 021-Last One 50 72G-The Wit 49 721-Louis Adair ...52 731-Tom Norris ...51 Five -Eighths Mile. 724- College Girl.l:OG 725-Quality 1:02 G19-Esteix 1:03 727-Sweet Libertyl:04 720- Gcneral Haig.l:08 727-Sea Prince ..1:04 727-Harvcst Kingl:04 705-Tribune 1:09 727-Pindar Peel .1:03 728-Uncle Sonny .1:03 Three -Quarters Milo. 721 - Ben Valet ...1:17 72S-ry. 1:15 720-Cautious ....1:10 724-ltosazza l:2l 72G-.T. S. I!cardonl:17 72S-Salauiander .1:10 720- .7ini Daisy ...1:14 707-The Virginianl:19 721- Lonanna 1:19 711-Tulalip 1:14 713- MontHIo 1:19 725-Wolfs Cry ..1:15 727-Xorth Sea ...1:15 724-Young Adam. 1:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 723-Centimctcr ..1:29 700-Shipmate 1:31 700-Jinc Wiedel 1:28 One Mile. 720- All Right Sir 1:43 715-Jackstraw ...1:12 725- Jouutt 1:41 725-Martha Fal!onl:43 Mile and an Eighth. 725-Ava It. . 1:5S 721-Lacka wanna .1:58 730-Kasteside ...1:59 Milo and a Half. 730-Bit of White. 2:33 727-11. E. Colemn2:3G DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 727- llrother John .38 G33-Uutler 37 72S-I,,illy McUray..38 Half Mile. 707-r.inl Fisher 49 727-Itoyal Dick ...48 71G-Ground-Svcll .51 Three -Quarters Mile. 715-Goiham 1:19 441-Sailor 1:19 One Mile. 728- Ollie Palmer. 1:49 LAUREL. LAUREL, Ma., October IS. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 717-Olcan Gone 39 721-Pastoral Swain. 38 727-Careful 37 72S-ltestless 3S 727-Crank 40 72G-Top Sergeant.. 38 G4S-Flypaper 37 Half Mile. 704-lirisk 50 727-Gallivant 51 723-Hribed Voter ..52 551-IIarnionique ...54 725-Kygone Days ..50 718-Irish Kiss 53 723-Calamity Jane. 52 727-Uajah 51 710-Comme Ci 51 720-ltomeo 51 723-Cromwell 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 710-Rrookfield ..1:07 723-IMow Steel .1:04 730-i:unting 1:04 72Mluckv 1:02 722- Beaverkill ...1:05 728-Proclamation 1:00 722- Bevly Belle. .1:02 727-Pecrless One. 1:08 712-Gladbrook ...1:01 72S-Vic Munoz ..1:00 725-Mother Careyl:05 719-Yankee Star.l:07 727-Oil Man 1:01 Three -Quarters Mile. 72S-Alice C 1:20 718-Joauuina ....1:20 727- Bar One 1:22 728-LEffare 1:15 728- Betty J 1:10 May Girl ...1:22 719- Bigheart 1:19 72S-Prudish 1:18 723- Bclario 1:22 725-P. Connelly .1:22 Beamcr 1:20 725-Kosn Lee 1:19 720- Bunga Buck.. 1:17 Spanish Maizel:21 728-Carniandale .1:20 728-Suiirnse 1:19 72S-Ciamplain ...1:17 731-Toueh Me Xotl:22 728-Devonite 1:19 728-Wraitli 1:20 721- Dad. Uolbert.l:23 72-1-War Club ...1:22 723-Gnome 1:15 728-Yashmak 1:22 One Milo. iS2-Brouielia 1:47 724-Damask 1:47 723- Bengali 1:4S 727-Faunus 1:18 721- Bridesmau ..1:44 72-Kgs Chamnl:4G 721- Blnffer 1:4S 720-lleKistrar ...l:5l 728- Briganna 1:5.- 721-StanIev S. ...1:47 724- Capt. Alcock.l:48 730-Tryster 1:43 Top Sergeant had plenty ol" speed. Pastoral Swain went well. Flypaper showed early speed. Careful went easily all the way. Calamity Jane was only cantering. Bygone Days showed speed. Jlarnioniipie ljoks big and high. Plucky went well. Oil Man was under restraint. Beverly Belle had plenty or speed. IEffnro worked better than usual. Betty J. went well all the way. Bromelia was doing her best. Captain Alcock was never- extended. Bridesman went fast. Tryster went well. EMPIRE CITT. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 18. TodaVs Avork-outs ;it Empire City included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 099-Arrowhead 37 710-Sadowa 40 727-Arapalioc 38 720-Solid Bock 11 722- ,arline S 3G 721 -T. Sventh Div.3G 72f.-Flirter 37 727-Vinovard 37 725- Knotbie 3G 721-AVishlmne 30 721-Prelude 37 049-Wedgwood 30 G24-ltoy C. 13 Half Mile. 084-Awning 50 710-Plialaris 53 714- Blile Belle 5: 719-Pavia 50 729- BalIotmark ...50 li47-Bhinestonc 51 727-Burley 51 70J-Boyal Primrose.".! 729-Crock o Gold.. 50 05J -Sparkling 51 710-Piinmesdalc ...51 727-Surmount 54" 078-Mavourncen ...51 721-Sliilleiagh II. .53 727- Orcus 53 721-Veto 51 729- Phantom Blue .50 720-Welcome StrcrSl Five-Eighths Mile. 725-Drifting 1:05 725-Mary Patricial :04 730- Daydue 1:03 727-Nortlicliffe ..1:02 725-Draft 1:05 052-Iicnic 1:02 729-Dan Boiling .1:03 730-Stacy Adams. 1:03 672-EIias 0 1:04 727-Sun Girl 1:07 729- Fusee 1:05 709-Sea Master ..1:04 730- Foam 1:07 725-Ting-a-L:ng .1:05 721-Joe Whipple.. 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 729- Asterisk 1:1S 729-Keziah 1:21 723- Chewink 1:21 019-Liberty Girl .1:16 728- Duncecap 1:1S 727-Long Island.. 1:15 082-Finnish Maidl:17 730-Missionary ..1:18 725-Fred Kinney .1:20 727-Master Jack.. 1:20 730- Goalcr 1:17 72S-Quecreek 1:1 5 Si 727-Honorable ...1:20 731-ltoss It 1:17 394-Inglecrest ...1:22 72D-Tufter 1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 717-Alox. llamtonl:3G 730-Tiader 1:32 729- Ticklish 1:30 730-Wircless 1:32 One Mile. 720:B. McLghlin 1:14 G95-lickwick 1:46 725-Episode 1:53 725-Bolo 1:50 725-Irish Dream.. 1:44 72S-SL Isidore ...1:53 730- Indolence 1:49 082-Swccp Clean .1:48 729-Monich 1:50 721-Tcn Buttons 1:47 7S0-Kccount 1:45 Recount galloped an easy mile. Liberty Girl worked easily. Trader was under restraint. Dan 1 Boiling was unextpiided. Ticklish sems in good uii.liliou. Morrieh is training perfectly. Bill, Me- J raughlin went easily all the Avay? Picnic did his best In good style. Daydue and Stacy Adams went togutlicr. Teu Buttons hud m easy gallop.