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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF E. E. Major claimed Spring Aale for ,000 at uXew Kensington, Pa.,. Monday. The French jockey, Garcia, will ride during the winter in Acnczucla. L-ist Saturday at Xew Kensington, Pa., Virge was claimed by H. T. Palmer for 00. Insure your horses lMjfore shipping for winter racing. Let Hartford take the risk. John A. Payne, general agent, Cincinnati, O. Adv. Getaway Long Shot . AT LEXINGTON -1 Saturday, Oetofer 29 Heres; oho. thai w expect to make a real", getaway winning at a price that will satisfy the most greedy player that ever laid a bet. Tfc RMS: 0 CASH By wiro to reach us not later than eleven oclock Saturday morning. If your money comes -too .lato or the horse dont go well refund your money by Jtondays mail. Address quick. SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO. a. LOUISVILLE :: :: KENTUCKY ; The Horseman ONI SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS; . 15 CENTS PER COPY, AYEAR. FREE CODE: Blue Grass-Wed-Has-Ovor-Us-Is. 1540 BROADWAY :: NEW YORK CITY National 0. K. Racing Letter GUARANTEED .....60 WON B WAS TUESDAYS OCCASIONAL.- " Dont Fail to Get Saturdays GETAWAY OCCASIONAL AT LEXINGTON All it Costs Is . RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 Baltimoro Bldg. Chicago, 111. J. F. LUCICY" BALDWIN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY GOES FRIDAY. Can you use real,, honest information information on horses that are well meant information cn horses that few mistakes are made with, If so, dont hesitate; rush your correct aiddress at once. TERMS Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a S10 straight play. My obligations come high, therefore I depend upon your honest cooperation. .1 cannot vin if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, .N. Y. TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY 37 WINNERS WEEK SEPTEMBER 29. 32 WINNERS WEEK OCTOBER G. 33 WINNERS WEEK OCTOBER 13. ABOUT SO WINNERS WEEK OCTOBER 30. HOWS THAT FOR HIGH 2" Turf Light, 15 cento, all- stands, all cities. Your Clocker at Your Service. TODAYS FREE CODE: Thirteen-Two-Fifteen-Integrity-Marylandi TURF LIGHT, 25 West 42nd Strtet, New York City SEA PRINCE . . . . -. ...... . . ..30.?2 WON -; and a third wcro last Saturdays XX Specials. Dont fail to get nest Saturdays GETAWAY DAY SPECIALS AT LEXINGTON. All they cost is 52.00 and if one of the two does hot win you get tho following SATURDAYS FREE. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: April-Apple-18-21.90.89 STANDARD TURF GUIDE iQ3, 22 W. Quincy St, Cbicngo, li,