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DAILY RACING POEM Daily Durtaff Winter Months. Dally Except Monday Balance of the Year. DAILY SACIgg rOBM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 167-169 Ei 3OTD STREET :: NEW YORK CITY 74 EXCHANGE STREET ;; BUFFALO, IT. Y. Entered as. second-class matter April 2, 1896, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act at March er j.879. , NEW YORK CITY OFFICE 167-169 East Thirty-Second Street. All dealers supplied from this office. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. For sale at all hotels and newsstands. UBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Per "Week ., $ 1.00 lcr Month 3.00 Ilalf Year 15.00 One Year 30.00 The above rates arc for single copies as sealed letters first-class mail. BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS EACH. If sent by mail first-class only twelve cents. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 27, 1921.