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AMERICANS IN 1 923 CLASSICS Plenty of Entries for Important Futures of English Racing. Field, Widener, Keene, Madden, Corrigan, Kilmer and Macom- ber All Represented. I I ♦ -. J ■! American entries in important English races nre growing. In the current Raring Calendars hardly a group of entries for the big stakes to be run in 1922 and 1923 are without nominations in the name of Marshall Field, Joseph K. Widener. Koxhall Keene. John K. Madden. Walter J. Salmon, .lames W. Corrigan, Willis Sharpe Kilmer or A. K. Ma comber. Some of these nominations are for American-bred or tfcaae of American back blood. Of course there is moM interest in the horses of American MnwnMf or breeding in the five English classics: Derby. Oaks, St. Lager, Tw Thousund Guineas and One Thousand Gaiaca*. Dally Hacing Form has nl-leady gathered ami printed the Ameriean horses by ownership at breeding eligfMa to the classic* f ues. I.iielisli ru« Ins it more institutional than Mr own. lis five |Wll t lir«-«--year "Id ra es for 1923 dosed in November last In them eight Americans have eatriea af s:iv inn:- 1 1: raar-aM* ii that pear. I i,e only distinguish". I Atn.i iian BtaMe to be KM-ally represented in MCk arrajra is tliat of Hairy Payne Whitney, who does not seem to have mad" ri-iy nominations in th - English slakes after tboae of 1922. Tirs is rather unusual, but Mr. Whitneys own tllllfW Since l.e ■■•!" i .aeing on the other wide his entries have ii-ually been those merely of umplimcnt r.elow are given the nominations by American owners in the five Eagliah claaaira of 192:;. with the conditions of the meet in Which they are en tered. EPSOM DERBY OF 1923. The Mtth icacwal of rise Derby Stakes of 50 each, half forfeit il sunk oitl by Ike list Tuesday in March. 1923. or 939 only if deelared by the last Tuesduv in March, MS, with *i: .KM added, fat en tire colts and fillies foaled in 1920: colts. IS pounds; fillies. 121 inmnds: the bieeder of the Winner to laaaita .*2.o00. the owner of the second 2 000 and the awacr of the third ,000 out of the Mnke«: about one mile and a half 8S9 entries. lo-e.| Nfneinhet 1. 1921. James W. Corrigan. fnnamed bay eeit, by Careyra Maaehette, by Or | rieta— Kfbi i:. Marshall Field. Rosewing. br. . by Baaatar — Desaaaada Rose, by Praaaatal Fluliai Rose. Mankato, cii. i. by Ticdtaalu — Tiaggtaea, by ;en-etal Syntons — Lady af Milan. "rials Malady, b. c, by Friat Marcus Sweetest Melody, by Sir Edgar— -MtiMcwood. Pllawa da Quart, b. f. by The Tetrarch — Albiti. hy Royal Realm Rui ill Almond. Foxhall Keene. Tophoot. h. e. hy Amadis — Pns« in Reels hv 1eter Ran— Star Cai. Willis Sharpe Kilmer. Sunfercnce. eh. C, by Sun Briar -Conference, by ; ! R eU hand— Audience. Sunfey. blk. f. b] Sun Rliar-Nt. ley. hy St.| I I Kinhquin— Riownie. John E. Madden. I [Taaaaaed laaara •"•it. aj Basaiaa— Milliaery, by I I Star Siicoi -..Kldreth Shu..s. ; Iaaaated brown ealt. by Onaoadale- Bhadaw. by I rhinhji Bdward -ITaahria. Joseph E. Widener. Orions Sword, a. ■. by VegaM Orbit, by Or I j j vie to— Saint Jala. j Sky Scraper, b. C, bj Sun per -Ienfe. !:..n. I.y i I isinglass — siiraniir i A. K. Macomber. I Arraarhead, b. .. by Sea Met "in It i ss. by] I l s-ruist — Baaaptaa Belle. Be ismaii, rh. «. by Maiateaaa- Bate Relight, by Delighted— Satiety. 1orseti. br. c, by Xegofoi Fore-ight. by Balaaa First Sigiit. Porraay, ch. r, by Maiateaaa Qaeea »f Fortune, hy Fortanio — Qaeea Eliaabel i. Baaitaede, eh. p, by Wmt Faaae Paag, by Baa-flow, r II.— Bright Cherry, l.e Floreniin. br. e, b -Kick In. by Baefcwaeat— Money Dawa. Maakavar, br. c, by Maiateaaa or Oversight — Maafeetyae, by Bate eg Masketta. sightover. eh. c, by » ; sight -Adeliza. by Main-tenon — Ada Nay. silver law, eh, •. by Maiateaaa -Trestide, by j Piiatage —Dido. : The Alb:.;-..s¥. blk. C. bj Sea Sirk - Mineol.i. by Maiateeoa- Martaka. The Aral, el., r, by Sea Bieh Iope .lean. Iiy j fi aaraiai -ISditha. i he Creole, b. e, by Bea Kirk — Steppe a. by Main-teaaa ! — Sieaaiag Btoae. The Nomad, b. r, by Palo AIM Sting. nee. by Baaatai - -ftageala. The Osprey. eh. c, by Tagliaaaeata BaadMaat, hy Maiateaaa -Saadflake. The Fiigriaa, eh. r. by Maiateaaa Afteraight, by Bea Birt first Bight ! AMERICANS IN OAKS STAKES. The I4M reaewal af the Oaka stakes of Siir.n each, half forfeit if atrack eat by Baa host Tuesday in March. 1923. or S2." ualy if deelared by I he last Taeaday ia March, 1922. with gM.hOO added, for i brae year-aid fUllea foala of 1920 ; IS pounds ei,h; the dee of the winner to reeelre fS, ihjo. the owner of the second tl.figg anil the awaer ad the third $.Vt» out of Hie stakes; about one miie and a half 2:.T entries. Mosc-d November 1. 1921. James W. Corrijran. Ilinatnid chestnut filly, by Bay Crusader — Carina. by Chaucer — Carpitl.ia. Paaaaaed aay filly, by Fiiai Marcus Baata Clara, by I_illy -Caljpin Saint. Mariluill Field. Pitoeaaa da Qaart, b, f. by The Tetrarch — Albia. 1 1 by lU yal Realm l.ui ut Almcnd. Torlisteii, b. f , by Toi.oisk— Legal Cheer, bjr Diamond Jubilee I :,... l e. Caaaaaad cheataat fBty, by GaMea Baa — Kiun-iieM.i. by Mackial ah— Myatei at aat. H. P. Headley. Finland I-n. br. 1, by Sen in I.a m l.aly Portland, by BUI of Portiaad Doris. John E. Madden. I nnamed eicstnut tiliy, by Friar Back— Plum, by Tne Manager -Aetislii.i Cnuamed ehestnut filly, by Star Shoot — Watermelon, by Waterereaa — Be Be at Ashlan.i. Innamed bay filly, by Stai Shoot — M-rcadel, by r The Commoner— Oleflant. Willis Sharpe Kilmer. Sunfey. blk. f. by Sun Rriar — St. Fey. hy St. Fraaaarka- Brawate. Sun Thjs.le. Ii. f, by Sunstar — Sweet Rriar. by f St. Fruwpiin Pieaeataraaa. Su.n Quest, eh. f. by Sun Rriar -Royal Quest, by v Roi lleiixh. Vahren. A. K. Macomber. Alinka. ch. f. by Sea Sirk — Isadora II.. by Flying * Fox — Inprenable. Chartreuse, b. f. by War Plume -Sling Shot, by f Simstm Imperative. ST. LEGERS AMERICAN ENTRIES. The St. Lrger SinkOR of ?2."0 each, half forfeit. or *2o only if declared by tiie last Tuesday in I j j j i I i I I j : j ! ! 1 1 r f v * f March. 1922. with 9S».99t added, t..: eatire raits and fillies, foaled in ItSB; colts, llli pounds, fillies, 123 noaada; the breeder- of the winner to i . SS.3M, the awaer af the aecaad s:; imjii. and ibr awaer af the t:ird tl.gfB out of the stakes; Leger taarat abaai aae and three-qaarter mile- ind 132 yards SSI eatries. Dlased Xovember 1. |g£l. W. Corrigan. ina. nned ha- colt, by Oarcyia Maachette, bj Ol vi-to — Kibrit. Marshall Field. Rosewing. br. c, I.y Sunstar Desmonds Base, by j Desaaaad Bh - trie Rose. Friars Me lady, b. e hy Friar Mar. us -Sweetest Melody, by Sir Edgar Mastcwood. Mankato. iii. c, by Tredeaaia Tippytoea, by Bea-eral Byaaaaa Lady af Milan Pi fates sa da Qaart, b. f. by The Tetrarch All ia. hy Royal Bealaa Barat Almond. Eoihall Keene. Tophoot. h. c. hy Amadis- Puss in Baata, by Peter Pan — Star Cat. A. K. Macomber. Forseti. br. c. by Xegofal- Foresight, by Balaaa — I First Sigh;. ! The Nomad, h. c ! y Palo Alts — Stiagaree, by I Baaatai Bageaia . TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS OF 1923. The Two Thaasaad Saiaeaa stakes of s.imi each, half forfeit, or ,S2.". the only f rfeil if declare.! by | Ihe last Tuesday ia March. tay» with sltl.OoO added, for eatriea cits and fillies, foaled in 1920: ■ oils. 120 peuada, and fillies, l.l poaada; the own. r of tee aecaad to receive S3.000 and the aaaei af the third S1.5M out af Ihe rtahea; It. M. |222 ea tries.. Closed November 1. ISC1. James W. Corrigan. Cnuamed bay colt, by Catcyia Maachette, by Or-vieto - Kibrit . Marshall Field. Maakate, ch. c. by liedeaata Ilppylw. by ;en-eral Synions Lady of Milan. Rosewing. br. c tag Baaatai — Beaaaaada Rose, hy Desmond -Electric Rose. Friar-; Melody, b. .-, by Friar Main- Sweetest Melody, by Sir Bdgar Maslcwaad. Foxhall Keene. Teafceet, h. c hy Amadis--Puss in Roots, by Peter Paa- star Cat. Joseph E. Widener. Sea Rock, blk. •. by Sea Sn-w Rose Pompon by Back .xmd -Martha llorman. Sky Scraper, h. e, by Sweeper — Confyction. by laiagia a Vir.imir. Light af Dawn. b. f. by Sweeper — Right o l»ve, hy Radium-- Stolen Rove. Natures Smile, b f. by Rabelais— Nature, by Meddler Catreetiea. ONE THOUSAND GUINEAS ENTRIES. The One Thousand Juincas Stakes of S8M each, half forfeit, or S2"i the ouly forfeit if declared by the last Tuesday in March. 1922. with $.000 added, for three-year-old fillies, 120 i oiinds each; the owner of the second to receive ,000 aud the owner of the third Bl.BgS " of ""* "-takis; R. M. 197 entries. Closed November 1. 1921 Joseph E. Widener. Right of Dinvn, b. I, by Sweeper — Right o Iyive, by Radium — Stolen Rove. Natures Smile, h. f. by Rabelais Nature, by Meddler — Correction. James W. Corrigan. lmiauied hay filly, by Hay Crusader — Carina, hy Oka ucer — t a rpa t hia . ! Marshall Field. Prineess du Quart, b. f. by The Tetrarch— Albia, by Royal Re.ilm- -Ruint Almond. Torlisteii. b. f. by Torloisk — I,oyal Cheer, by Diamond Jubilee — Claque. litinamed chestnut filly, by Golden Bun — Btna-■ della, by Mackintosh— MystericUse.