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I j « CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF 1iiiium and win send four horses to Mexico City — Koiawa, Maize. Wtrelesa and Trader. The remainder of this stable will be raced at the Fair Groaads, Iour Belgian-bred yearlinga have left for Madrid to go into the Strlag of the King of Spain. Three • them are by iieuii Liil and the other by Young Pegagaa, Herbert Jones, King Georgca jockey, getting to w ■•ight with yean, baa joined the Kagnah obstacle brigade and this mouth lias ridden in two hurdle r.u es aad had two falls. The Veteran trainer Charles Hughes, who at present has ciiarye of the Bdward F. Simms pro|»eity al S.-uato:ra. is on a holiday visit to New York. He expects to return to Saratoga in a few days. Frank Woottoa, rial of Maker twelve years or o ao as the leadiag Briti~h flat rider, is in his s..iund year SS a steeplechase jockey, nnd up to December 13 waa the leader with fifty-four wins. 1. 15. Iters with fifty-one was second and J. R. Anthony, forty, third. ■Miss Llizabeth Dainserfu-ld. proprietor of Hay-I iiuls. the noted bie.-diii. establishment at Lexington, Ky.. is visiting be* brother, Algeraoa Daiuger-f eld, assistant seeattaos of the Jockey Club, in New York. Jihe came frlwu Qloa Riddle, Ia., where she was the gaest of 5It. and Mrs. S. V. Biddle. SUe plans to return Uomfe iu a few days.