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j I ! I THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK Issued on the first day of each month, with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America, now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the Monthly Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following examples: LAST SPARK, oh. g, 6, by Martim as— Flicker H. A. Cotton x 180871 »310881i 131252m J31453h f31497a "315238 "31C15 J31«32 131729* 131824 »l31843ay »31933SU "319«5h "31989s «320iitl "32086 «32147a P 32231 P32305 »32377 »3239*» ■32419* »32815 P32830 «32and83 "32944 133226 J3327H* S:«352 "33435 "33520U "33655»h RJ3827 "33902 "34032 "34139a "34357 "34504 34574 *34619 "34748 "34844 HAPENNY, ch. g, 6. by Rock Sand— Half Sovereign H. Lang X «31306* 831375 k31432 «31470J taiS.SS 31556 "315S8m «31740h 831814a 31S;«* 131934* K31978* 131993 3-072h k:jo94s 132123sb *SS1«5* «32175» "32213 132243 132811 132879 SSteB* 33136-sy ■S3267* ■SSSQS «334.1» i 3356S*a "33676 KS3T781 "S3822* *3392S aSJBBI SSUWai *MM1* "34296 "343!i9b "?.4122-i 34011b 134631 J34717 ZODIAC, ch. g. 6. by Star Shoot — Eady Vincent M. J. Daly x "31079 ■311795 "81228 "SUB** "31350* 131410* "31457 P31540* "31009 RU6.S8 131743b iSlflU 131982 IS3S2B* »SS » a2l28»h 132209* agfjat* -322K1* "-3245s:* "324R3h i:.2Mls» K.S.r.i P32557 aggggeh "3.!2;fi ;3;« »9 "33886 miBS IBBIB71 P33*;iJ» P33677 P33745 "33972 34080* ay a.ilRi9ia "StSag PS442M*ay 34M1 "34571 "34688 "34749* P348178 "h" for heavy, "m" for muddy, sy" for sloppy. "*" for slow, races not otherwise designated were over fast or good tracks. _ ■ + — The alphabetical sign before each race number shows the dist-j.nce at which the race has been run according to the key below: 3-8 Mile A 7-8 Mile L 1 3-16. 1 1-4 and 3 1-2 Furlcnaa C 7 -2 Furlonas M 1 5-16 Miles R -2 Mile D 1 Mile N 1 1-2 Miles I 4 1-2 Furlonas F From 1 Mile 20 Yds. j 5.8 ant» ■ 34 5-8 Mile G to 1 Mile 100 Yds. O Mllea T 5 1-2 Furlonas H 1 1-16 Miles P 2 to 3 Miles U 3-4 Mile J 1 1-8 Miles Q 3 to 4 Mi lea V 6 1-2 Furlonas • K a -a- — MONTHLY FORM BOOK TOR DtCFMBCR Will Be On Sale Tuesday Moon. January 3 THE PRICE REGAINS UNCHANGED, .00 Singie copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. Not responsible for books sent by mail without registration. * — a — ♦ DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street .... New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street fluffalo. N. Y. | J. f. "Lucky" Baldwin Friday, Dec. 23. RAFFEP.TY. 120. Won. Friday Dor. 20. LUSTRE. 5 2. Ve:i. Saturdays horse lost. A TTENTI0N ! Evrry horse sent my clients ta fikd in advance with this and other reputable newspapers. Honesiy is n.y policy. I make no faUe claims or promises, aad lemember, I charge yon nothing: in advance. Not a cent. And I positively do not want i. cent Balaaa I auka you a winner. Any time one af my!s should lose I want my clients to deduct whit they wou.d lese playing lor me from tuccesrive griaajfaaga. An honest and square deal for all. If you are absolutely reliable and can use several playi weekly, dont hesitate. Rush your correct address at once. My specials are at .-11 tracks — Tijuana. Havana and New 0:leaus. Be piepared to play all tracks. My terms— Send me by wire, alter you collect yours, the winnings of a S10 straight play. Clients failing to remit w,ll be crossed off wire list. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. NEW ORLEANS RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CL0CKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker Y0TJ CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS Rush your order with address for my Code. I AM A SUCCESSFUL HORSE FLAYER. HAVE MADE A BIG FORTUNE. WHY NOT JOIN ME ? | WAKE UP. LISTEN TO REASON. Dont fool jour time and money away on quack dope, cheap tips :md pay aftcr-you-win stuff. Wuke up. Tie up with ■ man that knows the game in nil its angles. No handicapping at guesswork with me. Remember, the stable money is bet on those I give. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. I wire one or two horses daily at II a. m. 63 M0KGAN BOULEVARD, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Mr. SMALL ile- raa to to Bta li.ends that he uoe:. ir,: taarga o: c • ;nt in aaaaaca lor hi.; info, his confidence i:; hi. man Batan ue:tr such that you are tnivted anti] aftat yen ca-h: then Mr. Small ro-■ 1 noF.tLi you ta l-lay the fame i are by telegraphing aa i"s pwafitl the artaaiaga of a tan dollar ~traiglr play. If you fail to ket p your Biaaaisa your nai.w ia taken off his list. 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 Mr. Small has beon ndvis. d by hi-, interests at Neif Orleans that on Thursday, January 6th, son.e time afier midnight, he will get the final 0. K. over the telephone direct from the Crescent City on a proposition which will start on that day and which should earn brackets at a gooc. If you will play the as I see it through my eyes, fair and square: if I can depend on you to remit the profit.-, ol ten dollars straight, alter you cash, send me your co:re t name and addres. . No postal cards recognized. No callers. Address H. SMALL, 102 West 104th Street. NEW YORK CITY. FOR WINNERS get a copy of the "BLUE BOOK" 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 408, Book 764. THK. STA.D*Kli TUKK GTIDB. 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. " MONDAYS BEST BET GOES IN THE NEW YEARS HANDICAP Dont Fail to Get One. as We Think EXCEPTIONALLY WELL Ox THIS ONE. 50 cents— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50 cents National 0. K. Publishing Co. 411 Baltimore Bid*.. CHICAGO ILL SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM 141 PLYMOUTH COTTRT CHICAGO. OX. •«7 im f«-« -WrM STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, at. Y,